The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 7

by Michelle Love

  “This is a BBC fundraiser. The reason we wear the masks is so no one knows the identity of anyone there. The men wear them too. Except, you have to tell them your real name, if they ask for it. And if they ask you to remove your mask, you need to do it. As a matter of fact, you should do just about anything you’re told to. Within reason, of course. It’s all up to you how much of yourself you give,” she said, which didn’t make any sense to me.

  “Wait, so you mean to tell me I have to tell some man, that I don’t know, my name? But I can’t even see his face or know his name?” I turned around to look at her with a raised brow. “And just what does BBC stand for, anyway?”

  “Billionaire Bad Boy Club.” She pushed me back around so she could finish tying me up. “It’s nothing really bad, Tasha. These men are well to do business men. Some of them have wives and families to protect, even their careers. So just go with it and play by the rules. Don’t ask any man who shows interest in you what his name is or what he does to make his money. Don’t ask anything except maybe what he likes to drink so you can fetch him a drink. You’re to play the part of a sexy, doting, submissive woman. Kind of like a waitress, only you get to touch the handsome devils, if they let you, of course. Never touch anyone unless they tell you to.”

  “What kind of fundraiser is this?” I asked as she began to apply makeup in a generous fashion to my face.

  She ignored my question. “They pay handsomely for us to entertain them. The less you know, the better.”

  I nodded my head in utter confusion. In hindsight, I should’ve opted out of that so called fundraiser. Instead, I felt a sense of obligation to help her out as her friend and an obligation to myself to get the money I needed to pay the bills without getting into debt with my parents. And even an obligation to my curiosity. A thing I’d done little to appease in my life.

  After she curled my hair and piled it on top of my head using hairpins with tiny diamond-like beads all over them, making me look pretty great, she pulled out black cloaks for us to wear to cover our sexy outfits. Then we left our dorm and went to a long black car that was waiting for us in the college dorm’s parking lot.

  The driver was a tall man, wearing a chauffeur’s uniform. His face was long and pale. My instincts told me to go back inside and forget the thing she wanted me to do. But the money made me push that down and I got into the car.

  Dani opened the mini fridge inside of the limo and handed me two, short, crystal glasses then took out some kind of amber liquor and filled them to the top. “This will ease your nerves. The men do not like the women to be nervous. They prefer them supple and yielding.”

  As she sat back on the long, black leather seat next to me, she took one of the glasses from me and held it up. I clinked mine to hers and we both took long sips. The drink burned all the way down my throat and into my stomach. “You make it sound as if we’re to be some kind of hookers,” I said.

  Her laughter peeled through the air and her dark eyes danced. I saw her turn into a woman I didn’t even know. “Hookers? No, nothing that trashy. Just be nice, fun, sexy and let them do to you what they want to. They pay nicely. A pat on the ass can earn you a hundred-dollar-chip in your bra. That kind of thing. It’s nothing terrible.”

  It might sound easy the way she said it but my morals were beginning to come to the surface at a rapid pace. Then her hand was pushing the glass to my mouth. I took the drink to dampen those pesky morals of mine and finally, it seemed I wasn’t so worried about what some man or men might do to me. I hardly felt a thing, anyway!

  We finally arrived at a huge building in the middle of nowhere that looked abandoned, yet the parking area was full of expensive looking cars. I instantly felt nervous. All the alcohol seemed to have burned off with the nervousness. I was shaking like a leaf.

  “We’re here. Please remember what I said.” Dani looked over at me with a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It did nothing to comfort me. And I contemplated asking the driver to take me back home. As Dani tugged my hand, pulling me out of the car with her, I found that was not an option as the driver sped away.

  “Wow, he took off quickly, didn’t he?” I asked as I could smell the burning rubber from the tires as he peeled off.

  “Some of the women who come to these types of things get cold feet and climb back into the car. He has other women to pick up and there’s not time to take anyone who gets a sudden attack of the morals, back home,” Dani told me as she pulled me along with her to the large, rusty looking, metal door.

  She knocked three times as I stood nervously, looking around for any signs of danger. It just wasn’t a place for two young college girls to be at this time of night.

  A small window opened and a pair of blue eyes looked out at us. “BBC entertainment,” Dani said. The door opened and a stocky guy with a falcon mask on let us inside to a dimly lit small entrance.

  “Day, you brought a new friend,” he said as his eyes ran up and down the length of my body.

  “Greenwell is her name,” she told him.

  I held my hand the same way Dani did and he stamped it with a black X. Our cloaks were taken, then we walked into the darkened hall to a stairwell. Some creamy colored candles made light which bounced off the wet muggy stone walls as we walked down the spiral stairwell. Our shadows bounced around as the muffled sounds of music and a draught of cool air came crawling up the stairs.

  With a few more flights we were standing outside of a big red door where the music became louder. She knocked again, this time, four knocks on each upper corner of the door. “BBC sex,” she gave as another code, sending a chill through me. A small window was slid open and a pair of brown eyes looked at us.

  The door opened. There was a small-framed woman with perky breasts which were exposed in a leather bustier. She wore a leather slave choker around her neck and a simple black mask hid her identity. “Day,” she greeted my friend then her eyes turned to meet mine.

  She held her hand out but I hesitated a bit before taking it. Dani nodded in approval. “This is Greenwell,” she introduced me. “Take her hand, and she’ll take us to where we need to be.”

  After taking her hand, she led us to a dimly lit room with men everywhere playing blackjack, chess, and poker. Women were at every table, half naked with masquerade masks on, wearing lingerie like Dani and I were.

  “I’m going over here to the poker table.” Dani left me in the middle of the room, making me furious at her. She’d just abandoned me like I knew what the hell to do!

  I watched in complete shock as she was immediately fondled by a man in a tuxedo and black mask then she let him kiss her without so much as a word being said between them.

  Someone bumped into me, bringing me out of my stupor. I walked away without looking to see who it was. I was afraid it’d be some man who expected me to allow him to touch me in private areas and put his tongue down my throat without so much as a hello said between us first.

  I made my way to the chess table as I loved playing. I still felt nervous as I was half naked in a room full of people who I didn’t know. I could feel the eyes on me and it was the most uncomfortable thing I’d ever felt. But I was stuck there for at least a couple of hours, if what Dani told me was true, which I was beginning to doubt.

  The night had barely started and I was ready to leave. I chided myself about my swift decision to make money doing this. It was a mistake and my friend was into some shady shit!

  But I had no choices. I had to play by the rules. It seemed they were obvious. Let the men do whatever they wanted to you and act like you liked it. But how was I going to pull that off, was the constant thought which roamed all over my mind.

  This wasn’t who I was!


  I had watched the curvy blonde enter the party with none other than Daniella Day. She was the daughter of Supreme Court Judge, Vincent Day. She had been a permanent stain on the BBC and she worked the room full of billionaires.

  Every so often she w
ould bring a newcomer to be tainted by the men and their money. But this one she brought tonight was more nervous than the others. As if nothing could push her into comfortability, not even money.

  Her small curvy frame was beautiful and her creamy skin tone was accented by the red corset that I only wanted to rip off of her. I felt the thump in my cock as the tingling in my balls was building.

  The dirty thoughts in my mind of how I would tame her pussy to only yearn for me were clouding my judgment at the poker table. “Nic, you're drooling, get back in the game,” Tom, an elder, yelled my real name. I shot him an evil look as he knew the rule of the club to never mention our real names.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her laughing a bit nervously as Jon D. played the whisper game, flicking her ear in between his words. She gently pushed him away as his touching made her look uncomfortable.

  My body raged as I wanted to wring him by his old neck and toss him in the pile of rich misfits. I was ready to blow the game to get to her and escape to a room for a personal sexcapade.

  “You’re out, Bill,” the dealer called over to me as I had lost all focus on the game. I grabbed my Jack Frost drink and headed toward the direction of the newbie. But she had gone somewhere and I saw Jon D. with another woman as he sat around making jokes.

  I made my way down the hall that had old gold wallpaper and oil lamps lining it. I saw the light shining from under the bathroom door and I decided to check to see if she had gone in there.

  As I approached the door, I could hear the faucet running. I twisted the knob to see if it was locked. To my surprise, it wasn’t. Making my way inside, I could see her bent over the sink, rinsing her face. She was oblivious to my presence as I stood, admiring her ass as it was in the air, ready for my taking.

  I ran my hand over my hardened cock as she continued attending to her business. I supposed the makeup was bothering her as she was washing it all away. “You’re not going to spend the rest of the night cooped up in the bathroom are you?” I asked then her head shot up and she stared at me in the mirror. Her ice-blue eyes looked at me with shock and perhaps there was fear in them as well.

  “I…um …I was just rinsing my face and chest. Someone spilled a drink on me,” she explained.

  I found her nervousness quite amusing as well as her reason to explain why she was doing what she was doing to me, as if I were her father. Even though in that moment, I would be whomever she wanted me to be. “Your body is beautiful,” I said, then took a sip from my drink.

  Her gorgeous eyes shifted around as her chest rose and fell in a rapid beat. “I’ll excuse myself so you can handle your business,” she said, walking toward the door only for me to stop her.

  “I want to make you my business.” I ran my hand down her cheek to her breast.

  She’d left her mask beside the sink and I put it back on for her. “I’ve seen you but no one else should.”

  This had to be her first time at one of these things and I was going to be sure she’d be mine for the night. And no one else’s!


  I was almost speechless as the man, who I had seen at the poker table staring at me, was now in front of me. He had scared me a bit. I hadn’t heard him come into the bathroom.

  His dark eyes were penetrating behind the Phantom of the Opera mask he wore. His dark hair was silky and shiny. He was the epitome of a handsome devil.

  He chuckled, lightly. I guess he found me amusing. “Your body is beautiful,” he complimented me.

  My throat all of a sudden became dry as my insides thumped at his seductive tone. “I’ll excuse myself so you can handle your business,” I told him as I made my way to the door.

  I couldn’t think of anything else to say as my mind was jumbled with very inappropriate sexual thoughts for reasons I didn’t fully understand. But before I could make it to the door, his arm snaked around my frame. His breath smelled of Jack Daniels and mint.

  His face was just inches away from mine. “I want to make you my business.” He ran his hand over my cheek then down to my breast, making breathing stop for me. “I’ve seen you but no one else should.” He picked up the mask I’d taken off to wash my face and tied it back into place.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I forgot about that.”

  “Do you know the rules, newbie?” he asked in a whisper.

  “My name is Natasha but you can call me…” he placed one of his large fingers on my lips to shush me.

  “Natasha, it is. Now, Natasha, you will do as Bill says or you will suffer the consequences. Understood?” He eyed me through his dark mask. His expression was demanding.

  My conscience was saying no. But my curiosity took charge. I stared at him as my inhibitions were quickly dissipating with the presence of the dominating man, I had every reason to believe was completely gorgeous and completely out of my league, were we in the real world. Why not have a taste of the man I’d never be able to obtain in the light of day with no masks to hide us? “Yes, I understand Bill.” I bit my bottom lip as his demeanor changed to one of power and lust.

  “Turn around,” he demanded.

  I did as he’d told me to and turned, facing the wall. My mind was screaming at me to run but my body wanted to know what exactly he was going to do to me.

  His hands never left my body as I could feel him breathing down my neck, planting kisses along my neckline. “You are mine for the next 24 hours and what I request you must fulfill. Do you understand?” he asked.

  I turned my head slightly to the right as I had my own question. “What if I don’t want to fulfill your requests?” I was taunting him but still wanted to see what he wanted out of me.

  “Then you will be punished, vigorously. No outbursts, no touching, no passionate kisses, and no talking. When I want you, you will come, no questions asked.” His warm breath tickled the nape of my neck. “Now, do as I say and you will be rewarded.” He pressed his cock against my ass.

  I could feel his hardness as it screamed for attention, pressing into me. Then I felt a cold wet something, press against the warm skin of the back of my right shoulder. “What is that?” I turned fully around, trying to reach the spot, looking at his eyes as they held no emotion.

  “I just branded you with my stamp. So when you walk out of this bathroom everyone will know that you belong to me.” He moved his hands down the side of my waist. “Tell me that you agree with this and we can proceed?”

  Did I agree to what he was asking me to do? Be at his mercy for 24 hours? My body decided for me as my mouth opened and unrehearsed words came out more quickly than I’d anticipated, “I agree.”

  A moan left his plump caramel lips and soon he had my legs wrapped around him and my back pinned against the cold marble wall. “Reach down and pull off my belt,” he said with a commanding tone to his deep voice.

  What I was about to let happen wasn’t a thing I’d ever done or saw myself doing but his presence was more than dominating. It was electric and I felt anything but like my usual self. So I did as I was told.

  I managed to unbuckle his belt and pulled it through the loops. “Do you trust me?” he asked with a concerned tone.

  “I’m pretty much at your mercy so trust has to be key.” I gave him an even stare.

  He chuckled as he used the belt to hold my arms behind my back while still holding me up with his strong frame. His cologne invaded my nostrils as I closed my eyes and thought about what I was doing, letting this stranger tie me up. It was not the time for thinking, it was the time for doing. Things had gone too far to stop!

  Our lips met and they fell in sync with one another as our tongues fought each other for dominance. It had been a while since I had kissed anyone. His kiss was the best I’d ever had though. I knew that much for certain.

  My hands were tied. I knew it was to refrain me from any type of sexual affection. His hands found my spot as he pushed the corset to one side and then he ripped the panties I had on at the seams and placed a bigger hole in the
crotch of my fishnet stockings. “Open your eyes.”

  I did as he told me to and felt his fingers maneuver in and out of me while tugging on my clit. “Oh my…” he stuck his tongue back into my mouth to muffle my chiming pleasures.

  I bit his lip as he shoved his massive shaft inside of me without warning. “Natasha!” he groaned in the crook of my neck. My walls caved around his intrusive entrance.

  He pumped in and out of me faster and then slower. “Your pussy feels so good wrapped around me,” he cooed in my ear.

  I couldn’t speak as my body was his captive and so was my mind. His hips swirled around in a circular motion as he found a rhythm that we both could dance to. I moved up and down as he continued to push his way in and his balls smacked the cup of my ass as he stiffened inside of me. “Awww...yessss...” he groaned as I tightened my muscles around him and kept my pace as he slowed his own.

  I was at my peak and so was he. “Fuck me harder Bill.” I moaned as I bit the bottom of my lip in a fever. He did as I demanded and wrapped my legs around him more as if he wanted to bury himself inside of me. “I’m…uhmmmm…I’m!” I bit into the crook of his neck as I came undone.

  “Bad girl,” he whispered as his cock jerked with heated bursts inside of me.

  Our bodies collapsed together as sweat beads rolled down my breasts. My legs were still cuffed in the fold of his arms as he regained his composure.

  “You are to be punished for your outbursts,” he said in an even but stern tone. I looked at him with confusion as he let me down, gently. “Now turn around.” His tone now cold.

  I turned around, hoping he was going to fuck me from behind this time. But my hopes soon crashed down with a slap to the ass twice, then he explained, “Those are for your sexual outbursts.” He flicked my ear with his tongue. I wanted to let out a curdling cry yet I knew then that it would cause another slap. Even so, there were two more that followed. “Those are for talking.” He flicked his tongue at my other ear. I felt as though he was enjoying this type of obedience he was getting out of me. “One more for good measure.” I felt his tongue lick the lining of my neck.


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