Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology

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Fractured Fairy Tales: A SaSS Anthology Page 116

by Amy Marie

  I laughed. "Believe me, I noticed. A gorgeous one."

  A smile ghosted her lips, but her eyes were dull. I sat up. "Mena? What's wrong?"

  "My father isn't sure he should hand down the company to a woman. It's always been to a son or a son-in-law."

  My mouth dropped. "Isn't that kind of old fashioned? And you're so smart. I don't have to see you at your job to know you're brilliant."

  She squeezed my hand. "Thank you. I thought my father always believed that, too. But my dad is what you might call a creative type. He's a visionary, but he hasn't always been the best about managing what it takes to make his dreams come true. Now Jeff is trying to talk him into opening up to the public by selling shares, which would make us susceptible to Wall Street and more scrutiny. I think Jeff is more about the profit than he is any sentiment. I don’t know why my father puts so much faith in what Jeff says. It’s like Jeff has some kind of hold on him. Sometimes I think my dad would rather have him named as the future CEO, and Jeff is egging him on in that direction."

  I froze. "Jeff?"

  "Yeah. He’s our CFO. He took over finances while I was in college.”

  I cupped her face in both of my hands. "Listen to me. This Jeff guy sounds like a fucking asshole who's only out for himself. I'm sure your father will see that."

  "But what if he doesn't?"

  "You either make him or you go out and create your own legacy."

  This time her smile reached her eyes. "You make it sound so simple."

  "Didn't say that, but I believe in you. I think you'll come out ahead no matter how it plays out." And I intend to help it play out with the removal of Jeff. I'd use all of my new resources to make that happen if I could.

  "Oh, Oliver Prince, you do live up to your last name!"

  I chuckled. "No, not a prince."

  She cocked her head. "What is it exactly that you do? I mean, other than the magic stuff and taking classes."

  I told her the truth, in part. Was that really lying? Besides, the past wasn't who I was anymore, and if I had anything to say about it, I was never going back to it.

  "I do the magic for fun, and I'm taking classes full time. I should have my degree in management soon. But I'm also working for Gene DeLampe. I manage his bar, The Cave."

  Her mouth dropped open. "Get out!" She smacked my chest. "I've never met the man, but I've heard of him. How on earth did you meet him?"

  "I guess you could say we met under some unfortunate circumstances, and I did him a favor. In return, he hired me." Well, that was the truth. Eventually, I would tell her the full truth, but by then, I hoped she'd be so in love with me, it would be easier to forgive me. If we didn't work out, then I'd kept my dignity. Yep, I was drinking from that Kool-Aid.

  "Wow. He's quite the recluse, or so I've heard. He rarely appears in public."

  "He's pretty much on the DL." I hesitated, not sure what she'd think about the rest of this, but I couldn't keep the kids a secret, not if she was going to be part of our lives. "You should also know I'm working with a social worker to become a foster for a couple of kids, a brother and sister. Their names are Jack and Jilly, and yes, I know that sounds like a nursery rhyme, but from what I can pick up on, their mom was an alcoholic, so who knows what went through her mind when she named them."

  "Aren't you a little young to be a parent?"

  "Shit, yeah. But I met them several times, and they kind of became attached to me. I'm old enough to foster, but I see myself as more of a big brother."

  She ducked her head, and I was afraid this was more than she was ready to take on. But when she lifted her head, I caught my breath. Her eyes shined from tears. "Just when I didn't think you could get any more perfect, you go and tell me this."

  Fuck. Just tell her! "I'm far from perfect, princess. I just like to take care of those I care about." I decided to go for it. "Like you."

  She leaned forward. "I care about you, too, Oli," she said on a whisper, just before her lips touched mine. I never knew slow and sweet could be so seductive.

  I could have let it go on for much longer, but a sudden plop and some panting broke us apart. A dog sat on its haunches, waiting for us to throw the ball that he'd dropped on our blanket. I started to swear, but Mena started laughing, and soon I started to chuckle, too. The embarrassed owner sheepishly walked up and apologized.

  "No problem." I threw the ball, and the dog and owner took off.

  I was done with kisses in public. "What do you say we take this elsewhere?"

  I guessed her answer was yes, given how quickly she picked up our meal.

  I wished Harry Potter-style magic really existed because I'd have given anything to snap my fingers and be back at my apartment. As it was, it took years to get there. Or at least it seemed like it. Mena giggled as I pounded my fist in frustration when we had to wait for more than one light cycle at several different intersections. But traffic finally broke free, and we sailed the rest of the way to my new home.

  Once we got inside the door, however, we were all arms and legs and teeth. Her heels were kicked off, flying somewhere into the living room. My jacket landed unceremoniously in a heap on the floor. Our arms locked when we both tried to take each other's shirts off at the same time. We started to laugh, taking the intensity out of the moment.

  "I can do better than this." I swooped her into my arms and carried her up the stairs to my new bedroom. I placed her on the bed, leaving her only long enough to shuck my shirt as I walked across the room to close the drapes and turn on the hidden lamps behind the window hangings for just a little bit of mood lighting.

  She'd taken off her shirt and jeans and was leaning back on her elbows. The sight of her with nothing but black lace had my heart racing. She tilted her head back as I braced my arms on either side of her and leaned in. "Remember what I said earlier? That you were a feast? Well, now I'm going to eat my fill."

  I cupped her cheek, stroking her soft skin with my thumb as I treated myself to her lips again. I swallowed her moan and followed her body to the bed as her arms give out. I felt them wrap around me instead, her nails running up and down my back. Her lips were sweet, but there was so much more I wanted to taste. I skimmed my nose down the soft skin of her throat, where I felt her pulse beat wildly against my mouth. I placed a kiss there and kept moving across the tops of her breasts, following her bra line until I could swipe my tongue in her cleavage. I sat her up so I could reach the clasp, and finally, her breasts were free to me.

  "Perfect," I proclaimed.

  I teased one pert dusty rose nipple with my lips, then my tongue, then finally my teeth, taunting and pulling until she clamped my head to her. Her head rose and she nipped my shoulder. I returned the gesture on her other breast, making her undulate beneath me.

  I continue my exploration down her flat stomach until I reached sheer, black lace. Her bare mound beckoned me through the material, and I didn't deny myself. When I pulled the panties off, her legs fell to the side. I nipped and licked my way back up her thighs until I reached the juncture between her legs.

  "Brace yourself." My voice was ragged. Then I took a lick, then two. "You taste so fucking good.”

  I settled in to fuck her with my tongue. In seconds, she had my head clamped between her thighs, her hand pulling on my hair. Her legs trembled, and when I added a finger to the mix, she detonated.

  "Ohmigod, ohmigod." Her moans didn't stop as her orgasm continued to roll through her. I slowed my motions, easing her through the sensations until her body ceased to tremble. I kissed my way back up her body until I reached her lips. She didn't complain when I captured them in a kiss.

  Her fingers reached down to rub against the fabric where my cock was, and I nearly lost my mind. I undid my jeans myself, and she dove her hand right in, right underneath my briefs until she grasped my length. She started off a little shy, but her touch grew confident when I groaned and flexed my hips into her hand.

  "Oh, fuckity fuck," I said on a gasp, causing her to gigg

  "Are you laughing at me? Cause that's not really nice, princess."

  "I've never heard that expression before. I assume you like this?"

  I whipped her around, bringing her under me. "Let me show you how much."

  I removed the rest of my clothes and grabbed a condom from my drawer. I covered myself and was on top of her in an instant. I gripped myself and guided my cock to her entrance, rubbing it up and down her slit. This time it was her who groaned when I slipped in a little bit, then pulled out.

  "Oli, please. I want you inside me."

  I'd planned to tease her a little more, but her bold honesty were the magic words, breaking any control I had. In one thrust, we became one. As if we were meant to be, we quickly found a rhythm. I could tell she was getting close. I cupped one of her legs behind her knee and lifted it, changing the angle of my thrusts. I used my other hand to tease the sensitive bud just above where my cock slid in and out.

  She clung to me, her eyes holding on to mine until her back arched and I felt her body pulling and clenching around my length. I slowed my strokes as her orgasm ebbed, then when she opened her eyes, I began to fuck her hard until my own roar filled the room.

  I collapsed on her, struggling to catch my breath. I worried I was heavy, but she didn't seem in a hurry to break our connection. She kept her legs wrapped around my back and stroked my arms with soft, lazy movements.

  Finally, my body lost its jelly-like state, and I pulled out, reversing our positions so that she was wrapped in my arms on top of me.

  "That was..." I wasn't smart enough to find the right words. But she got it.

  "Yeah, it was."

  I smiled and we both drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 14


  The weeks rolled by. I usually spent at least a couple nights at Oli's place. Many of those nights, we were both too tired to do anything other than fall asleep, but they were the best sleep I'd had. But the weekends? Those were all about the kids. I definitely didn’t mind retiring some of my workaholic ways to spend with them.

  With Carla's help and maybe a little namedropping of "Gene DeLampe," Oli was approved as a foster parent, and Jack and Jilly came to live with him. For the first week, he'd kept his focus solely on them, but then he introduced me to them. I fell in love with Jilly and her eternal optimism, and Jack's sarcasm made me laugh. I could tell he was slow to accept that this was his new life, but over the past couple of weeks, I saw him lighten up and become more like a child his age should be.

  We both worked hard during the week, barely having time to see each other except late in the evenings. He spent most of his day taking classes and studying while the kids were at school. He tried to be there to greet the kids when they got home, but then he went to the club to watch over things until late evening. In the mornings before his first class, he'd go back to the club to look over sales, inventory, and schedules. In fact, I think he worked more hours than me, and that was saying something. But it was only temporary until he finished his degree.

  Since Oli worked most nights, it wasn’t unusual for me to watch the kids in the evenings. I supervised homework and made sure everyone ate well. For so long I’d only had myself to worry about, I was afraid I wouldn’t be any good at taking care of anyone else. But the opposite turned out to be true. For a change, I looked forward to leaving work and heading to a place that felt more like a “home” instead of a place to sleep. And it was the people within the walls that made it that way.

  Jeff was still a pain in my ass, but I tried hard to ignore him. I had other things to focus on. I'd finally recommended a lab I thought we should acquire to the Board of Advisors. In fact, it was Oli who suggested I research them. He'd seen a short article about them as he was studying startups for one of his classes. They were a small, unknown lab, but I knew that wouldn't last long. They were working on developing ways to turn waste materials into something productive, or at least safer for the environment, exactly what I was looking for. After several initial phone calls with Kirsten, the lead chemical engineer and founder, we arranged to meet. We hit it off on a personal level, and that led to dinners that included her husband and Oli.

  It was in those moments that I saw a new side of Oli. I was impressed by his business acuity, and it was easy to see why Gene liked him at the helm of his club. Even though Oli had no experience with environmental chemistry, he'd sometimes interject a thought or question that initiated entirely new avenues of discussion as Kirsten and I negotiated FarCap buying her lab. It wasn't long before we knew we were highly compatible. She needed funding and a lot of it. I needed better, cleaner ways for our products to be manufactured, specifically my mother's paper company that I refused to let go of. Once I assured her she would still be able to manage and run her company her way, we reached an agreement. Now I just had to present it to the Board for their support.

  I knew Jeff would throw challenge after challenge at me. He’d been particularly challenging to work with lately. He appeared intent on discrediting me but did it in such a subtle manner I wasn’t sure anyone else picked up on it. Sneaky little bastard. But I was ready for him. I had answers and charts and graphs and projections for everything, thanks in part to Oli. I worked on it mainly at home, mostly because I didn't want Jeff to see any of it. I wasn't convinced he somehow wasn't spying on me. In his interest in what I was doing, Oli asked questions that made me think through every possible detail. I was prepared. Monday morning was my presentation.

  But first, I got to spend my weekend with Oli, and it had gotten off to a great start.

  Currently, I was curled up on Oli's chest, lazily drifting my fingers across his skin which was still damp from our lovemaking. His fingers played with my hair.

  I propped my head on his chest. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

  For the past couple of weeks, he'd seemed distracted. I assumed it was because he was nearing his finals and was feeling stressed. But sometimes I'd just catch him staring at me. He looked almost sad until he'd see me watching him, and then he'd straighten up and smile back or blow me a kiss. At first, I thought he was growing unhappy with our relationship, but that didn't sync with the way he held me and made love to me. It had to be something outside of us, but I wasn't sure what. And whenever I asked, he'd say it was nothing, and he'd pull himself out of whatever was bothering him.

  He kissed the top of my head. "Just some work things going on."

  I had yet to meet the mysterious Gene, but that was going to change tonight. Oli didn't talk a lot about him other than I could sense he had a real affection for the man. But their involvement stayed at work. Still, I couldn't help but think something was starting to carry over. Or maybe he was just exhausted. He had circles under his eyes that hadn't been there when we first met. I think part of what he did at The Cave was to move heavy liquor boxes, so he was also getting a gym-quality workout every day. His body was even more muscular and trim.

  "Are you ready for tonight?" It was finally the weekend of the fundraising dinner for the Children's Home. And after meeting Jack and Jilly, I was more passionate than ever to make sure it was a safe and healthy place for children.

  It was brief, but I felt his muscles tense. As good as my man was with people when he performed, I didn't think he liked formal events.

  "Yup. You're sure Jeff isn't going to be there?"

  "Why are you worried about Jeff? You've never even met him."

  "Because he makes life hard for you, and I worry I'm going to bust his chin when I see him. Personally, I look forward to that opportunity, but not tonight. I don't want everyone's hard work to be ruined."

  I kissed his pec. "Well, don't worry. He said he would be out of town for some meetings this weekend."

  He rolled over and kissed me. "Good."

  "Have I thanked you for talking Mr. DeLampe into coming tonight?"

  "Not today." He grinned at me. He knew I was excited to have such an enigmatic person attend.

Gene DeLampe was a name most had heard of, few had seen, and even fewer knew, but one that everyone wanted to meet. Oli remained vague on how he knew Mr. DeLampe, but it fit with the elusive personality of his boss.

  When word got out that Gene was coming, however, people came out of the proverbial woodwork asking to attend, and we had to turn people away, suggesting they make a private donation.

  Oli brushed my hair behind my ear. "I can think of a way you can thank me, though."

  "Is that right? Because I can't think of anything." I teased.

  He growled and rolled me on top of him. "I'm sure I can help you think of something." He took my hand and dragged it down to his ready and waiting erection.

  "Already? We just—"

  "It's you. I think you're the real magician. Now get down there and use my wand."

  I burst out laughing. "You did not just call your penis a magic wand, did you?"

  He grinned. "Sure seems to make your panties disappear."

  "Oh, my god. You're terrible." But I loved that he could make me laugh so easily.

  "You didn't seem to think so earlier. Maybe I should show you again."

  I lifted up and took him inside me. "Maybe you should."

  I started moving slowly, rolling my hips over his. He laid his head back, his eyes intense as he watched himself slide in and out of me while he held my waist. I was determined to make this last, but then he shifted his hands forward, allowing his thumbs to rub my clit each time I moved. "Yes," I moaned, throwing my head back and picking up my pace.

  "That's it, baby. Ride me hard. Take what you want." His words triggered an urgency. One of his hands slid up to cup my breast and pinch my nipple while the other continued to stroke me. My legs started to tremble, and I had a hard time maintaining my movements. That's when he grabbed my hips and lifted his knees slightly to brace his feet and started thrusting into me. I fell forward, catching myself on his chest when my orgasm hit me. A couple more thrusts, and he released in me.


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