The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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The Surgeon’s Secrets: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 18

by Michelle Love

  “This is turning out better than I hoped it would,” she said and I had to nod in agreement with her.

  Things were coming along nicely between us. It would’ve been fantastic if there had been no interferences. But there were. There had to be. My life never went easy.

  And it seemed hers hadn’t either.


  A cold sweat broke out all over my body as I waited in Nic’s office for my father’s arrival. He’d set up a round table for the meeting to take place at. It was in the entrance room just in front of his office.

  When my father came in we’d go into that room to conduct the meeting it felt insanely odd to be a part of. But Nic had some idea my presence would end the feud between Grimm Defense and Technology and the FBI. I was not so sure about that.

  “I’m letting Agent Greenwell in to see you, sir,” his secretary told him over the intercom.

  Nic got up, buttoned his dark suit jacket and gestured for me to go out in front of him. I wanted to hide behind him and maybe stay that way through the whole thing but he was having none of that.

  I walked out, with him one step behind me. He’d bought me something suitable in his eyes for me to wear as his personal assistant. A navy business suit which was ridiculously expensive but I really loved it. It fit just right and I loved the way the skirt went to just below my knees and the jacket made my waist look great.

  I was looking the part of the billionaire’s personal assistant on the outside but on the inside, I was still daddy’s little girl and pretty scared of what his reaction would be. Well, scared isn’t strong enough to explain how I was feeling at that moment, terrified works a lot better.

  Butterflies were swarming my insides as we stood, waiting for my father to enter the room and I knew he’d probably be shocked by what he was about to see.

  When Nic’s hand rested in the small of my back, I just about jumped. “Maybe you shouldn’t touch me in front of him.”

  “Nonsense,” he said with an air of authority. “I am in love with you. It’s completely natural for us to touch.”

  “But we’re trying to be professional right now,” I said as I held a smile on my face, waiting for Dad to come into the room.

  “Professional we will be. But I do love you so I will touch you when I want to,” he said through the smile frozen on his face too.

  I could see that dominance was not entirely gone at that point and it kind of made me happy. At least he wasn’t becoming a hopelessly in love little puppy dog who his father would despise.

  The door opened, my heart stopped and in stepped my father. His eyes were on Nic then they moved down to me. “Tasha, what are you doing here?”

  I waved a little nervous wave as I said, “Hi, Dad. I work here now. Just started a few days ago.”

  My father stopped in his tracks. “You work here? As what?”

  Hooking my thumb at Nic, who still stood behind me, I said, “I’m his personal assistant.”

  “She’s in charge of my overseas trips. She’ll go with me on any trips I take so I can leave my normal personal assistant here to oversee things while I’m gone. She told me you were her father. Imagine my surprise,” Nic said. He stepped forward and held out his hand to shake my father’s.

  Dad took his hand and shook it lightly as he looked at me. “You work for this man, here?”

  I nodded as Nic let Dad’s hand go and gestured to a chair. “Won’t you have a seat, Agent Greenwell. We have much to talk about, it seems.”

  “Seems we do,” Dad said then sat down.

  I sat down and Nic came to sit next to me, across the table from my father who was looking quite stunned. I wasn’t sure telling him the rest of the news was a good idea at that time as he had so much to take in already. But Nic was in steamroller mode.

  “Your daughter and I have been seeing each other since that interview. I found her captivating. We’ve gotten very serious very quickly. She’s actually moving in with me today,” Nic said, making my father go pale.

  “You’re what?” Dad asked me as his eyes went wide.

  “Yeah, Nic and I are a thing, Dad. I was keeping it hush, hush until we were sure we were really going to go for it. And we are. So it’s going to be out in the open now. Isn’t that great?”

  He just stared at me for the longest time then he said, “Baby, do you know what this man is into?”

  I had a feeling he’d dig deep until he knew everything there was to know about Nic. “Yes, I do. I’m well aware of his dealings, Dad.”

  “That’s behind me, sir. I assure you,” Nic said, quickly. “When I met your daughter my world changed. She’s a bright light in what was a dark storm. She is my princess and I treat her as such. You have nothing to worry about. I would never harm a hair on her sweet little head. I swear that to you.”

  Dad’s eyes moved to Nic’s. “I can’t give my consent to this. Not the job or the relationship. You have to understand. I am her father. A very protective father. It’s not personal.” Then he hesitated and looked at me then back at Nic. “Who am I kidding? It is personal. I know all about you, Nicholai Grimm. You could never be the man my daughter deserves. You are evil and she just isn’t seeing it because of your money and looks. I can make her see it. I can show her what I’ve found out about you. This will never be.”

  My heart sank as I knew my father would be like this. But I also knew I was not one to be told how to live my life. “Dad, you and I can talk later. And you should know. I’m not about to end things with Nic. I know what he’s been into. I know more than you think I do. His money and looks are not what I see in him. We have a deep connection I don’t expect you to understand or agree with. But I am your daughter, and as such, you have taught me to stand up for myself. I will not be told what to do by you or anyone else.”

  Nic laughed, lightly. “She is right about that. Her will is strong. That is one of the many things I love about her. You have raised a wonderful daughter. One with the strength of a bear and the heart of a lion. You should be proud of that accomplishment. There is no other quite like my Natasha.”

  His arm ran around me and he kissed the side of my head. I watched my father’s hands ball into fists and I knew he wanted nothing more than to attempt to tear Nic limb from limb.

  But then the door opened again and Nic’s father stepped inside. “What are you doing here?” he asked me.

  Nic went tense immediately. “Father, we are in an important meeting. Jen should’ve told you that. I can meet with you later. I’ll come to you.”

  “Why do you have your whore here?” he asked.

  My father sprang out of his chair. “That’s my daughter, Grimm. You better watch your words, carefully. I’ve done bad things to men who’ve said less about her.”

  Nic’s father looked at mine with disgust. “You raised this? I’ve often wondered what kind of men raise these women who have little to no self-esteem. A powerful FBI agent has been one who raised a slave. I’d never have thought.”

  “She’s no slave,” Nic said and stood up, pulling me up with him but all I wanted to do was run out of there.

  “She better not be,” Dad said as he kept his eyes on Nic’s father. “I know all about you too, Nicholas Grimm. And it is you who will burn for the things you’ve done. Perhaps your son isn’t aware of all you’ve done in the name of family and fortune. It was your father who was a founding member of the BDSM club you charmingly refer to as The Billionaire Bad Boy Club. A place where women are taken to be tortured and raped.”

  “Dad, it’s not like that at all,” I said to try to bring the terrible situation to some kind of calm place. As it was at that moment, I was afraid a brawl was about to break out between our fathers.

  “You have no idea, baby girl,” Dad said. “I’ve seen it, firsthand.”

  “You’ve what?” Nic and I said together.

  “I’ve been there, recently. With a federal judge’s daughter. We’ve been investigating that club secretly,” Dad said, blowing
me out of the water.

  He couldn’t have been there the night I was. And he’d said he’d gone with a judge’s daughter. My mind started twisting. “Is her name Daniella Day?”

  Dad’s eyes cut to me. “Yes, your roommate is the one who took me into it. During the early evening while no one was there. I simply mingled in once the others started to arrive. And you wouldn’t believe the things I saw going on there. And that man you’re letting touch you was right there with them most of the times I went.”

  I knew he was. It was all becoming crystal clear. Dani’s date that day, the one who was driving the black Tahoe, was my father. She’d been working undercover to get that club closed down. But why bring me to it?

  No answers were coming to me and I had no idea if Dad knew about her doing that or not. He didn’t seem to know that so I kept my mouth shut.

  Nic’s father was outraged. “Have her banned immediately!” he shouted at Nic.”

  “Father, I’m no longer a part of that club,” Nic said then pulled me closer to him. “Leave me out of that. I’ll deal with the company. You deal with the BBC.”

  The new information about the club being secretly investigated had Nic’s father forgoing the argument there and going to deal with the BBC. I was unsure of what was going on but I knew my father wanted me out of all of it but I was tangled up in both things.

  Dad turned to me. “You’re coming with me.”

  Nic’s grip tightened. “No, sir.”

  My father’s face went beet red. “Have you made her sign one of those illegal Master/Slave contracts?”

  “No, he has not,” I said and held my hand up as my father was moving slowly toward me.

  I knew he meant to hit Nic and take me from him. “I don’t believe you. I can see him towering over you. I have seen this man in action, baby. You do not belong here. You will come with me. Don’t make me do this the hard way. I’m begging you. I will never stand for this, Natasha.”

  After taking a deep breath, I knew what I had to do. Turning to look at Nic, I said, “Let me go. I’ll go with him. He won’t stop until I do and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  My heart was breaking as Nic held tight to me. His eyes searched mine. “Please, don’t go.”

  “Nic, this is getting out of hand. He will hurt you.”

  “I will, Nicholai. Let her go,” my father said as he took another step closer to us.

  Nic said one word then and it tore me in two, “Mercy.”

  The Barricade Part Five


  “That was the last word I ever said to her. Mercy. Then her father dragged her out of my office.”

  Her eyes were full of fear and tears as she cried out to me, “Let him take me. Don’t fight him, Nic! I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “And how long ago was that, exactly?” my psychiatrist asks me.

  “Thirteen months,” I tell him. “We’ve been apart for thirteen, hard as hell, months. I have no idea where she is. I can’t even reach her father. The one good thing about it is the FBI has left us alone, completely. Not a peep has been heard from them about our company or the BBC.”

  “I have to let you know, it’s quite possible, the young woman herself, may be the one hiding from you, Nicholai. The story you’ve told me is full of negative treatment of her. You might possibly never see her again, per her wishes. It’s been over a year. You should move on.” I watch him jot something on the notes where he’s recorded everything I’ve told him about mine and Natasha’s past.

  He’s obviously not listened to how we spent our last night together. “I told you, we made love. She knew things weren’t going to be the way they initially began.”

  “But, with her father’s disapproval, she may have decided it wouldn’t be worth the fight she’d have to put up with her family to stay with you. Your world is one not many parents would approve of for their daughters, nor sons for that matter. You have to understand, you come from a different upbringing than she did.” His light blue eyes search mine as if to find a part of me who understands him.

  But there isn’t any. “I am what some would call, a catch, Dr. Freeman. A billionaire with a handsome face and athletic body. And she knew I was forgoing that lifestyle for her. I know she’s not hiding from me all on her own. I have people looking for her and I will continue my search for her. I came to you for help, not judgment.”

  He leans forward, re-positioning himself in the plush cushioned chair. His graying hair falls into his wrinkled face a little, making him push it back as he says, “I am not judging you, Nicholai. I am simply telling you the young woman may have her family making it hard for her to be with you. I do not judge people. We all have our little vices and idiosyncrasies, that make us who we are after all.”

  I still feel judged, though. “I should go. I need to blow off some steam.” As I get up to leave, I see him frowning. “The frown is for?”

  “What are you going to do to blow off this steam?” he asks with his pen at the ready on the pad of paper.

  “Take a jog and get some exercise,” I say with a smile. “That is how I blow off steam since she was taken from me. I’ve not stepped foot in the club or been to any event.”

  “Cold turkey, huh?” he asks, noting that. “That often doesn’t last. One who goes that route to end vices usually ends up plunging back into the vice with a vengeance. You can expect your will to bend and most likely sooner rather than later.”

  I came to the man for help and feel I’m getting anything but that. “Dr. Freeman, I feel as if I’ve paid you to merely hear my story. You’ve done nothing to help me alleviate my worries, my pain, my agony.”

  “There is little that can be done about that. You need to let her go. She’s gone,” he tells me as if that’s simple to do.

  “I can’t. I need her. I need her like I need air to breathe. I can see looking for mental help is not my answer. I need to find her and will never be whole again until I do. Even if I find her, only for her to tell me she wants nothing to do with me. I will move on if she doesn’t want me. Though that too will take a toll on me. I’ve never needed anyone before. She’s the first and only. I can’t just stop the need I have for her.”

  “Then you will stay upset and frustrated, Nicholai,” he says as he pulls a small pad out of his jacket pocket. “I can write you a prescription that will ease your anxiety.”

  “Don’t bother,” I tell him as I turn to leave. “I’ll not dampen my thoughts and fog my brain in order to calm myself. That will do me no good in finding her.”

  “Her father works for the FBI,” he says, making me stop my exit. “It’s highly doubtful she’s any place you’d find her. Think about what I’ve said. At least think about it. Both of your fathers are against any union between you and Natasha Greenwell. That is a fact. Bringing her back here will only start your father on his mission to break you two up.”

  With a growl, I leave his office, three thousand dollars later and with no relief. The walk to the elevator has me pounding the floor with each step I take. I’ve never been angrier.

  How could he tell me to get over her? How does he not understand I can’t do that?

  The doors open and out steps a tall blonde with a short skirt on. Her legs are long and lean and I look at them as she strides out of the elevator. “Hello,” she says with a soft voice.

  “Good afternoon,” I say then get into the elevator and push the button to close the doors.

  She stops and looks at me as the doors close, with a smile on her face and a small, flirtatious wave.

  I merely nod at her then my eyes go to stare at the floor. Before Natasha, I would’ve been all over that woman. Since her disappearance, my libido has gone south. If I never find her, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  Can life go on with never knowing where she is or if she’s okay? And will life be worth living if I never find that out?

  I have so many questions that no one seems to know the answers to. All I know is my heart pounds more
than it ever has. My head aches more often then it doesn’t. My body feels numb most of the time. This is no way to live. I feel as if I’m just taking in air and little else.

  The vibration of my cell phone in my jacket pocket has me drawing it out, ever hopeful it will be Natasha on my screen. Instead, it’s a number I don’t recognize. “Grimm, here.”

  “Nicholai, I need to meet with you,” a man’s voice tells me.

  “Who is this?” I ask as I step out of the elevator.

  “My name is unimportant. You need only to know one thing, Natasha sent me.”


  A cool breeze blows my way as I sit in front of the open window at the top of the castle that’s become my prison. The Aegean Sea is sparkling under the sun’s rays. My father has one of his friends keeping me here, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

  He took me away from Nic one morning about thirteen months ago. He stayed right with me as he took me onto an FBI jet that moved me from place to place, I suppose hoping to make tracking my whereabouts hard.

  The first thing my father did was destroy my cell phone. With that, he destroyed any chances of Nic getting to me. I’ve been under psychiatric care each day to rid me of the brainwashing my father claims Nic did to me.

  He tells me, and anyone else who will listen to him, that he did not raise a woman who’d live that kind of a life. He tells me I’m better than that and Nicholai Grimm is one evil man.

  No matter the things he says or the psychiatrist, for that matter, I still love Nic and miss him all the time. I don’t feel as if I’ve been brainwashed in the least. I feel I’ve been kidnapped, though. I feel my life has been taken away from me.

  With no phones in the castle, I’ve had no way to attempt to contact Nic. No one will send my letters to his company, the only address I could think of to send letters to in an attempt to let him know where I am. I wrote several letters to his personal assistant, who is also his cousin, as I knew they’d never allow anything to be sent to Nic.

  The lady who oversees me took them from me with promises to mail them. Only she never did as I found bits and pieces of them in the trash. She is nice to me as are all the people my father has holding me prisoner in this castle that has been abandoned for years.


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