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Clickbait Page 9

by Evelyn Dar

Avery closed her eyes and swayed. She suddenly felt warm – too warm – no doubt the liquor beginning to work its magic. She knew she should be concerned that Laylah was lying to her, but a part of Avery was curious about Laylah’s true intentions. And if she was being honest, another part of her was curious for an entirely different reason.

  This is a trap. This is a trap. This is a trap.

  Avery stepped closer to Laylah and shook her hand. “Avery.” She smiled. “My name’s Avery.”

  “Nice to meet you, Avery.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Laylah.”


  The smell of liquor on Avery’s breath was as strong as it was intoxicating and although DJ Dice was spinning a dance track, Laylah and Avery moved together slowly. Avery’s arms were draped around Laylah’s neck and Laylah’s hands were wrapped around Avery’s slender hips.

  Laylah closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, but with four shots of tequila in her system it was a herculean task and her passion was overruling her judgment.

  This needed to stop – whatever this was – but after an hour of drinking and dancing it was becoming harder to resist Avery’s advances; advances that grew bolder by the minute.

  When Laylah first marched up to Avery, she had no idea what to do, but she knew she had to do something; Avery had already drunk half of the roofied drink. Laylah was brainstorming ways to ‘accidentally’ knock the drink out of Avery’s hands when Meghan the molly monster interrupted, ripping open the wounds Laylah had been trying to ignore.

  But she couldn’t ignore them. Not when the Meghans’ of the world constantly reminded her of her station in life. Because tomorrow Laylah would awaken to the sound of rap music piercing the paper-thin walls of the mold-infested apartment she’d lived in for the last two years. She’d then attend a high school whose curriculum, along with its textbooks, hadn’t changed since the 80s and then she’d spend six hours serving hot wings to rich kids from Buckhead who needed a snack after crossing the train tracks to buy their drugs.

  If she was lucky, maybe she’d land a full scholarship to one of the public universities in Georgia. If she wasn’t, she’d spend the next two years working her way through community college and graduating with a paralegal degree or maybe nursing. Something lucrative. Something to lift her out of the projects while the girl swaying in her arms attended Harvard on the broken back of Laylah’s mother.

  If Laylah could have thanked Meghan, she would have. The molly monster had restored her nerve, and the plan was back on. But Laylah wasn’t an idiot. She was well aware Avery knew exactly who she was.

  She was also aware of Avery’s roaming eyes and increasingly bold touches. Laylah may have been far from an expert on sex, but she understood that desire could make people do stupid things. Very stupid things.

  Avery pulled Laylah closer and murmured in her ear. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Laylah nodded, hoping Maddy was nearby, but as they crossed the warehouse, there was no sign of her.

  They stepped outside, and Avery rubbed her arms. “It’s freezing.” She stepped closer to Laylah. “I left my coat inside.”

  “Oh, I’ll get it for you.”

  Laylah reached for the door, but Avery pulled her back.

  “It’s okay.” She wrapped her arms around Laylah’s waist. “You can keep me warm.”

  As Avery led her further away from the warehouse, Laylah glanced back, desperately

  hoping Maddy had noticed them leave.

  Despite the low temperatures, at least a dozen people were outside and over half of

  them were recording footage for Snapchat or Instagram.

  “Avery!” A handsome boy with long dreads jogged toward them, his wooden beaded necklace bouncing against his chest. “Avery baby, come rap to my channel.” He aimed his GoPro at them.

  Laylah stepped away from Avery and prayed he wasn’t recording.

  Avery smiled through half-closed lids. “Zayd, I’m sorry but…” She glanced at Laylah. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

  Zayd smiled back, his dimples lighting up. He glanced at Laylah and raised an eyebrow. “Busy doing what?”

  Avery grabbed Laylah’s hand and pulled her toward the street. “Bye, Zayd.”

  Zayd’s laughter followed them. “Be safe, ladies.”

  “Where are we going?” Laylah asked.

  Avery bit her lower lip. “To my car.”

  Laylah stopped. She needed to buy some more time.

  It had been an hour since Avery had finished the spiked drink, but to Laylah she seemed just ‘run-of-the-mill’ drunk. Would that be enough for a confession?

  Avery looked at her through hooded eyes. “What’s wrong, baby?”


  Laylah’s stomach clenched. “Uh, I don’t think either of us should be driving.”

  Avery chuckled, low and sexy. “We’re not going anywhere, baby.”

  “I thought we were going to your car?” Laylah asked.

  “We are.”

  “But if we’re not going anywhere, why would we go to your–” Laylah’s eyes widened, and her cheeks burned. “Oh.”

  “I saw the way you were looking at me, earlier.”

  Laylah swallowed. “You did?”

  “Mmhm.” Avery kissed Laylah’s cheek, inches from her mouth. “Can I tell you a secret?”


  “I haven’t gotten laid in a really long time. And you, Laylah, are stunning.” Avery ran both hands through Laylah’s curls. “You have no idea what you do to me. What you’ve always done to me.”

  Laylah trembled. Her body was screaming at her to let Avery do whatever she wanted, but her mind was telling her the opposite, and her mind sounded like…Maddy?

  Laylah glanced over Avery’s shoulder. Maddy stood beside a large tree five feet from the warehouse and was mouthing something. Laylah squinted. Was Maddy calling her fat?

  “Come on.” Avery grabbed Laylah’s hand and pulled her toward the street where Audis, Infinities and Teslas were illegally parked alongside Toyotas, Hondas, and Nissans.

  Laylah strained her ears. What was Maddy saying?

  Fat. Fast. Flat. Flask. Flask!

  Laylah touched the bulge in her back pocket. She’d completely forgotten about the flask. Laylah nodded and Maddy gave her a thumbs up before disappearing behind the tree.

  “Lay-laaah.” Avery whimpered and wrapped her arms around Laylah’s waist. “I’m really, really ready.”

  Laylah tried to think faster than her libido. “Okay, we can go, but I have to do something first.”

  Avery pouted. “What?”

  Laylah pulled Avery toward the warehouse; a few feet shy of Maddy’s tree. The side of the warehouse was less populated than the front, although a small group of weed-heads vaped marijuana a couple yards away.

  Laylah squinted. She didn’t think they were close enough to be of any concern.

  “Laylah?” Avery glanced around with wide eyes. “It’s kind of creepy over here.” She hugged herself and shivered. “And it’s freezing. You were right, I think I need my coat.”

  Laylah wasn’t sure if it was the four tequila shots hitting her bloodstream at the same time or simply the intoxicating effects of Avery, but without thinking she grabbed Avery’s hips and leaned forward until Avery was backed against the side of the warehouse.

  Avery hummed happily and wrapped her arms around Laylah’s neck. “You know what? The cold never bothered me, anyway.” She closed her eyes, tilted her head and leaned forward.

  “Wait,” Laylah said.

  Avery groaned. “Laylah.” She touched Laylah’s cheek and gently ran a finger across her lips. “Do you want me or not?”

  Avery’s eyes shone, and Laylah was suddenly afraid she could see through the entire ruse. Laylah stepped back and pulled the flask out of her pocket before her nerve deserted her again.

  Avery eyed the flask apprehensively. “I’m not drunk enough for you?”

  Laylah snorte
d. “Who said this is for you?” She unscrewed the top, pressed the flask to her lips and pretended to take a sip. When she lowered the flask, she grimaced and threw in a cough for effect.

  “What’s in it?” Avery asked.

  Laylah made a show of clearing her throat. “Moonshine. The real stuff.”

  “Bullshit.” Avery crossed her arms. “If that was moonshine, you’d be gagging. And probably blind.”

  Laylah’s liquid courage continued to propel her, and even she was impressed by her next move. She uncrossed Avery’s arms and leaned forward until every part of their bodies touched. She then raised the flask to Avery’s lips. “Want to try?”

  Avery moaned and pressed her hips against Laylah’s. “God, you’re good at this.”

  “I watch a lot of movies.” Laylah winked. “Bottoms up.”

  Without breaking eye contact, Avery opened her mouth and Laylah poured in a shot’s worth of the spiked vodka masquerading as moonshine.

  “Well?” Laylah asked.

  Avery pursed her lips. “You got ripped off. That stuff tastes like weird vodka.” She made a face. “And it’s not real moonshine.”

  “How would you know?” Laylah asked.

  “If it was, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Avery snatched the flask and upturned it.

  Laylah’s smile faded as Avery chugged without stopping.

  “Okay, okay,” Laylah said, “it’s not real moonshine.” She pulled Avery’s arm down, but it was too late. The flask was empty.

  “Shit,” Laylah said. “You shouldn’t have drunk the whole thing.”

  Avery threw her arms around Laylah’s neck and leaned heavily against her. “I thought you wanted me like this.” She nipped at Laylah’s ear. “Ready to do anything?”

  Avery giggled, and Laylah continued the tireless battle against her libido.

  “Uh, I was hoping we could talk first?”

  Avery traced Laylah’s jawline with her finger. “That sounds like a great idea, baby.”

  “It does?”

  “Mmhm,” Avery purred. “I love talking.”

  Laylah glanced at the tree and cleared her throat loudly. Maddy poked her head out and aimed her phone at them.

  “Okay, good,” Laylah said. “Because what I really want to talk about is–”

  Laylah wasn’t prepared for the feeling of Avery’s lips upon hers or the soft tongue that immediately demanded entry. The moment their tongues touched, Laylah moaned, and all thoughts of the plan evaporated as Avery claimed Laylah’s mouth as her own.

  Laylah grabbed Avery’s neck to deepen the kiss when Avery’s tongue suddenly went limp. Laylah pulled back.

  Avery’s eyes were half-shut, and her hands had gone from tightly gripping Laylah’s waist to dangling limply at her sides. Laylah let go of Avery’s face, and her head rolled to the side.


  Avery opened her mouth, but only undecipherable mumbles came out.

  “What?” Laylah asked. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I-I..can’t–help me…” Avery’s head drooped, and she fell forward.

  Laylah caught her and lowered her to the ground. She cradled Avery’s head in her lap and yelled, “Maddy!”

  Maddy approached slowly, her hand covering her mouth. “Oh my God, is she dead? What happened? Is she dead?”

  “S-she drank it all.”

  “What?” Maddy asked.

  Laylah nodded at the flask lying on the grass.

  Maddy picked it up and upturned it. A tiny stream of liquid came out. “Shit.” She began pacing. “Okay, we have to stay calm.”

  “Call 911,” Laylah instructed, as a terrifying soberness settled over her.

  “911, right.” Maddy pulled out her phone and froze.


  “Uh, sorry,” Maddy mumbled as she dialed.

  With a trembling hand, Laylah brushed a strand of hair out of Avery’s face, and suppressed a sob. This was all her fault.

  Maddy knelt beside Laylah and squeezed her shoulder.

  “How long until the paramedics get here?” Laylah asked.


  “Damn, y’all out here killing hoes?”

  Maddy groaned and glared at Kendrick. “Why are you out here?” She glanced behind him. “Wait, where’s Siobhan?”

  “Bruh.” He rolled his eyes. “She ditched me for this ugly ‘Little Wayne looking’ dude but, yo she’s gonna be so pissed when she finds out he’s from Buckhead.” He laughed. “It’s cool though, I stole his jacket.” He held open his arms and spun in a circle. “It’s North Face, baby. Do I look like a Buckhead brat?”

  Maddy continued pacing. “Now is not the time, Kendrick.”

  “What’s wrong with y’all?” He peered at Avery. “Yo, she’s not really dead, is she?”

  Kendrick squatted beside Laylah and reached for Avery.

  “What are you doing?” Laylah demanded.

  “Girl, chill. I don’t want her.” He held the back of his hand an inch from Avery’s nose. “Nah, she ain’t dead. What y’all do to her?”

  Laylah and Maddy exchanged glances.

  “She had too much to drink,” Maddy said quickly.

  “Fine, don’t tell me,” Kendrick said. “Good luck with this shit, though.”

  Laylah closed her eyes. “It was roofies.”

  “Laylah,” Maddy hissed.

  Kendrick’s eyes went wide. “For real?”

  “I-I think we gave her too much.”

  Maddy’s phone buzzed, and she glanced down.

  “Is it the paramedics?” Laylah asked. “Are they here?”

  Maddy looked past Laylah. “Oh, shit.”

  Laylah followed her gaze. A handful of teens had just emerged from the warehouse. She checked her watch. 2:00 a.m. Party let-out time.

  “We need to move her,” Maddy instructed.

  “What?” Laylah asked. “Why?”

  Maddy crouched beside her. “Okay, don’t freak, but I didn’t call 911.”

  Laylah’s eyes widened.

  “I called Charlie,” Maddy said.

  “Who the hell’s Charlie?” Kendrick asked.

  “He’s an RN,” Maddy replied.

  Kendrick looked at her expectantly.

  Maddy sighed. “I met him at the hospital when I was in for my surgery. We went on a couple of dates or whatever. It didn’t work out, but Charlie’s cool and he’s a nurse and he knows his shit. He said as long as Avery’s breathing doesn’t get shallow and she’s not in distress, she doesn’t need to go to the hospital.”

  Laylah shook her head. “You’re not serious.”

  “He’s on his way,” Maddy said. “Let’s take her to my car and–”

  “What is wrong with you?” Laylah shouted. “I’m calling an ambulance.” She leaned forward, careful not to jostle Avery, and pulled her phone out of her back pocket, but before she could unlock it, Kendrick snatched it.

  “Cuz, how can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time?”

  “What are you talking about?” Laylah asked.

  “Think about it. If the ambulance comes, they’ll figure out you gave her something and in case you didn’t know, drugging bitches is illegal.”

  Maddy knelt beside her and whispered, “Babes, Charlie is like five minutes away, and he’s bringing his medical stuff, but we need to move her before someone sees her.” She glanced warily at the weed heads who weren’t paying them the slightest bit of attention.

  Laylah closed her eyes. “What if she dies while we’re waiting?”

  Maddy took an uneven breath. “She won’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Maybe not,” Maddy said. “But babes, you think your life is shit now? What do you think Daddy Teddy will do to us when he finds out we drugged his daughter? And trust me, he’ll blame Gale, too.”

  “Yo.” Kendrick pointed toward the front of the warehouse.

  A group of inebriated kids were stumbling their way.
r />   Maddy clenched her jaw and stood. “Kendrick, pick her up.”

  “What?” Laylah and Kendrick said.

  “We have to move her,” Maddy insisted.

  Kendrick looked at Laylah.

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” Laylah growled.

  “Laylah,” Maddy said gently. “She ruined your life once. Don’t let her ruin it again.”

  “What if she dies?” Laylah asked.

  “Then she dies,” Kendrick said.

  Laylah stared at him in horror. She looked at Maddy who looked away.

  With trembling hands, Laylah carefully laid Avery’s head on the grass and stood.

  Kendrick picked her up and threw her over his shoulder in one fluid motion.

  “She’ll be fine, babes,” Maddy said. “We can–” Her phone buzzed. “Charlie’s here.” She held out her keys to Laylah. “I’ll meet you guys at my car.”

  Laylah stared at the keys dangling in the air. “She needs her coat.”

  “What?” Maddy asked.

  “Her coat,” Laylah repeated. “She was cold. She needs her coat.”

  “Okay, I’ll grab it.” Maddy rattled the keys in her hands. “Babes, please?”

  Laylah took the keys, and when she turned around, Kendrick was already halfway to the parking lot.


  Charlie closed the back door of Maddy’s car where Avery lay unconscious, her coat draped over her.

  Laylah, Maddy and Kendrick huddled around him.

  “Well?” Laylah asked.

  “The good news is she’s not in any danger or distress,” Charlie explained. “Her heart rate’s stable, her blood pressure isn’t too low, and her respiration rate is fine.”

  “So how do we fix her?” Laylah asked.

  Charlie laughed. “You don’t. She has to sleep it off.”

  “For how long?” Maddy asked.

  “Depends,” Charlie said. “How much did she take?”

  “Two pills,” Maddy said quietly.

  Charlie rubbed his chin. “She’ll probably wake up in the next four to eight hours, but it’s not an exact science. Could be sooner, could be later.” He glanced at his watch. “I have to go, Mads. My shift starts in thirty.”

  Maddy gave Charlie a quick hug. “Yeah, of course. Thanks for coming, hon.”


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