The Skull Crusher

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by Penelope Sky


  SKULL #2


  Hartwick Publishing

  The Skull Crusher

  Copyright © 2019 by Penelope Sky

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  The blacked-out Hummer approached a three-story building in the heart of Florence. Just a few blocks from the biggest church in the city, there were no lights in the windows and it seemed deserted.

  I hadn’t said a word.

  Neither had he.

  A garage door opened on the side of the building, and one by one, the vehicles descended into an underground garage. Armed men were already there as the vehicles were parked.

  I sat in my black cocktail dress, my left ring finger comfortable now that my wedding ring had been ditched. I’d tossed it on the table like it was garbage—because it was garbage to me. My hand throbbed slightly from the way I’d struck Lucian. I could have broken my hand, and I still wouldn’t have regretted it. Hopefully, his cheek was red for a week.

  Balto stepped out of the car and greeted his men.

  I stepped out and suddenly felt like I was on display in my backless dress and heels. All the men turned their gazes on me, lust and aggression in their eyes. They looked me up and down like I was a model on the runway. Their guns were lowered, but their eyes were packed with violence.

  Balto gave orders to his men, and they immediately dispersed. The underground garage was full of armored vehicles and shelves of guns and ammunition. It was a battle station where men prepared for war.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and lingered in the back, unsure what was next. Would we stay here? Or would we return to his place?

  Balto came back to me when he was finished. “Let’s go.”

  “Where, exactly?”

  He didn’t answer me as he walked off. On the other side of the garage was a brown pickup. It wasn’t shiny or new, instead, at least a decade old and unremarkable. It didn’t seem like the kind of car a crime lord would drive. Lucian had a Ferrari, and he’d picked out a Bugatti for me. Balto didn’t seem to care what he drove.

  I followed behind him, not out of obedience, but because I didn’t want to hang around fifty armed men who didn’t know how to keep their eyes to themselves.

  We both got into the truck, and Balto drove to a gated opening on the backside of the building. He emerged onto the street then drove away, his eyes scanning the roads and sidewalks along the route.

  I eyed the old radio in the center console. It still had a CD player, something that was obsolete in modern times. He didn’t have a backup camera or a digital speedometer. The truck had to be at least a decade old, and for someone who owned an entire building for himself, that didn’t quite make sense.

  I looked at him from my side of the truck, seeing the muscles of his jawline shift and move slightly as he remained absorbed in his thoughts. He was a pretty man—but a man clearly violent and unpredictable.

  “Yes?” he asked, his voice filled with annoyance.

  “I can’t look at you?”

  “You aren’t looking. You are staring.”

  “You stare at me all the time.”

  “That’s different.” He drove with one hand on the wheel, the other resting against the windowsill. “I own you. I can stare at my property all I want.”

  “You don’t own me.” Lucian had said those words to me for the last two years, and I was sick of being someone’s property. I’d been sleeping with Balto because he pleased me, but I didn’t sign my soul over to him. “You said you would kill him for me if I asked. You said you would help me if I asked.”

  He turned his gaze on me, ignoring the road ahead. Lights from the street and passing cars reflected in his eyes, adding to his terrifying image. “And you didn’t ask. I gave you a way out, and you refused to take it. I took you because I wanted you, because I wanted to punish my enemy and please myself at the same time. Make no mistake, baby. I did this for me—not you.” He turned his gaze back to the road and arrived at the compound surrounding his building. He pulled inside, where his men were guarding the property.

  “You can’t be serious.” Did I just leave the imprisonment of one dictator only to be a prisoner of another?

  “Dead serious.” He killed the engine and hopped out of the truck.

  I followed him, feeling his men stare at me as my heels tapped against the asphalt of his parking lot. “After everything that man has put me through, you’re just going to do the same thing?”

  He entered the building then punched in the code for the elevator. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression I was a good man.”

  “You did offer to help me.”

  “And you didn’t take that offer.” The doors opened, and he stepped inside. “When I realized you were Lucian’s wife, I found another way to torture him. I killed his brother right before his eyes, and now I’ll fuck his wife every night. I will torture him until he submits to me—and I will enjoy every second of it.” He hit the button, and the elevator rose to the top floor. He stepped off and pulled out his wallet and keys before setting them on the table.

  “And you just expect me to be okay with this?”

  “Yes.” He pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the couch.

  Normally, the sight of his perfectly chiseled physique would send me to my knees, but my rage made me immune. “Well, I’m not okay with it. If you expect me to be your willing prisoner so you can play these games—”

  “They aren’t games. This is war.”

  “Whatever. I’m not going to—”

  “You will do exactly as you’re told.” He didn’t raise his voice, but when he flexed all of his muscles and commanded all the power in the room, he suddenly seemed bigger, louder, and bolder. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a kind man. I’m heartless. I’m cruel.” He slowly stepped toward me, his blue eyes dark with hostility. “I own this city—and I own you. Fight me all you want. I get off on that sort of thing. But you’ll just make it harder on yourself.”

  Sleeping with him must have clouded my perception. I was too busy coming around his dick to truly understand the kind of man I was dealing with. At the opera house, he’d killed two armed men with his bare hands and practically made Lucian shit his pants. Obviously, he was dangerous. He’d earned his reputation for a reason. I was stupid to think he would be any different with me. “I’m a fighter. Always have been. Always will be.” I placed my hands on my hips as I stared him down, refusing to show fear even if it was the smart thing to do.

  A soft smile emerged on his lips, but his eyes were still lethal. “That works for me.”

  HE HAD EXTRA BEDROOMS, so I picked one that had a private bathroom and called it home. It had a large TV and a nice view of the city landscape. There were empty dressers and a closet filled with nothing but hangers.

  I didn’t have any clothes.

  All I had was this backless dress and the black thong underneath.

  But it seemed like Balto only wanted me naked, so it didn’t matter.

  I sat on the bed and thought about my situation. I woke up that morning as Lucian’s wife, a miserable prisoner. My life had no meaning because I was nothing but a puppet. I obeyed because my honor bound me to do so. But now that I was Balto’s prisoner, I felt no such obligation. I didn’t owe him anything, so I had no interest in being cooperative.

  I didn’t know what I should tell my brothers. They would probably be pissed, but they might also be reliev
ed. They hated Lucian so much that they might prefer Balto. But then again, Balto was a criminal of the underworld, so maybe I was in a worse situation.

  I waited for Balto to come to my bedroom and demand sex from me, but he never did.

  I wondered if there was a chance I could escape. If I ran away from Balto and succeeded, I wouldn’t be breaking any promises. I could actually be free. I had no idea where I would run, but Case and Dirk would be able to help me.

  Maybe Balto kidnapping me was the best thing that had ever happened.

  I fell asleep waiting for him and woke up the next morning with my hair a mess and my makeup smeared across the pillow. Instead of looking like a prostitute who woke up with a hangover, I chose to wash my face and go with a natural look.

  I heard the TV in the other room, so I left the bedroom and found Balto sitting at the dining table. A mug of coffee was in front of him as he watched the news on the TV. He must have heard my approach, but he didn’t bother looking at me.

  I eyed his breakfast—egg whites and tomatoes.

  “I need something to wear.”

  He brought the mug to his lips and took a drink. “You are wearing something.”

  “I can’t wear this forever. And I need new underwear.”

  “I bet.” He set the mug back down. “Your panties are usually soaked.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the comment.

  He finally looked at me, the smile in his eyes. “You know it’s true.”

  “Trust me, they are dry right now.”

  “Take them off and prove it to me.” He sat in the hardwood chair shirtless, his thick arms on display with muscularity. The veins ran all the way down his forearms to the tops of his hands. For a man who broke the law for a living, he didn’t bear any scars. He was flawless everywhere.

  “I’d rather not. Can I borrow your truck to do some shopping?”

  “And some money?”

  “No. I have money.” My bank account had been piling up with cash over the last few years. My stake in the pasta company gave me profits I didn’t deserve. I’d tried to convince Case and Dirk to drop me since I didn’t contribute to the business at all, but they’d refused.

  He relaxed against the back of the chair and stared at me, his mood souring once more. “Where did you get this money?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “None of your business. That’s where.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Answer the question.”

  “What does it matter? It’s not like I’m asking you for money.”

  “It matters.” His voice lowered. “I don’t want you using that asshole’s money. You use my money.”

  “I didn’t have a chance to grab anything before I left, so no, I’m not using his money.” I wouldn’t use Lucian’s money even if I had it. I’d rather throw it in the river.

  “Then where did you get this money?”

  “From working,” I said like a smartass.

  “And where have you worked?”

  “You know, I don’t appreciate being interrogated.”

  “And I don’t appreciate asking the same question twice. If you were a man, you would be dead right now. So answer the question before I really get angry.” Half of his plate was still full, but he didn’t take another bite. His fingers rested around the coffee mug as he stared me down.

  “My family owns a business. My cut gets deposited into my account every month.”

  “Your family knows about Lucian, but they never tried to save you?” he asked, his eyebrow raised.

  “It was my decision to accept Lucian’s offer. They’ve never been happy about it, but they’ve let it go.”

  He shook his head slightly.

  “And I wouldn’t want my brothers to risk their necks for me. It’s not their problem.”

  “That’s not true. When it comes to family, one person’s problem is everyone’s problem.”

  I continued to stand there with my arms across my chest, annoyed that I found this man sexy in the morning light. His shirtless body was ripped with the kind of muscles Lucian couldn’t even dream of. Balto was on the leaner side, but since he was predominantly muscle, he weighed as much as an ox. “Anyway, can I borrow a car to pick up a few things?”

  The corner of his mouth rose in a smile.


  “How stupid do you think I am?”

  I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.

  “You can wear my boxers and t-shirts for now.”

  “And if I want to leave the house?”

  “I’ll have one of my men pick you up a few things. Just write down your sizes.”

  “What if I want to pick out my own things?”

  He stared at me coldly, as if he didn’t hear what I said.


  He didn’t blink. “I’ll pick out your things. I have great taste.”

  “So…all you’re going to buy me is lingerie?”

  His eyes turned slightly playful. “Most of it, yes.”

  “Well, I’m not going to wear it.”

  “So, you prefer to be naked all the time?”

  “No, I—”

  “Then you’ll wear what I buy you.” He rose to his feet and grabbed his plate. “You want some breakfast?”

  “Depends. Do I have to eat that?” I glanced at the remaining egg whites and tomatoes on his plate.

  “Eat whatever you want.” He carried the plate into the kitchen.

  I followed behind him and helped myself to a cup of coffee. When I opened the fridge, I was disappointed to see nothing but chicken, fish, and vegetables. There was no pancake batter, bacon, or stuff to make a sandwich. Was this really a man’s fridge? “Please tell me the fridge doesn’t always look like this.”

  He washed the plate then placed it in the dishwasher. “Yes.”

  I shut the door because I’d rather not eat than eat egg whites. “Not even a box of cereal?”

  “I haven’t had cereal since I was eight.”

  It didn’t surprise me that he had that perfect body, but he made such a sacrifice to maintain it. I couldn’t give up burritos and cheese if my life depended on it. Maybe it would cut down my lifespan, but I didn’t care. I’d rather die young and happy than old and skinny. “Then I’m gonna need the car to go to the store—because this isn’t going to work.”

  “Make a list. I’ll pick up whatever you want next time I’m out.”

  “You don’t have someone to do that for you?” He had fifty men outside. Not one of them could pick up some groceries?

  “I don’t let anyone into my building.”

  He was more paranoid than Lucian. Lucian had staff all over the property, from maids to gardeners. I carried my coffee to the dining table and sat down, still wearing my black dress that cost Lucian thousands of euros.

  Balto came back into the dining room and stared down at me. Like a statue looming over its admirers, he intimidated me with his height and size. “Take off that dress.”

  “I will when you get me some clothes.”

  His hand moved to the table next to mine, a silent threat. “I don’t want anything that man bought you in my house. Change your clothes and throw away that dress. Do it now, or I’ll do it myself.”

  Lucian spent most of his time ignoring me, and when he wasn’t ignoring me, he didn’t boss me around quite this much. Balto was a million times more threatening, getting under my skin without actually touching me. I wasn’t sure if he would actually hit me the way Lucian had, but I didn’t want to take the gamble. I rose to my feet and left the steaming mug of coffee behind. The only defiance I could offer was not looking at him as I headed down the hallway to where his bedroom was located.

  The bed I’d lain in dozens of times was there, the sheets kicked away and messy. I opened the drawer of his dresser and fished out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt that were many sizes too big. I dropped the dress and put on his clothes.

  His cotton shirt was so soft, and it smelled like it’d just been w
ashed. His boxers were too big, so I had to roll them several times to keep them from sliding down my waist. I walked back into the dining room and found him exactly where I’d left him. “Here.” I threw the dress at him, along with my black thong.

  He tossed the dress over his shoulder then stretched the black thong between his hands. With his eyes downcast, he pulled on the lace then looked into the lining of my underwear. He must have seen something he liked, because he gave me that boyish grin, the one where one corner of his mouth rose. “That’s my baby…”



  When I’d met with Lucian, I’d anticipated his decision. The man was so arrogant, it made him stupid. Or maybe he just was stupid. I wasn’t entirely sure. But either way, I knew he wouldn’t cooperate with me.

  And that was fine with me—because I got her.

  Lucian didn’t stop me because there was nothing he could do. He provoked me into becoming his worst nightmare. He turned me into this vengeful beast. Truth be told, I didn’t even care that much about the skull diamond. And I could still destroy my enemies without his bombs.

  Cassini was more valuable than both.

  Especially since she actually meant something to him. Every night, he would go to bed knowing I was plowing her like a whore. I was dumping my seed inside her and replacing all the evidence that he had been there at all.

  It would eat him alive.

  It was a better punishment than death.

  I knew he would have preferred me to kill Cassini rather than rape her.

  But she was much more useful alive than dead…because she was sexy as hell.

  I hadn’t taken her to bed yet because I knew she was livid with me. She liked me as her secret lover, but she didn’t like me as her owner. She confided in me how she got stuck in that position in the first place, so I should pity her, not take advantage of her situation.

  But she was the only one to blame. I’d offered her a way out—but she didn’t take it.


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