Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I

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Chronicles of Eden - Season II - Act I Page 21

by Alexander Gordon

  “Ow,” she said, blinking a few times before looking up at Daniel in confusion.

  “There,” he said sheathing his sword. “Feel better?”

  “What? But you only tapped me with your sword. Why did you do that?”

  “You wanted to be punished, didn’t you?” Daniel asked with a shrug. “I gave you a bump on the head. Now we’re good.”

  “A bump on the head?” Sheal repeated in surprise. “Are you mad? That doesn’t compare at all to the magnitude of my crimes. For crying out loud, I helped The Sisterhood invade Green Haven! I burned elves that opposed us all in the name of the gemini! I hurt these people and treated them like dirt! I deserve far more than a simple knock on the head as repentance!”

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” Daniel tiredly asked. “We’re all telling you it’s okay, we forgive you already.”

  “Well I don’t forgive myself!” Sheal shouted. “This isn’t funny! I’m a terrible person, I am! Stop treating me so kindly, stop showing me mercy, I don’t deserve any of it! Goddammit, this is so cruel! I can’t take going on like this without some form of punishment for what I did!”

  “Want me to give her what she wants?” Alyssa asked with a shrug. “If it’ll make her happy I don’t mind.”

  “Oh dear, not that,” Doku worried. “Please, Alyssa, the poor woman has been through enough hasn’t she?”

  “She wants to be punished,” Falla reasoned. “If it’ll shut her up about this I say go for it.”

  “But don’t do that to her,” Luna whined, holding her hands over her rear fearfully. “She’s our new friend, you can’t do that to her already.”

  “I don’t think even Alyssa’s form of punishment would be enough,” Specca pointed out as Snapper was wriggling in her arms. “She feels guilty for what she did to the elves. If she’s going to have a clean conscience she’s going to have to do something to appease the elves in retribution.”

  “But the elves don’t want anything from her,” Alyssa said. “They already forgave her for everything.”

  Daniel scratched his head while pondering what to do, watching as Sheal held her hands together in a pleading manner while she practically begged to be disciplined rightfully for her actions.

  “Should… we come back later?” an elf slowly asked. “We were going to extend an invite to Lord Daniel Sorres to visit the camp if he had time to spare. If you’re busy however we don’t mind waiting.”

  “Our people would love to thank you personally for all that you’ve done,” a ranger humbly said. “Every day they hope for a chance to see their savior with their own eyes. If there’s anything we can do to persuade you to grace us with your presence we would be more than happy to oblige.”

  Daniel glanced over to his girls for a moment then to the elves as they stood up and awaited his reply.

  “You know, that sounds good to me,” he agreed with a smile. “I’d be more than happy to come say hello to the elves and see how they’re doing. I’ve heard my girls have been helping you out these past few days with recovering from the battle. I’m sorry I’ve been so preoccupied, I should have been joining them all this time to pay my respects.”

  “It’s no trouble at all, we swear,” an elf insisted waving her hands. “We understand you have matters to attend to, we’re not upset in the slightest that you’ve been busy. And you owe us nothing, it is we who owe you everything. Our sisters have been so eager to meet the man that rescued our people from slavery, it would be a blessing to have you visit even if only for a moment.”

  “I think visiting would be beneficial for both of us,” Daniel politely agreed. “That and we need to pass the time in a better way other than sitting here worrying about our family that’s currently away. If you would have us, we would be honored to visit your people.”

  “The honor is all ours,” Yanee promised. “Please, come and stay with us for a while. We would love to hear more about the ones who saved our people from The Sisterhood. And our hunters have gathered plenty of deer and fish to share with you, they’ve been cooking up a feast in hopes you’d join us. Please, eat and stay as long as you like.”

  “You have tasty food?” Cindy wondered with a big smile.

  “Very tasty. Please come and try some, I promise you’ll love it.”

  “Yay!” Cindy cheered, swooping the child up into her arms and hopping about joyfully. “I want to go eat the tasty food! Yes please! Yes please!”

  “But what about-” Sheal started to say before Daniel held out a hand to silence her. He watched Yanee giggling while being swung around in Cindy’s arms, something Felucia also observed in total confusion. Glancing down at the salamander woman before him Daniel saw the monster anxiously awaiting his reply, something he took a moment to consider before an idea popped into his head.

  “Girls, go get Rolian so she can join us. A nice walk and some fresh air would be good for her.”

  “We’re taking her with us?” Alyssa asked.

  “Meeting some new faces and making more friends will be good for her. She’s not a bad person at all, I feel the elves won’t mind her tagging along. That, and I don’t want to leave her alone in our home while we’re gone.”

  “Yeah,” Specca had to agree with. “She might knock over a few things in our absence. Or worse, spread her webbing across more of the ceiling.”

  “Alright,” Alyssa sighed. “I’ll see if she’s at least awake, and if she can walk straight without tripping over herself.”

  “Let’s not get too hopeful here,” Falla remarked.

  “Is it okay for Pip to come with us?” Luna asked. “I know elves don’t normally like fairies.”

  “Then I believe Pip can convince them otherwise,” Daniel said with a wink at his littlest mate. “She helped rescue the elves alongside us in Green Haven. She deserves to come with and be recognized for her efforts.”

  “I can come with you?” Pip eagerly asked. “It’s okay?”

  “Yes, of course you can, Pip,” Daniel agreed with a nod. He blinked then smiled weakly at the fairy. “But please try to control yourself around the women there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Be respectful of their personal space.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t be too intrusive with them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t dive into their boobs when you see them,” Falla flatly said to the little woman.

  “Aw,” Pip pouted. “But I just wanted to hug them a little. Pretty please? Just a little booby hugging?”

  “No,” all the girls told her, with the fairy slouching down in Doku’s chest with a low whine. Daniel shook his head amusedly at the fairy before seeing Felucia just staring at him in silence.

  “You should come with us, Felucia.”

  “Why?” she asked. “There’s no reason for me to go.”

  “You’re a hero too, you know,” Daniel said, with Felucia showing puzzlement from that. “You helped us fight off The Sisterhood so the elves could escape. Even if you didn’t mean to, you still aided us with saving them. I’m sure they would want to thank you as well.”

  “But I…” Felucia said, only to then notice her daughter nodding at her with a warm smile.

  “Come with us, mother,” she kindly requested. “Come say hello to them. You have to see that they’re not food, they’re nice people. Please? Just come and see.”

  “You’re more than welcome to join us,” Yanee agreed. “Sand wraith or not, we don’t fear you after all you’ve done for us. Please come join us.”

  Felucia heavily sighed before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

  “Fine. I don’t think I’ll ever see this your way, Cindy, but… I’ll try anyway.”

  Cindy jumped for joy while Felucia looked down and away to avoid eye contact with everyone. Daniel chuckled a bit before taking hold of Sheal’s hand, pulling her up onto her feet as she and the girls watched him curiously.

�re coming with as well,” he told her. She opened her mouth to speak before he continued. “You want to be punished for what you did, right?”

  Sheal nodded quickly to that.

  “Is that really what you want?”

  Again she nodded while remaining silent. Daniel took a slow breath before turning to the elves with a serious face.

  “Before we partake in any festivities, it seems we have something important to deal with first. Let it be known I’m rescinding my pardon towards Sheal for what she did and was a part of in the past.”

  “Is that so?” a ranger asked, with the elves showing sharp looks towards the salamander woman now. “Well if that’s how you feel about it, we’d best take care of this lingering problem right away.”

  “What would you like us to do with her?” another questioned.

  “Take the prisoner down to the elven encampment,” Daniel ordered, pulling Sheal over towards the elves who quickly grabbed her arms and shoulders. The salamander nervously observed the rangers glaring at her before turning to Daniel who only showed a solemn face towards her.

  “What’s going to happen to me?”

  “Punishing you here is pointless,” Daniel reasoned with a shrug. “The guilt you feel comes from the imbalance you have between you and the elves you wronged. Therefore, the only solution that will clear you of any blame and emotional weight is to be properly reprimanded publically before the very ones you feel guilt towards.”

  “You want us to flog her in front of our people?” a ranger asked, with Sheal lowering her head in shame as she offered no resistance to them. “A couple dozen lashes perhaps?”

  “Maybe take a toe or finger?” another wondered, with Sheal nervously trembling in their grip from hearing that.

  “Worse than that,” Daniel said, with everyone, including Sheal, looking to him in surprise. He walked up to the salamander, getting close to her face as she shakily whimpered with fear in her eyes.

  “The Sisterhood destroyed both Ruhelia and Green Haven,” Daniel harshly spoke. “The centaurs and elves suffered great loss all because of them. You knowingly and willingly helped them take over Green Haven, allowed your sisters to serve the worst of all monsters in this world, and even harmed these elves in doing so while hiding behind the guise of liberation and justice for your race. Do you have anything to say for yourself before I pass judgement on you?”

  “I’m sorry,” Sheal whimpered. “I really am.”

  “You’re going to be,” Daniel solemnly replied. “You asked for this, Sheal. I wanted to forgive you, they wanted to forgive you, but you just couldn’t accept that. Now you’re going to bear the consequences of your actions in front of the very people you wronged. If you manage to hold yourself together until you’ve served your penance in full, then you will be absolved of your past mistakes and allowed another chance to live your life on a more positive path. If not, then may god have mercy upon your soul.”

  “Do your worst,” Sheal insisted. “I implore you, Lord Daniel Sorres, punish me to your greatest extent.”

  “Oh, I’m not going to be the one punishing you,” Daniel mentioned shaking his head. Stepping back he watched Sheal showing a puzzled look, with him and everyone else then turning to Alyssa who walked up to the salamander woman with a chilling gleam in her eyes.

  “Alyssa,” Daniel said. “You know what to do. Make her sorry for what she did.”

  The girls behind the witch gasped in fright while Cindy and Felucia looked at Alyssa in equal confusion as did the elves.

  “No, please, Alyssa,” Doku whined. “Don’t do it. Anything but that.”

  “Sister,” Luna whined, holding onto Falla and burying her face in the girl’s shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Luna,” Falla empathized, gently patting her sister’s back and shaking her head. “There’s nothing we can do to help her. She asked for it.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sheal,” Specca mourned, lowering her head while Snapper was just clacking her teeth with a wide smile. “Try to be strong.”

  “Sheal, no,” Pip sniffled. “Poor Sheal. Poor Sheal.”

  “What are you all talking about?” Sheal worried. She gulped and watched Alyssa merely staring at her with eyes that were beginning to glow. “What are you going to do to me? What are they speaking about? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You wanted to be punished for what you did. Well, wish granted,” Alyssa replied, the witch giving her hat a tip downward while her purple glowing eyes stared deep into the nervous salamander woman’s from beneath the rim.

  “Time to punish yet another bad girl.”

  Chapter 7

  Uncertain Destiny

  In the world of Eden it was always unknown what fate had in store for you. Perhaps good fortune awaited on a fateful day, or maybe tragedy was preparing to befall when least suspected. Would you get lucky and have your feelings returned by that beautiful girl down the street, or be destined to be run over by a horse drawn carriage on the same street in front of that girl? Fate was a mysterious mistress in that it always had you tied in its thread, pulling you ever closer to an uncertain future.

  Very few could defy fate, and even fewer could hide from it altogether.


  Just inside their spacious home Daniel had little Snapper in his arms while gazing up at the twinkling stars that magically floated along the curvature of the central court’s ceiling. Even Snapper was looking around at the moving glimmers of light with curiosity, snapping her teeth as always while Daniel cradled her in his arms. Beside him Doku appeared to be gazing up at the celestial paintings, however with her bangs covering her eyes it was impossible to be certain, while nestled in her cleavage Pip was merrily hopping up and down with excited giggles as she was more focused on what was cradling her.

  “I never cease to be amazed by the enchanted artistry in Twilight’s study,” Daniel remarked. “The glowing windows in the library, the beautiful night sky above the main hall, and the sheer size of this place that sits within such an elegantly crafted carriage; we really are blessed to be able to live here like this.”

  “Boobies,” Pip giggled.

  “We’ve been blessed ever since we met you, dear,” Doku complimented, stepping closer to Daniel and resting her head on his shoulder. “Don’t get me wrong, I find this home of ours to be very magnificent with room for all of us to live together. It’s almost like we live in a small castle. Though all I ever needed to feel like I was living in a fairytale was a man like you.”

  “Boobies,” Pip again giggled.

  “I don’t deserve such praise from you, Doku,” Daniel sighed shaking his head. “I do feel guilty about not having spent any more time with you lately. I may have accepted you as my mate, but we’ve hardly had any quality time together to grow closer.”

  “I love you, boobies,” Pip whispered.

  “It can’t be helped,” Doku calmly reasoned. “We’ve had much to deal with these past few days and even more awaiting us to handle afterward. It’s not your fault. And I’m not the only one you love, I’m not the only mate you have to take care of.”

  “You love me too, don’t you?” Pip cooed. “That’s right. Jiggle for me, my beloved boobies.”

  “Pip, could you please?” Doku worriedly asked her. “Daniel and I are trying to have a conversation.”

  “Oh, sorry, Doku,” Pip squeaked. She saluted the harpy with a wide smile before plunging down deep into the woman’s bosom, her muffled giggles only drawing out a quiet smile from Doku before she turned to Daniel again.

  “But you are my mate and my responsibility,” he told her. “I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you or that I’ve forgotten about you. There’s so much more I want to learn about you, Doku. I want us to grow closer and it seems I’ve failed in setting aside enough time to do that with.”

  “It’s quite alright, dear,” she assured. “We’ll be able to spend time together soon. And besides, it’s not like you can take me to bed with you should
you desire right now. I still haven’t gotten the other girls’ approval to be that intimate with you yet. I’m not allowed to mate with you officially. I promise I’ll try my best to win their favor so that I may earn the right to satisfy my husband in every way I can as a good wife should.”

  “You’ve got my vote, Doku,” Specca said walking up to them. “Honestly, I think all of us are okay with the idea of you joining us in bed with Daniel.”

  “But I’ve done more wrong than right ever since living here with you all,” Doku protested. “You can’t possibly believe such things.”

  “You never listen to us, do you?” Falla asked, with the group then noticing the butterfly sisters stepping into the doorway from outside. “We’ve been telling you since day one that you do too much around here.”

  “That can’t be true at all,” Doku worried shaking her head.

  “You make us such wonderful meals every day,” Luna pointed out.

  “You pamper us at every turn,” Falla mentioned crossing her arms.

  “Your boobies are so soft and awesome!” Pip cheered as she popped her head up between the harpy’s breasts.

  “And you keep this place absolutely spotless with your ceaseless cleaning,” Specca added. “Actually, you clean too much as well. If you keep scrubbing the floors and walls as much as you’ve been doing the marble is going to erode and the paint is going to come off.”

  “You’re all much too nice and forgiving with me,” Doku whined, burying her face in Daniel’s shoulder. “But I know I haven’t done enough to begin to make up for the trouble I’ve caused by staying here, let alone properly earn my place with you girls as Daniel’s official mate. I’ve ruined some of the meals, I’ve neglected areas of our home that needed dusting, and I just know I could speed up washing the clothes more if I didn’t daydream so much while doing so. I’m so sorry for-”

  “Stop, Doku,” the girls insisted as the harpy was again going off on another remorseful tangent. Daniel shook his head lightly as he looked down to Snapper, seeing her now chomping her teeth towards Doku and holding her arms out at the harpy. Giving the youngling a gentle kiss on the nose, Daniel was rewarded with a few big wet laps of her tongue on his face, getting an amused chuckle out of him before he carefully passed the child off to Specca. Taking the youngling into her arms Specca gently rubbed her nose against the child’s, quickly pulled back to just avoid having her nose chomped off by the swarm, then laughed weakly with a nervous smile while Daniel wiped the excess saliva off his face.


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