Shielding You (Baytown Boys Book 13)

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Shielding You (Baytown Boys Book 13) Page 17

by Maryann Jordan

  She and Dylan had compared the security cameras, and after he made his selection was now talking to one of the owners of the store. Wandering around, she moved up and down several aisles to see if there was anything she might need for her bungalow. Instead, she discovered several things she thought Dylan might want.

  A noise toward the back of the store caught her attention, and on instinct, she shifted around the end of the aisle to have a better line of sight. A man rushed from what she assumed was the office, a backpack clutched in his hands as he slammed through the back door.

  Darting forward, she saw another man on the floor struggling to sit up, bleeding from a wound on his forehead. Calling over her shoulder to Dylan, she shouted, “10-31, 10-47,” just before she made it through the back door. The suspect’s footsteps sounded to her left, and she turned to see him fleeing along the back of the shopping center.

  Calling out, “Stop, police!” she pounded the pavement behind the small shopping center, reaching into her purse to pull out her revolver.

  He twisted his head around, his eyes wide, but kept running toward a truck parked at the end. The engine was running, and a driver sat behind the wheel, his eyes equally as wide as he watched their approach.

  Her feet ate the ground between them but she hated that she did not have a radio to let Dylan know what was happening. The man in the truck must have decided to cut his losses because he revved the engine and bolted forward only to slow down at the back corner to make his getaway.

  Securing her weapon, she closed the gap, and with a flying leap tackled the thief, taking them both to the ground. She landed hard on her elbow, eliciting a grunt that mixed with the one escaping his lungs at the same time.

  Rolling so that she was on top, she pulled her weapon out again and bent low. “Told you to stop, dickhead.”

  From around the corner, she heard a shot fired and her chest depressed as all air rushed from her body. Eyes wide, her heartbeat pounded, threatening to drown out all other sounds. Looking down, she growled, “Stay there.” Pulling zip-ties from her bag, she quickly secured his wrists behind his back. Not wanting him to move, she scooted down and did the same with his ankles. “I’ll be right back.”

  She leaped to her feet and started for the corner when she heard a noise. Lifting her weapon, she saw the driver come into sight, his hands above his head. It only took another second for Dylan to appear, his weapon trained on the driver, his gaze darting around until it landed on her.

  For what felt like an eternity, their gazes did not waver, emotions swirling between them. Unable to define what she was feeling, all she knew was it was an emotion unfamiliar to her. And if the expression on Dylan’s face was anything to go by, he was just as struck.

  She prided herself on her professional focus, but knowing Dylan was in the area and hearing the gunshot, her heart had skipped a beat and all she could think about was making sure he was safe. Now, staring at him, seeing him unharmed, all words halted in her throat as she tried to remember how to breathe.

  He slowly reached out and placed his hand on the driver’s shoulder, pushing him down to his knees while keeping his eyes on Hannah. His chest heaved and he sucked in a ragged breath before asking, “Got any ties?”

  A stupid-sounding giggle almost slipped from her, caught at the last second as she cleared her throat. Still unsure her voice would not shake, she reached inside her purse as she walked forward, pulling out and handing zip ties to him. He cuffed the driver efficiently as the sound of sirens filled the air.

  She finally dragged her gaze away as the screeching of tires surrounded them from the Acawmacke Sheriff’s department vehicles. Keeping their hands up until they could be identified, they waited side-by-side as several deputies approached, guns raised.

  “Easton Police Chief, Hannah Freeman,” she called out.

  “Seaside Police Chief, Dylan Hunt.”

  One of the deputies recognized them, and Hannah stepped to one side while Dylan went with several others, each giving their account of what they saw and what happened. She checked to make sure that a rescue squad was seeing to the man injured inside the store.

  As they finished their accounts, the Sheriff’s SUV pulled up and she watched as Liam climbed down, his gaze sweeping the scene before landing on her and Dylan. Concern knit in his brow and he stalked over.

  “Couldn’t fuckin’ believe what I was hearing over the radio,” he said. “You guys okay?”

  Chuckling, she replied, “I’m sure you’re wondering if we just came to your county to stir up shit.”

  Liam’s face split into a grin as he shook his head slowly. “Hell, you may have just captured a pair that’s been hitting some stores around here.”

  “We were in the hardware store when I heard a noise and got curious. I saw that one,” she inclined her head toward the man she had subdued, “running out of the back with a pack in his hands. I followed him and could see that there was a man in the office, bleeding. By the way, when I tackled him, we went down hard. You should probably have the paramedic check him out before you take them to the jail.”

  “I ran around the front when I saw the driver starting to peel out. I jumped in front of his truck with my weapon raised and prayed he was going to stop,” Dylan said.

  She whipped her head around, her mouth open, and stared at him. “Are you nuts?”

  “Shit, Hannah, for all I knew he had you in that truck. I couldn’t see what was going on in the back.”

  “Well, standing in front of a moving truck hardly makes any sense!”

  “Are you seriously trying to tell me how to do my job?” he asked, his head jerking back.

  Huffing, she threw out, “He could have run you down.”

  Dylan stepped closer and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “And you think I wasn’t having a shit fit wondering what was happening to you?”

  “Well, hell, y’all, I feel like I’m intruding,” Liam said with a grin. “We’ll take the guys from here and since my deputies already have your statements, you two can head out. I’m glad you’re both okay and happened to be in the right place at the right time.” He leaned closer and grinned wider. “And for the record, it’s nice to see you two together.” He continued to chuckle as he walked toward his deputies.

  Hannah sighed. “Shit, I guess keeping our relationship a secret is out of the question now, isn’t it?”

  “Normally, Liam is closed-mouth, but I have a feeling this news will be too much for him to hang onto. So, yeah, get ready for us to go public.”

  She winced as she lifted her arm toward him, and the smile dropped off his face as his gaze dropped to her elbow.

  “Fuck, Hannah, why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”

  “I didn’t think about it. Adrenaline, I guess.”

  He grabbed her other hand and led her over to the ambulance. “Hey, I need you to check out Chief Freeman.”

  Her elbow was already bruising, and she had to bite back a grimace when the paramedic gently manipulated her arm.

  “Ma’am—sorry, Chief Freeman—there’s a possibility that you could have a fracture. You need to have it x-rayed. The good news is that you're only ten minutes away from the hospital. We can take you.”

  “Oh, no, I’m not going in an ambulance!”

  “Since you were injured in an official capacity, it’ll make sense to let us take you.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but Dylan agreed. “Do it. It’s not going to hurt your street cred. I’ll follow right behind.”

  Cocking one brow, she repeated, “Street cred?” A burst of laughter escaped and she shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy for you. Now, get in the ambulance.”

  On the way to the hospital, she allowed them to wrap her arm for stabilization and then chatted with them for the ten-minute drive. Once there, she was immediately ushered into an ER bay where a doctor checked her out and ordered an x-ray. Dylan hung with her the whole time, joking and laughing, telling
her that it was the most interesting date he’d been on. Rolling her eyes, she flipped him off with her good hand just as the doctor came back into the room.

  “Children, children,” the doctor joked, smiling at them. Looking at the x-rays, he said, “Okay, you don’t have a fracture of the elbow, but it’s seriously bruised. You probably know the routine… rest, ice, compression, and elevation. And, of course, ibuprofen to help with the pain. I’ll have someone come in to wrap it for you again. Normally, this is where I would ask if you need a note for work, but since you’re the Chief of Police, I’ll let you make your own decisions, as long as they’re smart.”

  Thanking him, they walked out of the hospital. Glaring at Dylan as he assisted her into the passenger side of his SUV, she opened her mouth, but he jumped to speak first.

  “Shut it, Hannah. Let me do this for you.” He leaned in the open door, placing a soft kiss on her lips. Holding her gaze, he said, “I know you’re fine. You and I both know the risks of our jobs. But I really was scared. Let me take you home, fix you something to eat, and let’s crawl into bed and not leave for the rest of the day.”

  His words swirled about and moved deep inside her. She shifted forward so that her lips were a whisper away from his. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do more.” Before he had a chance to speak, she kissed him.


  As the adrenaline wore off, Dylan drove in silence, occasionally glancing toward Hannah sitting in the passenger seat. She was fine, did not appear to be in pain, but with her arm wrapped, the stark reminder of what could have happened slammed into him.

  He shook his head trying to dislodge the foolish thoughts pummeling him. They were both in law enforcement. They were both Police Chiefs. Same duties. Same risks. Just like many of his other friends. Hell, just like my own female officer, Lynette.

  And yet, Hannah was different than all the others. Because I love her. He knew that, accepted it, and had no problem admitting it. At least to himself—for now.

  As scared as he was when he came around the corner of the building to make sure she was okay, the sight of her standing there with her legs apart, weapon in hand, and prisoner subdued on the ground, he had to admit it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. If his heart hadn’t been wildly beating in his chest, two prisoners present, and the sirens blaring their approach, he probably would’ve stalked straight to her, swept her into his arms, and kissed her senseless.

  “Do you want to tell me what on earth you’re thinking about over there? You’re quiet, and I have no idea what’s on your mind,” Hannah said.

  Jerking his head around to stare at her, he blurted, “I want to kiss you senseless.”

  She blinked twice, then burst into laughter. “Well okay, cowboy. Go for it.”

  Looking back toward the road, they were approaching her lane, having decided to stop at her house so she could feed Percy. Gunning the engine, he came to a skidding stop in front of her bungalow. Jumping down, he hurried around the front of the SUV as she opened her door. Sweeping her into his arms, his lips landed on hers. This was no gentle kiss. It blasted past red-hot and went straight into the white-hot zone, singeing both of them. Heads twisted, noses bumped, tongues thrust.

  She sucked his tongue into her mouth, and his cock surged so tightly against his zipper, he figured he’d have a permanent tattoo mark running down his dick. Desperation clawed at him, unable to give all he wanted to give and take all he wanted to take while standing in her yard.

  He carried her to the front door, and she quickly handed the key to him. He threw open the door, kicked it shut, and glanced down at the large cat already meowing. “You’ll get yours as soon as I get mine.”

  With her laughter ringing out, he made it down the hall and into her bedroom. He lowered her feet to the floor and wanted to whip her shirt off her, but the sight of her wrapped arm halted his progress, threatening to pour cold water over his heated body.

  “No fuckin’ way,” she said, shaking her finger in front of him. “You’re not letting this stop you.” She grabbed the bottom of her shirt with his assistance and carefully drew it over her head and down her arm before tossing it to the floor. A quick flip of the snap, and her bra came off as well.

  He stared at her naked torso, her perfect breasts with taut nipples beckoning. She was toned and trim, and his gaze snagged on a few bruises along her ribs, but before he could mention them she was already jerking down her pants, dragging her panties along with them.

  With his hands under her armpits, he lifted her gently onto the bed and bent to pull off her sneakers. Divesting her of her pants and panties, he tossed them behind him as well.

  Her gaze dropped from the pile of clothes on the floor back up to him. “There seems to be an inequitable amount of clothes on the floor, meaning that only mine are there. Don’t you think you should do something about that?”

  He grinned, mumbling, “Smartass,” as he reached behind and jerked his T-shirt over his head. As he dropped it onto the pile of clothing on the floor, she leaned forward and dragged her fingernails over his chest and down his abs. His cock surged again, and he fought to maintain control as he toed off his shoes and shucked his pants and boxers down.

  Now, glancing at the huge pile of clothes tangled on the floor together, he asked, “Is that good enough for you?”

  She laughed and her gaze dropped to his cock standing at attention. “Oh, hell yeah, cowboy. That’s more than good enough for me.”

  He grabbed her ankles and slowly pulled her ass to the edge of the bed. His hands glided from her feet up to her calves and down her thighs, soothing the skin underneath his fingertips. Every inch of her felt like silk. Her body was the perfect combination of strong and soft.

  With her injury, she was unable to prop herself up on her elbows, but he reached over and grabbed a pillow to place under her neck and head so that she could keep her eyes on him.

  He dropped to his knees, the scent of her arousal a siren’s call. He nuzzled her sex while inhaling deeply. Everything about her spoke to him. Her scent. Her voice. Her laughter. Her smile. Her silky skin. Her eyes. And right now, he was assaulted by all that Hannah was offering to him.

  With her legs wide open and her sex bared for him, he dove in like a starving man. Licking and sucking, tasting and tempting, thrusting his tongue. She writhed underneath him, and he continued to soothe his hands over her body as his mouth worked her into a frenzy. As tightly wound as they both were, she shattered quickly and it took all his self-control to not give into his own orgasm while kneeling between her legs. Licking his lips, he crawled forward on the bed after snagging a condom from his jeans. Straddling her thighs, he rolled the condom on, his eyes never leaving hers.

  He wanted to give her everything. His body, his protection, his heart. If he could shield her from any disappointment or pain, he would. But right now was not the time to find out how much she was ready to take from him besides his body.

  Lining his cock up at her entrance, he leaned forward and kissed her, this time nibbling lightly on her soft lips. Her good arm reached up and clutched his shoulder, her short fingernails digging in slightly, urging him on.

  “Please, Dylan, please,” she begged, shifting her hips upward.

  Grinning, urged on by her encouragement, he plunged balls-deep, and she wrapped her legs around his back, digging her heels into his ass. Their kiss once more flamed hot, and for every thrust, she lifted her hips and met him. Their give and take was a dance as old as time, but with Hannah, he knew he would never take for granted what she was offering.

  Leaning his weight into his forearm planted next to her, he palmed her breasts with his free hand, continuing to rain kisses over her mouth and down her jaw, to suckle the quivering flutter of her pulse at the base of her neck. Her body tensed around his, and he wondered how much longer he could last. Kissing his way to her lips again, his tongue swept inside, and he swallowed her cry as her body shattered beneath his.

  All rational thoug
hts fled from his mind, leaving him with no other purpose than to release inside as her inner muscles clenched around him. Light sparked behind his closed eyes as every fiber in his being tightened and his orgasm rushed over him, draining him of every drop as he poured himself inside her. At the last moment, he maintained enough control to shift his weight to her good side, pulling her with him so that she lay on top, their bodies still connected.

  Sweat-soaked and panting, he bore her weight easily as they both fought to catch their breath. His cock slowly slipped from her warm, slick sex, and his hands drifted over her back and ass in long, leisurely motions. She lay still for so long, he wondered if she’d drifted asleep. Finally, she lifted her head and smiled, kissed him lightly, then placed her cheek against his thumping chest.

  With his nose buried against her silky hair and his arms banded around her, he whispered, “I love you.” Her body stiffened slightly in his arms. He winced at the idea that he was rushing and she was not ready to hear such a declaration, no matter how true it was. For a long moment, they lay quiet and still, their bodies slowly cooling and their heartbeats slowing.

  Finally, she lifted her head again and held his gaze. Her breath as soft as a whisper over his face, she asked, “You love me?”

  “Yeah, I do. You don’t have to say it back. You don’t have to feel it. You don’t have to feel anything other than what’s in your heart. It may seem rushed to you, but the reality is that I fell for you years ago. I pushed those feelings away because I didn’t think I’d ever be able to act on them. But my feelings for you have never wavered.”

  He felt as though he stood on a great precipice, and his breath halted in his tight throat, and his heart pounded even harder than when he came. Staring at her face, he swept her tresses away so that he could see her clearly.


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