Lawfully Wedded

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Lawfully Wedded Page 12

by Jenna Brandt

  The family, the judge, Joyce from Child Protective Services, and the attorney, all took a photo together to mark the occasion. Then Joyce offered to take one of just the O’Connells.

  Their attorney handed them the signed copy of the decree of adoption on their way out of the courthouse.

  On the steps outside, Aiden stopped and turned to Alex. “How does it feel to be officially an O’Connell?”

  “Awesome,” he exclaimed with a giant grin. “Plus, I like how Alex O'Connell sounds—like a superhero’s alter ego.”

  The three of them laughed, then Lindsay made a grimace as she clutched her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?” Aiden inquired with concern.

  “It’s nothing, I’ve been having small Braxton Hicks contractions all morning. I didn’t know they could get this intense.”

  “Are you sure they're false?” Aiden probed. “If they are getting more intense and consistent, they might be the real deal.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing. I want to head to dinner to celebrate. We have everyone meeting us at—” but before she could finish the sentence, a gush of water came from her, landing on the concrete between her legs. Her eyes flew up to meet Aiden’s. “I think my water just broke.”

  “I think you’re right. We need to get you to the hospital.”

  “Is the hospital bag in the car?” Lindsay asked in a strained voice as Aiden helped her down the stairs. She placed her hand over her pregnant belly and grunted as another contraction manifested.

  “Yes, Lindsay. It’s already in the car,” Aiden assured her.

  “Then get me to the hospital,” she ordered, the pain audible in her voice. “I want to get this baby out of me now.”

  Aiden called Zach on his Bluetooth to tell him Lindsay was having the baby. He asked Zach to let everyone know the adoption dinner would be put on hold until a later date.

  As they arrived at the hospital, Aiden asked Alex to help him grab the diaper bag as he picked up Lindsay’s bigger one. One nurse rushed out with a wheelchair and helped Lindsay sit. The nurse took her straight to labor and delivery admittance, but as they arrived, she informed them that Alex would need to stay in the waiting room.

  Aiden wavered, wanting to be with Lindsay but not wanting to leave Alex alone.

  “Stay with him, Aiden. I’ll be fine,” Lindsay assured. “It’s my first baby. It won’t go that fast. I’m sure someone will be here shortly to watch him.”

  The nurse nodded. “They don’t come quickly the first time.”

  Both headed through the double doors, disappearing out of sight.

  Lindsay was right, because several minutes later both Erica and Zach arrived, one after the other followed by Lindsay’s father.

  Aiden noticed that Erica and Zach purposely avoided each other and were not making eye contact. Zach had told him they had a fight while cleaning up after the baby shower, but he had hoped they would get past it. Apparently, no such luck.

  “What can I do?” Zach inquired.

  “Can you all keep an eye on Alex? He can’t be in the room and I need to be with Lindsay.”

  They all agreed as Aiden lifted Lindsay’s overnight bag on his shoulder and headed into the labor and delivery area. He found out what room his wife was in and made a straight line for it. Once inside, he set the bag down, then joined Lindsay at her side. He took her hand in his and asked, “How are you doing?”

  She had a thin line of sweat across her forehead and her face pinched in pain. “Oh, you know, I’m just pushing a small person out of my body. Everything is great,” she stated with irritated sarcasm.

  “We were wrong,” the nurse informed Aiden. “This baby doesn’t realize he’s the first one. He’s antsy to get out. The doctor is coming because this baby should be here in the next few minutes.”

  The grey-haired doctor arrived five minutes later and got into position at the end of Lindsay’s legs. “All right, Lindsay, it’s time for you to push. When you feel the contraction, I need you to give it all you got.”

  Lindsay did as they told her while Aiden held her hand. “You’re doing great, Honey. Just keep doing that.”

  “Okay, I see the baby’s head. Give me one more good push Lindsay,” the doctor coaxed as he placed his hands under the sheet. “That’s it. He’s almost out. One more and you’re done.”

  A final push later, and a small baby’s cry echoed through the small delivery room. The doctor lifted him up and placed him on Lindsay’s chest.

  Lindsay cried as she placed her hand on the back of the baby. Aiden felt something wet on his own cheeks and realized he was crying.

  Aiden leaned down and placed his own hand on top of the baby’s head. Their son was so tiny underneath his palm.

  “He’s beautiful,” Lindsay whispered. “We did well, Aiden.”

  “No, you did well, Lindsay. I’m so proud of you. Look at this amazing person you brought into our lives.”

  A few minutes later, the nurses took the baby to clean him up and weigh him.

  “You’re not taking him out of the room, are you?” Aiden probed with anxiety. He didn’t like the idea of their son being out of their sight for one minute.

  The nurses shook their heads. “Your baby will stay with the mother. We have everything we need for him right here in this portable station.”

  “Okay, good,” Aiden stated with relief. He turned and told Lindsay, “I will go tell everyone the good news. I also want to bring back your father and Alex.”

  Lindsay nodded as she watched the nurses take care of the baby.

  Aiden got the birth information about the baby before leaving. When he entered the waiting room, he couldn’t contain his happiness. “We have a baby boy. Travis Shane O’Connell entered the world at 6:05 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and 21 inches long.”

  Loud cheers and clapping boomed around the room. Present were most of the police department, the Stocktons, several people from church including Stacy who was now dating Lindsay’s father, along with Erica, Zach, and Alex.

  “They aren’t letting a lot of visitors in right now, but they said immediate family can come in. That means you, Alex and Kevin.”

  The men followed Aiden back through the double doors to the new room where Lindsay and the baby were staying for the night.

  Travis was nursing underneath a blanket Lindsay had draped over her shoulder. As they entered the room, she adjusted herself and removed the blanket.

  “Alex, do you want to meet your new baby brother?” Lindsay inquired, as he came forward and peered down at the baby that was now sleeping.

  “He’s so tiny,” Alex whispered in amazement. “I didn’t know he would be that small. I’m afraid I might break him.”

  “He’ll grow very fast, Champ. Don’t you worry about that. Soon, you’ll both be playing football in the front yard.”

  “Let me get a look at my newest grandson,” Kevin said as he stepped forward behind Alex. He placed his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I'm lucky to get two grandsons in the same day.”

  “That’s true. Are you okay with sharing your ‘Gotcha Day’ with your brother’s birthday?” Lindsay inquired.

  “I sure am. I think it’s cool, like God planned it.”

  “You’re right, Alex,” Aiden agreed. “God knew exactly what He was doing today.”


  Two months Later

  Lindsay looked around the table at her husband, Alex, and her infant son, along with Erica, her father, and Stacy. She couldn’t help but smile. Who would have thought two years ago she would have this life?

  “How does it feel to be nine, Alex?” Lindsay inquired.

  “You know, not much different from eight,” he stated matter-of-factly, causing everyone to laugh.

  Mr. De Luca came up to the table with a round chocolate cake in hand. Nine candles lit the top as he placed it in front of Alex. Everyone sang ‘Happy Birthday’ before he blew them out.

  "What did you wish for?" Aiden inquired.
  “I’ve got everything I want,” Alex stated with a large grin. “So, I wished for our family to be happy.”

  “I wouldn’t mind adding to our family with another adoption,” Aiden revealed. He turned to Alex and inquired, “What do you say, Champ? Do you want another brother or sister?”

  Alex looked at his sleeping brother in his car seat, then shrugged. “Why not? The more the merrier. I’m used to lots of kids around.”

  The whole group laughed again.

  Aiden and Lindsay always wanted a big family, and now God was giving them the opportunity to have one.

  “I love you Lindsay O’Connell,” Aiden proclaimed as he leaned across the table and kissed the top of his wife’s forehead.

  “I love you too, Officer O’Connell,” she replied as she shifted her position so the kiss moved to her mouth. From under the table, Cooper barked, making sure his presence was known. “You too, Cooper,” Lindsay laughed. “Guess it’s my lot in life to be surrounded by handsome men—and dogs.”

  “Then maybe it’s time for a little girl?” Aiden suggested.

  “Maybe it is.”

  “Didn’t you mention the little girl you’ve been working with is available for adoption?”

  “You mean Mandy?”

  “Yes, that’s the one.”

  “She is,” Lindsay confirmed. “I like your suggestion, Aiden. I’ll bring the paperwork home with me tomorrow.”

  It’s not quite the end!

  Did you enjoy — Lawfully Wedded? You won’t want to miss the rest of the books in the series from — Ginny Sterling, Elle E. Kay, Evangeline Kelly, and various other authors.

  Turn the page for a sneak peek of the next K-9 stand alone book, Lawfully Freed, by Ginny Sterling releasing August 28th, 2018!

  Still want more? Lawfully Devoted is Erica and Zach’s story. What happens when a dental hygienist suddenly inherits billions along with death threats? She needs a bodyguard, of course, and Zach is first in line to take the job!

  Preview – Next Book in Series

  Ginny Sterling’s Lawfully Freed

  It was official.

  This would be the longest day in the longest month that would ever exist in all of time and space for her. There was nothing like having an event bring back every single utterly horrifying memory that you thought you put behind you, suddenly come rushing forward for the sake of mentally dissecting each traumatic event over and over again. Uppity opinions, personal fears, overly-dramatic issues over nothing were things that she’d imagined that she had left behind her long ago. Tonight, she’d be facing all of them head on.

  Rebecca had moved back to Texas shortly after graduating from college with her doctorate. She’d accepted a position with the police department that would allow her the freedom to practice psychology with her own practice, as well. She would be consulting for the department when needed. But the majority of her time would be free to help clients in a private practice as her schedule allowed.


  What schedule?

  She was free to take on anyone at any time. It was just her mother and her. She had no ties to drag her down. She felt like a bird that was getting ready to take flight and soar finally. The last ten years had been spent growing and learning her trade. Now, it was time to apply all that expensive education and personal growth that had occurred in the decade that she’d been away from the chaos of her small-town hell she’d made in her mind. While Dallas was close, this truly was a small town just outside of the booming metropolis.

  Still living in boxes, she’d finally gotten settled somewhat in her new, tiny apartment that she’d selected online based off what she remembered of the area. Ten years was a long time. She’d thought it was long enough, but maybe that wasn’t the case. The city had grown, the metroplex had grown, and so had little Becky Tulle. Gone was “Becky the cheerleader” and in her place was the professional: Dr. Rebecca Tulle.

  What she didn’t want to admit was that little Becky was still buried deep in her mind. She didn’t acknowledge that her stomach flip-flopped silently. That insecurity would never fade, it seemed. She felt that coming back home would give her a sense of completion that she felt she craved. This was the next step she needed to take in her life: Face her monsters head on. Tonight, of all nights, would be the ultimate test.

  It was her class reunion.

  Staring in the mirror at her reflection, she saw the young girl she once was as well as the woman she’d wanted to be. Her curly, black hair that had once looked like a bad perm now lay slick and glossy against her shoulders, thanks to the help of her straightening iron and a professional keratin treatment. Oh, how she wished she’d had that flat iron all those years ago. Instead, she’d French braided her hair repeatedly for after school drill routines in order to keep the snarls from being more than she could bear.

  She remembered those hot polyester uniforms, the long practices and the camaraderie of the squad. Becky had been head cheerleader for all four years of high school, a darling of the teachers and students. But because of the attention she received, she was hated almost as much by the other students as she was loved by the faculty. She had also been harassed by the football team repeatedly and realized it now. Then, she hadn’t understood how to handle the hazing or sexual harassment she’d received. There had been many a night she’d spent crying at home, confused as to why they picked on her and spread such malicious rumors about her.

  Now, she understood.

  It didn’t make it right in any fashion whatsoever, but she did comprehend it better. It was years of training that helped her find peace and serenity with her supposed make-believe history. Those rumors had driven her away and caused her to run. She’d cut ties with everyone she had ever known the night she graduated and practically disappeared from the radar. Unlisted home number, fake Facebook account, the works… including the fact she had not bothered with a cell phone as of yet. She had not wanted to be found until she was strong enough to handle it all. They’d nearly broken her spirit. But she was stronger than they would ever realize.

  Becky hadn’t slept with the entire football team as rumor had it. Nor had she run away because she was pregnant. No, she had run to get away from the destructive behavior and hatred focused narrowly on her. She had bolted before it destroyed her psyche and all her ambitious dreams that she had for herself.

  Now she was back.

  While it felt petty, part of her needed to show them that she was better than all of their harsh treatment and nasty words. She wanted her hometown to know that she was strong and that they hadn’t broken her. They had once been vicious, and she would be forever victorious!

  Staring in the mirror, Rebecca looked hard at herself. Gone was the gangly young girl and in its place was a composed woman. A headstrong, smart, intelligent woman that was comfortable in who she was and confident in her faith. She’d never married or dated because she never wanted to feel like it was expected of her. She wanted to fight the rules, fight the stereotypes and be who she wanted to be… herself and what felt comfortable for her.

  Glancing down at her elegant suit, she smiled at how polished she looked and ignored the wreckage of boxes and unpacked items behind her. She would slowly bring peace and tranquility to her life again… once you got past all the rough wrapping around it. That is how she pictured herself and her life. She’d gone through the rough spots and now it was time to shine. A beautiful butterfly emerging and on the cusp of taking flight.

  Checking her watch, she groaned and rolled her eyes. This part of her life she had yet to change though. Little Becky was always late all those school days so long ago, and it seemed like that particular trait would never fade away. Tonight was no different. The reunion had started ten minutes ago, and she would be fashionably late apparently. Gathering up her purse and car keys, she ran out the front door ready to take on the challenge ahead of her.

  Also by Jenna Brandt

  Most Books are Free in Kindle Unlimited too!

  Billionaires of Manhattan Series

  The billionaires that live in Manhattan and the women who love them. If you love epic dates, grand romantic gestures, and men in suits with hearts of gold, then these are books are perfect for you.

  Waiting on the Billionaire

  (Also on Audiobook)

  Nanny for the Billionaire (coming May 2019)

  The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join bestselling author Jenna Brandt and many others as they weave captivating, sweet and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers — and the women who love them. The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love. Jenna’s Lawkeeper books:


  Lawfully Loved-Texas Sheriff

  Lawfully Wanted-Bounty Hunter

  Lawfully Forgiven-Texas Ranger

  Lawfully Historical Box Set


  Lawfully Adored-K-9

  Lawfully Wedded-K-9

  Lawfully Treasured-SWAT

  Lawfully Dashing-Female Cop/Christmas

  Lawfully Devoted-Billionaire Bodyguard/K-9

  The Rockwood Springs Series-a spin-off series from Jenna Brandt’s historical lawkeeper books, centering around the fictional town of Rockwood Springs, Texas. The first two books take place during World War I and follow the love stories of two of the town’s families.


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