Unmistakably Us (Imagine Ink Book 5)

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Unmistakably Us (Imagine Ink Book 5) Page 23

by Verlene Landon

  “Fuck.” Logan’s voice was rough and wild. “You’re about to make me blow, Rabbit, so you better come soon or I will have to fuck you again just to even the score.”

  January pulled her hips forward and then thrust back onto his cock. His growl was empowering. She did it again and again.

  “Oh, yeah, babe, fuck me.” Logan loosened his grip and let her control the pace. His eyes dropped from her reflection to where their bodies were connected, but January kept watching him in the mirror. Logan’s eyes flared at what he saw there. January wished she could see what he was seeing, what he found so pleasing.

  Logan wrapped one arm around her waist, supported himself with the other, and brought his stomach flush with her back. The glide of his leather jacket against the wedding dress was mind-numbing. The cool bits that kissed her skin above the low back, sublime.

  It was a perfect representation of them. The well-aged leather Logan wore was an exact expression of who he was. Plain matte black, smelling faintly of motor oil, a little dirty…used. Not bought to hang in a closet for certain occasions. No distracting or confusing patterns, just basic cow hide. It was his everyday jacket, a “what you see is what you get” kind of garment.

  The pale pink satin gathered around January’s waist hiding the red lace teddy was so her. All proper and sweet on the outside, but wild and untamed underneath, showing people only what she chose to.

  Each was seemingly as different as could be, unremarkable, but put a leather jacket over a wedding dress and people will remember it.

  It’s unmistakably us.

  As that whispered through her mind, Logan’s breathing increased, tickling the freshly exposed skin at the side of her head. She wanted him to lose himself in her. As much as she wanted to keep doing exactly what they were doing, she wanted to get to that courthouse even more.

  This time, January leaned forward in slow motion and slid back even slower. She felt the rumble coming up from him before she heard it. “Damn,” Logan grunted. “I fucking love this pussy.”

  Logan stayed bottomed out inside her again, just circling his hips deliciously. The man was a pussy whisperer. He knew exactly what to do to command her pleasure. All thought fled when he pinched her clit borderline painfully and began rolling it between his roughened finger and thumb. “OH, GOD!”

  January slapped one of her hands across her mouth in an attempt to stifle her cries of ecstasy. She could still faintly hear voices in the other room if she paid attention, which meant everyone in there could hear her.

  The eyes staring at her in the mirror flashed with something she couldn’t identify. Logan halted the orgasm-inducing motion of his hips. Leaning back over her, he removed her hand from her mouth. He held her attention, and he scolded, “Don’t,” he flexed his hips hard enough to rip a scream from her, “ever hold back when I’m inside you. You chose me, now let them hear your choice.”

  He made an agonizingly slow withdrawal, just hovering at her entrance. She could feel every thump of his heartbeat through the piercing that kissed her skin. Logan forced her chest to the pink velvet with a splayed palm between her shoulder blades. He wrapped her hair around his other fist—while keeping his hand on her back—and he forced her head back up to make the visual connection.

  When he slammed back into her, January’s scream was primal and unique. There was no confusing it with anything other than a woman getting thoroughly fucked. She felt the first flutters of her orgasm. The pulsing caused the ball on his piercing to put friction in that magical spot. She was careening down the O-Town expressway.

  “God damn it, you’re fucking tight.” Logan rasped as he pistoned in and out of her gripping body. He was close, so close. She could feel his head pulsing as he dragged the piercing along her walls. He used the grip in her hair to pull her body into his lap as he let his knees fold, causing him to sit on the bench.

  With her feet trapped under his powerful thighs, hers were on fire as he slammed her up and down on his cock, using only her hair to control both her ascent and descent. January closed her eyes and threw back her head as her orgasm ricocheted through her but didn’t seem to stop. It was the flawless combination of pleasure and pain.

  A hand gripped her neck from the front, while the hand in her hair pulled back. “Look at you, look at us.” Logan was still grinding her down onto his pulsing cock. “I want you to see how beautiful you are when you’re free.” She complied and watched as her orgasm peaked and began to ebb.

  She really did look different in that moment, but it was Logan’s face that drew her attention. He was…breathtaking. He bit his lip as a grunt escaped his kissable mouth. January raised her arms and wrapped them around his head as a strong aftershock rocked her at the sight.

  “Now watch what you do to me, Rabbit.” Logan released his grip on her neck and hair and repositioned his hands at her hips. A few ups and downs was all it took. He slammed her hard onto his lap, rocking her back and forth. She felt him start to come inside her. His eyes appeared damn near otherworldly with the way they glowed. “Fuck. This pussy is mine…forever. It chose me, and I chose it. I love you so fucking much.”

  The words he snarled as he finished sent her body into another aftershock. January fell back against him, exhausted in the best possible way. Logan adjusted his thighs, freeing her feet, but his cock stayed inside her, sending sparks through her body as he brought her more fully upon his thighs.

  Still staring each other down in the mirror, Logan dropped a soft kiss on her head. “Can you say it, please? I know I sound like a pussy, but I just need to hear the words, Rabbit.”

  January stopped her fingertips from their lazy track up and down his arms that encircled her waist, and she disentangled herself. A momentary sense of loss plagued her as his cock slid free of her body. She turned and straddled his lap, cupping his cheeks as she wrapped her legs around his flanks. His cock pulsed against her in time with his heartbeat.

  The words that her heart sang finally exited her mouth. “Logan Chapman, owner of my heart and master of my pussy, I fucking love you with all that I am, and yes, I choose you and always will.”

  The look she witnessed in his eyes before he shut them and dropped his forehead to hers was one she’d always treasure. When he raised his head, he looked like he was about to kick off round two of the sex in a wedding dress Olympics. She had to stop him or they might miss their own vows.

  “Hold that thought, big boy. Don’t we have an appointment to get hitched? I’m not letting you slip away.” Logan didn’t speak. He just nodded and started adjusting his clothes. January donned her burgundy Chucks, grabbed her backpack, and was ready to go.

  “Wait,” Logan’s voice halted her from opening the door.

  Before he could speak, he heard January’s mother comment about her daughter’s abysmal and vulgar behavior through the walls. He assessed January’s expression, and she didn’t seem fazed by it. He tossed his head back toward the voices he’d heard. “You okay?”

  January dropped her backpack and returned to him. She soothed his soul just by being in his personal space. Her mother’s words, and that other bitch’s responses, were irritating him, so he knew they had to be getting under January’s skin, considering the lengths she had gone through to appease the woman in the past.

  She jumped into his arms and wrapped herself around his body. Even with the mountain of satin separating then, his dick stirred. I hope this is how it feels for the rest of my life.

  “Of course, I’m okay. What that woman thinks has no more power over me now that I have you. Plus, with Andy and Stacy working damage control, I don’t have to worry about Gus.” She kissed him slow and passionately. The kind of kisses he had always avoided but now craved.

  Kisses were more intimate than sex to Logan, or at least they had been, so when she put her lips to his and swept her tongue through his mouth, he felt like Superman.

  When the kiss faded, Logan lowered her to her feet. “Okay, Rabbit, you got any of those l
eggings in that bag?”

  “Yeah, why?” She turned to search her bag, and Logan couldn’t resist. Grabbing her hips, he ground his now fully erect cock into her perfect peach of an ass.

  “Don’t ask questions, just do.” January stood, but Logan didn’t stop the roll; he couldn’t; it felt too good. She held up some burgundy ones with elephants. “That’s perfect, slip those on and let’s get going.”

  Reluctantly, Logan relinquished his prize and shouldered her backpack. The outside conversation ended with a few hurled insults from Melody, answered with legal promises from Andy. The door buzzer went off multiple times and the building went quiet except for the ambient music.

  “Sounds like Andy won that round.” As they were opening the door, there was a knock followed by a startled gasp and Logan almost barreled down the woman who’d showed him the back way into the dressing room.

  “Lydia!” January exclaimed, throwing her hand to her heart. “Sorry, I…you took me by surprise.”

  “That’s all right, January. So from the sounds of things, I assume this is the aviation mechanic with tattoos for days, a talented as fuck—”

  January blushed a shade or two darker than the bench they’d just made love on when she cut Lydia off before she could finish what sounded like a very interesting description.

  “Yes, yes. This is the man I mentioned.” God, she is adorable when she’s flustered.

  “I’d love to hear what I have that is talented as fuck. I have an idea, but I am looking forward to a detailed accounting later,” Logan rasped in her ear in a way he knew turned her knees to jelly.

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry January, but I’ve never been good at filtering what I say. But I guess you’re off. It was really awesome meeting you. I’m not thrilled at what it sounded like you had to go through to end up here, but don’t hate me if I say I’m glad you did.” The lady hugged January, which she returned. It seemed the two had formed a genuine bond. Logan was grateful for that. January was a people person; she needed those good friends around her. Logan only needed January, and he begrudgingly admitted to himself, his newfound family.

  Logan hoped they’d find a way to visit that didn’t involve her coming back to this town. A town that had stolen so much from her, one run by the likes of her parents and that other windbag. Rumors and scandal were what they fed on. He was thinking of how to put his foot down about it without costing her a friend, when the solution was already being discussed.

  January pulled out a card and scribbled a bunch of stuff on it. “This is how to contact the ladies I told you about for a job. And that is how to get in touch with me. If you don’t visit Florida soon, I’ll take it personal.”

  Lydia’s eyes filled with tears. Shit, that meant January’s wouldn’t be far behind. “Thanks. After seeing you take life by the horns, I think I’ll put in my notice; I just know I can’t continue on the way I am. Florida sounds like a good a place as any to start, even if your friends can’t hook me up, I’ll find something.”

  Logan cleared his throat. “Lydia, thanks for all your help, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing you soon, but right now, we have an appointment. What do we owe you for the dress?”

  “Oh, January didn’t tell you? It’s gratis. I won’t keep you any longer. Good luck you two.”

  They made their way to the main door. “Thanks, good luck to you too, Lydia. Hope to see you soon.” January’s voice was happier than it sounded earlier. Like genuinely happy, but he knew it was only going to get better when she stopped short.

  “DEMON! You brought Demon.” The way she caressed that bike did nothing to deflate his cock. It was going to be a painful ride with the zipper stamping his flesh.

  “Of course, I brought him. He is your first love, after all.”

  January looked down at her dress. “Not sure how I can keep this under control on the back of a bike.”

  “What do you mean back? He’s yours, always will be.”

  January looked puzzled. “Not anymore, I gave him to someone I love even more.” Logan came up to her, grabbed her ass, and leaned into her neck.

  “Ours then. We’ll be married within the hour, so what’s mine is yours.” They started making out yet again. “Besides, I got something else you can ride.” Just when he thought he wouldn’t make it to the courthouse without another quickie, Andy’s voice cooled his passion.

  “Knock it off, you two. You can make the babies after the vows. Right now, you need to get moving.” Andy was leaned again his car like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Were you there the whole time?” Logan knew better than to ask that question.

  “Yes, dear, I was. You two are hot as Hell, by the way. Very Julia Roberts movie if one were made into a high-budget porno. But that little heavy petting was nothing compared to the audio perfection coming from the dressing room earlier.”

  This time, January’s blush damn near matched her Chucks. “Oh, God,” she groaned.

  “Yes, that’s it,” Andy teased. “But seriously,” his tone shifted from teasing to professional on a dime, “your mother has been successfully collared and brought to heel. She blustered and postured, but in the end, she will not release any family secrets involving Augusta or yourself. She seemed quite adamant that I not go into detail as soon as I hinted at explaining to your…Mrs. Rodgers what I was speaking of.”

  “Really? That simple?” January asked before Logan had a chance. He wasn’t buying it either.

  “Actually, I think it will be. While Mrs. Rodgers was aware of the college slash employment contract, she doesn’t seem to be aware of others. Your mother used that to her advantage for a hot minute, threatening to sue over that. Which I informed her she is within her rights to do so and would likely be awarded a decent settlement per the contract.”

  Logan was now seriously confused. “Why would you encourage her like that? Isn’t the goal to stay out of court? Keep January and Augusta’s name out of it?”

  Andy’s laugh echoed off the building. It sounded a little scary. “Because, I wanted her to think of the risk verses reward. I took her aside and explained to her that the other contracts, while embarrassing for all parties, would have to come out. She seemed pleased by that fact, especially the embarrassing her daughters part.” Andy paused and examined his nails as if he were thoroughly board with the conversation, but the spark in his eyes told a different tale.

  “Then I stressed all secrets, including one that involved the negotiation of a decade of your life and a grandchild. She seems especially keen on the Rodgers not learning about that one. The woman turned so white, I damn near lost sight of her in the rack of wedding veils behind us. Seems she doesn’t want any part of that released, so we struck a deal. We keep our mouths shut as long as she does the same and turns over all contracts, papers, pictures or anything else pertaining to Augusta and January. All while publicly supporting her daughters’ choices in husbands and children.”

  Logan felt January stumble against him, catching her to his side and holding her close. “So, it’s really over? Gus is free? I’m free?”

  Andy approached her, removed her from Logan’s arms, and caught her up in his own. Logan prickled to snatch her back and deck the man, but he didn’t deserve animosity; he deserved a fucking medal.

  When he’d explained everything to Logan before, his heart ached for January and her sister. His childhood was no picnic, but damn. The Thornes were a whole different breed of cruel. At least his was open animosity and closed fists. These people emotionally blackmailed and extorted their own kids, forcing one into a marriage and using the other’s personal demons to do it.

  “It is over. Now you go make a honest man out of that boy.” Andy lowered his voice, but Logan still managed to make out his words. “You’ve both been shaped and molded by some bullshit, but you found a way to fit together perfectly. That doesn’t happen often, so don’t let that go.”

  January kissed Andy, and it didn’t bother Logan because he could see it for
what it was. When Andy put her down, she tucked into his side again. Andy opened the trunk and handed Logan a large backpack. “Okay, you two run along. I have to get back to Marco and my little Angel. That is, unless you’ve changed you mind, Logan? I can follow you two to the courthouse?”

  Logan shook his head no. Andy didn’t really seem disappointed; he’d understood Logan’s need for this ceremony to be just the two of them. Of course, he’d had to promise Francis she could plan them a right proper southern wedding next spring. Logan agreed to the lady’s extortion but it wasn’t going to be the hardship he’d led her to believe.

  Andy got in his car and rolled down the window. “Oh, and enjoy tonight, but be sure to be back by supper time tomorrow. The clan has something planned, and you can’t miss it.”

  Before they could question him further, he was gone. “Okay, logistically, how is this going to work?” January motioned to her dress and the bike.

  “Well, you hop on, then I’ll get behind.” Logan put her backpack in a saddlebag and donned his, then zipped up his jacket. “We’ll roll the skirt up your waist, and I’ll tuck it into my jacket from the bottom. If I do that and press into you, we should have it under control. Easy-peasy.” He booped her nosed before pushing her helmet down over her head and doing the same with his.

  They executed his plan to the letter, and it worked flawlessly. His jacket was full of her dress as they made their way down the country roads that would take them to Geneva County Courthouse and the judge who would ultimately marry them.


  The ceremony, if that’s still what you called it, was a blur. It was the paper and what was in their hearts that mattered, not the random words spoken by a judge.

  They left the courthouse the same way they arrived, January’s wedding dress tucked in Logan’s leather jacket. They had their first fight as Mr. and Mrs. Chapman before they even got on Demon. Logan insisted they stay in a fancy hotel, because he felt she deserved it. She insisted they stay in the closest one so she could have her way with him.


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