The Dom's Deal: A Dark Contemporary BDSM Romance (The Pleasure Wars Book 1)

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The Dom's Deal: A Dark Contemporary BDSM Romance (The Pleasure Wars Book 1) Page 6

by Harper West

  This was an exclusive club, so people were paying for the privilege more than likely.

  A man walked past us holding a leash, and when I looked down, I was surprised to see it connected to the collar of a pretty blonde woman who was on her hands and knees, crawling beside him.

  My stomach gave a funny twist, and I looked away quickly.

  "I don't want to do that to you," Killian said, still so amused. "Although... there is no denying that you'd look incredible like that. On all fours, maybe with a gag in your mouth to keep you from hurling insults my way. That has potential."

  I gritted my teeth and tried not to let him see that it bothered me. That just gave him more power.

  I wasn't like these women. I didn't want to be hit or degraded. I didn't get off on having some puffed up asshole lording his power over me. There was no pleasure in that, it just made me angry.

  If Killian thought I was just going to roll over for him and start begging him to do things to me, then he had another thing coming. It wasn't going to happen.

  He laughed softly, and I tried not to shiver at the sound. "Don't worry," he said. "When we begin, I'll ease you into it. I don't want to scare you too much too soon."

  There was something about the way he said it that made my heart skip a beat, and I shook myself. It was just the atmosphere. I was in an unfamiliar place surrounded by people doing unfamiliar things. That's all it was.

  We made a turn of the whole main floor, taking in the scenes being done. I watched a woman get tied up while suspended from the ceiling, her body turning slowly while her partner used dark purple rope to further immobilize her. A few feet down, there was a man bound to a table on his back, and the woman standing above him dripped hot wax from a white candle onto his skin, making him arch and squirm and jerk in his bonds. His cock was covered by a leather jockstrap looking garment, but he was very clearly hard.

  More people were being spanked, including a woman who was bound to a giant wooden X, her back to the crowd while a man and a woman took turns flogging her from behind.

  It was overwhelming, and Killian steered me to the bar at one point and got me some water. "No alcohol on the main floor," he explained. "It's dangerous."

  I nodded, understanding. I wouldn't want a drunk person hitting me with anything, and some of those whips seemed like they could flay a person open if they weren't used right.

  I drank the water gratefully, smiling at the bartender when she winked at me.

  "First time?" she asked. I noticed she was wearing a collar as well, but hers was made of metal.

  I nodded again. "Welcome, then," she said. "It can be a lot, I know, but it's an awesome place to come be yourself once you get used to it. I was terrified when I started working here, but now I love it."

  There were a lot of things I wanted to ask her. Like how had she even gotten into this sort of thing? Who put that metal collar on her? Was it somehow more permanent than a leather one? Did she let people hit her with things?

  Instead I just smiled and finished my water.

  "Ready to brave the downstairs?" Killian asked me. It sounded like a normal question, but there was a challenge in his eyes. He knew I was uncomfortable, but he wanted me to see everything. If I told him to go fuck himself, then I'd just seem like a coward.

  He really was a conniving bastard.

  "Fine," I said. "Let's get this over with."

  He laughed and gestured for me to follow him.

  The building looked like it was all one level from the outside, but he led me to a door with a sign on it. I gathered it was a list of rules for play in the downstairs area.

  He swung the door open, and immediately I could tell that it was going to be different from the main area.

  For one thing, there was no music playing down there. A long flight of steps loomed ahead of us, and I followed Killian down, weirdly nervous.

  There was no music, but the sounds of moans were clear and loud. My face flushed, but I kept walking.

  The downstairs was less open that the main floor. There were large rooms with no doors on either side of a long hallway. Curtains were hung in the doorways, and some of them were drawn shut while others were secured back. It was a pretty clear system. If the curtain was open, you could watch. If it was closed, stay out.

  The curtains didn't do anything to block out the sound, though, and moans and the slapping sound of skin on skin were easy to identify.

  The first open curtain led into a room with a large bed in the center. A naked woman was tied down spread eagle in the center, a blindfold over her eyes and a ring holding her mouth open. Her chest heaved as she fought for breath, and it was easy to see that her mouth was full of come. There were four or five men in the room, all with their dicks out, and clearly, they'd been using her for their pleasure.

  We kept walking.

  In another room, there was a man bent over the bed, and another man seemed to be working his fist into him.

  I walked a bit faster past that, shuddering.

  Killian stopped to take in each scene that was open to viewing, but there was nothing on his face to give away whether he was into it or not. He just looked considering and politely interested each time.

  I remembered what was in the contract he'd had drawn up, but it hadn't been all that specific about what he was going to want from me in detail.

  Maybe he was into all of it, and he was just showing me what I had in store. That was a scary thought.

  "What do you think?" he asked me.

  "It's... a lot."

  He nodded. "My first time here, I was overwhelmed, and I wasn't even as new to all this as you are."

  "How did you get started?" I asked, curious. "Did you just see some porn one day and decide you wanted to do it, too?"

  He laughed, and I hated that it was such a nice sound. "No. I've always been curious about stuff like this. It won't surprise you to find out that I get off on power. On having the power, that is. And watching someone willingly hand it over to me is... intoxicating."

  There was a smooth, low quality to his voice as he spoke, and I found I couldn't look away from him. "I know you think it's all pain and degradation, and I won't lie, there is plenty of that involved, but there's more than that to it for me."

  "What else is there?" I wanted to know.

  "It's an exchange. For the length of the scene, you put your trust in me, and I take control. In return, I try to make it pleasurable for both of us. You must have seen how all the submissives here are just as into it as the dominants."

  I had noticed that. It was...interesting, I’d give him that, but it wasn’t for me. I wasn’t turned on by any of it, and I didn’t think I was ever going to be. I just wasn’t that kind of person. There was a certain amount of trust that had to go into letting someone do stuff like that to you, and I didn’t trust anyone that much. I sure as hell didn’t trust Killian that much. Even if I did, it wouldn’t be about my pleasure, it would be about his. He was just that selfish.

  I’d made my mind up, and nothing he could show me was going to change it.

  Chapter 8


  We went back to his place at the end of the night. I hadn’t brought a change of clothes or anything, but he insisted, and so I went.

  He led me into a room in his penthouse that I hadn't seen before. It was tucked away in the back, a spare bedroom or something once. Now it had been turned into a playroom for him, or so he called it.

  When he flicked the light on, I could see why.

  It was set up like one of the areas from the club, with one of those spanking benches right in the center. On the walls there were shelves and dressers, no doubt containing all manner of toys and implements that he liked to use on his victims when he brought them here.

  That wasn't the right word, probably. Most of the women he'd brought here were probably only too happy to get strapped down and hit.

  There were no windows in the room, just walls and the door. Just me, alone in there
with Killian, and when he shut the door and started undoing his tie, I was even more struck by his presence.

  He'd fit right in at the club, and on our way out, people had stopped him to talk, asking about when he was going to come play again and if he was interested in doing demos. He was important there, and it was important to him, and he'd brought me along with him so I could see that.

  Well, it hadn't changed my opinion of it all one bit. I still thought it wasn't for me, but I was going to have to grit my teeth and go through with it because it was part of the deal.

  I watched him shrug out of his jacket and hang it on a hook on the back of the door. He undid his cuffs and rolled his sleeves up to the elbow, making him look dressed up and casual all at the same time.

  I hated myself for noticing how attractive he looked like this. There was a casual authority about him as he stood there, and I wasn't sure what else to do, so I started walking around the room, poking into drawers and looking at things on the shelves.

  Killian didn't stop me.

  He really did have a huge collection. In one drawer there were a wide array of cuffs from metal ones to leather, matched perfectly and neatly laid in place. Another drawer held rope, coiled tightly and arranged by color. Another was full of gags from thick rubber balls to the metal O rings that I'd seen in the mouth of the girl from the club, designed to hold your mouth open and let something push right into it.

  There were whips, floggers, crops, clamps, candles, and some kind of spiky metal wheel that I didn't understand at all.

  He had everything a person could need to have an enjoyable time if they were into kinky stuff like that.

  I couldn't deny I was nervous. I had no idea what he was going to do to me, and I was trusting it wouldn't be anything too intense. I didn't want to get fisted or coated in hot wax like I'd seen at the club. A little slap and tickle was all well and good, but I didn't want to be hurting the next day.

  Killian didn't seem concerned with me for the time being. He was over at the spanking bench, connecting chains that were screwed into the legs of it to leather cuffs so they were secure.

  He unfolded a sheet and draped it over the padded bench and looked at me when he was done.

  "You saw how this was used, didn't you?" he asked.

  "Yeah. You were there when I saw it."

  He just smiled. "Come here."

  I wanted badly to tell him to go fuck himself, but instead I did as he said, closing the distance between us.

  Killian watched me as I walked over, eyes intent. It felt like he could see everything, my nerves and my agitation, but he didn't say anything.

  When I was close enough, he reached out and wrapped his fingers lightly around my throat, giving a gentle squeeze that froze me in place.

  "I'm going to get you a collar," he said, voice pitched low and soft. "So the next time we go back there, everyone will know you're taken."

  "I thought that was what the ring was for," I murmured, trying not to tremble under his gaze. I had more dignity than that.

  "It is, in a way. But the collar is more visible. And I'll be honest; I just want to see you in one. You'll be such a pretty little thing for me."

  I ground my teeth together to keep from cursing him out, and also to hide the way a pulse of heat shot through me when he said that. I remembered the men and women from the club who'd walked around with collars on. The bartender's had been made of metal.

  They were signs of ownership and submission, and I hated the very idea of it, even while it excited something low down in me. I would rather have died than admitted that.

  Killian let go of my neck and stepped back, looking me up and down. "I like this outfit," he said. "But I want it on the floor. Strip."

  My fingers were shaking while I did what he said, sliding the dress over my shoulders and then shimmying out of it until it was just a pool of soft fabric at my feet. I was left standing in my bra and panties, which matched for the occasion, and Killian eyed me hungrily.

  He reached out again and skimmed his fingers over my breasts, touching the mounds of them where they were cupped by my bra. His fingers were gentle, but then he pulled his hand back and landed a hard slap to my chest that made my breath catch.

  He grinned at the reaction and kept touching me.

  I shivered as he touched my neck, my shoulders, my sides. He danced his fingers over my back and down to my ass, groping it roughly. He tapped my inner thighs, bidding me to widen my stance, and I did so, breathing harder.

  I wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he didn't stop until he was satisfied, stepping back and nodding. "Get on the bench," he said.

  I blinked, and it took a second for me to process what he wanted me to do. I wanted to argue and tell him he wasn't the boss of me, but my body was moving already, going over to the bench.

  The only real way to get down onto it was to lay with my stomach on the padded part and let my arms and legs hang down over the legs of the bench.

  I was aware of how exposed I'd be, too. There would be no hiding anything from Killian, and he'd be able to do pretty much whatever he wanted to me. Which was probably the point, when I thought about it.

  “Do you need help?” he asked, sounding amused, and I turned my head to glare at him.

  “I can handle it,” I snapped, and got myself into position.

  My heart pounded as he locked each cuff in place. The locks seemed excessive to me, honestly. Where was I going to go? But he seemed determined to make sure I was secure, tugging on the short chains that connected each cuff to the wooden legs of the bench.

  My mind kept supplying me with images of the girl from the club, the first one who'd been bound and secured in a manner just like this, getting paddled by another woman. She'd clearly been enjoying herself, but I wasn't expecting to feel the same.

  It was demeaning. My ass was up, legs spread, and with the cuffs securing my ankles, I couldn't close them. I couldn't do anything but lay there and try to track Killian's movements as he circled my body.

  "You're gorgeous like this," he said, and I could hear the shit-eating grin in his voice. "I know you don't want to hear that, but it's true. The arch in your back, the way you're presented so nicely for me." He trailed a hand down my spine, and I shivered, making the chains rattle against their brackets. "It's all a very pleasing picture."

  I rolled my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I didn't want him to know I was nervous. This wasn't like when he'd goaded me into sucking his cock the first time. This was something completely different. I was bound and trapped, and the only way I was getting free was if I used the safe word or he let me go.

  I knew it wasn't supposed to be, but somehow the safe word felt like admitting defeat. It was telling him that he was too much for me.

  He was not too much for me.

  I could take anything he could dish out, and it would be fine. He'd get off, and I'd humor him for a year, so I could get my money. We had it all in writing.

  Suddenly there were hands on my ass, and I jumped at the feeling. My underwear didn't do much to cover me, and I could feel his eyes on me, tracing over my curves.

  He groped and cupped my ass gently at first, then squeezed hard, fingers digging into the flesh. I gritted my teeth, determined not to make a sound.

  I could hear him chuckling behind me.

  "You're amazing, did you know that?" he said, tracing a finger down the line of my slit over my underwear. "You're so determined not to enjoy yourself, when I know you'd like it if you let yourself. You liked sucking my cock before, didn't you?"

  "No," I grumbled.

  He laughed outright. "Mm, I don't believe you. You were definitely enjoying yourself. Your problem, Ash, is you don't know how to let go of control. You think you always have to be in charge, and I'm going to show you how nice it can be to let go every once in a while. Consider it a gift."

  "A gift for you, maybe—” I began, ready to let him know exactly what I thought of what he was saying, but t
hen he raised his hand and brought it down hard right onto my bare ass cheek, and the sound startled me more than the sharp feeling of pain.

  Whatever else I was going to say was lost to the soft sound of surprise I made, and I jerked in the restraints.

  Killian gave me a second to adjust and did it again, alternating to the other side. It hurt, but it was a curious pain. It started sharp and then melted into something warm that spread over my skin and down lower, making my pussy throb.

  God. This was so messed up. I was not the kind of woman who went to pieces and got all wet because some guy with an overinflated perception of himself decided to spank me. I did things on my terms and my terms alone, but Killian and his stupid fucking contract had made sure I would have to at least try the weird things he was into.

  I’d agreed to that. Signed my name on the paper and everything. I just had to keep remembering the money. The money would make it all worth it.

  He kept alternating between sides, bringing his hand down hard and then soft to try and keep me off balance. It was working. Each time he lifted his hand to hit me, I braced myself, not sure what to expect. He got me to cry out more than once, and it was usually more from the surprise than from the pain.

  There was a warmth spreading from my ass, and that combined with the way my pussy was needing to be filled had me grinding against the bench slowly, using the little bit of leverage I had to rub myself on the padded seat.

  Killian caught onto that pretty quickly, and he laughed, shaking his head. "What a desperate slut you are," he teased me, slapping my ass again and then rubbing the sore spot. "Already wet and needy just from getting spanked. You've been trying to act like you're so above this, but really you're just as depraved as anyone else at that club tonight, aren't you?"

  He punctuated the question with another hard slap, and the sound of skin slapping skin rang out in the room. I shuddered and moaned softly, unable to hold it in.

  "I'm not," I snapped, but it came out sounding breathless. "This is your thing, not mine."

  "Mm, you say that," he said, "But I can see your pussy getting wet from back here. You're soaking your panties already, baby, and we're just getting started."


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