His as Payment

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His as Payment Page 15

by Piper Stone

  His world.

  His people.

  His life.

  Now mine. I didn’t give a shit about whatever deal my father had made. I also didn’t give a shit about destroying his life. This wasn’t going to continue.

  And so I paced.

  Ugly visions of Dominick lying in a pool of blood flipped in my mind over and over again, leaving blood-red spots in front of my eyes. How could he do this every day? How could he tolerate being threatened, his life placed in danger?

  Jesus. I was shaken to the core.

  Bruno checked his watch, taking cautious steps closer to the window fronting the house and peering outside.

  “You really think they’re coming here, whoever the fuck they are?” I asked.

  “There is always a possibility.” He moved back to his original place.

  “Please tell me something, Bruno. Anything. Is he alive? Is he dead? What?”

  He exhaled and finally turned in my direction. “If he was dead, you wouldn’t be here. Dominick can handle himself just fine. You just need to do as you’re told.”

  I guzzled the drink, my fingers almost slipping off the glass. I could see his look of disdain even from where I was standing. Screw him for admonishing me. Me! No fucking way. “Don’t look at me that way, Bruno.”

  “What way?”

  “As if I’m a terrible person for drinking while his life is in danger. I’m not perfect. I’m human. I’m...” I couldn’t even finish the words.

  “I wasn’t thinking that at all.”

  “Then what the hell were you thinking?” I snapped my head in his direction, rubbing the cool glass across my clammy forehead.

  He offered what had to be the kindest smile I’d seen from him. “I was thinking how nice that you do care for him. He deserves to be happy.”

  The way he said the heartfelt words was oddly cathartic, yet so strange to me. His boss had treated him like some idiot only hours before, but he truly wanted the man happy. I was thrown, almost stumbling backwards.

  “Dominick will be just fine. He has you to come home to.” With that, Bruno resumed his duties, including the poker face.

  Everything was so quiet, and I no longer had the energy to fight in any manner. Even the drink left a disgusting taste in my mouth. I eased onto the couch, holding my head in my hands. I brushed the tips of my fingers across my mouth, hungering to have his kiss one more time or the feel of his strong hands rubbing up and down my back. This was ridiculous. I wasn’t falling for him. I couldn’t.

  Why was everything so out of control?

  How much additional time went by, I wasn’t certain, but I knew I was stone cold sober when I heard the sound of heavy and purposeful footsteps.

  I jerked to my feet, rushing forward even as Bruno attempted to keep me away, blocking my body with his. “No. Let me go.”

  “Jesus, boss. You scared the shit out of me,” Bruno exclaimed, allowing me to pass.

  Dominick jerked to a halt, his pensive and angry face relaxing. “You’re safe.”

  “I kept her that way, boss.”

  Dominick didn’t respond, his gaze falling on me and for a few amazing seconds, we connected in an entirely different manner than we had before, the slow burn of electricity warming my body. He was relieved, happier than I’d seen him, his smile so genuine.

  “I thought you were... I, um...” The words stuck in my throat.

  He took several steps closer, as did I, but a wall sprang up between us. Breathing in, he continued walking toward me, but instead of any kind of embrace, he brushed by my shoulder and further into his office. “Did she give you any trouble?”

  The same horrible man resurfaced, shutting down Dominick’s emotions just like always. I gave Bruno a quick glance, knowing there was obvious defiance on my face. I didn’t give a shit any longer. Let the man tell on me. What the fuck?

  “No, she did everything I asked her to do.”

  Dominick nodded and eased his weapon from the holster. “Well, that’s good to hear.”

  “Angelo with you?” Bruno asked.

  “A couple of his soldiers. I don’t think we’re going to have an issue tonight.” He seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

  “Let me do a perimeter sweep, boss. That’ll make me feel better.” Bruno waited for the single nod, the usual action before leaving.

  I went ahead and grabbed my glass, heading for the bar. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Actually, yes. Whatever you’re having is fine.”

  I could feel his heated gaze on me as I poured the drinks. “What happened, Dominick?”

  “I was compromised at my own casino. I had to take care of that.”

  “Compromised. You mean some high dollar junkies came into your dazzling facility to sell some drugs that just might cause horrific overdoses?” I could tell as I sauntered closer to him that I’d caught him by surprise.

  “What the hell do you know and who talked to you?”

  “I’m not stupid, Dominick. I read the news, or at least I did until I was kidnapped by you.”

  He exhaled and yanked the glass out of my hand. “I may be involved in criminal activity, but I refuse to allow anyone to die because of bad powder. There is someone who...” He huffed and looked away.

  “Talk to me. I may be able to help, even if it’s only because of listening.”

  “You’re going to be my wife, Caroline, not my business partner.”

  “Ah, that means I’m supposed to be play dumb and simply open my legs for you. Right?” I laughed in his face, shifting my hips back and forth as I held the drink in a toast.

  He gripped my wrist, pulling us both closer together. “Do you understand what happened tonight?”

  “One of your goons shot a man who I suppose is or was your enemy.”

  “Jesus. You didn’t exactly follow orders.”

  “I was worried about you.”

  Softening, he released his hold. “I didn’t mean to place you in harm’s way.”

  “I know that, but you always will. There will never be a time we can enjoy an evening out without bodyguards or guns. I don’t want this life, Dominick. You have to know that. Whatever we’ve shared has been passionate, in some dark and demented fashion. I admit that, but I can’t be the little woman who sits on the sidelines pretending that everything is going to be all right, worrying if you’re going to come home.”

  Dominick gritted his teeth, turning his back on me as he walked toward the bank of windows. “Why do you think I’ve never bothered to care about anyone before? Why do you think that I haven’t married or even considered an actual relationship? Because eventually the person I care about the most will be a target. All my protections and security advances won’t stop the inevitable.”

  “Then you don’t care if something horrible happens to me.” I could tell the words stung by the way his shoulders heaved.

  “I care very much.”

  “Then let me go.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You mean you won’t.”

  He huffed, shaking his head. “You don’t understand.”

  “Then help me understand. I want to go home. I want to rent my apartment and paint in my studio. My studio. Not the one you provided simply to keep me quiet. Fuck my father and his bullshit. Whatever he owes you, I’m certain his minions can pay for and I honestly don’t give a crap whether or not his reputation is ruined. As you’ve already imagined, he’s not one of my favorite people but whatever he’s done isn’t remotely the horrible things that you have.”

  The words hung in the air.

  “I deserve more out of life.” He was still ignoring me. “If you have something on my father then prove it.”

  He still hesitated.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he snorted.

  “I think I do, and I deserve an answer!”

  “You will not talk to me in that tone of voice!” he snapped.

  Something was eating at him. “I
’m a big girl, show me why you think my father is so terrible.”

  Jerking in my direction, he stormed toward his desk, unlocking the very drawer I’d attempted to get into. “All right, Caroline, you should know the truth.” He riffled through his desk until he found what he was looking for.

  As he tossed something across the surface, I cringed.

  “If you really don’t care about this going public, then by all means, we’ll end this.” He snorted before taking a sip of his drink.

  “What the hell is this?” I crept closer, still not able to glance at the photograph.

  “This is your father. Not only does he have a serious gambling issue, Caroline, but he’s into some sick shit. If you think that taking you away from him isn’t a good idea, then by all means, let’s make certain we right this wrong.”

  My hand shaking, I tentatively lifted the picture, fighting to focus as my brain homed in on what I was seeing. The horrible image of the girl and the... Oh. My. God. I was sick to my stomach.

  “That’s what his life is about, Caroline. While he was engaging in this kind of activity, your mother was wallowing in a mental institution where you father placed her, no doubt making certain she’d never see the light of day again. Do you want to ask yourself why and can you really maintain any kind of loyalty to your father after seeing this? And trust me, sweetheart, there are many more where this came from.”

  My entire world had been a complete lie. Everything I thought I knew or cared for had been shattered in that one single moment. The only thing that I could do was react, tossing the drink in his face a split second before I cracked my hand across his jaw. The ringing in my ears was only marginal in comparison to the horrible pounding in my heart. “Why would you do that to me? Why? Because you enjoy making me suffer? Obviously, you do given the deal you made, but to sink to this level means you’re truly an evil man and not just a bastard and a liar, Dominick Lugiano. And one day, I will have the pleasure of killing you.”

  Chapter Ten


  Evil. I was the epitome of evil and up until this point had enjoyed the concept. Fuck. Fuck!

  I slammed my hand on the desk, my eyes pinned on the photograph. I shouldn’t have shown her the disgusting blackmail piece, destroying what tenable hold she had on her previous reality. I’d gone over the edge, my emotions rolling all over the place. I’d been petrified leaving her behind in the garage, fighting to get back to her. If the assholes who’d invaded the casino had found out she was in the car, I had no doubt they would have taken her as leverage. Things were getting out of hand quickly.

  And I still had no knowledge of who the fuck they were.

  The asshole that Angelo had killed was nothing more than a street thug, cleaned up for the night’s adventure, but it was easy to tell. The only thing that continued to trouble me was the fact they’d been well organized, able to breach the security of the garage, which would have allowed them into the casino without any questions asked. An insider? Most likely and the entire staff would be questioned.

  “Any more information on the assholes?” Bruno asked as he walked into my office.

  “Nothing substantial. Several of the bastards got away.” Three of them had been taken out, one of the vehicles confiscated. Unfortunately, a more significant amount of the drugs must have been in the getaway van. Still, perhaps the bag we’d confiscated would put them on edge, even forcing their hand. Angelo had already leaked the information that we had two of their goons on lockdown. He would work on their information skills over night, but I had my doubts they would talk. Now, we had to be prepared for anything.

  “Who was the dude you hit?”

  I lifted my head, trying to calm my nerves. “No ID and none of the boys had ever seen him before.” I yanked out my phone, eyeing the picture I’d taken. The guy was in his early twenties, his neck and hands covered in tattoos.

  “You gonna show that to Marco?” Bruno inched closer, his gaze falling to the shadowed photo.

  “Not a bad idea.” I glared at the photo, as if it was going to tell me anything vital.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what did Lorenzo want?”

  I’d almost forgotten about my conversation with him. “He wants to find the asshole as much as we do.”

  “Does that mean you’re working with him?” I heard the condescending tone in his voice. There wasn’t another man who could get away with that, with the exception of my father.

  “Good business decision, Bruno. Shit on the street is we’re being set up for a major fall. That’s not going to happen on my watch.” I flipped through my phone until I found Lorenzo’s phone number, texting him the pictures of the runners.

  He snorted and glanced down at the photograph of the senator. “Jesus. Is that Drummand Hargrove?”

  “Yep.” I grabbed the picture and shoved it back in the drawer, loathing my ridiculous behavior even more. She’d admitted her worry and fear and I’d thrown the deal back in her face.

  “Fuck me. What in the hell is wrong with people? And those jerks, don’t they have an idea of who you are?”

  “Drummand is just a piece of shit harboring secrets. As far as the asshole, he’s someone who doesn’t think very highly of our muscle, my friend.” Or of the power of the Borgata. I tossed the phone on the desk, exhaustion settling in. “You need to make certain you don’t allow Caroline out of your sight. That’s vital, especially in the next few days.” When he didn’t say anything, I glanced in his direction. “Do you need to say something to me?”

  He shifted back and forth. “I mean no disrespect, boss, but you’ve been acting entirely different since Caroline came to the house.”


  Obviously uncomfortable, his face flushed. “Just that you’re losing control. I’ve never seen you so angry.” His eyes opened wide, waiting for some kind of violent rebuff.

  “You’re right, Bruno. She managed to get under my skin and that can’t happen, especially right now.”

  “Have you been honest with her?”


  He shrugged. “You know, about your life? I think if she gets to know you better, she’ll stop making everything so difficult. She’s scared and doesn’t understand our way of life. She was one protected little girl, I can tell you that much.”

  Protected wasn’t exactly the world I’d use. I inhaled, holding my breath as I thought about my answer. “If I include her in every aspect of my business, I have to trust that she’s loyal. Right now? I’m not certain that will ever happen.”

  “You know what they say about loyalty, boss. That’s earned.”

  The words would forever haunt me. “You’re right.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He grinned.

  His words allowed me to laugh. “Take her shopping tomorrow. Buy her whatever she wants. I don’t care about the money spent but make certain she’s not out of your sight for a minute. Not a dressing room. Not a bathroom.”

  “I think she’d prefer to have you by her side.” He threw up his hands. “Just sayin’, boss. I can tell she digs you.”

  I fingered the Glock, also furious that she’d seen a hit. I was absolutely losing my shit. “I seriously doubt that, Bruno. She’s made it very clear that she loathes the ground I walk on.”

  “Aww, don’t you know that’s just the way a woman talks when she’s flirting?”

  I laughed again. “You are a man of many talents, Bruno. I’ll give you that.”

  “I appreciate that. Where are you going to be tomorrow, boss?”

  I held the gun into the light, checking the clip then slapping it secure. “I’m going hunting.”

  * * *

  The morning dawned brighter than it had in a solid week, the sunlight a welcome change. I was still seething from the brazen attempted entrance. News from the Francesco family had yet to provide anything useful, which of course forced me to question my contrived loyalty to Lorenzo’s honesty. I hadn’t remained alive for this long by trustin
g the wrong person and I wasn’t about to start now. Angelo had been tasked to keep an ear to the streets.

  I roared the Ferrari around the corner, sliding into a parking spot in front of the coffee shop. As I climbed out, I scanned the street, my desire to find one of the fucks high on my priority list. Everything seemed too quiet.

  The shop was packed with college kids, the noise at a high decibel. I nodded to Marco as I walked in and instantly his smile faded. The fear in his eyes was palpable. I headed for the back, bursting in and glaring at the two employees. “Get out.”

  They scrambled without question, immediately dropping what they were working on. Marco came in, a pensive look on his face. “They haven’t been back here. I swear to God. I would have called you like you asked.”

  “That’s because they were pulling a job at my casino.” I had the pictures ready, shoving the phone in his face. “These some of the guys who attacked you?”

  He exhaled, eyeing me before taking the phone in his hand. “Yeah. All three. Motherfucking assholes. Tore up this place. I just got it back together. What happened?”

  He knew better than to ask that question. “What else have you heard?”

  “I put out the word, but not a single bite. Maybe they know...” Marco looked over his shoulder toward the door. “You know. The other day.”

  Which would lend itself to the credibility of an existing mole. “Possible. Keep business exactly the same.”

  “I will.”

  “And keep your mouth shut. I was never here asking you any questions.”

  “No, sir. You can count on me.”

  Marco was telling the truth. I left without saying another word. My next stop? My father’s office. I strolled in as usual, ready to pass by the receptionist when she jumped to her feet.

  “Mr. Lugiano. I just wanted to take the opportunity to say congratulations.”

  “For?” Her words caught me off guard.

  “Your engagement. That’s wonderful. She is really very beautiful. I know you’re going to have a very happy life.”

  How in the hell could she know already? Her eyes were far too bright, happy for me in a way that made me have a twinge of guilt. She actually meant what she said. If only she had an inkling about the truth. “My father tell you?”


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