The Discovery of an Assassin

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The Discovery of an Assassin Page 24

by Brian Keller

  Cooper asked Master Loril about the dual handed fighting that he and Mister Skran had demonstrated on his first day of fighting class. Master Loril was nodding right up to the point when Cooper asked him to teach him the stance and footwork. He ceased nodding and his face took on a stern cast, “And what, do you suppose, Mister Skran would have to say about this?”. Cooper hadn’t really thought about it that way and he mentally scrambled for a reply that would satisfy the situation, “Um, Mister Skran said that dual handed fighting was a topic for next year. But he also said that he’d likely be testing me in a month or two. I have almost an hour before lunch and wanted to use that time wisely. If you think it’s wrong to teach me about that, then please forget I asked, sir.”. Master Loril chuckled, “I suppose Mister Skran already knows about your eagerness and curiosity, but he need not know that you’re trying to find a way around his curriculum.”. Cooper started to look hopeful, but the big man cut him off, “No, that doesn’t mean that I will teach you about this. But… once Mister Skran has taught you, I will be willing to practice with you. Fair enough?”. Cooper tried to hide his disappointment. He certainly appreciated what Master Loril was offering but it seemed like he was almost within reach of a fighting technique that was sure to become so natural to him, but he just couldn’t quite touch it. It was almost like Channeling, except he knew that Channeling was always within his reach, though forbidden for now. Cooper managed to sound cheerful, “Thank you, sir. There is still almost an hour until the lunch bell. You had told me before that you’d show me more about this blade you sold to me on account.”. Master Loril stepped over and retrieved a dagger from a rack on the wall and offered it to Cooper. He held out his other hand for the dagger Cooper had sheathed in his belt. They exchanged blades and Master Loril whirled the dagger around between his fingers as he dropped into a fighting stance. Cooper adjusted his footing to meet an attack. Master Loril hadn’t moved. He waved Cooper forward to attack and the boy advanced. Cooper initiated with a short series of attacks, he didn’t get more than three strikes into his series before Master Loril twisted his wrist, turning the dagger so the upswept crossguard caught his blade which was then ripped from his hand. The dagger clattered to the floor. Cooper had adjusted to an unarmed stance the moment he’d lost the blade. Master Loril stepped back and pointed to the dagger. Cooper retrieved it and advanced again. As he was midway through a straight thrust Master Loril called, “Stop.”. Cooper froze. This time the upswept crossguard was less than an inch from impaling his wrist. Master Loril spoke, “As you can see, this weapon provides several options but it’s only truly effective against other short weapons. Trying to use this blade against a pole arm or spear, for instance, would be impractical unless you could get far inside your opponent’s guard.”. Master Loril held out the dagger and they exchanged blades again. Once done, it was the big man’s turn to attack. Cooper could tell he was moving slowly for his benefit and Cooper easily caught the blade, and then twisted. Master Loril spent days at a time working the forge, there was just no way for Cooper to turn Master Loril’s dagger enough to capture it. Master Loril withdrew and nodded, “That’s about as good as we could expect. Now it’s just a matter of getting the timing down.”. Master Loril looked over his shoulder at the forge and said, “I need to get back to forging that blade. You should have enough to think about until the lunch bell.”.

  A few of his classmates were already seated in the Dining Hall. Aden and Rukle were among them. They were excitedly discussing several of the test questions. Cooper had thought the test was fairly simple, most of it being either rote memorization or comprehension and application of class material already in their copied textbooks, all except the last several questions. One of those questions was the topic of conversation. Aden seemed to be leading the discussion. The question was whether there was such a thing as a justifiable murder. On one side of the debate there was the law and on the other there was rationalization. The deep hole of the debate was that each side had its own way of defining “Right and Wrong” so those terms could no longer be used without further defining them. It had been a time consuming process to write out his answer. Cooper ended up summarizing his answer with a simple statement. “Ultimately, there are some that deserve to die. If the law cannot, or will not save others from the grief they cause, then it is justified for another to end that life.”.

  The food for lunch held no interest for him, there was too much to think about, but he ate his fill. He had decided to give some thought to what he’d learned from Master Loril. The test was done, there was nothing to be gained by fretting over that outcome, anyway. He had begun thinking of how best to incorporate his dagger into a dual handed fighting system. The dagger wasn’t robust enough to block weapons much larger than a short sword, and that led him to wonder what could be the intended purpose for the blade. He’d decided that he’d need to ask Master Loril about that. Mister Skran might know as well but Cooper felt that the topic of dual hand fighting was an unwelcome one at this time.

  In the Training Room, he was changing fluidly between standard and reverse grip with his left hand. He still felt awkward fighting with his left hand, but he seemed to have more dexterity than many of his peers. There were several instances of dropped weapons, over-committed strikes and over-extended blocks. Witnessing these errors made him more aware of mistakes he might be making, he kept working at developing his speed without sacrificing precise technique. After several partner changes, he became completely absorbed in practicing. A few hours later class ended and the students placed their weapons on the table. The students were on their way to the dining hall when the bell rang. At least for this meal, Cooper felt hungry.

  Master Worthan was waiting for the boys in the classroom. On his table he had a roll of parchment for each boy. Each boy received and opened his schedule. Cooper’s read:

  Master Darius – Locks and Traps

  Miss Camilla – Apothecary

  Mister Skran – Advanced Combat (Beginning Combat pending)

  Master Brais – Movement Skills

  Miss Eiler and Mister Ysel – Etiquette

  Cooper asked Master Worthan, “Sir, there are no times listed, only teacher’s names and classes.” The old man nodded, “Yes, and not all of you have the same classes. The instructors are still working out your schedules, even now. Tomorrow morning, attend the first class on your list. You should receive your schedules from your first instructor of the day. Also you’ll now be expected to move to second year student quarters. Gather your belongings and take them to the dining hall. One or more of your new classmates will meet you there and take you to your new rooms.”.

  Cooper didn’t know where to find Master Darius, but Birt would know. He had a class with Master Darius, possibly the same class Cooper would now be attending. As he read through his schedule, the last entry stumped him. He knew what the word “Etiquette” meant, but it never occurred to him that it would be a class, and certainly not a class the Guild would hold within its walls. He’d have to ask Birt about that as well if he found him. Either way, everything would certainly be made clear once he started the class.

  He turned to the old Master, “We’re all moving on then, sir? Our classes in this room are finished?”. Master Worthan nodded, “Yes! You’re all moving on to other things, but don’t worry, I’ll keep track of you.” The old man smiled and then said, “If you have no other questions then, be off with you.”. Cooper had started to leave and turned back, “Sir, in case I don’t see Birt to ask him, where do I go for Master Darius’ class?”. The old man replied, “You’ve been to Miss Camilla’s classroom, I’m sure…?”, Cooper nodded and Master Worthan continued, “Master Darius’ classroom is two doors further down and across the hall.”. Cooper bowed his head slightly, “Thank you, sir.”. Master Worthan tilted his head, “You’re most welcome, Mister Cooper.”.

  Loryn was hugging on Aden when Cooper entered the bay. Loryn parted from Aden and ran to him. She wasn’t crying but she looked to be
on the verge. Her voice wavered as she spoke, “You’re leaving too, aren’t you?”. Cooper nodded, “Yes. And once you pass your tests you will too. We’ll still be friends, we just won’t be seeing each other as often. Unless I am detained tomorrow, I’ll come find you after dinner and show you where my new quarters are. That way you can find me quickly if you need me. All right?”. Loryn sniffled as she nodded, “Ok. Thanks, Cooper.”.

  It didn’t take long for him to gather his belongings: his bundle of weapons, the collapsible ladder, a partially empty tin of healing salve, his copied textbook, Miss Camilla’s book and the box of paints. Once he had everything arranged on him he gave Loryn a nod and left the room. When he got there, three boys were already waiting in the dining hall: Rukle, Habbon, and Kolrem. Cooper sat down near them and waited. Kolrem shifted over closer to him. He was trying to get a better look at the custom ladder strapped across his back. After a few minutes they were joined by a boy of about twelve years old. He had light brown hair, combed straight back, a prominent brow, brown eyes, and a slightly hooked nose. His mouth looked a little odd since he had a proud upper lip and a thin lower lip. He introduced himself as Josef and then said, “I was told to expect a couple more of you.”. Each of the boys introduced themselves. A few minutes after that they were joined by Neril and Aden, and Josef stood to lead them out. Josef told them that they’d be divided between two rooms. Josef said, “Four of you in one room and two in the other. You can decide amongst yourselves as to who goes where. The six of you will fill both rooms to capacity.”. Aden leaned over to Cooper and mumbled, “We’re buddies, right?”. Cooper replied, “Yup. And I think Kolrem’s all right and we know Rukle’s no troublemaker. So it could be us four, or just you and me. I don’t know Habbon and Neril’s still too close to Boyd. Of course how we’re arranged isn’t up to me, that’s just how I see it.”. Aden nodded, “I agree.”. Cooper was more interested in getting a feel for other occupants in each of the rooms.

  The first room they entered had four vacant stalls. Cooper and Aden held back, so did Kolrem. Rukle, Habbon, and Neril went straight in and started picking out spots. These rooms were built for six rather than eight. The room appeared fairly tidy but there was no sign of either current occupant. Aden looked at Kolrem, “If it’s all the same to you, Cooper and I were roommates before and we’re comfortable with each other.”. Kolrem looked around the room and said, “I had kinda wanted to room with Cooper to get to know him, but I know what you mean. I can take a bunk in here.”. He moved to the empty space. Cooper and Aden turned to Josef, “And then there were two…”, said Josef, “Follow me.”.

  This room wasn’t a complete shambles but to say it was disorderly would be an understatement. Cooper had certainly hoped for better, but had lived in worse. Skaiven had insisted on a clean House though, and he had grown to appreciate living in a clean space. Three of the four current occupants were present in the room. Two were girls, both looked to be eleven or twelve. One had dark, wavy, shoulder length hair parted at the side and her bangs held back with a couple of barrettes. She had green eyes, a small nose and narrow mouth. Her pleasant but girlish features made her look closer to eleven than twelve. She wrinkled her nose a little bit as she smiled, “Welcome. I’m Marna,”, gesturing to the other girl, “and this is Treanna,”. She then gestured to the boy, “and that’s Osrim.”. From the sound of her voice, she didn’t much care for Osrim. Treanna stepped forward and extended her hand, “Just call me Trea. Everyone does.”. She had light brown hair, brown eyes sparkled under thin, arched brown eyebrows. Her nose would be described as ‘pert’ and her lips were parted in a very genuine smile. She seemed to set Cooper immediately at ease. Her handshake was full but gentle. Cooper and Aden each introduced themselves and Osrim came out of his space and stepped forward. He looked twelve but possibly close to thirteen. He was likely close to Manifesting, his voice sounded like it had a mind of its own but couldn’t decide how it would settle, “As Marna just said, I’m Osrim.”. He had dark, almost black hair, trimmed close, and light blue eyes with a touch of gray. His features were handsome and his swagger seemed to suggest that he knew it. As he extended a hand to Cooper his step turned into a shuffle. He had just noticed Cooper’s eyes. His handshake was a little more firm than expected, but it didn’t seem like he was trying to exert his will. After shaking Aden’s hand, he returned to his bunk. Cooper turned to Aden, “Which do you want?”. Both open spaces were on each side of the door to the hall. Aden selected one and Cooper entered the other. With the ladder stowed under the bed, he placed all but Miss Camilla’s book into the footlocker. He sat on his bed and began studying the pages. He hadn’t even finished a page when Marna and Trea were standing at the entrance to his space. He looked up from his book. Marna asked, “You don’t get enough of studying during the day?”. He frowned a little, “There is so much to learn. And I know so little.”. Marna told him, “A few of the boys down the hall hold a game of dice every evening. Want to come?”. He shook his head and went back to his book. Marna made a ‘humph’ sound and he looked back up again, his eyebrows raised in an unasked question. Marna was looking at him with a look of disapproval. Cooper’s expression remained unchanged. Marna’s eye’s glittered and in a snide tone she said, “At least you could have said ‘No, thank you’ or something.”. Cooper didn’t like where this was going. He stood and granted Marna the full measure of his dark eyes before saying, “I would prefer to be friends, but I’ve already accepted that I cannot be friends with everyone. I do not respond well to attempts to manipulate me.”. Marna’s expression grew frosty and she opened her mouth for what would surely be a scathing reply but Trea had reached across her and pulled her along and guided her to the door. Cooper could hear Trea berating Marna but the only words he could hear were, “…only just… the least… get settled…”. Cooper watched them leave. Aden was looking across at him, “What was that all about?”. He replied, “Trea seems all right. Keep an eye on Marna.”. Aden nodded thoughtfully. Cooper stepped over to Osrim’s space, he was sitting on the edge of his bed holding his hands in front of him and moving his fingers in an odd pattern that seemed vaguely familiar. Cooper quietly cleared his throat, “Osrim, I’m not sure what I’m interrupting but if you have a moment, I’ve got a couple questions.”. The boy dropped his hands, “I have a class with Master Darius and I’m not doing very well at it. I don’t think that practicing without equipment is helping me at all though. What’s your questions?”. “Well,”, Cooper started, “Marna just asked me to go play dice and seemed almost angry when I refused. Is she always like that?”. Osrim laughed a short, dry laugh, “Yeah, she and Zarim, the boy that has the dice, have a thing going. One or the other of them almost always wins. She probably expected to fleece you tonight before you found out what’s what. I don’t ever play dice. She finally gave up asking me to go.”. Then Cooper asked his other question, “Who else lives in here?”. Osrim shook his head, “The other kid’s an odd one. He comes in late at night and falls into bed. Hardly says a word and he’s often up and gone again before breakfast. About all I’ve gotten out of him is that his name’s Evan.”. Cooper nodded, “Ok. Thanks.”.

  Cooper went back to his old sleeping bay to find Loryn. She was sitting on her bunk reading one of her books. She jumped up when she saw him. Cooper waved her over, “Aden and I are in the same room. Follow me so you’ll know where our room is. I’m sure Aden will be happy to see you as well.” She fairly skipped across the room and followed him through the halls. Aden was indeed happy to see her and she went over to sit beside him on his bunk as they read through one of his books.

  Cooper studied a few more pages from Miss Camilla’s book and decided he’d done enough for the day and put it away and went to sleep. He turned to watch as Aden left with Loryn to walk her back to her room. He hadn’t dropped off to sleep yet by the time he returned but did shortly afterward. He woke when Marna and Trea returned but pretended to still be asleep. They made more noise than was really necessary but
weren’t deliberately trying to wake anyone. Cooper fell asleep again quickly but an hour or so later awakened again when someone entered the room. He heard a quiet creak of a lantern’s shade being adjusted and a soft glow of light followed. After a few seconds of rustling and a brief clatter of a few buckles landing on the floor, the soft glow dimmed and was extinguished. “That’s Evan going to bed, I suppose.”, he thought. Cooper woke near his normal time and he took a few minutes to stretch before heading to the privy. He would say that Evan’s bed appeared to have been slept in, but that was true yesterday as well. The bedcovers were simply rumpled differently than they were before. Evan was nowhere to be seen. Osrim woke about thirty minutes after Cooper did. After Osrim came back from the privy he went to work oiling the straps to his leather armor. Cooper woke Aden several minutes before the breakfast bell. Usually Aden didn’t sleep so late, and when he woke he appeared a little disoriented, “Oh yeah. New room.”, he said.


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