Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series)

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Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series) Page 7

by Nichole Wolfe

  Autumn nodded as the woman walked off into another room, leaving her to figure out if she could bring herself to go back to Torin’s room. Because, dammit, now she wanted to know what even a former Blackmoon slave thought she would like. A gift. That she’d actually like. What a thought.


  Torin ran his fingers through his hair, muttering to himself about confusing women for the tenth time. He didn’t get it. He had done nothing to warrant the woman fleeing the room this time. All he’d wanted to do was give her a fucking gift!

  Zeus Almighty, maybe this was all useless. Maybe she couldn’t trust a man. Hell, he didn’t even blame her. Maybe she could see a man as a friend. And who was he kidding. He didn’t want to just be her friend. Not really. He felt it every time she was near. Every time she was within reach, his fingers itched to touch her. Just a gentle stroke. But he couldn’t.

  Just as he was about to snatch the gift from beneath the quilt and throw it in the trash, he spotted her. Her tiny frame hidden as she peered around the doorframe, her eyes watching him like a hawk. And something had captured her interest. Hope sparked back to life. Because that something inside him was still screaming “save her.”

  Inch by tortuous inch, she came out from behind the door frame, stepping into the room one tedious step at a time. But he made no move toward her, didn’t even utter a word. Afraid he might scare her off again. No, he let her come at her pace as close to him as she felt comfortable. She stopped just beyond his reach, eyes still locked with his as they gazed at each other over the bed.

  Silently, slowly, he pulled the box from beneath the quilt.

  Her eyes fell, widening in surprise. When her head tilted to one side, he wondered if maybe she didn’t recognize the gift wrapping. He had admittedly done a shoddy job of it.

  He cleared his throat, holding it out for her. “Sorry about the wrap job. I’ve never done it before.”

  Her eyebrows quirked as she reached for the box, her fingertips brushing his own. He felt the contact down to his toes, and from the way her eyes flew back up to his, her pretty lips parting oh-so-perfectly, so had she.

  Oh, yes, hope was in full bloom.

  A moment passed as he soaked up the tension sizzling just below the surface, their eyes dancing with each other. Then, she looked down, and the moment was gone.

  Despite the pang of disappointment in his chest, he tried to keep his face neutral. She turned the box over in her hand, peering at all the paper and string, glancing up at him when the contents clinked inside.

  When she set the box down and gave him a weak smile, he smirked. “You’re supposed to open it,” he murmured, excitement blazing through him as he realized she’d never received a gift before.

  Her eyebrows raised as her mouth made a little “o.” Her delicate fingers unwrapped the gift without tearing a single piece of paper.

  And then her face lit up like a Winter Solstice tree, her smile more beautiful than any sunrise. She cupped a bottle of blue paint in her hands as she slid her fingers over the soft bristles of the brushes. As if they were a precious gem. When she finally pulled her eyes away from her gift, they were brimming with tears.

  He smiled at her. “You’re so talented, I figured you needed a new set. I hope you like them.”

  Bam. The floodgates opened. Instinct had him rushing over to her. “No, no. Don’t cry. I’m don’t have to keep them…” He snatched his hand back just before he touched her, cursing himself. He knew she didn’t like to be touched.

  And then her arms wrapped around him, her tear-soaked face pressing against his shoulder as she wept into it. The sensation took the breath right out of him. As he laid a gentle hand on her back, he closed his eyes, relishing in how perfect she felt in his arms. In his arms. At last.


  She had cried a thousand times and a million tears. But never. Not once. Had she ever cried because she was...happy? Was this what it felt like? Her chest felt like it would burst as Torin’s scent washed over her, his strong arms cocooning her.

  That realization had her happy thoughts screeching to a halt. If his arms were around her, she wouldn’t be able to get out. He’d overpower her and she’d be helpless.

  She scurried back, his arms opening to release her. No struggle. No resistance. He just...let her go.

  He smiled, gazing down at her with soft eyes. But he didn’t come for her. She noticed he clenched his fists before shoving them in the pockets of his pants. He cleared his throat again, rocking on his heels. “I take it you like your gift, then?”

  She blushed, wiping the tears from her face as she nodded. I guess she’d made that glaringly obvious.

  His smile widened, shiny white teeth peeking out as he bit his bottom lip, drawing her gaze there. He had pale lips, smooth in contrast with the stubble on his jaw. They looked...very nice. “I may have to get you more gifts in the near future…”

  Her face heated further.

  “You’re stunning when I embarrass you.” His voice lowered, his eyes piercing as they sparkled at her.

  She pressed her lips together as her cheeks probably turned redder than her hair. Damn him. Rolling her eyes at his teasing, she returned her attention to the paints. Her paints. They were all hers. Her eyes started to sting. Do not cry again, you big baby.

  He chuckled. “Well, you definitely take gifts better than compliments.” She glared up at him, tempted to stick her tongue out. “Don’t worry, I’ll still give you plenty of both.” He winked at her as he grabbed some clothes from his drawer and headed toward the door. “I’ll let you enjoy your gift in peace now.”


  Torin groaned as Alaric’s wooden sword smashed into his gut for the third time. Son of a bitch. That stung. Since when did Alaric get so good?

  “Dude, where is your head at? I haven’t whooped your ass this good since you were twelve.”

  “Please. You’ve never whooped my ass.”

  “Awww, is someone fantasizing about that pretty redhead?” Alaric wiggled his eyebrows and made kissy faces at him.

  Torin whipped him the finger and Alaric roared with laughter.

  “Seriously, man. What’s going on with you two? You’ve been following her around like a lovesick puppy for two days. It’s the first time I’ve seen your face since you spared me two minutes to introduce her.”

  That earned his best friend a second whip of the finger. Lovesick puppy? Puh. He hadn’t seen her for over twenty-four hours. Not since he’d given her his gift yesterday and she had gifted him with... the most perfect embrace in the universe. Shit, this was bad. Maybe Alaric had a point. What was going on with him? He’d known the woman for three days, and yet he felt...consumed by her. There was no other way to put it. She occupied his every waking moment. No wonder Alaric was whooping his ass. And if Alaric could whoop him, no telling what another lycan could do to him if he let himself be distracted like this.

  No, he had to forget about her. He couldn’t have that kind of distraction on the battlefield. Especially since his father seemed convinced Blackmoon would declare war if he didn’t march the poor woman straight back into the Pack of Evil. Which he wouldn’t do. Ever. Because he had vowed to save her from that pathetic excuse of an Alpha. And by gods, he refused to fail. She needed one man to not fail her in her life.

  Alaric waved a hand in front of his face. “Hello? There you go again fantasizing about Little Red again.”

  Torin smacked his hand away. “Little Red? Seriously, Ric?”

  His best friend shrugged. “What? She’s little and she’s red. Perfect name in my opinion.”

  Torin shook his head, but couldn’t keep himself from smiling. “You’re such an asshole.”

  Alaric smiled wide and threw his arms out proudly. “You know it.”

  By the time Torin dragged his bruised and beaten ass back to his house, the sun was fading behind the thick treeline. Patches of snow still dotted the village, most of it having melted in the sun. There were a few
small heaps left where the children’s snowmen had been only the day before.

  He’d barely pushed the front door open when Little Red (damn you, Ric) came skipping down the stairs. He gulped down a lump in his throat at the sight of her. The cream-colored dress she wore flounced around her little moccasins with every step. Her wild tangle of red waves had been tamed into some kind of braid. Her green eyes shining just as bright as her wide smile. She was...breathtaking.

  She came right up to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs. And just like that forgetting about her was...forgotten.

  He let her drag him straight up to his room, which she had swiftly stolen since her arrival. He had slept in the guest room last night. But touching her hand, feeling the ripples of pleasure it caused, made it all worth it.

  She released his hand the moment they were inside, prancing over to the fireplace. He glanced around, finding open bottles of paint scattered on his dresser alongside his carvings. Washed brushes lay on a towel on the bed to dry and her pajamas were thrown in a heap in the corner. The woman was taking over his room.

  He glanced back over at her, finding her bouncing on her toes and biting her lip. His gut clenched at the sight, but he tamped down the sudden wave of desire to bite that lip himself. Then, she stepped to the side and he gasped. On a large piece of canvas was the prettiest landscape scene he’d ever laid eyes on. Not that he’d seen many painted landscapes, but this one had to be as good as any the “cultured” bloodsuckers had in their museums. Trees of yellow, orange, and red hugged a bright blue sky. Stray leaves falling to piles where miniscule children jumped among them.

  “It’s amazing,” he breathed, looking down at her beaming face. “You’re amazing.”

  Her freckles faded as her cheeks turned pink. When she pointed at the painting and then herself, he smirked. “Yes, I know you painted it.”

  She sighed, shaking her head, and then repeated the motion. When he just smiled, she did it a third time.

  He furrowed his brows. “You’re trying to tell me something, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and repeated the motion again. Something about her and the painting. Beyond they’re both amazing, obviously. He studied both, trying to understand. Maybe she wanted a more detailed observation.

  It’s a beautiful scene,” he said. “Autumn just so happens to be my favorite season.”

  She jumped, excitement lighting up her face. Nodding frantically, she pointed at herself again.

  “Oh, it’s your favorite too?”

  Disappointment. She shook her head, slamming her hand against her chest. He must have been on the right track for her to get so excited. Maybe the season was the key.

  You…” She pointed at the painting. “Season…”

  She waved him on.

  “The season is...autumn.”

  Excitement again. “Autumn…”

  She placed her hand on her chest.


  Frantic nodding again.

  “You are…”

  She pointed at the painting again.


  She jumped up, clapping her hands.

  “You are autumn.”

  Mega-watt smile. A light bulb finally went off.

  “Your name is...Autumn,” he breathed. Autumn. Without thinking, he cupped her face in his palms. And by gods, she let him, gazing up at him with those dazzling green eyes. “Autumn,” he murmured.

  She sighed, smiling up at him, and he almost leaned down to kiss her. The moment seemed to call for it, but he stopped himself, fearing she wasn’t ready. Besides, if he kissed her now, there would be no forgetting her after that.


  Her name on his lips sent shivers down her spine. For some reason, his voice didn’t morph her name into something ugly and terrifying. He made it sound like it hadn’t existed before this moment. Like it was the first time she’d heard it correctly.

  He glanced at the painting and back to her. “It’s perfect.”

  She smiled wider. Her cheeks were going to kill her later. They hadn’t gotten this kind of workout in...forever.

  “Much better than Little Red, that’s for sure.” She quirked a brow at him, but he shook his head. “Nevermind.”

  He dropped his hands, taking a step back. “You spent all this time painting this?”

  She nodded, wondering why he sounded so surprised. Paintings didn’t come out of thin air. They took time. A lot of it.

  “Just so I would know your name?”

  Tilting her head, she stared at him. A moment ago, he had seemed so pleased, now he seemed confused. Like he didn’t understand how important it was.

  After she nodded again, he turned his attention to the painting. He studied it for what felt like a lifetime. Was there something wrong? Maybe he didn’t like it.

  “I can’t believe you did all this for me,” he mused, his eyes shimmering at her. “I’m glad you wanted me to know your name.” He leaned down, bringing his lips close to her ear. “Because I’ve been dying to say it for days.”

  Good, she thought as she sighed to herself, his breath against her skin sending shivers down her body. Because her name had never sounded so damn good.


  The next morning, Lauren came in bright and early. After knocking on the door, she flitted into the room with a tape measure and some material swatches in tow.

  “Good morning, dear,” she chirped, making Autumn’s head hurt. It was way too early to be that happy. But Autumn forced a smile as she dragged herself over to her pile of clothes to snatch up her dress.

  “Oh, don’t bother,” Lauren said as she tried to sneak into the tiny bathroom to change. “I’d just like to get your measurements.”

  Autumn turned to face the woman, quirking a brow. Measurements?

  “Gods know you need a new dress for the festival. That one Kay gave you won’t do at all.” Lauren beckoned her over. “It’ll only take a minute, dear.”

  Autumn contemplated escape. She really did. What the hell was a festival anyway? And why would she need a new dress for it?

  After a moment, she decided she was being silly. Lauren had been a slave like her, and she seemed very empathetic. So, Autumn stepped across the room to stand in front of her.

  Lauren smiled and motioned for her to raise her arms, which she obeyed. That was one thing she’d always been good at. Obedience.

  “My goodness. You’re so tiny, I’ll be able to whip up a few dresses in no time,” Lauren said as she read the number on the measuring tape wrapped around Autumn’s waist. She took a few more measurements as Autumn forced herself to remain still, cringing inside as the tape floated against her skin.

  After Lauren set the tape down, she picked up the swatches and beamed at her. “Now, which material do you like best?”

  Autumn stared at the woman, gaping. I...I can choose? Other than her paintings, she’d never been able to make her own choices in her life. Her clothes had been thrown at her as a guard or someone worse demanded she get dressed...or undressed. Her skin crawled. Thank goodness the measuring part was over.

  Autumn shook the dark memories away and concentrated on the swatches. She quickly pointed one out and Lauren smiled brighter. “I was thinking the same thing,” she chirped and winked. “Could I call on you later to try it on once I’m finished?”

  After Autumn nodded, Lauren collected her things and skipped out the door, leaving her to wonder what kind of dress could possibly make someone that happy?


  Today was the day. The Winter Solstice. The festival would start at sundown, and he planned to show Autumn everything she’d been missing. The Winter Solstice festival was his favorite day of the year. The food, the music, the decorations...not to the mention the presents. It was an entire evening of nothing but fun, fun, and more fun. Who wouldn’t love it?

  He glanced at himself in the mirror that hung behind their large dining table. Not bad for someone that rarely wore clot
hes with buttons. Or cared much about their appearance in general. His palms were already sweaty. Tonight had to go perfect. No pressure.

  Someone cleared their throat, very loudly and obviously, behind him. He knew before he turned around that it had been Kay. His sister beamed at him. “She’s ready,” she squealed.

  Kay and his mum had spent half the day in his room with Autumn. He had no doubt they had made up for all the pampering girly stuff she’d missed in her life. Make that two lifetimes.

  “Took you guys long enough,” he teased, because he couldn’t help himself. In truth, he hadn’t minded waiting one bit. Autumn deserved every second of pampering and then some.

  Kay narrowed her eyes at him, sticking out her tongue as she waltzed down the stairs, her pale blue gown swaying behind her.

  And then the world stopped. Autumn had appeared at the top of the stairs, clad in emerald green lace that hugged every curve she possessed. Her bright red hair was pulled back from her face, making her eyes catch each beam of candlelight as she tiptoed down the stairs, clutching the rail.

  “Wh...whoa. You”

  Kay giggled next to him, amused by his sudden case of the stutters.

  But he didn’t care because at that moment, Autumn’s piercing gaze found his. Before her gaze roamed down his body, heat rising from the dazzling depths. That one tiny hint of approval sent his body into a spiral of desire. Because now he wanted to see her look at him like that all the time. Greedy bastard that he was.

  “Gosh, you two. Get a room,” Kayline chimed in, pulling Autumn’s gaze to the floor as her beautiful freckled cheeks flushed.

  He threw his sister a nasty look for ruining such a perfect moment, but she only shrugged at him, trying to hide a smirk and failing epically.

  “Where’s Pop, anyway?” she asked, glancing around the entryway.

  Torin clenched his jaw shut, still harboring ill will towards his old man. He lifted a shoulder, but didn’t respond.


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