Billionaire Model: A Curvy Girl Romance

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Billionaire Model: A Curvy Girl Romance Page 1

by Rylee Quick

  Billionaire Model

  Two Hearts Forever #1

  Rylee Quick

  Copyright © August 2021 Rylee Quick

  All rights reserved.

  BILLIONAIRE MODEL is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without express written permission from the author/publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Billionaire Model: A Curvy Girl Romance (Two Hearts Forever, #1)

  — 1 —

  — 2 —

  — 3 —

  — 4 —

  — 5 —

  — 6 —

  — Epilogue —

  — Also by Rylee Quick —



  This book is dedicated to you, you sexy person you.

  Thank you for trying out a brand-new author.

  I hope you enjoy Emma and Liam’s story.

  — 1 —


  “Is he here yet?”

  I sigh and turn just in time so Reginald can’t see me roll my eyes. “No, Reggie. He hasn’t walked in since you asked me that five minutes ago.”

  The photographer sniffs noisily. “My name is not Reggie. It’s Reginald. I don’t know how you can run a wedding business if you can’t even remember names.”

  Sophia’s eyes sparkle mischievously as she takes a sip of her coffee. She flashes me a grin, and I feel a trickle of dread slide down my spine.

  We’ve known each other for years and she’s my best friend in the whole world but Sophia does like to start trouble sometimes just to see what happens, especially when she’s buzzing from the caffeine of her first cup of coffee.

  “Oh, it’s not a problem, Reginald,” Sophia says, her grin growing wider as she adds a bit of bite to his name. “Emma doesn’t have a problem remembering the names of important people.”

  My mouth drops open in a big “O” as I hear Reginald gasp loudly behind me. Sophia sips innocently from her super-large mug of coffee. I definitely need to make her switch to decaf.

  I spin around to see the upset photographer packing his camera and lights in his shiny silver equipment case. “Reginald, Sophia doesn’t mean that.” I glance over my shoulder and glare at her.

  This is why I was ecstatic when we hired Amy. She’s a kick-ass photographer with zero ego. Unfortunately, she had a bridal shoot scheduled this morning and there was no way to reschedule.

  Reginald shakes his head and latches the silver case closed. “I am a world-renowned photographer. I came as a favor to Amelia because she is a superb photographer and asked for my help.” He picks up his case and turns toward the door. “But I will not be insulted by—”

  Isabella is already moving in. She’s the opposite of Sophia in almost every way. Sophia is tall, with frizzy brown hair that’s practically uncontrollable, while Isabella is short, with straight black hair.

  More importantly, where Sophia likes causing chaos, Isabella has a natural talent to smooth ruffled feathers and calm the touchiest temper.

  The bell over the door rings as the door flies open, a human tornado in a sky-blue tuxedo and ruffled shirt entering like a superhero arriving to save the day. He looks around, flashing a smile that is almost blinding.

  “Sorry I’m late,” the human eyestrain says loudly. “I had the taxi driver stop for coffee on the way over.” He sighs loudly. “I don’t know how anyone functions this early.”

  I glance at the clock on the wall. It’s 9:15, meaning the... model? ... is forty-five minutes late.

  Fearing the worst, forcing myself to face my fear, I barely hear the phone ringing in the background. One of the other girls can get it, because I think I’m about to have a migraine.

  I take a deep breath and ask the question I already know the answer to, but a girl can hope, right?

  “Are you... Brandon?” I ask. “The model doing the photoshoot this morning?”

  He quirks an eyebrow at me and motions at himself with a hand, as if pointing out the eye-blasting tuxedo that’s impossible to not see. “Of course. How many men come in here wearing tuxedos after all?”

  “Our business is weddings. We work with brides and grooms all the time, so it’s really not strange to have men in tuxedos coming in.”

  Brandon waves away my explanation. “That’s nice but not really important.” He looks around the shop, then fixes his gaze on the man holding the silver case.

  His already wide smile widens more. “You must be the photographer. I already have a few ideas where you can set up.”

  Reginald, just as shocked as the rest of us by the spectacle of Brandon’s arrival, looks at me and frowns. If he hadn’t already been trying to leave, he would be deciding to leave right about now.

  Isabella leans in and whispers something as she soothingly rubs Reginald’s shoulder. He’s not won over by her yet but at least he’s not leaving.

  I run up to him so suddenly that he raises his silver equipment case and clasps it to his chest as if warding off an impending attack. “Reginald, I can fix this. I swear. Just give me a few more minutes. Please.”

  He opens his mouth to respond but I’m already walking quickly toward the front corner of the store. Charlotte is showing a woman one of the new designs that recently came in. She’s gorgeous, but my eyes are locked onto the man standing a few feet away from her.

  He’s tall, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes that make him look like he’d be more comfortable wearing swim trunks on a beach rather than standing in a bridal store wearing a designer suit. It’s not a tux but the suit isn’t exactly cheap, and it hugs his body in a way that shows it was tailored to fit.

  Charlotte gives me a curious look as I approach, my gaze still locked onto the man. He notices my unwavering stare and looks around nervously.

  “I’ll pay you five-hundred dollars to pose for a few photos,” I say, trying to keep my nerves from showing. I must be out of my mind, but these photos need to be taken today if the new marketing ads are going to go live on the website in time for this weekend’s bridal show downtown.

  The man looks around, as if he’s not sure he’s the one I’m talking to. Then, just to make sure, he points at himself. “Me?”

  I nod. The woman he’s with giggles. “Do it, Liam. You need more adventure in your life.”

  The man, Liam, frowns at the woman, as if silently saying adventure is the last thing he needs or wants.

  “A thousand,” I blurt out, sensing he’s about to say no. Our budget won’t like it but this has to be done.

  His eyes grow wide. “Dollars?”

  I nod again. “Yes.”

  “Just for letting you take my picture?”


  Liam looks at the woman with him and she gives him an encouraging nod. He sighs, as if surrendering to fate, then smiles at me. “Sure. Why not?”

  I almost laugh out loud as relief floods through me. I look over at Reginald and Isabella and give them a thumbs-up.

  Then I look at Brandon. “Brandon, you’
re fired.”

  Disaster averted. For a moment I wonder if it’s too early for a celebratory glass of wine, even though I know it is. Then I notice Sophia standing at the counter near the phone. The expression on her face says it’s definitely too early to think about celebrating.

  “The model for the wedding dress had to leave,” she says. She gestures at the phone. “That was her assistant calling.”

  “Why is she calling?” I ask, trying to resist the urge to yell. I point at the door that leads to the back rooms. “The model is here. In the back. She should have the dress on by now. Why is she calling?”

  Sophia winces as I finally give in to the urge to yell. Crisis averted just for a new crisis to appear? That’s not fair.

  “She got hungry while waiting for our male model to show up so her assistant ran out and got her a bagel. It had ham on it.” Sophia sighs heavily. “She’s allergic to ham. She’s headed to the emergency room, with lips about four times their normal size.”

  Well isn’t that just peachy.

  — 2 —


  I stand in front of the camera, looking at my sister as she continues shopping for her wedding dress. This is definitely not how I expected my day to go.

  “Are you in the business?” the photographer asks.

  “The business?”

  “Are you a model?”

  I laugh softly at the idea. “No. Not a model.”

  “Too bad,” he says. “You have great bone structure. You’d make a killing.” He tilts his head, narrowing his eyes. “I’d swear I know you from somewhere though.”

  Before I can respond, I hear the door to the back room open. I glance back, and the rest of the world fades away as my breath leaves me.

  Turns out, the woman who recruited me for modeling services is the perfect size for the wedding dress that’s supposed to be modeled. She was a lot less thrilled with the idea of standing in front of the camera than I was, but she didn’t back down from it.

  The white gown hugs her curves, the low neckline showing just enough to be enticing without revealing too much. I can’t help but admire how the dress hugs her hips, and suddenly I wish I had something to hold in front of me because my cock is just as happy with how she looks.

  I force my gaze up to her face but that doesn’t really help. Her long brown hair, draping over her shoulders, frames an angelic face. She notices me looking and flashes a nervous smile, her cheeks reddening.

  Fuck me. I’m a goner before I even realize it. I have to get to know this woman. And I thought shopping with my sister would be boring.

  “You look gorgeous,” I say as she moves up beside me. “I’m Liam by the way.”

  She offers a friendly smile that makes my heart race. “Emma... and it’s the dress. Wedding dresses are made to make women look good.”

  I make a show of looking her up and down from head to toe, enjoying how her blush deepens. “No, I don’t think it’s the dress making you look good. I think it’s you making the dress look good.”

  She laughs nervously. “Well... thank you.” Before I can say more, she focuses her attention on the photographer. “We are your willing subjects, Reginald. Do with us as you will.”

  Reginald smiles and nods, examining us as he adjusts one of the strobe lights. “The two of you look beautiful together. For the first few shots, I think we’ll have you stand with your back to him as he holds you close.”

  Emma nods and moves in front of me, backing against me. I try to stand tall while still moving my hips back a bit.

  “No, no,” Reginald says. “Closer.” He moves toward us, and before I can react, he reaches behind me and pulls my hips forward until I can feel Emma’s round ass against me.

  “Act like you actually enjoy being close to her,” Reginald says, giving me an encouraging smile and a pat on the back.

  Act? If he only knew. My semi instantly becomes a full-on hard-on as soon as her soft curves press against me. Emma gasps and stiffens slightly, obviously feeling my reaction to her, but Reginald doesn’t notice.

  “Perfect,” he says, raising the camera and taking a few photos. “Now, Liam, was it? Reach around and put your arms around her waist.”

  I bite back a groan and do as I’m asked. Emma’s butt wiggles against me as she readjusts her stance and I worry for a second that I might come right here and now.

  My sister looks over in our direction and waves, flashing us a smile, not knowing I’m being tortured in ways I never dreamed possible.

  After several excruciatingly wonderful minutes of having Emma’s backside pressed against me, Reginald has us change position, with Emma’s breasts pushed against my chest as she looks over her shoulder at the camera.

  I assume Reginald is getting some great shots of the back of the dress. Meanwhile, I’m getting a great view of Emma’s cleavage and a case of blue balls that I’ll probably never recover from.

  At one point, Emma turns and looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, giving me a smile that almost makes my heart stop.

  “Doing okay,” she asks.

  I nod, unable to speak out of fear of saying something stupid, like asking her to marry me or something. I desperately want to ask her out but I figure it’s best to wait until the photoshoot is over. If she says no things could become awkward real quick.

  “Emma, sweetie,” Reginald says. “Eyes to the camera.”

  She turns to look at the photographer, and I lower my head a bit and take a deep breath. She smells like lavender, and I can’t get enough of her. Please don’t say no when I ask you out.

  “Liam,” Reginald says, “this shoot is all about the dress but the look on your face is the perfect expression for a man in love. I knew you’d be a natural at this.”

  Emma looks up at me and I do my best to put a neutral expression on my face. She studies me for a moment, some unasked question in her eyes, but then turns to look back toward the camera.

  “Perfect,” Reginald says, the flash firing as he takes a couple more pictures. “The two of you have great chemistry together. I could shoot you all day.”

  I swallow, my throat suddenly dry. All day? God help me.

  — 3 —


  It’s the longest hour of my life as I try to ignore the fact that I’m getting more personal with the feeling of Liam’s cock against me than I have with anybody in quite a while. And with his fiancée just a few yards away.

  I’ve been in the wedding business for several years, starting Two Hearts Forever, a wedding boutique that caters to the curvier brides, right after college.

  I’ve seen plenty of couples portraits, even watched some photoshoots. But until now I’d never really realized how close the couple’s bodies are. Like touching close, like his hard cock occasionally grinding against me close.

  I’m sure it’s accidental though. Reginald moves us around like we are his own personal dolls to play with. A little rubbing against each other is bound to happen. And I try really hard to not feel a little thrill of excitement with each bit of contact.

  But he’s handsome, and he smells incredible, and he saved my ass by agreeing to my crazy idea. And his cock feels very... girthy. I shake my head at that. No, that’s not important. That’s definitely something I do not need to be thinking about.

  By the time Reginald says he has enough images to work with, I’m more than just a little wound up. The battery operated boyfriend will be getting a good workout tonight.

  I bite my bottom lip in frustration, almost hard enough for it to bleed. Why are the good ones always taken?

  “Are you okay,” Liam asks, concern in his voice. Another thing that makes him awesome. He barely knows me and he’s worried about me. Life is not fair.

  I force a smile onto my face, my tongue flicking out and licking the sore spot I created with my nibbling. His eyes drop down to my mouth and flash with a heat that makes me feel warm in my lower belly.

  For a second I can’t breathe. I can’t even r
emember what I was about to say, but then his eyes raise back to mine and I see the concern there.

  “I’m fine,” I say breathlessly. “It’s just been one of those mornings.”

  He smiles and I want to melt. “Well, you handled it like a champ.”

  “You did too,” I say, and then I remember I still need to pay him. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment I’ll go get the checkbook so I can pay you.”

  Liam waves his hand in the air, smiling a smile that could melt my panties right off if he wasn’t already engaged. “Don’t worry about that. I had fun.”

  He glances over to where his fiancée is putting down a deposit on the dress she fell in love with, then looks back at me. “Look, I know this is probably awkward, but like you said, it’s been one of those mornings.” He takes a deep breath. “Would you like to have dinner with me?”

  I gasp, shocked. So much for him being one of the good ones. Asking someone out when his fiancée is buying a wedding dress just a few feet away?

  “No,” I say, trying to keep my voice low. “How dare you?”

  I clench my fists, resisting the urge to punch him. How dare he? Not only is he insulting his future wife but he’s also insulting me, asking me out when I know he’s engaged. What kind of woman does he think I am?

  For a second I wonder if he thinks it’s okay because of the close contact we had, but that was job and a job does not equal a woman saying it’s okay to fool around. The more I think about it the angrier I get.

  I’m just a few seconds from losing it and causing a scene when the front door opens and Reginald runs in. I thought he’d be leaving after he loaded his equipment but he’s staring excitedly at the cheating cheater who cheats.

  “I know who you are,” Reginald exclaims, a big smile on his face. “I know where I recognize you from.”

  Liam barely looks at the excited photographer. “That’s nice, Reginald, but I have to go.”

  Without another word, he joins his fiancée at the door. He looks over his shoulder at me, a weird hurt puppy dog look on his face, and then he follows his bride-to-be out the door.


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