The Vampire and the Demon Prince

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The Vampire and the Demon Prince Page 3

by Mina Carter

  He scanned the club. “We need to move.” His tone was uncompromising.

  Cass shivered again, a dark thrill slithering along her spine and pooling in her loins. Oh, she had no doubt he didn't intend to turn her on, but there was just something about a man who took charge that, to her disgust, turned her on…turned her on big time.

  He hurried her ahead of him, hand firm in the small of her back as he propelled her towards the nearest exit. At the last minute a huge figure loomed in Cass's peripheral vision. Her demon friend swore under his breath and yanked her into one of the alcoves along the walls, spinning her around to haul her close. She had barely a second's warning before his lips crashed down onto hers, claiming hers in the hottest kiss she could recall.

  Her lips were soft and oh-so-sweet. A rumble sounded in Tiny's chest as he pressed her back against the wall in the darkened alcove and took what he wanted, what he'd been wanting since he'd seen her in the alley kicking ass.

  God, she tasted good, her lips softer than silk under his. A siren's temptation that enticed him, called out to him, even though he knew this was wrong. He shouldn't be kissing her, touching her… Hell, he should be hustling her out of the club before Knuckles got a look at her and even then, if the gargoyle knew what he'd done, he'd rip Tiny a new one. He should stop. Tiny knew he should stop. He would stop. Just one more kiss and he'd…

  She wriggled to get closer, and the sexy little moan in the back of her throat blew the last of Tiny's control. Grabbing a handful of her autumn-colored hair, he pulled her head back to bare her throat—a submissive position for a vampire and a vulnerable one. She stiffened, but the wariness in her body melted as he leaned in to blaze a trail of hot kisses down the delicate skin.

  Tiny's response was near frenzy. A deep need drove him so he forgot where he was, who he was with and the danger they were still in. He couldn't get enough of her, moving back up to claim her lips again. His tongue swept out and brushed her lower lip to request entry. As soon as she granted it, he deepened the kiss ruthlessly, seeking—no, demanding—a response. One she gave easily as her tongue flirted with the thrusts of his, teasing and tormenting him.

  Tiny growled a warning in the back of his throat. The hand in her hair tightened to hold her still as the other slid around her waist to press her hips against his. He was hard, rock hard. All he could think about was pulling up that little skirt she was wearing, shoving her panties aside, and burying himself balls deep in her softness.

  "Hey, man, get a freaking room!"

  Chapter 3

  The rebuke snapped them both back to reality. Tiny tore his lips from hers. Christ, he'd been ready to free his cock and take her right there, up against the wall of the club. Heat chased over his body as he realized just how dangerous the situation was. Any moment now someone could catch them and realize his companion was a vampire. Then all kinds of shit would hit the fan. Vampires did not venture into Moonlight & Magic—not if they wanted to live.

  "We need to get out of here. Come on,” he told her roughly, scanning all the exits. All but one, the one to the offices, were covered. Misty he could see over the other side of the club with Knuckles, the huge gargoyle's figure easily picked out.

  They were running out of time. It wouldn't take Knuckles long to pick up the trail, even with the Valkyrie distracting him, and Tiny needed to get his companion out of here before he did.

  His hand still in the hair at the nape of her neck, Tiny urged her across the crowded club, turning her around his body in a move as complicated as a dance routine as another of the security team passed them, also on the lookout for the vampire.

  "All right?” the guy mouthed, his voice lost in the heavy music. Tiny jerked his thumb towards the toilets, indicating he was heading there to check. Relief filled him as the other bouncer nodded and carried on the way he was going. They might actually make it.

  They reached the dubious sanctuary of the corridor. The music dropped to a dull roar as the door swung shut behind them. Rather than carry on down towards the toilets, Tiny hung a sharp left and bundled his companion through the door there. Half hidden by the opening of the first, it was cloaked by a similar aversion spell to the one she wore around her wrist, albeit a larger, more powerful one embedded in the doorframe. Pushing her ahead of him, he threw the lock with a quick gesture and leaned back with a sigh.

  "What the fuck? Was there a particular need to assault me and haul me in here in such a highhanded manner?"

  Her voice broke through his little reverie and Tiny sighed. Why was he doing this? She was a vampire; he was a demon. A demon about to get his ass kicked and lose his job if anyone found out he had her in here.

  Lifting his head he fixed her with a direct look. “I risk my ass to save yours and I'm the fucking bad guy? You need to get your priorities straight, lady."

  Cassia stood in the middle of the small office with an angry demon and wondered why she wasn't worried. On a normal day, this kind of situation would have her reaching for any available weaponry and looking for the nearest escape route. But it didn't because she wasn't worried. Hopping mad, yes…and still shaken up from that hotter-than-all-hell kiss.

  "My… I need to get my priorities straight?” she spluttered, going from blazing mad to furious in the blink of an eye. Of all the fucking cheek! First the place discriminated against an entire species. Then they had the balls to make her feel like the criminal here? She half threw her purse on the scarred desk and advanced on him. “You listen to me, buddy. If you lot weren't so fucking anal about vampires in the first place… If you all climbed down off your high horses for a second, we wouldn't be having this problem."

  Each word took her one step closer to him until she was mere inches away, glaring up into his face. For some reason his good looks irritated her all the more. Frustration and fury boiled over, and she substituted jabbing him in the chest with every word instead of her earlier steps. “You do realize I could sue for species harassment?"

  He stood, looking down at her, one eyebrow raised a little, which made the silver ring through it catch the light. “Harassment?” His voice was deep and rough as hunger flooded his eyes, taking Cass's breath away. In an instant, the mood in the room changed from tense to erotic, from highly charged to supernova. He laughed, a harsh sound of amusement. “Sweetheart, that was nowhere near harassment…"

  His hand quickly closed on her wrist, and he twisted her around into a lock with her arms crossed over her body. Cass squeaked; he was faster than anything she'd ever seen. Hell, she'd never seen anyone move like that. His lips found the skin of her neck as she struggled, and trailed gentle kisses along her throat as his thumbs stroked the insides of her captured wrists.

  "How's this for harassment, hmm?” His voice was a low rumble just below her ear. A hot, sweet ache joined the sudden panic flaring in her core and moved outward.

  She didn't speak—she couldn't. Despite the domineering hold, the soft brush of his lips back and forward over her throat was hypnotic. Wariness drained away, leaving pure need. She tilted her head to the side a little to give him better access, and his lips found the sweet spot behind her ear. Oh, yes, she needed this…

  "You like that.” Not a question, but a statement. His lips curved against her skin at her response. Then her hands were free and his moved over her, one sliding up to close around a breast. He located her nipple through the thin fabric and pinched lightly, rolling it between his fingers before pulling.

  Each soft pinch and pull shot straight through her to where her clit throbbed in response. She shifted her weight, moving her feet further apart, and lifted her arms. Her hand slid to the nape of his neck, holding him to her as she turned her head to seek his lips.

  Her moan lost in his mouth, he parted her lips and took what he wanted. His fingers on her nipples kept her off balance as he explored her, plundering the softness of her mouth, and then, just when Cass was ready to beg, he upped the ante.

  His hand covered her soft belly and pulled her
back hard to grind his hips against hers. Heat swept through Cassia again when his cock pressed against her ass, fitting into the valley between her cheeks. God, he was huge…surely he wasn't that big? It must be some trick of sensation. Then he rotated his hips and she almost passed out. Yeah, he was that big. Nerves and excitement filled her. She wanted—no—she needed his cock inside her. Right now…in fact, the quicker the better.

  "More,” she whispered against his lips, thrusting her ass back and trying to hurry things along. There was only so much teasing a girl could take before a guy had to make good on the promise.

  His hand slid lower. He hauled her skirt up as he ran his hand up the inside of her thigh. Anticipation filled her as his finger danced along the lace edge of her thong. Then it was gone, the delicate ties snapping as he pulled it from her in one quick movement.

  "Hmm, shaved…very nice.” He took his time running his fingers along her smooth folds. “Kinky little thing, aren't you?"

  Cass opened her mouth to answer but all she could manage was a strangled moan as he parted her folds and found her clit. He circled it once, a very male sound of appreciation in his throat as she whimpered, then his fingers dipped lower to her already soaked pussy.

  "Very kinky, and very wet.” He spread the wetness he found there, rubbing it over her clit in small, maddening circles which wound the tension in her body tighter and tighter.

  "Very, very wet. You're into this, aren't you?” His voice wove an erotic spell around her as his clever fingers worked against her clit. “And in a minute, I'm going to be in you. You like that idea, huh? A good hard fuck bent over that desk?"

  Cass shivered. Oh yeah, she liked…in fact, it couldn't happen quick enough for her. “Yeah, when you quit chattering and actually get on with it. Sheesh, and I thought women were bad for talking."

  A chuckle rumbled through his chest pressed against her back as sharp teeth nipped her ear playfully. “Didn't your mother ever teach you patience is a virtue?"

  He tweaked her nipple through the satin and lace again, sending a thrill through her body to her aching clit. A pout of frustration formed on her lips as he moved his hand. She was already missing the sensation. She opened her mouth to complain just as he pushed her forwards. In one smooth movement, he pulled the remaining warded chains from her belt—she always carried more than she needed on a job, just in case—and spun her around.

  Before Cassia could react, the chain snapped and locked about her wrists, binding them together. “Hey! What the fuck do you think you're playing at? Let me go!"

  Twisting her wrists, she tried to get free of the Fae-steel. Even as she struggled, she knew it wasn't going to help. It would take something a lot bigger and meaner than her to break the enchantment on the chain, so all she succeeded in doing was rubbing herself raw on the steel.

  She looked at him and tried to stay calm. If he'd wanted to hurt her, then he wouldn't have helped her get out of the main area of the club. Yeah…you think? So what's he done other than brought you somewhere out of the public eye? He's not helped you get out of the place completely, has he? And now you're stuck in warded chains, in a club which doesn't allow vampires, with a demon who looks like he intends to eat you for breakfast…

  Cassia swallowed nervously and plastered a “Well?” look on her face. Never let them see your fear. You did and you were a goner, pure and simple. His answer was a quick jerk on the chain. Cass fell against him, her bound hands landing in the middle of his chest as she tried to balance herself.

  "Well, it strikes me that I have a vampire who's been trespassing here.” As he spoke, he reached up and looped the end of her chain over one of the exposed pipes running along the ceiling of the office. He pulled, drawing the end of the chain down.

  "You bastard! Let me go!” Cass struggled madly as her wrists were drawn upward. She was kyn but even so, her strength was no match for his.

  "Just let me get out of these, and I'll make you wish you'd never been born,” she promised, fury in her eyes.

  He laughed, locking the chain off around the pipe. “Sorry, doll, been there, done that, got the T-shirt to prove it. Besides, there are procedures when we catch a trespasser. I have to search you and your belongings for weapons, contraband…you know."

  Grinning over his shoulder he opened her purse and rifled through it until he found her ID. “Cassia Leyland. Nice name."

  Cass went pale as he looked in the bag, knowing what was inside. She wasn't bothered about him finding weapons because she was still wearing them for all the good they had done her. She'd fought and brought in demons before, but she'd never seen anyone…anything…move as quickly as he did.

  "Oh, now this is interesting.” He pulled something small and pink from the depths of the bag and she went scarlet. It was her special little “friend,” a rampant rabbit mini vibrator with a finger loop to help direct those vibrations exactly where needed. “Very interesting indeed."

  He abandoned the purse, and leaned back against the desk, sitting on the edge as he fiddled with the controls of the vibrator, displaying all the enthusiasm of a child with a new toy. The dial clicked and a soft buzzing filled the room.

  Cass leaned her head back, closed her eyes and prayed for strength. When she looked up, she was still irritated. Why had she thought he was sexy? Right about now she'd much rather slap him upside the ear than get down and dirty with him. Okay…maybe that was a lie.

  "You know, it's rude to go through a lady's things."

  He experimented with the settings, the little rabbit going from slow and sexy right the way up to va-va-voom, Cass's favorite setting, and her cheeks got hotter. “I know, but why not? Especially when I find such interesting things?” He looked up. His eyes swirled with dark heat, a heat laced with naughtiness, and her breath caught. All of a sudden, being tied up in a room with a demon didn't seem so bad after all…

  "You know, I think it might be faulty.” He shook it, holding it up to his ear and listening for a rattle. It buzzed back at him. “Yeah, it's sounding a little odd to me. I think it needs testing. Just to be on the safe side, of course. Can't let you go about with a faulty electrical item. You might hurt yourself."

  Cass shrugged, attitude locked into place and hiding the fact her knees had gone weak at the suggestion in his tone. “Whatever floats your boat, sweetheart. Just let me out of here before you start getting happy, would you?"

  He pushed away from the desk, his expression intent. “Oh no, I'm not using it on myself. That wouldn't be any fun now, would it?"

  Cass lost the ability to speak as he sauntered over to her. Most of the female population would kill to be able to move so gracefully, yet there was nothing feminine in his manner. Everything about him screamed virility and masculinity. He paused a mere hair's-breadth away from her, looking down. Their eyes locked and Cass knew he could see what he was doing to her, knew that her insides were quaking, and her clit throbbed at the promise she read in his eyes.

  "I think this would be far more fun to use on you,” he breathed, bending his head to kiss her again.

  Bite his lip, do something…don't give in… Cassia's thought process trailed off as his lips whispered over hers. Touching, teasing, tasting. The gentlest touches, almost innocent in their own way, if not for the fact he'd turned the clit stimulator right up to full and began to trail it up between her thighs.

  Anticipation rolled through her as the buzzing plastic got higher and higher. Her pussy clenched in need, wanting it there now and damn the consequences. The flush still riding her cheeks, Cass parted her thighs, silently inviting his touch and that of the pink plastic rabbit in his hand.

  He moved in closer, reached down without breaking the kiss and pulled one of her legs up over his hip. Cass whimpered into his mouth as the change in position exposed her pussy to the cooler air. God, if he didn't do something soon she was going to fucking explode.

  Cass's world shrank to tracking the rabbit's movement across her skin and the feel of Tiny's lips on hers
. She was so turned on that the instant the vibrator touched her clit she knew she was going to come.

  She didn't. Tiny made the rabbit's ears circle then brush over her clit. Cass moaned, her eyes closing as Tiny kissed down her throat again. Her hips bucked against the movement of his hand as he ran the vibrator over her clit again, seeking every last drop of sensation.

  "Oh yeah, you're a kinky little thing, all right,” his voice, velvet temptation over steel, murmured in her ear. “You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to make you come with this, listen to you scream. Then I'm going to fuck you and make you scream all over again."

  "You sure you're that good?” Cass asked as he circled again. The tempo of the vibrator changed. Not a constant vibe now, but bursts of vibration building up and up until there was a longer, sustained section of them—the va-va-voom setting, the one Cass could never last long on. Already she could feel the familiar tension low down in her body as her clit throbbed in response to the rabbit's speed.

  "Oh, you're going to find out soon enough.” He used his free hand to hook a couple fingers into the front of her shirt and pulled down, popping all the buttons as he went. Her breasts, encased in a purple satin and lace demi-bra, spilled out.

  "Packing dangerous weaponry here, I see.” Without warning, he leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled it through the lace.

  "Ohmigod.” The exclamation was torn from her as he sucked hard while at the same time he thrust two fingers deep into her pussy. Quite how he managed it still holding the vibrator against her clit, Cass didn't know and she didn't care. All she cared about was that he carried on doing it.

  "That's it, sweetie, come for me. I want to feel you come. I want you all wet and ready for me."

  She shuddered at his words, grabbing the chain and holding on for dear life. Her hips pushed against his fingers and the vibrator as heat raced through her veins and licked across her skin.


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