Finding You

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Finding You Page 4

by Kelly Elliott

  “No thanks, I don’t drink anymore.”

  Grace looked up at me and gave me the sweetest smile.

  Alex made her way over to the chair and sat as Grace took my hand in hers and led us to the sofa. Sitting, she motioned for Alex to begin with her story.

  Alex cleared her throat and took a quick peek at Will. “Well, I’ve been having morning sickness, but it seems to come and go. It came tonight at Joey’s Pizza. I was feeling nauseous. Will here, he decides it’s funny seeing me gag when I see this guy . . . picking his—”

  Alex covered her mouth and made a gagging sound as Will attempted to hold in a laugh as he walked up.

  Dropping her hand, Alex yelled, “Stop it, Will!”

  Holding up his hands, he shook his head. “I’m sorry! I can’t help it.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, Alex continued on. “Anyway, Will here kept talking about it, even when I begged him to stop. We were standing in the buffet line and Will told me to look at the guy. I did.”

  “Oh holy hell,” Grace whispered, “you didn’t?”

  Slowly nodding her head, Alex whispered back, “I did.”

  “Then Will gagged, because he looked at the guy who was . . . oh God . . . it’s hitting me again.”

  Grace and I both leaned away from Alex.

  Alex jumped up and ran into the half bath down the hall as Grace and I watched her and then turned back to Will. He was lifting his beer to his lips as he took a long drink and smiled.

  “Long story short, she threw up all over the buffet. Twice.”

  “Gross,” Grace and I said.

  Letting out a chuckle, Will said, “That’s not the worst of it.”

  Shaking her head, Grace asked, “How could it be any worse?”

  “Other people throwing up.”

  Grace quickly jumped up. “Okay well, we’ve had enough of that story. Noah and I are going for a drive.”

  “We are?” I asked as Grace turned and glared at me. “Yes, Noah. We are.”

  Will let out a laugh and shook his head. “No need to leave on our account. I’m going to get my beautiful, sweet pregnant wife to bed so she can rest up.”

  Reaching my hand out for Will’s, I gave it a firm shake. “It’s great seeing you again, Will.”

  Glancing at Grace and then back at me, Will smiled. “You too, Noah. Hope to see you around more often.”

  I gave Will a quick smile. “That’s my goal.” Taking a quick peek at Grace, I saw it on her face as well. I’d be spending a lot more time with Grace and her friends. When Grace and I started dating, I knew she was keeping our relationship on the down low with her friends. I didn’t mind because I knew she had her reasons at the time. The closer we got, the more I started coming around, until Grace got spooked.

  We were finally together again, but we weren’t. Pushing it all from my mind, I wanted to enjoy tonight with her. I’d worry about our living arrangements later.

  “So, midnight drive, my lady?” I asked as Grace gave me a naughty look.

  Giving me a wink, she said, “That sounds amazing.”


  After changing into a skirt, we walked out to Noah’s car. I couldn’t shake the ill feeling I had. So far this day had been like a dream come true. A dream I knew wasn’t going to last much longer.

  Slipping into the front passenger seat, I worried on my lip. I didn’t want to think about Noah leaving me and heading back to Austin to help his mother die . . . alone.

  Noah backed out of the driveway and began driving. I could tell his mind was weighing heavy also. If I had learned anything this last year at all, it was talking was the number one thing Noah and I had to do.

  “Noah, we need to talk about our situation.”

  Looking over at me quickly, Noah frowned. “What situation?”

  “You in Austin. Me here. I only have three months left of school, but I feel like they are going to be the longest three months of my life and I don’t know if . . . well . . . if—”

  “My mother will pass away before then?”

  Turning to look out the front window, I whispered, “Yes.” Taking in a deep cleansing breath, I waited to get my emotions in check. The one thing Grams said to us girls that always stuck in my head was her advice on letting your emotions take over.

  Take a deep breath. Count to five, then speak from your heart. Your heart never leads you astray.

  Slowly blowing out the air, I closed my eyes before opening them and looking at Noah. “I don’t want to be away from you. I know that much. After seeing one of my best friends almost die and what Colt went through . . . I know how precious life is. I don’t want to waste another minute away from you.”

  Noah quickly pulled into the parking lot of Target. Putting his car in park, he dropped his head back against the headrest. Shaking his head, he opened the car door and quickly got out.

  Following his lead, I walked over to him. “Talk to me, Noah.”

  Turning to face me, his eyes were filled with tears. “I won’t let you give up what you’ve worked so hard for, Grace. It’s only three months, baby. You’ll graduate and then we can take it from there. You’re not quitting school when you’re this close.”

  Walking into his arms, I felt my tears slowly fall from my eyes. “I’m not quitting school, Noah. But I don’t want you to leave, and I know that is so selfish of me.”

  Holding me close to his body, Noah kissed the top of my head. “Believe me, I don’t want to leave, but we will make this work. I promise, baby.”

  Pulling my head back, I smiled and said, “I’m holding you to that promise.”

  Noah smiled the sweetest smile as he placed his hand on the side of my face. “I knew the moment you first looked into my eyes, you were it.”

  Grinning, I raised my eyebrows. “Oh yeah? What about on the beach? I saw you checking out my ass. You sure you weren’t all about that booty?”

  Laughing, Noah shook his head before his eyes turned serious. Searching my face, Noah’s mouth turned up into a slight smile. “I was all about those eyes . . . those lips . . . that smile that makes my knees weak . . . your amazing laugh that rushes through my body and instantly makes me happier. It’s even your smart-ass remarks you make when I least expect them. You’re it for me, Grace. If I were to ever lose you again, I’d lose all control. I wouldn’t be able to live and breathe without you.”

  Noah pressed his lips to mine as I let myself get lost in our kiss. Pulling back slightly, Noah spoke against my lips. “I love you, Grace Johnson.”

  Smiling, I replied back. “I love you the most, Noah Bennet.”

  Kissing me gently, Noah slowly pulled his lips back when we both needed air. “Impossible,” he whispered.

  Noah and I spent the next forty-five minutes sitting on the grass leaning up against a tree in the parking lot of Target, talking about our future. Noah had a degree in business management and I picked his brain about Alex and I opening Wild Flower, our nursery in Mason.

  “When do you think y’all will open it?” Noah asked as he ran his fingers lightly across my hand.

  “Dunno. Luke and Colt have been doing so much for us. We got a great piece of land that had an old house on it. My father paid next to nothing for it, and with the help of Gunner, Luke, and Colt, they’ve almost completed remodeling the inside. We have two offices and we’re going to convert the third bedroom into a nursery playroom kind of thing. That way Alex can start working as soon as she wants and she can bring the baby. Originally, it was going to be a large storage room.”

  Noah smiled as he looked at me with pride. “I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing I think it is that you know exactly what you want to do.”

  “You don’t?” I asked as I studied his face.

  Taking in a deep breath, Noah quickly pushed it out. “I thought I did at one time. I was going to take over my father’s business.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Private security. For some pretty big people. Mostly athl
etes, actors, and singers. He lived here in Austin and had another house right outside LA. That’s where he’s living now with some actress he’s shacking up with.”

  My heart hurt for Noah. I couldn’t believe his father up and left his family like he did. “That had to have been really hard on y’all when he left.”

  Noah looked away as he slowly nodded his head. “It was for my mother. She thought they were the real deal. Till death do us part and all that shit.”

  Swallowing hard, I chewed on my lower lip. I could tell Noah was getting lost in his thoughts. Time to take action. Moving, I crawled over and got on his lap as I faced him. Instantly smiling, Noah raised his brows. “So, about that ride, Mr. Bennet.”

  “Here? In the Target parking lot, Grace?”

  Reaching down, I unbuttoned Noah’s jeans. “Why not? It’s always been one of my favorite stores.”

  Noah looked around. We were parked at the very back of the parking lot, sitting in a small area of grass that surrounded a few oak trees. “Grace,” Noah chuckled. “There’re people around.”

  Wiggling my eyebrows, I smiled, “Kind of makes it a little naughty, right?”

  Noah pulled his head back, and giving me a shocked look, said, “Kind of?”

  I began grinding on his hardening dick as I moved my hands up to my breasts.

  “Fuck,” Noah hissed as he pulled my hips closer to him.

  “If you say so,” I purred as I unzipped his pants, releasing his hard length. Licking my lips, I pushed my panties out of the way as I lifted up and slowly sank down on Noah as my skirt covered what we were doing. I was silently thanking God I decided to change before we left for our drive. Dropping my head forward, I whispered, “Holy hell, that feels amazing.”

  “Grace,” Noah panted as he quickly looked around. The sun was sinking in the sky and would set in about another hour.

  Lifting up some, I slowly sank all the way onto Noah’s dick. “I want to ride you so hard.”

  Noah dropped his head back against the tree. “What in the hell do you do to me, Grace?”

  Smiling, I placed my hands on Noah’s shoulders and peeked around the tree as I said, “We have a lot of time to make up for.”

  We were backed up to a heavily wooded area; no one was driving this way, so I went for it. Picking up my pace, I rode Noah hard and fast. The thrill of being out in the open and being with Noah overtook me.

  “Noah, I’m going to come,” I cried out as he pressed his lips to mine. I could feel myself squeezing his dick.

  Noah moaned into my mouth as I moved like a crazed sex fiend. Grabbing onto my hips, Noah began moving. I knew he was close as I felt his dick grow bigger. The way we were moving had another orgasm quickly growing.

  “Yes. Noah, I’m going to come again,” I whispered against his lips.

  Pulling back, Noah looked into my eyes as he spoke my name, “Grace.”

  Smiling, I pressed my lips to his as we came together. Nothing else in the world mattered but the fact that Noah and I were one. Completely and utterly one.

  We both stopped moving as I felt Noah’s dick twitching inside of me as we leaned our foreheads together, searching for air.

  “That was amazing,” I mumbled with a smile.

  “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “Me either. I’m pretty sure the security guards just got a show.”

  Laughing, Noah lifted me and his smile instantly faded. “Shit,” he whispered as I moved my skirt out of the way and looked down.

  Noah’s dick was covered in cum. He’d cum inside of me and it was the most amazing moment ever.


  What an idiot. I cannot believe I forgot I wasn’t wearing a condom. I got so caught up in what Grace and I were feeling, I let my damn guard down. Earlier I had the sense to at least pull out of Grace when I came. Regardless of if she was on birth control or not, I didn’t want to risk her future.

  Snapping my eyes back to Grace’s, I tried to read her reaction. “Grace, I’m so sorry. I got so caught up, I didn’t pull out.”

  Grace’s face relaxed. “It’s okay, Noah.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “I know you said you were on birth control, but the last thing I want is a baby.”

  Grace’s face fell. “Right.” Standing, Grace quickly got up and headed over to the car and got in.

  My heart slammed in my chest and I was confused as hell. Why is Grace angry with me?

  Making my way over to the car, I got in and started back for her place.

  We drove in silence for a few minutes before I couldn’t take it any longer. Pulling over to the side of the road, I put the car in park and dropped my head back.

  “Grace¸ you’ve got to talk to me. I did or said something that pissed you off. I don’t want this night to end with you angry with me and me leaving to go back to Austin.”

  Grace turned and looked at me. I could tell she was fighting hard to control her emotions. Reaching over to her, I placed my hand on the side of her face and gently rubbed my thumb over her beautiful skin. “Talk to me, baby.”

  “Your reaction,” Grace whispered.

  Narrowing my eyes, I asked, “My reaction?”

  Slowly nodding her head, Grace looked at her hands. “I mean, I don’t want a baby right now, but I do . . . I do . . . want one, and if the idea of something like that bothers you I should probably know now.”

  My eyes dropped to Grace’s stomach. I could picture my child growing in her body. Looking back up, I placed my finger on her chin and made her look into my eyes.

  “Grace, I’d be honored to be the father of your children. It’s just, I’ve never had sex without a condom before today and it freaked me out. With my mother dying and us being a part, it’s not the right timing is all I meant.”

  Grace’s eyes lit up and she slowly smiled. “I feel like one of those overly-emotional women who get upset at the drop of a hat. I swear I’m not like that, and I totally read it all wrong. I’m sorry I got upset. It’s just when I’m with you, my emotions are so raw and I’m not used to this.”

  Letting out a laugh, I tilted my head. “Grace, I love you. I knew the moment you looked into my eyes I was going to make you mine.”

  Grace’s eyes burned with passion. “You sure took the long road in getting there.”

  Sliding my hand around her neck, I pulled her close to me as I leaned into her. “Yes, we both did. That was me being a stupid guy.”

  “Kind of like how you were a few minutes ago.”

  Laughing again, this time harder, I nodded my head. “Yes. I have a feeling I’m probably going to do a lot of stupid things, and I hope and pray we do what we just did, Grace. Talk to each other. Don’t ever give up on me. Please.”

  Grace’s smile faded as her eyes searched my face. “I promise I won’t. And you don’t know my father. He’s probably fucked up more times with my mother than I can count on my hands. I had a good role model when it comes to that kind of stuff.”

  Leaning our foreheads together, I whispered, “Thank God.”


  “Yeah, baby?”

  Grace pulled her head back and smiled. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions and shut you out. I’m so sorry I pushed you away.”

  “Grace, my sweet, Grace.”

  Closing her eyes, she whispered, “Take me home. I want to be wrapped up in your arms.”

  Opening my eyes, I saw the daylight pooling in from the side of the blinds. Rolling over, I looked at my sleeping beauty. Her light-brown hair was spread across the pillow as she slept peacefully. Smiling, I lay there and watched her sleep. I didn’t want to leave. I hated that I had to and I tried like hell not to be angry, but I was. Last night was the first night I’d slept more than four hours without the help of a pill.

  Glancing to Grace’s lips, I thought back to last night. Grace had taken me in the shower and worked her magic on my dick. I was almost positive I saw fucking stars when I came. Standing up, Grace had smiled
and said something about cucumbers were her new favorite food. I had been too caught up in the moment to even ask where that had come from.

  Hearing my phone buzz on the side table, I turned and saw I had two text messages from my sister.

  Emily: Mom is doing good. She asked about you and I had to tell her.

  Emily: Mom has been in an amazing mood today Noah! I think it’s your news! She keeps asking about Grace.

  Smiling, I hit reply.

  Me: Really? Do you think I should talk to Grace about meeting mom? How would mom feel about that?

  It didn’t take my sister long to reply back.

  Emily: Noah! Mom would LOVE that. She only wants you happy.

  Me: Okay, I’ll talk to Grace about it. I’ll be leaving this afternoon to head back.

  Emily: Maybe you should stay another day. Mom is doing fine. I swear.

  Glancing back at Grace, I watched her sleep. She mentioned only having two classes then she was done for the week. Maybe we could spend the day together and then she could come back to Austin with me this weekend.

  Me: I’ll talk to Grace and let you know. Love you, sis.

  Emily: Love you too boo bear.

  Rolling my eyes at my sister’s reference, I set my phone back on the side table. When I turned back over, Grace was smiling at me.

  “Who were you texting?” Grace asked.

  Leaning over, I kissed her on the nose. “My sister. She broke down and told my mother I was here, with you.”

  Grace’s eyes worried. “Really?”

  “Yeah, she said Mom was beyond thrilled and that she was having an amazing day. She’s been in the hospital off and on so much the last month. It’s nice knowing she is feeling happy about something.”

  Grace lifted her hand and placed it on the side of my face where I leaned into her touch. “I’m sure she wants to know you’re happy, Noah. What mother wouldn’t want that?”

  Smiling, I nodded. “I know. Hey, I have something to ask you.”

  Grace rolled on her back and pushed the covers off of her, revealing her beautiful curvy body. My body instantly came to life.

  “You never have to ask, Noah. I’m always ready for you.”


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