Blood Casino: Vampires & Vices No. 1

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Blood Casino: Vampires & Vices No. 1 Page 22

by Nina Walker

  I spread out the pale blue picnic blanket that I borrowed from Olive and set down the sack of food in the center. Maybe another girl would have brought along a basket of bite-sized cucumber sandwiches, pita bread and hummus, fancy olives, crackers, cured meats, and expensive cheeses. But not me. I picked up cheeseburgers and fries on the way over. I have no place spending my money on other people’s meals, especially considering Eddie’s still mad at me, but I need a win with my team. I’m hoping greasy food will do that for me.

  “Well well well, what have we here?” Kenton is the first to arrive. He runs over and plops down on the blanket, quick to dig into his burger. From afar, I spot Seth and Felix strolling across the field, chatting like old friends. Felix’s eyes dance with flirtation when they lock with mine. We share a delicious secret, definitely yummier than anything I could have brought to the picnic. My thoughts fill with memories of our time kissing earlier this week. I want to do it again. I’m certain he does, too, because we have plans to meet up tomorrow—just us.

  What will it feel like to kiss him now that I’ve got vampire venom in my veins? The thought excites me way more than it should considering the guy might never talk to me again. Another kiss isn’t guaranteed.

  Felix purposely doesn’t sit close to me, but his lingering gaze says it all. He wants to keep our relationship private between us until we can work out how to explain it to the others, especially Seth who thinks he’s got some kind of say in it as our team leader. Keeping quiet is probably a good idea, what with the bomb I’m about to drop.

  “Is this a bribe?” Seth questions, ever the observant one. He’s the last to sit down. He skips the burger, going right for the fries instead. My smile falters into a slight grimace and that’s all it takes. He knows. “What is it, Eva? Spit it out.”

  “You’re good at reading people, you know that? You should play poker,” I say. He bites into a long fry and raises his dark eyebrows. “Except don’t because you’d be corrupted by the vampires.”

  “And how much do you know about that?” he questions, pointing the fry in my direction. The little dab of ketchup on the end reminds me of blood.

  I lean back on my hands and summon my courage. My heart is racing and I’m certain my face is betraying my every thought. I’ve never been good at disappointing people. “I have to tell you guys a story, but I need you to let me tell it from beginning to end before you interrupt me.”

  I’ve got their full attention now. Everyone but Kenton puts down their food.


  They exchanged worried glances but they each nod.

  “Alright, so you know Adrian Teresi?”

  “Everyone knows of Adrian,” Seth says slowly, his hackles obviously rising. Kenton blinks at me and Felix stiffens.

  “Well, I know him know him.” Here goes nothing. “I was working for him.”

  “You were what?” Kenton sputters, nearly choking on his food. He coughs and I hand him a water bottle. The color has drained from Felix’s face, and mistrust ignites in Seth’s eyes. I get it. I’d feel the same way.

  I hold up my hands in surrender. “You agreed to let me tell the story from beginning to end, so please let me.”

  They don’t say yes, they don’t say no, they don’t say anything. I start from the beginning and don’t hold a word of it back. I explain it all. The problems with my mom, getting nicked by that fang that night I followed them, and how the tiniest bit of venom connected me into Hugo’s bloodline without my knowing. The worst of it is the blood vow with Adrian. As I tell them how it all unfolded, shame slices me up into a million guilty pieces. I’m not proud of what I did, but I am proud that I didn’t follow through for Adrian in the end. I’m super lucky it wasn’t a real vow and that I was able to call Adrian on his bluff. When I tell them about Hugo’s toying with me and the eventual staking in the graveyard, I can tell they’re impressed but don’t want to show it cause they’re also pissed. And I finish it all off with why Leslie Tate is so interesting to the vampires, because whatever he is, he’s something that feeds on humans too, and how Cameron Scout is a two-faced twerp gunning for eternal death.

  “Okay.” I pick a piece of tiny lint from my shorts and stare at my knees. “I know there’s a lot to unpack there. So, do you have any questions?”

  I’m met with a wall of guarded expressions. Nobody utters a word.

  “Umm––okay. Well, I think I need your help,” I say at last. “Cameron is going to screw us over and there’s still the issue of Tate being MIA and––”

  “Eva,” Felix stops me. “Why didn’t you come to us before? I’m not happy about any of this, but mostly I’m hurt that you didn’t think you could trust me.”

  “Yeah,” Kenton adds, “we would’ve helped you.”

  “Really?” I never thought they’d understand, let alone want to help me.

  “Yes,” the two say in unison.

  “I guess I was worried you wouldn’t believe me or if you did you would hate me.” I peer over at Seth who’s being awfully quiet. “And what about you?”

  He considers me for a long moment. “I am partially responsible here. Had I welcomed you into our team like I should have from the start, you might have felt more comfortable telling us the truth in the beginning.”

  I want to ask him why he didn’t welcome me, but I decide to leave that conversation for later. I have a feeling it has something to do with my crush on Felix, like maybe I’m not the only one who has feelings for our mutual friend. I don’t know if it’s true, but if it is, it’s not my place to bring it up now.

  A gust of wind rustles past us and takes the weight of my secrets away with it. I smile. The back of my eyes burn with tears and I want to kick myself for that––I am not a crier––but it feels good to have people who care about me. I’ve been so alone. Hugo was right all those nights ago when he called me out as being lonely, but my isolation was only because I was the one not letting others in, not the other way around.

  “So will you guys help me?”

  “Of course we’ll help you,” Seth says, “we’re a team. But this isn’t just about Cameron and Tate. Don’t you see the opportunity you have here?”

  I blink at him. I’m not sure where he’s going with this.

  “You need to go back to Adrian and take him up on his offer. We’ll figure out how to stall on the Tate stuff, but this is your opportunity to learn secrets about the vampires”––his eyes gleam ruthlessly––“and take that bastard down.”

  “You can’t ask her to do that,” Felix hisses. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Kenton stays quiet. He’s become far more pensive than usual. “It’s up to you, Eva,” he says finally. “I’ll support either decision.”

  “Are you nuts?” Felix isn’t thinking clearly. He’s thinking about me romantically, not about me as a vampire hunter, a member of this team, and someone who does have an edge that no other hunters have.

  Seth is right.

  I never wanted to go back to the casino or see Adrianos Teresi again. As much as I want to hate Adrian, as much as I try to convince myself that I do, I don’t. He’s helped me and I’ve developed a bit of a soft spot for the man. It makes me weak and part of why I’ve wanted this whole thing to be over. But I also want to save the humans from the vampires, even if that means besting Adrian. It’s not everyday I’ll get a chance like this. This idea is a crazy gamble, one that might cost my life, but the payout could change everything.

  My heart picks up speed and against my better judgement, I decide to take the chance. “I’m in.”

  I haven’t seen my mom since she chose Hugo’s money over me. My heart is broken over what’s happened to her, but she’s not the person she once was, and I don’t think there’s anything I can do to save her. Of course, there’s always a chance now that I’m going back to tell Adrian we’ve got a deal, but I’m not going to get my hopes up again when it comes to Virginia Blackwood. The let down is too painful. Too much damage has been done
. I need to move on and let it go.

  My job is still on shaky ground, but luckily Eddie is a total sweetheart and is letting me keep it as long as I promise not to leave him in a lurch again. I’m thinking about my lunchtime picnic and walking to work for my next shift. It’s a nice evening, the sunset is casting everything in a golden light, and it’s not too far to walk from my new apartment so I choose to forgo the bus.

  “It’s now or never, Eva. Just do it,” I mutter to myself. I slip my phone from my pocket, call the casino, and ask the customer service rep to direct me to Kelli.

  “How may I assist you?” Her voice is polished indifference.

  “Hey, Kelli, it’s Eva Blackwood, I’m wondering if I can have a meeting with Adrian sometime tomorrow or Monday. Is he available?”

  She sighs heavily. “Haven’t you had enough?”

  “Apparently not.”

  She smacks her lips. “Can’t say I blame you. The man is a force of nature.” I can hear her fingernails clicking against her keyboard. “I’m only giving you a meeting because he’s told me I have to look out for you, and I can’t disobey my master. But just so we’re clear,” she adds in a sing-song tone, “I still hate you.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I don’t love Kelli either, but I’m starting to warm up to her, which says a lot. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Kelli.”

  “Tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late. There’s something Adrian would like to discuss with you, too.”

  I wasn’t expecting that, and part of me wants to take it all back and cancel. Who knows what’s going to happen when I step foot in The Alabaster if Adrian wants to “discuss something” with me. I’ve never had a positive outcome in the past, that’s for sure. But I take the appointment and end the call. I have to get my stitches out anyway, so I’ll kill two birds with one stone when I go to the casino tomorrow.

  I round the corner and stop short when I see who’s leaning against the wall of Pops. I don’t know where she’s been staying or what she’s been up to, and seeing her here catches me off guard. I nearly trip over my own feet.

  “Evangeline.” My mother rushes forward and wraps me in a tight hug. Her familiar rose scent hits me like a slap to the face. It’s usually mixed with a tinge of cigarette smoke and booze from being in the casino, but today she smells fresh from a shower. I want to hug her back, want to instantly forgive and forget the events of the past month, but I can’t. “I’m so sorry, Angel,” she whispers against my cheek. “But I’m all better now.”

  I sigh and remove her arms, stepping back. “No, Mom, it’s okay. You’re an addict and the vampires only make it worse. That’s what they do. To everyone. But you are who you are too, and I need to accept that and love you and stop holding it against you.” Now for the hard part. My voice shakes. “But I’m also done trying to save you. And I can’t be a big part of your life when you’re like this. Sorry, Mom, but I have to save myself.”

  “You’re right.” Her eyes shine. “You’re absolutely right. And I’m proud of you for saying that, I know it was hard, and I am ashamed for what I’ve done. But, honey, I mean it, I’m better now. I’m clean.”

  My heart clenches and I sidestep her. “I have to get to work.”

  She grabs my hand. “Please hear me out.” Her voice goes low and she whispers excitedly. “Last night I was at The Alabaster and something incredible happened.”

  “Let me guess, you won big.”

  “No, that vampire guy, Adrian something, he took me up to his office and compelled me to give up gambling.”

  “What?” I gasp. I blink at her in confusion. Why would he help her? I backed out of the deal.

  “I know! I couldn’t believe it either! I have no idea why he would bother. I asked, but he wouldn’t say.” She smiles brightly, looking a good ten years younger. “It’s not just gambling either. I’m free of any unhealthy addiction for the rest of my life. And it worked. I have absolutely no desire to do anything like that again. Just the thought of that awful casino makes me upset.”

  “I’m really happy for you, Mom. I don’t even know what to say.”

  She whispers. “And what’s more, he said I couldn’t tell anyone this but you, but he also compelled me to be free of other vampire’s compulsion. Nobody will ever be able to get in here ever again.” She taps her forehead.

  I’m floored. It’s as if everything I thought I knew about the world was a lie—it all tilts to reveal something brand new. “He can do that?” And also, how can I get in on it? I’ve never heard of such a thing. The very idea of it offers the freedom I’ve been searching for. This is everything.

  “I mean, I don’t know, but I guess so?” She laughs and her Southern accent grows thick. “It’s not like I’m dumb enough to go test it, but he was pretty confident about what he was doing.”

  She hugs me again and I can’t help it, a million emotions overwhelm me and for the first time in ages, I let myself cry over my mother. She shushes me and pats my back, and I let her do that, too. I bury my face into her shoulder and let it all out, years of frustration and sadness, and that newfound bright spark that Adrian has given me. He gave me my mom back. Why would he do this?

  I don’t know what’s going to happen with him tomorrow. I no longer have a deal to strike since he’s already given me what I wanted. I will need to think of something else he’ll believe, some other reason why I would agree to be his little spy. But I also want to thank him, and maybe that’s the craziest part of this whole messed up situation. Never in my life did I think I would be thanking a vampire, but Mom always said never say never, and it turns out she was right.

  He saved her.

  He didn’t have to do that, and yet he did. For me.

  There’s got to be a reason besides the kindness of his heart. Adrian’s heart doesn’t even beat. He kills. He lives his eternal life––or death––from drinking our blood. He runs the city and deals in addiction and plays dangerous games with his ruthless queen. No, this move with my mother is a play for something bigger, and I intend to find out his endgame before it’s too late.

  The next day, I march into The Alabaster Heart at exactly twelve-noon, with my head held high, and what I hope is a brilliant plan up my sleeve––one that had better work or we’re all dead.

  END OF BOOK ONE. Please read Cruel Stakes to discover what happens next. If you’d like to read a special Blood Casino bonus chapter from Adrian’s point of view, please continue on to my letter to learn how to get your hands on that.

  A Letter From The Author

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking a chance on Blood Casino. I’ve been dreaming of this world for over three years, so to finally have it in your hands feels a bit lucky and surreal. If you liked it, please leave a quick written review on Amazon and Goodreads, and please tell your friends. Word of mouth is to an indie author, what blood is to a vampire––seriously, I can’t do this without you. Speaking of vampires, would you like to read the blood vow kissing scene from Adrian’s point of view? You can get that bonus chapter and other fun goodies by joining my Facebook reader group called “Nina’s Reading Party”. I appreciate all you do and can’t wait to share the rest of this series with you. Happy reading!

  Much Love,

  Nina Walker


  Thanks to the readers; I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you to my husband Travis for your continued support and inspiration. Of course, I have to thank my awesome mother for her support and her casino wisdom, not to mention the dream I had about her that inspired this entire world to begin with. Huge thanks goes out to my incredible cover designer Clarissa Yeo and her 3D artist collaborator KH. Thanks so much for agreeing to take on the Vampires & Vices covers and for rocking them beyond my wildest imaginings. Thanks to Molly Phipps for formatting the hard copies; there’s nobody else I’d rather hire because your formatting is the best. Thanks to Melissa Stevens for the amazing book trailer. There are no words for how well you knocked
that out of the park. A big thanks goes out to my lovely editor Ailene Kubricky––you’re an absolute star! And to my proofreaders Sarah Mostaghel and Kate Anderson for helping me find those pesky typos with each and every book. Thanks to my many author friends who championed Blood Casino, from listening to me gush about the idea, to reading the early copies, to writing editorial reviews, and giving me loads of amazing advice. You know who you are and you ladies mean the world to me.

  About the Author

  Nina Walker writes young adult paranormal romance, urban fantasy, dystopian fantasy and more. Blood Casino is her eleventh published book and the first in the Vampires & Vices series. She lives in Southern Utah with her sweetheart, two kids, and three pets. She loves to spend as much time outdoors exploring the real world as she does spending time exploring other authors’ brilliant imaginations. She’s recently started narrating audiobooks, including some of her own. You can learn more about Nina and her books by going to (joining her monthly newsletter is a great idea) or by following her on social media. Her Facebook reader group is called “Nina’s Reading Party” and her Instagram and TikTok handles are @NinaBelievesInMagic.




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