His as Payment

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His as Payment Page 13

by Piper Stone

  “Sorry, boss. He just arrived without notice. Doesn’t even have his detail with him.” Bruno shrugged.

  “Which means what, exactly?”

  “I’m not certain. He said nothing, seemed to know exactly where he was going.”

  “He’s here for more than dinner and gambling. We might have to set up a meeting. Have you checked the private parties?”

  Bruno nodded. “Every one of them. Nothing is going on as far as Angelo can tell.”

  “Which usually means there is.” I could still see them from where I stood, their bodies clinging together. I clenched my fist, more aggravated than I should be. I knew Lorenzo wouldn’t cross a line, but his arrogance at being here gave me doubts.

  “I can check again, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” He noticed my gaze, shaking his head. The man knew my limitations and they’d already been breached.

  “Check the reservations. I want to know the identity of everyone who has checked in.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you know what I find. You want me to escort him out of here, boss?”

  “I’ll do that on my own.”

  I moved toward the doorway, watching the almost stunning floor show. There wasn’t a single person in the room who hadn’t noticed them. They all knew of his reputation, as well as his tactics. Lorenzo was a mainstay in the news, enjoying the limelight that his status offered. I walked in, moving to the very center of the room, standing with my arms crossed. I wasn’t usually a jealous man, had never experienced that given my short relationships. I wasn’t a commitment kind of guy.

  But this. With her. And him.

  I was incensed. Maddened.

  He had his hand positioned on the back of her neck, far too possessive. His other hand was dangerously close to her bottom, his finger brushing up and down on her naked flesh. She was enjoying herself, far too much so.

  Swallowing hard, I took long strides in their direction, almost furious that the song ended before I had an opportunity to kick his fucking ass.

  Caroline immediately shifted away, her expression sheepish.

  “Go back to the table. Order what you want. I have business to attend to.” My words were sharp, laced with the kind of venom that I had for Lorenzo, who stood off to the side, adjusting his cuffs. I had no desire to conduct any aspect of business with the man, but his casinos had already been hit. If the man had information, it was viable that I listened.

  For now.

  She tilted her lovely chin in my direction, her eyes studying mine. “Where would I go, Dominick? I’m your prisoner no matter if I’m dressed in silk and diamonds.” Huffing, she walked toward the table, taking long strides.

  “She’s a lovely choice, Dominick. You should be very proud,” Lorenzo said in passing.

  “If you have something to tell me, I suggest you get on with it. There will be no additional interruptions.”

  After giving me a look of amusement, he exited the dining room. I curtailed my aggravation and followed, giving Bruno a nod before passing him and heading up the stairs. I had an office that I kept for these purposes, even though I loathed conducting any form of business in an open forum. This had better be good.

  Lorenzo closed the door behind him, hesitating before he walked any further. “Nice digs. You do well for yourself.”

  “The perks of corporate America.” I poured us both a drink, handing him a glass before settling on the leather couch. “What is so important that couldn’t wait?”

  He remained standing. “I believe we could have a mole in one of our organizations.”

  “A mole?” While this wasn’t shocking news, the timing was horrific.

  “Yes.” He took a sip then swirled the glass. “I have strategically placed soldiers in and around our respective cities. Don’t worry,” he mused, obviously seeing my bristling reaction, “they’ve been given explicit instructions to watch for this fucker who is threatening both our livelihoods. Nothing more.”

  I leaned forward, moving the glass from hand to hand. “What else?”

  “Word on the street it that there is going to be a major hit.”


  Lorenzo laughed, finally easing into the chair. He crossed his legs and settled in, appearing the arrogant ass I knew him to be. “I’m well aware that you have a runner coming in from South America later this week. If that shipment is hit, along with a few... let’s just say overdoses, then you’ll find it invariably impossible to salvage the operation, your reputation and, I might add, there’s a very good chance both you and your father will be indicted. I suspect these charges will stick.”

  My first reaction was to scoff at everything he said, but I knew better. I’d heard enough to realize the possibility was plausible, even though I was incensed that he and his organization had any details about the shipment. The activity was my father’s bread and butter, and I often wondered about his carelessness. However, if the setup was planned and it involved my casino, I would be forced to take the lead. “Very well. What does this mean to you? Why bother telling me, Lorenzo?”

  “Because almost every drug-related activity filters down to my turf, including my casinos. You are well aware of the hit last week. I’m certain it was a planned event. A shame the vice president’s daughter had a seizure because of the crap she ingested. I heard she will recover, although there is a chance she’ll be scrambled, if you know what I mean.” He snorted and fingered the rim of his glass. “I don’t like not knowing who this fucker is. Enemies I can see are easy. This is just bullshit.”

  I’d heard about the fallout, the investigation by the FBI. Lorenzo was a careful man, that much I could say about him. He refused to tolerate the kind of bullshit in his organization. “What do you propose?”

  “That we work together. I can certainly position my men in various locations, scour the streets in an effort to find this fucker before he strikes.”

  I mulled over the concept, my thoughts shifting to Marco. The various hits on my other businesses were obviously planting seeds for the FBI to find, setting up a pattern. “And what if this drug runner is found?”

  “Then we enjoy the retaliation and our world goes back to normal. I’m certain we can leverage the situation for some additional funds, although I don’t think either one of us cares about money, simply toasting the fucker’s ass.” Lorenzo grinned, his eyes locking on mine. “I am well aware of your distrust for me, Dom. That is the nature of our business, but it does neither of us any good if we’re implicated on drug charges that have nothing to do with us.”

  “Yes.” I took a sip, savoring the slight burn sliding down the back of my throat. “I agree that whoever is behind this scheme must be found. I’ll assign my soldiers as well, which will include invading your... turf. I’m certain that will be fine with you.”

  “Of course.” He rose to his feet, polishing off the remainder of the glass. I could tell he was hesitating, finally tipping his head in my direction. “Caroline is truly beautiful. I’m not certain what you hope to gain by forcing this alliance, other than the obvious, but be careful of the senator. He may seem like a pompous fuck, but I assure you, he is cunning and has powerful friends in every aspect of his life. His secrets mean nothing in comparison to what he can do by picking up a phone.”

  “Do you care to be more specific?”

  “If I had specifics, I would certainly be in line to eradicate these influencers. Sadly, I’m going on gut and certain tips, but let it be a warning. Don’t turn your back.”

  I gave him a nod of respect. He’d earned it in my book. “Let’s talk in a day or so.”

  “I’ll start working on our project.” He sucked on a cube of ice before easing the tumbler onto the table. “You have excellent tastes in several ways, my friend. I believe I underestimated you. I assure you, I won’t make that mistake again.”

  I fingered the glass, only exhaling after he’d left. The information he’d provided had proven to be very interesting, although my gut had al
ready told me that Senator Hargrove could retaliate in some manner, especially given my father’s search for Margaret. Sighing, I rubbed my eyes. The night hadn’t gone off as planned, but at least word would be on the street about Caroline.

  For good or bad.

  I’d lost the taste for scotch, leaving the glass and walking out of the office. I had a hell of lot to think about and needed to discuss things with my father. That would come tomorrow. Tonight, I would begin training my lovely fiancée. I took slow steps down the stairs, curious that Bruno was nowhere to be found. As I neared the dining room, a glint caught my eye.

  “What. The. Fuck?” Bending down, I froze before my hands could pick up the source. Her necklace. Yanking it into the light, I could see that clasp had been broken, as if ripped off her neck. I shoved the jewels into my pocket, rushing into the doorway. Even from where I stood, I could see the table was empty and the chair she’d been sitting in pushed off to the side.

  Rage consumed me as I rushed into the dining room, locating and yanking the waiter off to the side. “Where is she?”

  “Who? I mean...” Flustered, his face turned beet red, his lower lip twisting as his breathing became ragged.

  “My fiancée.” I twisted his arm until he winced.

  He shot a look around me, although unable to see the table. “I don’t know, sir. I swear to God. I refilled her champagne and walked away to other customers. I’m sorry. I just didn’t think...” His pleading followed by a single whimper.

  Control. I had to think about this. For anyone to come into the casino and be brazen enough to abduct Caroline with the amount of firepower in the building would be insane. I released him, running my hand through my hair. “See if you can find her and do so quietly. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. Yes. I will. I...”

  I waved him off, turning and scanning the dining room. Bruno peered in from the hallway and within three seconds I had my hand wrapped around his throat. “What the fuck? You were supposed to be watching her.”

  He opened his mouth, choking sounds pushing past his lips. “Boss... I came to...”

  I jerked back, backhanding him. I heard several gasps and hissed at losing control. She had that kind of effect on me, which would easily be seen as a weakness. Still, there was no need for an apology. Bruno had broken my number one rule, at least since she entered my life. Her safety was paramount over every other aspect of business. If the head of some new regime was out to take down two crime families, they had balls the size of watermelons. They’d use whatever tactics necessary.

  “I’m sorry, boss. She got away from me. I was coming to find you.” Bruno rubbed his face then stood to his full height, a conciliatory look on his face. “She asked if I could find the waiter for her. I was just gone two minutes. She must have bolted. There’s nobody here to worry about, not checked in to either the suites or private parties, and certainly not in the casino or dining room.”

  Which meant she’d likely fled on her own. “Cunning.” I’d drawn enough of a crowd that I was no longer in the mood to celebrate in front of anyone. She would need to learn her lesson. “We find her. Now!”

  “Yes, boss.”

  There was an irrational level of fear, a chill racing into my system. She had no idea what kind of danger she was in. Whether I cared to acknowledge or not, I was falling hard for the stunning creature.

  And if that was truly the case, she could very well mean my damnation.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d followed him, the man I couldn’t figure out in the least, and I certainly didn’t care about whatever consequences there might be. Dominick had proven to be a jealous, nasty, vicious beast, and every time I’d caught a glimpse of his other side, he flipped the switch. I hovered in the hallway, realizing that the necklace had fallen off. I took several deep breaths, merely trying to calm my breathing. I’d heard nothing from behind the thick wooden door, but I gathered from what little Lorenzo had said and Dominick’s reaction to them that they weren’t friends.

  There was an urgency about Dominick’s behavior, a need to parade me in front of the various celebrities in the room. They’d certainly been more than just curious, faking their approval, but I knew better, making my own assumptions. My relationship with Dominick would cause a roar throughout New York and beyond.

  Hearing Dominick’s gruff voice, I peered over the railing, horrified that he’d struck Bruno. A moment of guilt slithered into my system, but only one. The bodyguard certainly enjoyed the world he lived in, no matter the constant threat of danger. I watched them, studying Dominick, struck by the change in his demeanor. Yes, he was still cocky as fuck, arrogant and nasty, but he’d lost control.

  Of me.

  His prize.

  He wasn’t simply upset, he was petrified that something had happened to me. Did the man actually care about me on some unforeseen level? No, I couldn’t buy it. This was just a part of his elaborate game. He couldn’t lose. Ever.

  I remained quiet, but within seconds, he seemed to sense my presence, tilting his head. Everything about his personality overshadowed his actions, authoritative in a way I’d never endured. Even my father had an off switch. Not this man. I could see his chest rising and falling, the hard thumping of the veins in his neck.

  And his eyes.

  They were rings of fire yet icy cold, obliterating everything else around him. There was no need to beckon me, he did so with his ravaging stare. I darted a look at Bruno, who stood stoically, only a slight shake of his head as admonishment. I’d broken what limited trust I’d developed with the man as well.

  Oh, I should be so ashamed instead of giddy for finding ten minutes of peace without constant surveillance. I kept my grip firm as I walked down the stairs, pretending I didn’t have a care in the world. Was I frightened of Dominick and what he’d do? Perhaps. There was also the most ridiculous level of excitement given the outward danger, a truly blasphemous emotion I couldn’t explain to anyone. Maybe I was as sick as the man himself, reveling in the attention and adoration, the concoction of danger mind fucking.

  Before I’d reached the bottom, Bruno had whispered into Dominick’s ear. I would assume the evening was over. Dominick held out his arm, ceasing his action. He never looked away or allowed me to see an emotion of any kind. This was unlike him.

  Which finally terrified the hell out of me.

  Dominick said nothing as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the lovely chain. I noticed a shimmer in his eyes registering my surprise and relief. He walked behind me, easing the chain around my neck, taking his time to clip the fastener.

  My body betrayed me, quivering from the slight touch. The electricity was white hot as always, tingling every part of me, especially my aching pussy. I licked my lips as he slid his hands over my shoulders, his muscular and beautiful fingers clamping around my neck. There was no pressure, no need. I was well aware what he was capable of.

  “You worried me, sweet Caroline. That can never happen again.” The huskiness of his tone, the way his hot breath trickled a long line down from the tip of my ear forced a strangled breath. He inhaled, allowing his fingers to slide just to the edge of the bodice of my dress. “I will do anything to keep you safe.”

  He took my hand into his, clasping our fingers together tightly then motioned to Bruno. We headed for the entrance, Bruno securing my coat. I expected to walk out into the frigid air, giving me time and space to breath, but I was whisked through a locked door and down a long corridor and to what had to be a private elevator.

  The door opened to a closed-in parking area, completely devoid of windows. Another perk for the various famous people, protecting their expensive toys. Dominick took purposeful strides toward the SUV, the blipping sounds as the vehicle was unlocked creating a jolt in my system.

  “Wait outside the SUV,” Dominick instructed before guiding me inside then easing onto the soft leather, staring straight ahead while Bruno secured our privacy.

I crowded all the way against the other door, the anxiety suffocating. I heard nothing from him, no breathing sounds of admonishing and bitter words. I finally couldn’t stand the tension any longer and turned my head. “Say something.”

  He exhaled after a few seconds. “What would you like me to say, Caroline?”

  “Whatever you’re going to say. I know your mistreatment is coming.”

  “Mistreatment?” The word incensed him. Finally, a hint of some emotion. “How have I mistreated you? I’ve given you a private room, your own studio, and complete freedom of the house. I wanted to enjoy a fabulous evening with you, devoid of any drama and made certain that you were treated like a queen. All I asked in return is that you followed the rules. You disrespected me in every manner you could.”

  “You mean by dancing with your friend?”

  Hissing, he fisted his temple, taking several deep breaths. “Lorenzo is the son of another kingpin and certainly not my friend, but I suspect he wouldn’t mind tasting you.”

  The way he said the words left me with a hard knot in my stomach. “I’m not a whore, Dominick. Not for anyone or any reason.”

  “And he wouldn’t care.”

  The tension between us was wretched, driving a vise grip around my throat.

  “I knew I was in a safe place. I simply wanted to look around. I didn’t see any harm in doing that.”

  “Bruno would have been happy to take you, but you conned him into facilitating your needs.”

  I swallowed and shook my head. “And for that you treated him like a dog, because of my bad behavior. I saw what you did to him. Disgusting.”

  “Bruno is my employee and he has his own set of guidelines to follow. As I’ve told you before, I require discipline.” He let out a heavy exhale and clenched his fist. “I don’t know how to get through to you that because you are in my life, you will always be vulnerable to my enemies.”

  I’d been unprepared for the angst in his voice. “I’m sorry. I thought the casino was safe. I overheard you talking about how many of your men are guarding the building.”


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