His as Payment

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His as Payment Page 4

by Piper Stone

  “The majority are works in progress,” I managed, my pulse ticking.

  “I would love to see them. If they are anything like these, I will commission the finished product.”

  “I don’t know you, Dominick, and what occurred last night ticked me off.” He certainly didn’t seem to appreciate my frankness, his body tensing.

  “I assure you, Caroline, that if I wanted to hurt you in any manner, I would have done so already. I am interested in your art and in the woman who created them. If you will allow me, I would enjoy seeing where you create your masterpieces and determine if I’d like to purchase the remainder. Nothing more.”

  I debated, my heart racing and the same electricity soaring into every cell. I was wildly attracted to him in every manner, my mouth dry from excitement and sordid anticipation. “Then I will show you, but...”

  “But?” he asked, his fingers running through my hair.

  “But when I say you need to leave, you will.”

  “Fair enough.”

  He eased the wineglass out of my hand in a manner that suggested complete possession. His fingers wrapped around mine, the grip firm as he led me through the crowd and out the front door. I hadn’t worn a coat and the frigid air was biting, my hands and feet tingling.

  “My car is over here. You can follow me,” I said with as must confidence as I could muster.

  “No. You will come with me.” There was no question as he pulled me into the tiny parking lot and toward a reserved space. I couldn’t help but believe his appearance at the gallery had been planned in advance.

  The Ferrari was sleek, the ebony paint gleaming in the security lights, the ‘blip blip’ as the doors were unlocked creating quivers shifting down the backs of my legs. Getting into a car with a basic stranger wasn’t in any woman’s best interest. Devastatingly good looks and a checkbook to match didn’t mean he wasn’t a serial killer. My adventurous side wanted nothing more than to let go, allowing this secret encounter. My rational mind screamed to run far away.

  When he opened the door, guiding me toward the plush leather seats, all resolve was demolished.

  Easing into the driver’s seat, he tipped his head in my direction. “Where to, Caroline?”

  “Columbus Street.”

  His only acknowledgment was a slight sensuous chuckle before starting and revving the engine, maneuvering the swanky vehicle out of the parking lot within two seconds. The roar of the powerful motor hummed between my legs, goosebumps licking along every inch of skin. My nipples continued to ache and filthy thoughts slithered into my mind, the bad girl longings described in romance novels.

  This was reckless.

  This was dangerous.

  This was... fabulous.

  “Buckle up, Caroline.” His words were gruff, demanding and I obeyed his order immediately, my toes curling as he sped off down the crowded street. His command of the fabulous car was evident as he weaved through the traffic, accelerating after every traffic light, cornering the turns as if the Ferrari ran on rails.

  Whether or not he was trying to frighten me, it gave me a scintillating jolt of amusement. I was used to my father’s often treacherous driving skills. I sat back in the seat, the butter-soft leather surrounding me. Opulence. The word was perfect for a man like him.

  Dominick seemed to know exactly where he was going, even taking short cuts through the city that I’d only recently learned. When he turned onto Columbus, he slowed quickly, idling in the middle of the street, his gaze never leaving the windshield. “And?”

  I pointed at the warehouse turned eclectic apartments and studios only a block down the street. He whipped the car in front of the brownstone with flair, exiting the vehicle within seconds after grabbing a small duffle from behind his seat. He kept his hand on the small of my back, his long, manicured fingers caressing. I was his for the night. My legs continued to tremble, my head muddled from events of the evening. Why in the hell had I allowed this to happen? No one had any idea where I’d gone and only a few apartments rented in the building. This self-proclaimed dangerous man could perform any heinous act and there would be no one responding to my cries.

  If I was even allowed to beg for help.

  “Fifth floor,” I whispered.

  “Excellent.” While he said nothing as we waited for the elevator’s arrival, I could tell he had no patience, shifting from foot to foot. He was used to getting everything he desired, demanding his rights as if he was the only man in the city who mattered.



  He seemed to have it all.

  Dominick crowded my space the moment the doors were closed, standing just inches away.

  “What’s in the bag?” I dared to ask, trying to sound nonchalant.

  “Items we may need. I was certainly hoping the night would turn out this way.” There would be no additional explanation. After dropping the bag, he palmed the steel wall on either side of my head, the same seductive smile crossing his face. “You’re very beautiful, Caroline, a precious budding flower to be nurtured and cared for in a loving manner.” Exhaling, he allowed the hot breath to cascade across my face.

  I refused to give him what he required, looking into his eyes.

  “Compliments bother you.” The moment he lowered his head, my heart thudded against my chest, the spark between us fueling the embers deep within my belly.

  “I... Thank you and I enjoy compliments.”

  Another chuckle. A deep breath. A slight growl. He lifted my chin with his index finger, inching even closer until our lips were almost touching. “There is no need to be afraid. Although there will always be pain, sometimes agonizing in nature, my desire is to provide the ultimate in pleasure.”

  And I knew that pleasure would only come for a hefty price. “I’m not afraid of you, Dominick. I’m simply not entirely certain I can tolerate your cologne for much longer.”

  He was silent, unmoving for ten seconds. Then he burst into laughter. “Duly noted and banished from my collection.”

  He offered the statement as if he had myriad collections; toys and trinkets, all kinky in nature. I could only wonder if women were included in his private possessions.

  The elevator jerked to a halt, rumbling under our feet. I’d never liked the ancient box, preferring to take the stairs whenever possible. On this night, the small enclosure was suffocating. I took several deep breaths, praying the doors would open.

  There was no release from his masterful hold until he allowed, his lips remaining close to mine. He inhaled, a second growl like a feral beast ready to consume its prey. A wave of desire enraptured my frazzled mind as I licked my lips, wanting his to capture mine. Longing for him to take me into his arms, lifting me off my feet as he ravaged me with passion. I wanted his tongue thrust into my mouth, his hands roaming across my breasts, pinching my nipples.

  And I longed to have his thick, throbbing cock shoved all the way inside my pussy, fucking me like a savage beast, devouring every inch of me. The wicked thought was insidious but everything I’d ever wanted. But it wasn’t going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

  Not a muscle twitched as he hovered over me, waiting for my reaction.

  My rational side finally took over. I stood taller, clearing my throat and nodding toward the open doors. “The floor of my studio.”

  “How exciting.” Dominick slapped his hands on the steel panels, his massive body looming over me in the most consuming manner. He was daring me to respond, react to his dominating actions.

  I pressed my hand against his chest, moving only millimeters but it was enough our lips finally touched. I held my breath, waiting.

  Calling his bluff.

  A slight breath left his mouth then he was the one to step back, yanking the duffle from the floor. “You are fascinating in every manner, Caroline Hargrove. It will be a pleasure learning your very special nuances, providing the attention you deserve, but there is something vital you should know about me.”

That you’re obsessive? Breaching every line of authority as well as decency in your efforts to get everything you desire?” His eyes flashed, but I held firm in my convictions.

  “An excellent observation, Caroline. You are correct in your assumptions. However, there is one more aspect that I suggest you accept.”

  “And what is that?”

  “I always win.”

  Chapter Three


  I’d thrown down a gauntlet earlier than I’d anticipated and admitting that Caroline had managed to rile me picked at my brain. She had a way about her, far more formidable than I’d originally thought. Her paintings were certainly clear signs that she had many incredible layers, all masked by the requirements from her father. The thought was intriguing given Drummand’s outrageous proclivities. Discovering the woman hidden under the mask of steel would be my greatest joy.

  Even if I had to break her in order to do so.

  Caroline was skittish but inquisitive, a powerful combination. As she unlocked the door, I could almost hear her heart beating, taste her hint of fear. It was exhilarating. The room was expansive, warehouse style with windows covering two of the walls. Everything about the space was exactly as I’d pictured, radiating her talent and her need to keep this aspect about her personal life secret.

  “This is pretty much it,” she said wistfully as she dropped her purse, folding her arms as she paraded through the various easels. Watching the myriad expressions on her face was fascinating, my cock throbbing from raw desire. She fingered several of the incomplete paintings as she sashayed, obviously critiquing her own work as she moved from one to another. When she was finished, she headed toward the set of floor-to-ceiling windows at the far end of the room, the greatest distance away from me.

  I stood in the same position, one hand in my pocket and the other firmly wrapped around the handle of the bag. Blank canvases were leaned against almost every open wall, paints scattered on two separate tables in vivid hues. Larger cans with lids barely attached indicated she’d been here recently. Drop cloths were folded neatly, stacked in the corner, blotched from dried paint. There was a single chair in the room, an ornate wooden hardback that had certainly seen better days and an actual boom box with several CDs located close. The only extravagance was high dollar lights placed in various positions and directed toward all four corners of the room.

  She stood with her head against the glass, staring out as if she could see the lights of the city. There was no chance. I knew the section of town well, the area crime-ridden with drug dealers on almost every corner. What few businesses had moved into the area were struggling to cope with turf wars. I had yet another reason to assert my authority on the pricks causing destruction. They would pay for their sins.

  Exhaling, I walked toward one of the tables, clearing a space before dropping the bag. She’d already figured out our meeting wasn’t by chance. The fact I’d brought champagne would only fuel her defiance. My blood boiled at the thought. This wasn’t about seduction in my mind but about the first step in full ownership; however, I needed her trust in whatever limited fashion was possible. For now.

  Caroline heard the popping sound of the cork, narrowing her eyes as she looked in my direction. “Champagne. Do you have chocolates and roses stuffed in that bag as well?”

  I finished pouring two glasses, casually walking closer. I stopped in front of the first painting, the one she was working on, taking a sip in front of her and easing the second glass onto the tray-style table. She was as curious as before, perhaps longing for my continued admiration of her work. Her eyes darted down to the glass. “If you’d like a glass of champagne, Caroline, you’re going to need to come to me and explain your work.”

  Her hand fluttered across her face and even from where I was standing, I was able to see a shimmering flush floating across her cheeks. She hesitated, finally leaning away from the window.

  “I’m not a patient man, Caroline, and you’ll learn soon enough that I expect my commands to be followed.”

  “I didn’t know that was a command.”

  “You do now.”

  Her eyes shifted down the length of me but within a few seconds, she took slow steps in my direction, her expression one of confusion. She was fighting her desires. When she was finally standing in front of me, I fisted her hair, twisting her neck toward me. “You have no sense of discipline.”

  To her credit, she didn’t whimper, merely kept her eyes open wide.

  “You may ask for what you want.”

  A full minute ticked by, of which I refused to blink, making certain she understood that while I might provide leniency tonight, I was in absolute authority over her needs and desires. The hardening of her nipples against the silky material of her dress gave her away.

  Her hunger was in full bloom.

  “May I please have a glass of champagne?” she asked, her tone little more than a whispered purr. The sound filtered into my ears, comforting in a manner she could never understand.

  She could be taught to obey.

  The silky feel of her strands of hair made my balls tighten. “Much better and you may.” Releasing her, I wrapped my hand around the second glass. She accepted, her breath skipping. “Now, tell me about your painting. Do not hold back or I’ll be forced to punish you.”

  “Punish,” she repeated. The only sign she was nervous was a slight shimmer of perspiration covering the tops of her cheeks. She blinked once before turning her attention to her painting, although her hand was white-knuckled holding the glass. “I noticed a lovely young girl sitting in a coffee shop by herself surrounded by books. She seemed lonely but as I watched her, every few sentences she read, she blushed as if having a delicious and very dark secret. I envisioned the kind of images she must be seeing in her mind. Depraved. Erotic. Or simply enchanting.”

  “Fascinating. Why did you choose the darker side of sex?”

  She swallowed, nervously taking a sip of the champagne. By the way she reacted, the bubbles must have tickled, fizzing in her mouth.

  I gripped her neck, yanking her forward until only her glass was between us. This time, she whimpered, her entire body trembling in my hands. I took several deep breaths before crushing my mouth over hers, immediately thrusting my tongue inside.

  Her hand wrapped around my jacket, fisting and tugging as our tongues entwined. She was tense, pushing against me for several seconds. I knew the instant she accepted my control, relaxing as a single strangled sound erupted around the moment of passion. The taste of her was exquisite, my cock pushing hard against the far too tight confines of my pants. I was ready to take her, stripping the beautiful ingénue of whatever perceived dignity she had, but this was merely the beginning.

  The bleak darkness that had scoured my soul years ago surfaced. Everything about this woman, from her air of vulnerability to her utter disdain for anything and anyone refusing to follow the basic rules of humanity was a temptation I couldn’t resist.

  I wanted her broken, taken to the very base of her being, begging for every aspect of my adoration. I needed her swept away from the life she believed garnered respect, ripping away the mask that kept her from tasting the dark side.

  The fuel burning deep within was sick, depraved and at this point, I could barely contain the devil.

  But somehow, my heart and soul had already accepted the fact that she would be the one breaking down my walls, exposing the truth.

  When I broke the kiss, she teetered on her heels, her fingers kneading the thick cloth. “Mmmm...” The growl was almost inaudible, the overtones laced with my own sense of depravity. I took an exacting step backward, breaking our connection.

  She let go, immediately tugging a stray strand of hair from her eyes, turning her attention once again toward the painting. “This is my space, all mine. It’s very personal, just like the paintings. No one has ever been here before.” Her words came one after the other.

  “Hmmm...” I took my time mulling over her statement. �
�Then why did you allow me to come, Caroline?”

  “Because you asked.”

  The words hung in the air. She allowed another laugh, the husky sound filtering into my ears. After another sip of champagne, she eased the glass beside her paints, immediately selecting one of her brushes. There was no hesitation as she dipped the bristles into a dollop of red paint, her fingers working quickly as she splashed a spray of color in a diagonal line.

  I watched her, quite fascinated with the way she worked, her fluid movements even more sensual than I could have imagined. Within seconds she was mesmerized with her own work, shifting from color to color, paying no attention to her guest.

  My hunger increased, nothing more than a beast in a cage. After finishing my glass, I realized that my thirst had moved on to something else entirely—the need to sip her sweet nectar. She didn’t flinch or even turn in my direction when I tossed one of the drop cloths onto the floor just in front of the thinly paned windows. I took a glance out at the darkened night, reveling in the control I was about to usurp. The lovely woman had no idea I was the devil in disguise, waiting to claim my prize. My reflection told no lies.

  I was in the mood for rapture. She would just begin to understand my power over her, body and soul.

  Her concentration was magnificent, allowing me to move directly behind her. I said nothing as I brushed the tips of my fingers down the backs of her arms, marveling in the way her skin reacted.

  Her hand quavered, stopping in mid-stroke. Even the sounds of her slight mewling, so soft and elegant in nature was enough to drive my cock to the point of blinding anguish.

  I kissed the back of her neck, holding my lips in position before whispering, “What you haven’t realized yet is that you belong to me, Caroline.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I think you do. Search your soul. I’m exactly what you’ve craved all those lonely nights, a man capable of providing not only discipline but one who can fulfill your greatest desires.” I eased the brush out of her hand, taking my time placing it on the table. She watched my every move, her shoulders moving up and down.


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