Heart of Steel

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Heart of Steel Page 17

by Cathleen Cole

  “I owe you an apology, Rem. I’m willing to do it here but I’d rather do it with fewer people around and somewhere I don’t have to scream it.”

  A battle played out in my mind. I didn’t really want to go with him. But it would be rude to refuse, especially since he and I had such a history together, and he was being the bigger man and apologizing for how he’d acted.

  “Okay.” He gestured toward the sliding door that led out to the backyard. I looked over my shoulder but didn’t see any of my friends. They were swallowed up by dancers on the floor. As we moved toward the back of the house, I saw Amy and Delia. Catching Amy’s eye I smiled and waved at her but she just frowned at me and then gave Scott a hard look.

  That was weird. The little voice in my head chimed in. Oh, be quiet. She’s probably just trying to figure out who he is. She was Steel’s friend before she was mine, after all. I’d be curious too. I mentally hissed at myself. But I was irritated. Amy didn’t know me, but I’d never cheat on a guy. It wasn’t my style.

  Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I took a deep breath as we stepped outside. Scott led me over to a picnic table and we sat on top of it. I set my beer down next to me and leaned back on my hands looking up at the stars. It was still hot outside, even though the sun was down. We were heading into the end of June and the summer heat could get brutal in Texas. I took another drink of my cold beer.

  “What happened to us Remi?”

  I frowned and looked over at him. He was looking at me earnestly. That was a terrible way to start an apology. I sighed and had a feeling I was going to regret coming out here.

  “We’ve gone over this many times, Scott.”

  “Humor me.”

  I rolled my eyes but focused on the dark sky above me again. “I didn’t like what you were becoming… or always were? Once I’d finally seen it, I couldn’t keep going like nothing was wrong.”

  “That’s bullshit.” His tone was dark. I shot him a quick look, but he was looking at the grass.

  “I never acted any different than when we first got together.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but I didn’t like how you were treating people Scott. You were being a dick, all the time. Never to me,” I amended when his furious gaze met mine, “but to a lot of other people. I don’t like bullies.” He was quiet for so long I started to get nervous.

  “Can we start over? I’ve changed.” His voice was gentler but there was still something in it that made me nervous.

  “Sorry Scott. I’m seeing someone.” A loud crashing noise made me jump. It took me a minute to realize he’d hit the tabletop.

  What the fuck? I stared at him in shock.

  “Fuck you Remi!” He yelled in my face. He’d turned so that he was facing me. I scooted back a little bit, trying to get some distance. The way his body tensed told me if I tried to leave I’d set him off though so I stayed sitting. “I waited for you. I gave you space after your dad…” He was breathing hard, glaring at me. “I waited.”

  “I never asked you to do that Scott. In fact, I told you, explicitly, that we were over and not to do that.”

  “I love you, Remi.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “No, Scott, you don’t. We haven’t been together for over a year. Even when we were together, you didn’t love me.”

  “Don’t tell me how I feel!” He screamed in my face again.

  Okaaay, stop pissing off the drunk, angry, guy Remi.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. You’re right. But Scott, it’s been so long and we’ve both changed.”

  “Then give me another chance. We were good together. I can be good for you.”

  “Scott,” I said his name quietly. “I told you, I’m with somebody else.”

  “Dump him.” He scooted closer and put his hand on my cheek. But it wasn’t until he leaned in to kiss me that I lost my temper.

  “Knock it off, Scott. We’re not together anymore. I don’t love you; I never did. I love Steel…” I froze, my eyes widening at what I’d just said. Did I really? I hadn’t meant to blurt it out but since I had I realized that it felt right. Scott reared back as though I’d slapped him.

  “I’m sorry but we’re finished and I’m going back inside now.” I eyed him warily as I slowly stood and started to edge around him to go back inside. His arm shot out and he grabbed my wrist. When I pulled it, trying to break his hold he twisted it painfully. I hissed at the pinching sensation, distracted enough that I didn’t realize he’d stood and gotten in my face.

  “We’re not…”

  “Take your fucking hands off her.”

  Oh shit.

  I looked over, wide-eyed, and saw Steel heading our way. His stride was so large he was clearing the length of the backyard in an impressive amount of time, but it didn’t look like he was in a hurry. Scott yanked on my arm again and I gritted my teeth as it twinged my wrist a second time.

  What was Steel doing here? Not that I wasn’t thrilled to see him. Especially considering… I glanced at Scott.

  Scott was glaring at Steel, but his face had paled. Scott was a fairly big guy, about six-two, but he wasn’t as tall nor as large framed as Steel. Scott was always one of the biggest guys at our school, besides the jocks, and it’s probably why he felt comfortable beating up kids smaller than him.

  Chapter 36


  I’d just sat down to meet with Bass when I’d gotten a text from Trip. Apparently, Amy and Delia were at a campus party tonight, dealing for the club, and they’d spotted Remi and her friends. I didn’t like the idea of her being there with a bunch of drunk frat guys, but I’d head over once we were done.

  Then Trip had texted again that Remi was leaving with some guy. All it had taken was seeing the look on my face and Bass insisted on knowing what was going on and he was riding with me over to the address that Trip sent over.

  We’d easily found Amy inside the party and she’d pointed me in the direction that Remi had gone. She’d been worried about Remi, the guy she was leaving with didn’t have the best reputation for treating women very well.

  “Want me to go with you?” Bass asked in a low voice. I could hear him despite the loud music. I saw Remi’s friends heading in our direction.

  “No, I’ll handle it. Thanks though.” I shot him an appreciative look.

  “Hey Steel!” The girls all said in unison as they walked up. They eyed Bass curiously as they waited for introductions and to see why we were here.

  “Bass,” I pointed to him; it was as much an introduction as I was going to give. I noticed him watching Julie with interest. “Where’s Remi?” I was done with the small talk. I just wanted to find my girl.

  “Uhhh…” Julie looked around in alarm. She was just now realizing she hadn’t seen her in a while. It had taken us about fifteen minutes from the time we’d gotten Trip’s first text until the time we’d gotten here.

  “A friend of ours said she saw her leave with a blonde kid, tall, looked like an asshole.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  All three girls sucked in their breathes at the same time. “Scott,” Anna spat the name out. The other two nodded in agreement. “Remi’s ex. Your friend was right, he’s an asshole.”

  “Stay here,” I muttered at Bass and gave him a look, indicating I wanted him to keep the girls inside. He grinned and hooked an arm around both Anna and Julie. Anna laughed up at him, but Julie just gave him a disgusted look. I turned and headed for the back of the house.

  As soon as I stepped outside, I saw them across the yard. I also saw that Scott had his hands on Remi. “Take your fucking hands off her.” I reached them quickly and wasted no time. He hadn’t let her go by the time I’d gotten to them.

  “Steel… what are you… oh my God!” Remi gasped when my fist collided with Scott’s face. He didn’t say much of anything, just gave a grunt of pain and surprise, but he did let her go so he could cover his broken nose. He looked up at me in shock as blood spilled through his hands.

  “You broke my d
amn nose!”

  “You ever touch her again. Fuck, you ever speak to her again, and I’ll break more than that,” I growled at him. I gently tugged Remi to me and she came along willingly. I looked her over, silently. Once, I was satisfied that she wasn’t hurt, we went back inside to find the others.

  The girls ran up to Remi when we approached, and I gave Bass a nod when his look asked if I’d handled it. Keeping an eye on the back door I spoke to Bass, “I’m taking Remi home.” He nodded, and I grabbed Remi by the hand and led her outside. I saw Bass explaining to the girls as we were leaving, although I was pretty sure they could guess what was happening.

  Bass managed to con Julie into a dance before we even made it outside. “Thanks for coming to get me.” She frowned and tilted her head up so that she could look at me as I led her toward my bike. “How did you know I was here?”

  I just shrugged and when she frowned and started to ask again, I stopped and kissed her. That only gave me a short reprieve though. “Steel,” She said warningly.

  “Amy. She was worried about you leaving with that guy.”

  Remi’s eyes narrowed but before she could respond my phone went off.

  “Shit. I have to take this.” I kissed her, and we walked the rest of the way to my bike. I straddled it and Remi climbed on behind me. I listened to Cade’s update on a drop that Riggs was taking care of tonight. Something had come up.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. I had something come up with Remi. I need to drop her at home.” I hung up.

  “Let’s go.”

  “I came with the girls. I’ll catch a ride home with them.” She started to scramble off the back of my bike. I reached back and pinned a heavy hand on her thigh.

  “No, I’m taking you home.” When she glared, I went on. “I’m not taking the chance that I’ll leave, and that guy will come back.” I released her and folded my arms over my chest.

  “There are plenty of people here Steel. I’ll be fine. Besides, I doubt he’s coming back.”

  “Remi,” I growled her name in warning. I didn’t plan on letting her put herself in danger and that guy hadn’t been about to take no for an answer. I was going to be tied up for the rest of the night. The only place I was leaving her was at home.

  She put her hands on her hips and gave me a stubborn look. I settled the matter by starting up my bike. She was forced to hang onto me as I pulled away from the curb. Not that I would have taken off before she was ready, I just wanted her to think the decision was out of her hands.

  As we headed toward her house, I felt her shift closer toward me and felt my heart pulse in my chest. Seeing her with that asshole tonight had nearly made me lose my shit. He was lucky he hadn’t hurt her, or I’d have pulled him apart with my bare hands.

  Chapter 37


  We pulled up in front of my house and I dropped my forehead onto Steel’s back. This wasn’t my night. Uncle Caleb was sitting on the porch and he looked pissed. I felt Steel tense up once he saw my uncle too.

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, this should be fun.” I got off the bike and gave Steel what I hoped passed for a reassuring smile.

  Steel grabbed my hand and started walking with me. I looked up at him in surprise. “I know you have to go. You don’t have to stay.” His gaze met mine.

  “I have a few minutes.”

  We stopped in front of Uncle Caleb. He was looking at Steel like he was a piece of dog shit smeared on the bottom of his shoe. “Uncle Caleb I…”

  “What the hell are you doing Remi?” He all but spat the words at me. I was shocked into silence. Uncle Caleb’s gaze went to where our hands were joined. Steel’s fingers tightened around mine. I wasn’t sure if it was to comfort me or so that he didn’t punch my uncle. “You’re with this… biker?” He sneered that at Steel.

  “Yes,” I said while lifting my chin. “Steel and I are dating.”

  Oh yeah, and I just figured out I’ve fallen in love with him at some point within the last month. I hadn’t been able to pinpoint exactly when that had happened. Not that I’d had a chance to sit down and think about it, what with everything going on.

  “No. You’re not.” My mouth dropped open when he said that.


  “My niece is not getting involved with a biker.” Uncle Caleb glared at Steel. Both men were having a stare down.

  “You don’t get to make that decision, Uncle Caleb,” I said through gritted teeth. I’d had enough of guys telling me what to do or not to do tonight. “I will date whoever I feel like dating.”

  “Your father…”

  “Isn’t here,” I finished, in a cold but firm tone. My uncle’s eyes met mine, finally. “And even if he was, he wouldn’t get to make this decision either. Dad didn’t approve of either of my previous boyfriends. But I still dated both of them. You don’t get to tell me what I do with my life or who I spend my time with.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me and started to speak but I cut him off. “Go home, Uncle Caleb. I don’t want you here tonight.” He was furious. He stood there, fists clenching and unclenching while he tried to decide what to do. I wasn’t going to let him win this though. I was an adult and I wouldn’t cater to him any longer. Not with the business, not with school, and certainly not with my love life.

  “You heard her.”

  Steel’s voice was deep and commanding. I was glad he never used that tone on me. Uncle Caleb let out a huff and stormed off around us. We both watched as he got into his car and left. I sighed and looked at Steel.

  “Sorry about him.”

  His eyes met mine, and he shrugged. “I’m used to it.”

  “Oh yeah? I can see that. I bet you’re used to a lot of dads and uncles trying to run you off.” I teased. We’d walked up and were standing next to my front door.

  “Tons,” He deadpanned. I smacked his chest.

  “Jerk.” He kissed me, swallowing whatever else I was going to say. He could completely erase every thought in my head. Soon he left, and I wandered around the house, waiting for the girls to get home.

  Chapter 38


  A few weeks had passed since the party and Remi and I saw each other almost every day. Much to the club members’ wives and girlfriends’ dismay, the club barbeque had been canceled. Cade didn’t want to give the Lycans a target to hit since they were continuing to come into our club’s territory. It just gave me more time alone with Remi before I had to introduce her to everyone, officially. I knew the women were dying to meet her, but I didn’t feel like sharing yet.

  It amazed me how much I liked the girl. Between Remi, the club, and the garage, I was keeping busy. A good thing, because despite checking in with Bass every few days we were at a standstill with the Lycans. Everyone was on edge. We were all waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bass kept saying the woman associated with the Lycans kept talking about a specific date where she’d be able to get the money, they’d need to get the remainder of the weapons for their war with us. Then we’d finally have some action. We were all ready for it, anything for a break in this waiting game.

  I glanced over as Gunnar walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. It was Monday morning, and I had to head into the garage later. I had an appointment for a custom build coming in that afternoon. Leaning against the kitchen island I drank my coffee and watched Gunnar. Something had been bothering him for the last few weeks, but I hadn’t been able to pry it out of him yet. He’d been pissy as fuck. If he kept it up, I was going to give him the fight he was looking for, if nothing else, just to get him to talk.


  He looked up and grunted at me in response before sitting on a stool. Before I could say more Ty and Red walked in and nudged each other when they saw Gunnar. My eyes narrowed. They were standing at Gunnar’s back, so he hadn’t seen them yet.

  “Hey there Gunnar.” He looked back over his shoulder but just nodded at them and turned back around.

  Red gave m
e a shit-eating grin before focusing on the back of Gunnar’s head. “Well now, I heard a rumor about you and that stuck up little bitch you’ve been seeing.” Both men chuckled. I saw Gunnar stiffen, and I straightened up warily. “I heard that she dropped your worthless ass…” Before he could continue Gunnar had jerked out of his chair and lunged at both nomads, taking them down.

  “Shit.” I came around the island, Gunnar was on top of Red, but Ty was behind him trying to get him in a chokehold. I ripped Ty off Gunnar and heard the sickening thud of bone on bone. There was no time to see who had thrown the punch though because Ty was up and advancing toward me.

  The door to the kitchen was thrown open so hard that when it hit the wall, the glass panes shattered, showering glass all over the men on the floor at Cade’s feet.

  “What the fuck is going on?!” He roared as he pulled Gunnar and Red up and apart. Gunnar instantly stopped fighting, but the nomad kept struggling against our president’s grip. I stopped as well and had let my guard down, expecting Ty to give Cade the same respect, but he kept coming and sucker-punched me when I started to move back toward the group at the door.

  The sound of the slide of a gun being racked had us all freezing. Riggs stood in the doorway that split the common room and the kitchen. His gun was pointed directly at Ty’s head. He didn’t say a word, but neither nomad moved again.

  “Steel.” I looked over at Cade. “Take Gunnar over to my place. We’ll handle this.” I looked back over at the nomads, to my brother, then back at Cade. I didn’t want to leave, but I wasn’t going to disobey his order. Nodding I walked over and shoved Gunnar out the door when he tried to resist going.

  Once we were out in the yard, he rounded on me. “Get the fuck off me. I can fucking handle myself.”

  “Sure, looks like you can,” I said, folding my arms over my chest, raising a brow at the temper tantrum he was throwing.

  “Fuck you, Steel.”


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