Unleashed by the Defender: A Kindred Tales Novel

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Unleashed by the Defender: A Kindred Tales Novel Page 14

by Anderson, Evangeline

  “Um, what are these?” She pointed them out to J’are.

  “Those are breast cups,” he explained. “They’re so you can lie down flat on the table.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s nice.” Imani liked the idea of a massage table designed especially for women. Because of her big breasts, every other time she’d gone to get a massage, she’d had to lay on a specially made pillow that didn’t really do a very good job of supporting her.

  “The cups adjust,” J’are told her. “Depending on the size of your breasts and if you need special treatment for sensitive areas.” He showed her a little button at the head of the table. “Just press that until the cups are the right size for you.”

  Imani wondered what he meant by “special treatment” but wasn’t sure if she ought to ask. Lowering herself face down onto the padded massage table, she inserted her breasts into the cups—or tried to, anyway. They were too small.

  Frowning, Imani touched the little button and watched as the cup’s irises opened, expanding to fit her. As she watched, they got wider and wider until she was certain they could easily accommodate her large breasts. She was just about to let up on it when the bottom of the cups opened as well.

  Imani looked at the now-open cups uncertainly but J’are didn’t seem surprised.

  “I see you’ve opted for the special treatment, Mistress,” he murmured.

  Please lie still so I can ease your tension.”

  Special treatment?

  Imani bit her lip, but did as he said, getting situated so that her breasts were fully in the cups and her face was in the padded face rest. The breast cups were padded too, she found, and supported her breasts very comfortably. Well, except for the fact that her nipples were hanging down into the open air. Of course, they were still covered by the tiny dime-sized triangles of white fabric but honestly, the suit she had on was so small and skimpy she might as well be naked.

  A fact which was brought home to her when she felt J’are’s big, warm hands begin to work on her.

  He started by simply rubbing his palms up and down her body, from the heels of her feet all the way up to the back of her neck and back again. This gave her such a soothing feeling that Imani began to relax and lose some of her nervousness. He was using some kind of lightly scented lotion which smelled like fresh flowers. Nothing too heavy, though—the scent was barely there and extremely refreshing.

  After running his hands up and down her back and arms and thighs and ass several times, J’are began the actual massage at her neck and shoulders. Imani moaned with delight as he found the knots of tension she’d been carrying ever since she’d taken this difficult and dangerous assignment and kneaded them out with his powerful thumbs.

  “Oh, J’are,” she sighed as he rubbed her. “You weren’t kidding—you really are good at this!”

  “I’m glad that my Mistress is pleased,” he murmured formally. “You’re certainly very tense. It’s good you’re allowing me to ease some of your pain.”

  “You can ease my pain anytime,” Imani assured him. “This feels amazing.”

  “Thank you,” the big Nightwalker rumbled. “You’re very kind, Mistress.”

  Imani sighed in appreciation as he worked his way down her body, kneading and stroking and caressing, finding the lines of tension and working them away with his powerful hands. She didn’t even flinch when he got to her ass and began squeezing and rubbing—by that time she felt like her body was made of Jell-O.

  “Part your legs please, Mistress, so that I can massage your inner thighs,” J’are directed her.

  “Okay,” Imani murmured. Obligingly, she spread her legs and moaned softly as he caressed and massaged her inner thighs. It didn’t escape her notice that the new position gave the big Nightwalker a clear view of her pussy, hidden only by the tiny, thin string of her suit. As he rubbed her inner thighs, she could feel her outer pussy lips parting, no doubt letting him see her inner folds. But his big hands felt so sensual and right on her body, that she didn’t care. She just wanted the delicious sensation of him massaging her to go on and on.

  “Mistress,” J’are murmured at last. “Now might be a good time to ask if you want special treatments performed on you.”

  “Special…treatments?” Imani frowned. “What does that mean? Special treatments where?”

  “Why, of all the most sensitive parts of your body, of course,” J’are murmured. “Shall I show you what I mean?”

  “Okay,” Imani murmured. “I…I guess that would be all right.”

  “Very good, Mistress.” The big Nightwalker left his position at the foot of the table and came back to the head of it. He knelt down and reached under the table. Soon, Imani felt both her breasts cupped in his big, warm hands.

  “Oh,” she whispered, but didn’t try to pull away or protest. She simply moaned in appreciation as J’are gave her a very gentle breast massage, kneading her heavy globes with his long fingers.

  “Are you enjoying your special treatments, Mistress?” he rumbled.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Imani agreed.

  “Good. But for this next part, I’m afraid I must pull your suit to the side.”

  “You… you do? But it’s barely there, already,” she protested. “I mean, those little patches barely cover my, uh, nipples.” Her voice dropped low with embarrassment.

  “But it is your Goddess peaks that I need to have access to in order to perform the last part of your upper special treatment,” J’are told her. “I promise I’ll be gentle, Imani,” he added in a soft voice.

  “All right,” Imani heard herself say. “You can…can move my suit if you need to, J’are.’

  “Thank you for trusting me,” he murmured and then Imani felt the tiny cloth triangles shift away from her nipples, leaving them completely bare.

  She had expected that maybe J’are would squeeze or massage her tender peaks, but he surprised her with his gentleness. Instead of taking her nipples between his fingers, he began a very light circling with his fingertips. Starting at the outer ring of her areolas, he began to circle inward until at last he was brushing lightly over her sensitive peaks.

  The barely-there touch was surprisingly erotic. Imani felt her nipples get even harder and she moaned softly as J’are continued to caress her. When he finally did begin to lightly pinch and tug on her tight peaks, she moaned aloud with pleasure.

  “Oh, J’are! That feels…feels so good,” she told him breathlessly.

  “I’m very happy you’re enjoying your upper special treatment, Mistress,” he rumbled, still working on her. “Would you enjoy an additional oral massage?”

  “An oral massage?” Imani whispered. “I don’t…I’m not sure I understand.”

  “Allow me to demonstrate,” J’are growled.

  He raised the table so that his face was on the level of her breasts. Tilting his head up, he captured one of her throbbing nipples between his lips and sucked it deeply into his mouth.

  “Ohhhhh,” Imani moaned as sparks of pleasure ran straight from her nipple down to her throbbing pussy. “Oh, J’are! That feels amazing but, well, I’m not sure that we should…”

  “But why, Mistress?” he murmured, allowing her nipple to slip from between his lips at last. “After all, it’s still just part of the massage process here on Yonnie Six.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…I guess it’s not so bad,” Imani heard herself saying. “I suppose you can go on.”

  “Thank you, Mistress,” he growled and sucked her other aching bud between his lips as he massaged the first with his fingers.

  Imani moaned and writhed as he sucked and tugged her nipples. She’d had lovers who liked her breasts before, but none of them had ever paid so much attention to her so intimately or stimulated her in such a unique way. Since she was still lying on her stomach on the massage table with her breasts hanging down through the padded holes, she felt naked and vulnerable and sexy—helpless to stop the big Kindred from having his way with her.

  At l
ast, just as she was beginning to wonder if she could come from having her nipples sucked, he stopped and murmured,

  “Mistress, would you also like a lower special treatment?”

  “A…a lower treatment?” Imani repeated. “How?”

  “Would you allow me to massage your sex?” J’are asked.

  “But…there’s no opening in the table down there,” Imani protested.

  “No, but the table splits at the bottom,” J’are explained, still tugging gently at her throbbing nipples. “It allows me to stand or sit between your thighs and work on your pussy.”

  “Oh…I don’t know,” Imani murmured. “I want to let you but, well, you’re my client, J’are.”

  “No, right now you’re my client, Mistress,” he reminded her. “And I’m trying to relax you so that you can do the best possible job defending me in court.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” Imani shifted on the table. Her nipples felt so tender and sensitive now that even his lightest touch was making her crazy. Her pussy felt hot and wet—liquid with desire. But should she really let him massage her there?

  “You can keep your suit on,” J’are reminded her softly. “I can work around it.”

  “Oh, well…” Imani bit her lip.

  Shouldn’t do this, whispered a little voice in her head. But when she opened her mouth she heard herself say,

  “Maybe just a little. As long as I keep my suit on, like you said, J’are.’

  “Of course, Mistress,” he murmured. “I will not remove it.”

  He left his place at the head of the table and Imani felt him doing something to it. After a moment, she felt it split in two and then her legs were spreading wider to offer him complete access to her pussy.

  She bit her lip as she felt her pussy lips spread as well, opening like a thirsty flower. And then J’are was settling between her legs and she could feel his big, warm hands on her inner thighs. She moaned softly as he began to massage her outer pussy lips with his thumbs, rubbing gently in such a way that he was stimulating her aching clit with every move, even though he hadn’t even directly touched it.

  Unable to help herself, Imani shifted her hips and tilted her pelvis, opening herself even more to his gentle caress. God, had she ever been so hot and wet and ready before? She didn’t think so but it was hard to think at all when she was feeling so aroused.

  Then she felt J’are moving the thin string of her bathing suit to one side.

  “J’are?” she asked uncertainly. “You said you wouldn’t remove my suit.”

  “I’m not, Mistress. But in order to perform the inner massage on your Goddess pearl, I must move it to one side,” he murmured. “Is that all right?”

  Goddess pearl? Imani could guess what he was talking about and she knew she ought to say no, it wasn’t all right. But she couldn’t help herself—she wanted more.

  “Go ahead,” she told him softly. “Massage my Goddess pearl, J’are. I…I trust you.”

  “Thank you, Imani,” he murmured, breaking character for a moment. He did something else to the table which caused the part under her lower abdomen to tilt upward, which opened her pussy even more. And then Imani felt one long finger slide into her slippery inner folds.

  “Ohhhh,” she moaned as he began a slow, circular massage around her aching clit. He never quite touched her directly on her throbbing button, but the way he stroked all around her made Imani gasp and wiggle against him.

  “Mistress…” J’are’s deep voice was hoarse with lust. “Your Goddess pearl appears to be very sensitive.”

  “It…it is. Yes, it is,” Imani admitted breathlessly. “Why?”

  “Well, because often if a traditional massage by hand is too stimulating, often an oral massage is more beneficial,” he murmured.

  “You…you mean you want to…”

  “Massage your pussy with my tongue.” There was hunger in his tone now—a deep desire to lap and suck and taste. “Both inside and out,” he added. “I need to lap and suck your Goddess pearl and then press my tongue deep inside your sweet little cunt channel to soothe your aches and pains.”

  “Oh, J’are…” Imani knew she ought to say no but she couldn’t resist. “Do…do you really want to?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I need to.” His voice was a deep, hoarse growl and she could feel his hot breath on her open pussy. “Please, Imani—let me taste you.”

  They were past the pretense of it being a massage now, she realized. Now they were just a man and a woman needing each other.

  Because she needed this too—how long had it been since a man had touched her? Much too long, Imani thought. And she’d never wanted a man to touch and taste her nearly as much as she wanted J’are. The big Nightwalker seemed to have found a place in her heart the first moment she’s seen him—maybe because his eyes were the same color as the eyes she had dreamed of so many nights before she’d come here to defend him.

  “Yes, J’are,” she heard herself saying as she tilted her hips and spread her thighs even more. “Yes, you can…can massage me with your tongue. You can taste me.”

  “Gods…” His voice was ragged with need and then she felt his face press hard between her thighs. Lying on her stomach as she was, she couldn’t reach him to hold on to him. Instead, she gripped the sides of the massage table and gasped as she felt his tongue lash over her sensitive clit. He lapped her over and over and then drew back to press deep into her channel, as though he wanted to taste her juices straight from the source.

  Imani moaned and writhed helplessly on the table. She’d never expected to be in this position with the big Nightwalker—so helpless and hot as he satiated his hunger for her. But at that moment, she didn’t even care how vulnerable she felt—that was part of the experience—part of the pleasure. She just wanted it to never end.

  Then, J’are was back to lapping her clit. At the same time, Imani felt two long, thick fingers find her entrance and slide deeply into her pussy. She moaned and bucked her hips up, loving the sensation of being filled while he tasted her. And as J’are began a slow, deep, fucking motion with his fingers, he continued to circle her throbbing clit with his tongue.

  Imani felt her pleasure building as she writhed helplessly on the table. She was close, so close…

  “J’are,” she whispered breathlessly. “Oh, J’are…”

  And then the big Nightwalker sucked her clit into his mouth and rubbed hard with the flat of his tongue. The intimate kiss sent Imani flying over the edge and she heard herself moaning with pleasure as her inner muscles squeezed his invading fingers and she bucked her hips, riding his tongue to orgasm.


  J’are never wanted it to end. She tasted so sweet and her cries of pleasure were music to his ears. He loved her warm, feminine fragrance and wanted to stay here with his face buried between her thighs forever.

  But deep inside himself, he heard his feral side growling…

  The tasting is done. Now for the bonding.

  No! J’are pushed the thought away. He couldn’t bond her to him—she wasn’t really his.

  But the feral part of him insisted on pushing images into his brain—images of him standing up and taking out his shaft and pressing it to the opening of her pussy. Thrusting long and hard and deep inside her until he filled her pussy with his seed and her belly with his baby.

  She would be his then, his completely and she could never leave him or Claim another male. She—

  “She doesn’t belong to you!” J’are growled, jerking his face and fingers away from Imani with sheer force of will.

  “What?” she lifted her head and turned back to him, her dark eyes dilated with pleasure and worry. “What…who are you talking to, J’are?”

  “Sorry…” He sighed and ran a hand over his hair. “Just…my feral side. I probably shouldn’t have done that—shouldn’t have tasted you. Because now it thinks…”

  “Thinks what?” Imani twisted around and sat up on the table and looke
d at him anxiously.

  “Never mind” J’are shook his head. “Everything is under control. It’s just…remember how I told you about the different parts of the Claiming period?”

  “Oh, right. Yes.” She nodded.

  “So the feral side of me thinks that we’ve done all of them—bathing, scenting, holding, and now tasting. So it thinks it’s time for…”

  “For bonding,” Imani whispered. “J’are—”

  “You don’t have to say a thing.” He held up his hands in a “Don’t shoot” gesture. “I know you’re my Defender and I’m your client and we can’t do that. As I said, I have it under control.”

  “I believe you,” Imani said, though she still looked troubled. “I know we…I shouldn’t have let you, er, give me such an intimate massage. But…well, there’s no excuse I guess.” She shook her head.

  “No excuse for me either. I just wanted so damn badly to taste your soft little pussy—to lap your honey right from the source,” J’are told her hoarsely.

  “I wanted it too,” Imani admitted. “But maybe…maybe we ought to get going now.” She looked down at her watch. “The car will be here in a little while. Maybe we’d better get dressed.”

  “That’s probably for the best.” J’are nodded and helped her off the table. “Thank you for letting me massage you, Mistress,” he said softly. “It was the greatest pleasure of my life.”

  “Oh…” Imani put a hand to her heart. “You gave me great pleasure, too, J’are. I’m sorry things can’t be different between us.”

  “It’s all right.” He shook his head. “I understand. I’ll try not to overstep the boundaries again.”

  “I’ll try as well,” she promised. “For now, I guess we’d better get ready for court.”

  J’are nodded and stepped back. But he couldn’t help licking his lips for the last traces of her honey. And when the feral side of him growled, Mine, he didn’t try to disagree. In a very real way, he had Claimed Imani, just as she had Claimed him.

  The tasting had been deep and satisfying for both of them and no matter how much he tried to reason with his feral side, he couldn’t help thinking how badly he wanted to bond with Imani and make her his forever.


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