Kitty Valentine dates a Billionaire

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Kitty Valentine dates a Billionaire Page 17

by Dodd, Jillian

  “Your best mate?” I ask, almost choking on a bite of my granola bar because it can’t be possible. There’s no freaking way that fun, adorable Harry is best friends with Noah.

  Noah seems equally surprised. “You two have met?” he asks, and I’m not sure if his question is directed to me or Harry.

  “Yesterday,” Harry starts. “I met this one at The Queens Arms.” He gives me a wink.

  Noah’s mouth hangs open, and his eyes narrow in on me. “You were at the pub yesterday?”

  I feel my eyes go wide at his accusation, but I stand a little straighter, trying to be firm. “Well, obviously, yeah. So what?”

  “So what?” Noah replies, and I hear Harry laugh, watching as anger rises in Noah. “So? So, you were out at the pub while I was carrying all of your shit up to my sister’s room?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Harry interrupts. “What?”

  “Yeah,” Noah says. “She’s staying with us. In Mia’s room.”

  My heartbeat speeds up for a minute as I wonder if they’re going to ditch me altogether and run off on their own or if they’re about to get into a fight. It’s hard to tell what’s going on in either of their heads.

  But I’m panicking. And I don’t even know why.

  “No shit,” Harry states, his blue eyes not meeting my gaze. Unlike Noah, who is glaring at me. Glaring at Harry’s arm actually, which is still draped across my shoulders.

  “Well, I have to admit,” Harry finally gets out, “this takes me by total surprise.” A grin spreads across his face. “What a fucking coincidence. The hottest new bird in school and my best mate, all under the same roof. I must be one lucky bastard.” He laughs genuinely.

  My heartbeat slows down as Harry leans against me.

  Noah’s eyes move back to Harry’s gaze, and I see him let out a breath. He’s relieved. This is freaking awkward.

  “Yeah, what a coincidence,” I state, trying not to lose my shit.

  “Did you just say the hottest bird?” Noah starts, making a sour face. “Harry, she’s mad. Completely.”

  My eyes go wide at him as Harry’s laugh echoes in my ears. Noah shakes his head, giving Harry a nod before walking off, brushing right past me. I want to turn and scream at him, but it’s probably best that he left because the next time I see that little weasel, I’m going to freaking attack him!

  “Someone looks upset,” Harry says, placing a small tap on my nose.

  My thoughts refocus on him. I look at the eyes staring into mine and then move my gaze down across Harry’s body, noticing how his white button-down is pressed crisply flat. His parted hair is brushed and gelled to the side, and a cardigan is wrapped around his shoulders. He looks like a preppy rich boy. And he looks adorable.

  “Noah’s an ass,” I reply.

  Harry’s eyes sparkle at my words, but he just smiles at me. “He’s a strong lad with harsh opinions.”

  I just laugh, shaking my head.

  “Fine, he’s a bit of an ass,” he admits.

  Being next to Harry makes my whole body feel lit up. Hell, it’s like he’s lighting up the entire hallway. He bites his lip, moving his face so it’s closer to mine. His cheek is barely touching mine, and that alone has my heart pounding.

  “I have to tell you, this uniform is definitely working for me.” Harry wraps his fingers around my waist, giving me a squeeze.

  The sensation causes a blush to spread across my cheeks. I didn’t expect him to be so handsy at school, and I can feel eyes on us in the hallway. I’m not sure what I was expecting. I guess, in between kissing and, well, kissing, all I really got out of him was that we would be going to the same school and that he really enjoyed kissing me.

  “I have you flustered.” He grins, noticing my cheeks.

  “This whole day has me flustered. But I’m glad you like the uniform. I had to adjust it.” I smirk, biting my lip. And by adjust, I mean, shorten. Because the skirt that they gave me went down past my knees. It was ridiculous. So, this morning, I decided to roll it up at the waist, praying that I wouldn’t get in trouble.

  And maybe hoping that Harry would notice.

  “I can see.” He grins, taking in my long legs.

  I hear the sound of the bell and curse to myself. I still haven’t been to my locker to get my Latin book.

  “See you around, Mallory,” Harry says before sliding past me and into an open doorway on my right.

  I go straight to the classroom instead of stopping at my locker, hoping someone will share their book with me.

  Definitely working for you.


  I manage to find an open seat. This classroom is bigger than the last one, and the desks seem older and more formal, which I have to admit is kind of fitting for Latin. I’ve taken French already, but apparently, that class was full, so the next best thing they could put me in was Latin.


  But it can’t be that hard, and I have a decent memory, so I’m not too worried about it.

  What I don’t understand is why they offer up an exchange program that messes with your junior year schedule. It doesn’t make sense to me. If you’re going to bring in kids for only a few weeks, why wouldn’t you keep their classes the same?

  I tap a pencil on my desk, feeling irritated by the fact that not only do I have to do work while I’m here, but I’ll also have to go back to New York and probably learn everything I missed.

  But then I think about something better than schoolwork—like Harry and his lips.

  Someone sits into the chair next to me, and I turn to see yet another face that I don’t recognize. This guy has dark hair with thick eyebrows that frame bright golden eyes.

  “You know Harry and Noah?” he inquires.

  I tilt my head at him, wondering if he saw me in the hallway with them. Or why he cares.

  “Uh, yeah, I guess I do,” I state, not sure what else to say.

  The boy nods and extends his hand to me. “I’m Mohammad.”

  I’m a little surprised by his formalness and kindness, so I smile and shake his hand. “Mallory.”

  “I know.” He smiles back, his whole face lighting up. “Everyone in my first course was talking about you. I know that you have block one with Noah, and it got around that you two were having a go at one another.”

  My eyes go wide at his comment. “How on earth could that have even gotten to another class?”

  “Well,” Mohammad starts, leaning in closer to me, “apparently, the girls have this secret meeting time in the loo—what we call the restroom here. They gossip with one another because they’re in different classrooms, and then they take back the information they’ve learned and spread it around. Or so I’ve heard.”

  I search his face, waiting for him to admit that he’s joking, but he seems to be serious.

  “Wow,” I reply before letting out a little laugh. Because, honestly, are we twelve?

  “I know,” Mohammad agrees, shaking his head. “Women are fucking brilliant, aren’t they? And their planning skills. Actually, it’s a little frightening. Anyway, I saw you and then saw Harry and Noah, and now, I understand what the hype is about.”

  “What hype?” I ask, turning in my seat so I’m fully facing him.

  “Your uniform for one. It is definitely working for you,” he states, taking in my stocking-covered legs. “The other girls couldn’t get over it. They were jealous really. Unfortunately, you’ll never get away with it. But it will impress Harry, won’t it?” He gives me a smile, cocking his head to the side, almost in a challenge.

  “What makes you think I’m trying to impress Harry? Or that I need to impress him?”

  Mohammad laughs, his eyes sparkling. “I know everything about this school. And for your information, Harry and Noah happen to be my best mates. That’s why I took it upon myself to sit next to you and introduce myself. I saw the way Harry was wrapped around you and the way Noah looked like he wanted to murder you. You’ve already gotten my boys twisted up, plus half the
girls in History, so I had to see what the fuss was all about. You’re the new girl and bound to cause drama, so I figured it’s my civic duty to help guide you through the hostile and hormonal battlefield that is Kensington School.”

  Keep reading London Prep




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