Balloon Boy and the Porcupine Pals: Antihooliganism

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Balloon Boy and the Porcupine Pals: Antihooliganism Page 33

by Mort Gloss


  Nabashio walked with slow determination as he lectured Lilia. "And as I was commenting, you are being promoted to First Class Protector based on my own study, reflection, and determination." Nabashio had summoned Lilia to his quarters, so that she could accompany him to the bridge. The two now walked through an endless maze of hallways and corridors.

  "I am most grateful, Your Preeminence," answered Lilia. Although she believed Nabashio to be an undeserving fool, she couldn't help but take great pride in her rapid ascension through the ranks. She was confident her performance during the recent hooligan incident was the chief reason for her promotion.

  "We're taking an enormous risk, albeit a calculated one, on your abilities," continued Nabashio. He moved in closer and whispered to Lilia: "Indeed, I am bearing the brunt of this risk. Your advancement comes when you are undeserving in both size and knowledge."

  "My Captain, as we discussed during the previous rotation, I will attain the requisite physical and intellectual credentials as soon as reasonably possible." Lilia perceived that Nabashio felt some jealousy about her new status as First Class Protector. Rumors and legends around PROT IX, which Lilia had assumed were propagated by Nabashio himself, were that no Zaxmorthian entering the Protector Class had ever ascended more quickly than Nabashio. Lilia, however, was puzzled by her own assumption, as it was her understanding Nabashio himself had promoted her.

  "Indeed you will. We cannot have those of the Protector Class shirking their weight requirements. It could result in a total collapse of our system of government, as well as every other legal and moral code to which we ascribe."

  "I agree, Your Grace," answered Lilia.

  "Your statement of concurrence is unnecessary!" snapped Nabashio. "As Captain and Commander of PROT IX, I anticipate your agreement with every word propagating from my person."

  "Yes, sir," said Lilia, somewhat crestfallen as she remembered she would be required to spend more time with Nabashio now that she had been promoted to First Class Protector.

  Nabashio, apparently calm again, changed the subject. "Allow me to enlighten you regarding the true reason for your presence at my side. I have chosen you to lead a mission in order to capture and detain the petty hooligans." Lilia's eyes widened with excitement as Nabashio spoke. Nabashio didn't notice. "My intelligence sources indicate the hooligans have marooned on an agricultural planet of the lowest order; we will arrive there in six rotations. You will take a small landing vessel armed with military grade Second Class Protectors, under the pretense of a planetary progress check. However, your true purpose will consist of locating, intercepting, and detaining the hooligans."

  "It will be my pleasure, Captain," answered Lilia.

  "Do not interrupt," said Nabashio, again agitated. "As you work to locate and detain the petty hooligans, I will of course take on the more onerous task of remaining on PROT IX and monitoring your progress. If the hooligans attempt escape, I will capture them with little effort."

  Lilia did not audibly respond to Nabashio's aggrandized description of his own role in the hooligan capture. She struggled to hide the rolling of her eyes.

  After a few moments of silence, Nabashio sought her approval: "Well, what is your reaction to my proposed plan of action?"

  "It is well-conceived and can only result in success," answered Lilia.

  "Of course it is," said Nabashio, casually. "However, there is a significant flaw in the plan. You do not physically merit the rank of First Class Protector, and this may cause problems from both the indigenous inhabitants of the planet, as well as the petty hooligans."

  Lilia understood Nabashio perfectly. In her current state, nobody would believe her to be a First Class Protector. She recognized that she barely measured up to Second Class Protector status. "What do you suggest, my Captain?"

  "I don't offer suggestions; I assert commands," he said, arrogantly shaking his head. "Although it is shameful, you will be forced to wear a compensation suit."

  "A what?" asked Lilia, forgetting proper language etiquette.

  "Listen to me the first time I speak, First Class Protector. A compensation suit. You are unfamiliar with it?"

  "I am unfamiliar with that uniform, my Captain."

  "Ignorance is typically left unrewarded. However, in this instance, I am actually pleased by your lack of knowledge. A compensation suit was, in distant history, worn by those attempting to ascend to the ruling class who did not physically merit that high and lofty societal station."

  "I'm not sure I'm tracking, sir," responded Lilia, not wanting to believe Nabashio's words.

  "As a First Class Protector, you are required to use deductive logic in a multitude of situations, including the current one."

  Lilia swallowed hard. "Sir, are you saying that former members of the Protector Class ... wore suits in order to appear physically worthy of their position?"

  "That is exactly what I am saying. And moreover, I'm now informing you that, in order to fulfill your role in the hooligan capture, you will be required to wear a compensation suit." In a rare moment of observation, Nabashio noticed that Lilia appeared distraught. He momentarily considered an empathetic response, but quickly changed his mind. "But don't be ridiculous; you have no doubt heard rumors of such behavior, even on that vermin planet from which you sprang."

  Lilia gathered her emotions before responding. "As a child, I sometimes heard rumors of mass-inducing surgeries from my peers. I always just assumed it was a lie, rebellious talk from the jealous."

  "All manner of subterfuge has been utilized by the unworthy classes. A substantial percentage of our citizenry have donned compensation suits or secretly obtained mass-inducing surgeries in order to ascend class ranks. More often, these illegal activities are performed solely for aesthetic purposes. In rare circumstances, nevertheless, like the one in which we find ourselves now, such behavior is justified."

  Lilia inwardly recoiled, and outwardly struggled to hide her disgust. "How is it possible that we, of the Protector Class, can go forward with such deception? This goes against everything I believe in."

  "You should have thought of that when you were skimping on caloric intake, First Class Protector. But it is far too late now. I will give you the choice: either wear the compensation suit and complete your mission, or do not wear the compensation suit and be demoted to a rank that more appropriately matches your size and intellect. Decide now."

  Lilia's lower lip quivered as she met Nabashio's gaze. He stood close, hovering over her in a long corridor of PROT IX, a look of contempt on his face. Lilia's emotional expression turned to one of resolve. "I will complete the mission, my Captain."

  "Of course you will," answered Nabashio. He turned and resumed walking toward the bridge. "Inform the portal officer you need to be fitted for a compensation suit. Ensure that you are ready to begin the mission within five rotations."

  "Thank you, Your Greatness." She watched Nabashio slowly lumber away, hating him more than she ever had before.

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