The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2)

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The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2) Page 18

by Fiona Miers

  William pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “Very well.”

  “Simply be your usual, charming self.”

  “Indeed, as it has helped me so much up to this point,” William answered sardonically.

  Carson Wallace smiled sympathetically and patted William’s shoulder encouragingly. “You are the most charming man alive. You can have any woman you wish, Will.”

  William smiled gratefully at his friend and confidant and glanced across the room at Emma. He straightened his shoulders proudly and made his way across the ballroom towards her.

  Perhaps he could have any woman he wished, as Carson had stated, but the only woman he wanted, did not want him in return.

  That was rather ironic, he thought to himself as his heart pounded in his chest and Emma’s bright gaze settled onto his.


  Emma glanced up at Lord William, who seemed lost as he stood in front of her. Lost in thought perhaps, or simply lost altogether.

  Frankly, it would not surprise her if William had been frequenting the refreshment table, despite being certain he had not. At least not that she had seen so far tonight.

  She had unintentionally gazed at him frequently through the duration of the evening, although she had tried not to. She felt foolish in longing for a man who would never truly be hers as William had made it abundantly clear that he wished nothing to do with her in any real, respectable sense.

  However, those previous statements about her personality now puzzled her, since he was the one who approached her.

  “My lord,” Emma greeted him politely, attempting to keep up appearances, since she had promised Kitty that she and Lord William were now on polite terms.

  “My lady. Please do pardon my sudden appearance,” Lord William said, “but there is something I wish to inquire upon.”

  Emma narrowed her eyes, studying his face. “Have you been drinking this evening, my lord?”

  William burst into amused laughter and shook his head. “No, not at all.”

  “That is certainly good to hear, but perhaps you should imbibe at least one. You seem rather nervous, my lord.”

  “Perhaps, but I do not think it is a well thought out plan, my lady,” William said, and held out his hand towards Emma. “I simply wished to ask you for a dance.”

  “A dance?” she repeated like a simpleton, too shocked to think of a better reply.

  “Is that too much to ask?” William queried.

  Emma’s stomach tightened and she struggled to contain the grin that lifted her lips.

  She glanced briefly around her, then turned to Lord William. “Certainly not. We would not wish for people to think we are not being civil to one another.”

  “Of course. We would not wish that,” William grinned.

  Emma placed her hand on William’s without a moment’s hesitation and allowed him to lead her to the center of the ballroom, where a few guests elegantly glided across the floor. The small orchestra was strategically placed in the far corner, ensuring the entire space was filled with sweet and melodious sounds.

  Emma was not in the least bit surprised how graceful William was on his feet, and he skillfully led her across the ballroom in a delightful dance, which left Emma breathless in more ways than one.

  His hand pressed against her back, causing her to shiver with delight, her body responding to his touch in the most intense manner possible. All her attempts to prevent herself from feeling anything for William had officially dissolved into smoke.

  Emma glanced up at him and smiled. “My lord, you are quite light on your feet.”

  “Thank you. It was one of the social graces my mother deemed important for a man to perform. She taught me everything I know today,” William answered gallantly.

  “Does that include your warped opinion of marriage and women, my lord?” Emma retorted, but instantly regretted her words. She cringed and shook her head. “I do apologize, my lord. I did not mean to offend or upset, or in fact, belittle you this evening.”

  “It is quite all right, my lady,” William answered, and his words surprised Emma. “It was my father who instilled those opinions in me. He wished me to choose a wife carefully, one who would ensure that I would be treated with respect and importance.”

  Emma narrowed her gaze at the gentleman before her. “You can still find a wife such as that, my lord, but there is no need to treat her differently than how you wish to be treated. Women deserve respect and wish to feel important to the man whom we love. We are human beings with feelings and emotions as well.”

  “Indeed,” William answered simply, but still gazed at Emma intently.

  It was obvious William wished to speak, but he was reluctant to do so.

  “My lord?” Emma said, expecting to lead him into saying what he wished to.

  “Yes, my lady?” William whispered.

  “Is there something that you wish to speak about?”

  “Why would you ask me such a thing?” William scoffed.

  Emma stopped for a moment. So, he didn’t wish to share?

  Interesting. Since when had he held back with her?

  “As I can clearly see there is something on your mind. Something is weighing heavily on you. I can see it in your eyes. Is something amiss?” Emma inquired.

  “There are several things, but this is neither the time nor the place to discuss those matters. I also would not wish to spoil your evening by doing so, my lady,” William answered, ever the polite gentleman once again.

  Emma cocked her head then noticed the music had changed. The melody turned into a waltz—a rather scandalous dance—and Emma glanced up at William, wondering if he wished to continue.

  It was a rather intimate dance, performed mostly by lovers and brave-hearted souls who cared not if they were gossiped about. Clearly, it was requested by the Duchess of Waltham herself, as the duke and duchess quickly paired up beside William and Emma, swaying in perfect synchronicity to the melody.

  “Would you care for another dance, my lady??” William asked gallantly.

  “That would be lovely,” Emma said with a smile. “Although I feel we may be stared at by most of the guests.”

  “My lady,” William said and spun Emma around gracefully and quite skillfully, “let them stare as much as they wish.”

  Excitement bubbled up inside her as their bodies swayed to the music, their steps in perfect alignment with one another. Emma’s feet felt like they danced on the clouds, the strong arms of William holding her tightly, yet with such lightness at the same time.

  Emma wondered what had suddenly befallen William to change his attitude towards her so drastically, but at this moment, she did not care. She was having a delightful time with him and nothing else mattered.

  His blue gaze remained fixed on hers, and the intensity caused her stomach to contract, lighting a fire inside her she had vowed to keep under control.

  Emma’s thoughts kept returning to Woodlock Manor’s study, and her cheeks heated as the vivid memories flashed before her eyes. Her body quivered as William’s breath gently caressed her cheek.

  Emma was twirled around once more by her dance partner, and as he pulled her close again, Emma’s heart pounded in her chest. “My lord, may I ask you a question?”

  “I believe you did so already.” Lord William winked.

  Emma giggled and shook her head. “You are very different now than the man I have come to know. Why is that?”

  “Perhaps I merely decided that it was not worth attempting to change your perception of the world, my lady. You are entitled to your opinion, and it would be utterly ungentlemanly of me to not respect that.”

  Emma narrowed her eyes. “Pardon me for being frank, but you did not seem too happy to see me as I descended the stairwell at Woodlock Manor.”

  “I was simply taken by surprise. I was not informed that you would be joining us, which was a rather foolish thing of me to assume, as you are a guest of the duchess,” William admitted with a cringe.

“Is that a regular occurrence, my lord,” Emma grinned. “Not to think?”

  William chuckled in amusement and nodded. “Perhaps it is simply men’s brains that are inferior to women’s in this particular situation.”

  “How gallant of you to admit this so openly,” Emma chuckled, and a laugh escaped her throat. She had not imagined she would ever laugh in such a manner at something William said to her.

  Ever since their first meeting, William had not seemed the kind of man who Emma wished to spend her time with, but this evening he had shown a different side of himself.

  He was charming, considerate, and caused Emma’s heart to pound in her chest, setting ablaze the fire in her loins he’d ignited in the study, and every moment after, in fact.

  William’s gaze rested on hers and her lips parted unintentionally.

  “My lady,” William said quietly and cocked his head at her.

  “My lord,” she uttered in return.

  “I believe staring is considered rude,” he continued.

  “I was under the impression staring was not frowned upon this evening,” Emma pointed out.

  “I was referring to the guests staring at us, and not you staring at me,” William said with a grin.

  Emma shrugged her shoulders and grinned as well. “I will not apologize for something that I am not sorry for.”

  “Is that so?” He smirked.

  “Indeed.” Emma chuckled.

  “Admittedly, I should say the same, as I could not tear my gaze away from you during your descent of the staircase at Woodlock Manor. I had not seen a more beautiful woman in my entire life,” her dance partner admitted suddenly.

  A blush swept up Emma’s face, causing her to lower her gaze. “Your words flatter me, my lord.”

  William reached for her face and tilted her chin upwards, their faces very close to one another, but neither seemed to mind.

  “I only speak the truth, my lady,” he whispered. “And I would never speak any untruths towards you. Ever.”

  Emma’s heart fluttered as William’s touch against her skin caused fire to explode inside her.

  “Where was this charming man when we first met, my lord?” Emma inquired, her eyes sparkling.

  “Perhaps he was a fool who did not realize what a wonderful and delightful woman you are, my lady,” William answered. “You deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, and not the manner in which I have done.”

  “I appreciate you saying this,” Emma said and glanced around subtly.

  She wished to continue this intimate and sensual play of words, and as the music came to an end, Emma stepped away from William but continued to hold onto his hand.

  “Perhaps you can find a secluded place for us to continue our conversation, my lord,” Emma said slowly, with all the sensuality she was feeling.

  For a brief moment, Emma’s message was obviously lost on William, but he soon realized the meaning of her words and nodded.

  Emma loosened her grasp on his hand and curtseyed, thanking him for the dance. “I shall meet you in the hallway?”

  “Indeed, my lady,” William smiled politely and left her side.

  Emma waited for a few moments before she made her way to the entrance of the ballroom, which led to the long hallway of Retford Manor. She looked around so as to make sure that no one noticed her slip out into the dark hallway.

  Then she made her way to where William was standing, half hidden in the shadows.

  The moonlight that shone through the large window behind him bathed him in a silver glow that accentuated his features and took Emma’s breath away.

  He reached out his hand to her, a charming smile forming on his lips. Emma approached without a moment’s hesitation.

  Their fingers intertwined and he whisked her away, down the moonlit hallway to a secluded room at the end of passageway.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as William placed his hands on her, her senses heightened by the absence of light.

  With only the moon to guide them, and the soft melodic sounds of the orchestra playing in the ballroom, they began to undress one another.


  William glanced at Emma, who straightened her gown and checked her reflection in the large mirror on the wall. The moonlight that seeped through the window allowed adequate lighting to provide Emma the ability to ensure her hair, face, and the dress were perfectly in place after their passionate moments of intimacy.

  It had been utterly unplanned, but William was perfectly content that it had been the right choice. Most of his spontaneous activities were the ones he treasured most.

  As he straightened his own attire, confirming there was not a thread out of place, he gazed at Emma, who was obsessing over whether anyone would notice she had been up to something that she should not have been. According to others, of course.

  “Emma, you look perfect,” William said and she whirled around, glancing at him with a furrowed brow.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Knowing he had most probably overstepped his boundaries, he cleared his throat. “You appear as perfect now as when you entered.”

  A smile formed on Emma’s lips as she slowly approached him and took his hands. “I do not wish to dredge things up unnecessarily, but what we did, once again—what does it mean?”

  Dredge things up? Last time she had refused to talk about it at all.

  Hopefully this time they would be able to come to some sort of agreement or understanding.

  “Perhaps we should discuss this elsewhere?” William suggested as Emma placed her hands on his chest.

  “Are you simply too afraid to define our relationship?” Emma murmured and raised an intrigued brow at William.

  “That is ludicrous,” he whispered, tilting his chin downward. “I promise you that we will discuss this soon, when things are safer for both of us.”

  Their noses touched briefly as he gently caressed Emma’s cheek. Their lips edged closer to one another and suddenly the door of the room opened.

  They jolted apart in shock. The young woman, whom William instantly recognized as Lady Clara, the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Waltham, was well known as a gossiping young woman.

  “My lady,” William said, injecting confidence into his tone as he approached Lady Clara.

  “Apologies for the intrusion, my lord,” Lady Clara answered with a smile as she gazed at William. That smile faded as her gaze came to rest on Emma. “My lady. I was under the impression all the guests were in the ballroom.”

  “Emma and I were simply…” His voice trailed off as he was suddenly lost, unable to find the words to explain.

  “Lord William and I were discussing how beautiful the moon is this evening. The ballroom is far too warm and crowded for my liking, and he was courteous enough to escort me before I could lose myself in these maze-like hallways,” Emma interjected calmly and motioned to the moon that shone through the window.

  “It would seem it was warm in here, also,” Lady Clara answered, with a raised brow.

  “If you would excuse us both, my lady. Lady Emma and I must be heading back to the ballroom,” William politely requested and ushered Emma out the door under the icy gaze of Lady Clara.

  They quietly made their way back to the ballroom, parting ways as they reached the entrance, so as not to raise any suspicions.

  Time passed, and William kept an eye on Emma.

  Then Lady Clara walked back in and began to circulate the room.

  Things changed. For the worse.

  William stood next to Carson and noticed quite a few women staring at him, as well as pointing and whispering in Emma’s direction.

  Dread slithered up his spine.

  If only there was something he could do. Instead of confronting those women, he chose to leave it be. He did not wish to create a scene in the presence of all these guests and humiliate Emma. He would simply keep an eye on her for the remainder of the evening, ensuring that no one bothered her.

  Much later
in that night, he saw a few ladies approach Emma, and for a moment he held his breath. He wondered what their words were, and as he decided to step in and take responsibility for what he had done, he noticed Emma speak casually and comfortably, as though she were unfazed by their words.

  William watched her converse briefly with the women, and by the looks on their outraged faces, they were shocked and disgusted by what she had said.

  After they turned away from Emma, he expected them to glare at him, as she could have easily stated that he had attacked her.

  The women however, took no notice of him at all, and walked past him without giving him a second glance.

  He heard them speak quietly amongst themselves.

  “What an utter disgrace. I never in my life thought the daughter of an earl would behave so beyond the pale,” one lady said.

  “At least William is handsome and charming,” another lady pointed out, and winked as she passed.

  His jaw clenched and he lowered his gaze. Certainly, this was not good. Her reputation was ruined, and any chance of her finding a husband would now be destroyed. Guilt rose inside him, and he glanced sympathetically at Emma.

  He had not meant for things to come undone in such a manner, but he did not regret any of his actions. Perhaps he and Emma should have been more careful in choosing a place to be intimate. Or perhaps waited until they were at Woodlock Manor. But what was done, was done, and they had to face the repercussions of their actions.

  Emma would have to face them the most.

  Not a soul glanced disapprovingly at him. In fact, they paid him no notice, but the glares and stares that were directed at Emma were troubling and unsettling. He fought the urge to approach those people and take responsibility, although it was rather difficult to do so.

  William also tried to catch Emma’s attention from the other side of the ballroom, but it was as if she had purposely tried to avoid him.

  And rightfully so.

  During the journey back to Woodlock Manor, William glanced out the window, absentmindedly listening to Lizzie beam and chatter about the proceedings of her evening, not once mentioning Carson.


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