Bollywood Bodyguard

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Bollywood Bodyguard Page 8

by Lavinia Lewis

  Raj opened his mouth to object, but Brent wasn’t done.”

  “We are both in very different places in our lives and I think we’re looking for different things. I sincerely hope you find what you’re looking for, but I can assure you, I’m not it.”

  Brent turned on his heel and strode down the drive to take up a position by the gate.

  Raj sighed.

  Brent was wrong.

  He was exactly what Raj was looking for.

  It might take him some time, but Raj would prove that he could be the type of man that Brent was looking for, too.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Leaning back in his chair, Brent studied his business partner carefully.

  He waited a few minutes for Jack to process everything he’d told him before asking his opinion.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  Jack pursed his lips then his mouth curved up into a wide smirk. “I think we need more men on each shift, that’s what I think. This job is a fucking goldmine.”

  Brent frowned.

  More often than not, he got on well with Jack, but on some occasions he didn’t understand the man at all and wondered how it could be possible they were friends. Unlike Brent, Jack was incredibly money-orientated and often had a complete disregard for people’s feelings. He tried to overlook Jack’s shortcomings because there were a lot of things that he did like about his friend.

  Sadly, that list was ever diminishing.

  “For fuck’s sake, Jack. Raj was nearly killed and that’s all you have to say?”

  Jack brushed off Brent’s concerns with a swish of his hand. “Don’t be such a drama queen—the man’s fine, isn’t he? Didn’t touch a hair on his head.”

  “This time, no. And I resent you calling me a queen.”

  “Would you prefer princess?”

  Brent snorted and the hot coffee he’d just taken a sip of went down the wrong hole, choking him. After a few minutes of coughing and spluttering he glared at his partner.

  “Jesus, Jack. Idiot.”

  Jack grinned. “What do you want to do about the bodyguards that were on shift?”

  Brent sobered. “I’ve already spoken to Jaideep. I can’t believe he was so damn careless. I gave him a warning. If he makes any more mistakes like that on shift again, he’s out.”

  “Fair enough. What about Sanjay?”

  “He’d already been relieved when I arrived.”

  “I’ll talk to him. If we want this business to be a success, we’ve got to have men working for us that we can trust to do their jobs properly.

  “Otherwise, no one will hire us. How did Raj take the newspaper article?”

  “Surprisingly well. Oh, that reminds me. Raj said Rahul emailed us a list of staff. Did you get it?”

  “Yep. Already started running checks.”

  “Great. So what do we think? Three men on each shift?”

  Jack shook his head. “With actual attempts on Raj’s life? Make it four. I don’t want to see Raj hurt any more than you, but I gotta say this guy just did us a favor, a huge fucking favor.”

  Brent put his coffee mug down on the table and frowned.

  Jack’s words left a sour taste in his mouth. He wanted their business to do well as much as Jack did, but not at the cost of someone’s life. The thought of anything happening to Raj left him feeling cold. Brent had to bite his tongue to stop himself from snapping at his friend.

  “Doesn’t Raj have a premiere to attend this week?”


  Jack nodded. “There’ll be a large crowd outside so let’s go with six men on shift. Give me the details of the venue and I’ll have someone do a search of the area and prepare travel routes.

  “Jaideep might not be one of your favorite people right now, but he’s got experience with mob screening. He’d be a good man to have on the team.”

  Brent sighed. “As long as he doesn’t make any more fuck-ups in the meantime, I’m cool with that.”

  “We’d better go with six for that pre-premiere party Raj is hosting, too. Did you get the list of attendees?”

  “Yep, I gave it to Jameela before she left. She’s sorting out the guest list for the door and I’m already running checks on the catering and waiting staff.”

  “Perfect. Let me know if you need any help with that.”

  “Sure, but I don’t foresee any problems.”

  At least there was one area of his life that didn’t have any.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Why did I agree to host this ridiculous party again?” Raj watched the wait staff flit to and fro with trays of champagne and snacks in tow before depositing them on elegantly decorated tables around the edges of the room.

  Rahul scowled. “Because you’re the leading man and the publicity of this night is good for you and the film’s success.”

  Raj rolled his eyes. “I hardly think publicity is important now, do you? Another few months and none of this will matter. I’ll be out of the business for good.

  “Besides, I’m already in the running for an IIFA—isn’t that publicity enough?”

  Rahul stared at Raj as though he’d lost his mind. “You’ve been in this profession long enough to know how it works. You can never have too much publicity.

  “The fact that you are leaving the acting profession soon is irrelevant. You want to go out on a bang, don’t you?”

  “Not particularly. I’d rather slip away quietly, unnoticed.”

  Rahul snorted. “You’re one of the most famous men in the country. That isn’t an option. Just play the game. Smile and chat to all the nice people that turn up to congratulate you, just as you’ve done countless times in the past, and make sure you go outside at some point so the press at the gate can get some pictures.”

  “Do I have to?” Raj moaned.

  Rahul frowned.

  His features hardened and he set his lips in a tight line. “Yes, you do.”

  “I’m tired of this, Rahul. When is my time going to be my own again? When am I going to be able to do what I want, when I want…and with whom I want?”

  “Is that what this is about?” Rahul snapped. “Does your reluctance to do what is required of you lately stem from some desire to parade around town with a man on your arm?”

  Raj sighed. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “No, I most certainly would not.”

  Raj’s stomach lurched when he saw Brent stride into the room and head for one of the bodyguards in the corner. He hadn’t been able to talk to Brent in private for days. He hated the way they’d left things but he could understand Brent’s position. Raj must be crazy to think a man like that would be content to hide his relationships. Brent shouldn’t be made to hide anything. He was so open and confident and comfortable in his own skin that he deserved someone equally so.

  Not someone who was afraid to introduce him as their partner for fear of repercussions.

  “Did you hear what I said? Raj!”

  “Huh?” Raj turned to meet his agent’s gaze. “What were you saying?”

  Rahul sighed and rolled his eyes. “I said, your guests will be arriving soon, you’d better get ready.”

  Raj nodded.

  He took one last wistful look at Brent before leaving the large reception room to get changed. He could do this. Just a few short months of pretence and then he’d be finally able to live his life on his terms.

  The day couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Jaideep, I’d like you to stand at the door and cover the guest list. Deepak is out there now but I need an extra man at the gate.”

  The bodyguard nodded his agreement. “Yes, sir.”

  As Jaideep took his leave, Brent watched Raj slip out of the door at the other side of the room.

  He sighed.

  He’d been trying to avoid being alone with Raj for days but that wasn’t accomplishing anything. The tension between them was palpable. Brent felt like an idiot for the way he’d r
eacted when Raj’s mother had turned up at the house, but he didn’t know how to put things right. More importantly, he didn’t know if he should put things right. Maybe it would be better for the both of them if there was some distance between them. But every time he looked at Raj—every time their eyes met—Brent’s skin prickled, his stomach ached and he knew he couldn’t do what he should.

  He cursed under his breath as he crossed the room to follow Raj out into the hall. If he had stuck to his damn rules in the first place and not become personally involved with the Bollywood star, he wouldn’t be in this predicament at all, but it was too late for that now. He did, however, know that he had to make things right between them. The atmosphere whenever they were in a room together was becoming uncomfortable and, if they weren’t careful, people were going to notice that something was going on.

  A hair’s breadth from the door, Brent heard his named called and turned to see Raj’s agent striding his way.

  God damn it.

  The last thing he wanted right now was a run-in with Rahul.

  “Mr. Hawthorne, do you mind if I have a word with you?”

  Brent groaned inwardly but put on his best game face. “Of course not. What can I do for you, Mr. Kapoor?”

  Rahul glanced around the room before meeting Brent’s gaze. “I think this would be better discussed in private. Come, we can talk in the study.”

  Brent sighed. “Can this wait? I’m busy and the guests will be showing up any—”

  “No, I’m afraid it can’t. If you’ll follow me…”

  Brent rolled his eyes and followed in Rahul’s wake.

  They walked through the large hallway and entered a door on the far side of the house. Once inside, Rahul turned the lock on the door and crossed to a sideboard housing a few crystal decanters.

  “So that we won’t be interrupted,” Rahul qualified when he took in Brent’s raised eyebrows.

  Rahul poured himself a large drink then took a seat in a sumptuous leather swivel chair behind the mahogany desk that took up a large portion of the room.

  Brent frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “What is all this about?”

  Rahul took a sip of what Brent assumed was brandy, then swirled the contents of the glass before he looked up and met Brent’s gaze. “Raj.”

  “What about him?”

  “This is a very important time in Rajkumar’s career, Mr. Hawthorne, a very important time.”

  “I realize that.” Brent paused. He didn’t like where this was heading. “What exactly are you saying?”

  Rahul pursed his lips. “Simply that Raj has a lot going on in his life at the moment. The IIFAs are on top of us and, until they are over, he can’t afford any…complications, shall we say? I hope you don’t mind me being candid?”

  Brent scowled. “I’d prefer it. Why don’t you say what’s on your mind and get it over with?”

  Rahul nodded. He smiled but his lips remained tight and his expression unreadable.

  “Are you and Rajkumar involved?”

  “That is none of your goddamn business!” Brent ground out.

  He could feel the heat rise in his cheeks as he stared at Rahul. Who the fuck did the man think he was? More importantly, how did he know there was something going on between them?

  Raj certainly wouldn’t have said anything to Rahul, so how did he know?

  “Oh, but it is my business. As Rajkumar’s agent, everything he does is my business, especially when it could affect his career.”

  “What makes you think there is anything going on between Raj and I?”

  Rahul took another sip of brandy then shrugged. “Let’s just say I’ve got a sixth sense about these things. I’ve seen enough men come and go in Raj’s life over the years to recognize the signs, but you see, the men, they never last.”

  Brent smarted at Rahul’s words even though he knew the man was just trying to get a rise out of him, to get him to admit that something was going on. Well, he could think again. Brent wasn’t admitting a goddamn thing.

  Rahul could assume all he wanted.

  “As I understand it, Mr. Kapoor, your job as Raj’s agent requires you to help find him work, to negotiate his salary and to promote him. I don’t think Raj would be happy to know you are meddling in his personal affairs, do you?

  “Furthermore, if anything were to hurt Raj’s career, your only responsibility would be to help limit the damage. You may be under the misconception that you have a say in Raj’s personal affairs, but I can assure you that what I do is none of your fucking business.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

  Brent turned and let himself out of the study without as much as a backward glance at Rahul. He strode purposefully through the hall without the first clue where he was heading.


  Did Rahul think he could warn Brent off?

  He had no fucking right.

  Brent was so angry he didn’t look where he was going and walked straight into someone who stood at the foot of the stairs. He automatically reached his hands out to the man’s arms to hold him still.

  “Hey, steady on, old chap… Oh, Brent, isn’t it? How wonderful to see you again.”

  Brent let go of the man’s arms and took a step back.

  Fucking perfect.

  The last thing he needed right now was to have one of Raj’s exes shoved in his face. Brent tried to lift his mouth into a smile but he wasn’t sure he managed it.

  He inclined his head. “Mr. Wade.”

  “Formalities are such a bore, don’t you think? It’s Lucas.”

  The saccharine tone to the man’s voice made Brent want to retch.

  Pompous ass.

  “I don’t suppose you have any idea where Raj is hiding out, do you? I know it’s fashionable to be late, but I wouldn’t want him to miss the entire party.”

  Looking over Lucas’s shoulder, Brent could see that the guests were already arriving in a steady stream.

  “I think he’s…”

  “Ah, Raj! There you are,” Lucas interrupted. “I thought I was going to be stuck with Charlie for the entire night. He’s a sweet old boy but an insufferable bore.”

  Lucas chuckled and the sound was as unpleasant as nails on a blackboard.

  “Personally, I find him quite entertaining,” Raj replied.

  Brent turned to watch Raj stroll down the stairs. He took a long breath and held it in his chest, fighting the urge to wolf-whistle. Raj looked good enough to eat and Brent was suddenly ravenous.

  Raj wore a loose fitting, white cotton shirt tucked into tight black pants. Who knew such a simple outfit could be so sexy? The shirt was unbuttoned just enough to reveal a small expanse of smooth skin on Raj’s chest.

  “Oh, piffle, he’s as dull as dishwater and we both know it.”

  “I can’t imagine how you lasted so long without me to entertain you,” Raj joked.

  “It was tough, I assure you.”

  It took all of Brent’s strength not to lash out and floor the annoying man standing next to him. He shouldn’t be so concerned about Lucas and Raj’s light and teasing remarks. Brent and Raj were not an item. Raj could talk to whomever the hell he wanted, flirt with whomever he chose.

  The thought made Brent’s stomach clench.

  Was Raj flirting with Lucas or was it just friendly banter?

  “How did you manage?” Raj asked.

  “Well, you see I escaped Charlie’s clutches and was just coming to find you when I got sidetracked by your sexy bodyguard here.”

  Throughout their conversation, Raj’s eyes had been fixed on Brent’s. His mouth then curved up into the sexiest goddamn smile Brent had seen on the man. It made him ache.

  “Yes, he is rather sexy, isn’t he?”

  Brent cheeks heated. Lucas was smiling flirtatiously and Brent felt a strong desire to wipe the expression from the man’s infuriating face. He turned to scan the vicinity to check they were not being overheard. />
  “And bashful, too,” Lucas drawled. “How adorable.”

  Brent had heard enough. He didn’t want any part of their teasing. The easy camaraderie between the old ‘friends’ annoyed the hell out of him, so he knew he ought to leave before he said or did something he’d regret.

  He turned back to Raj and frowned. “I’ll be at the door if you need me.”

  Raj must have seen something on his face because his smile faded and he gave a sharp nod of his head. “Okay.”

  He looked over his shoulder before he stepped out on to the porch and saw Lucas take Raj by the arm and pull him along into the reception room. Could it be possible that there was still something between them? Were they still involved? Was that something Raj would do?

  Brent shouldn’t be so concerned but the idea made his chest hurt. He stepped outside to get some air but, when he breathed in deeply, he remembered he was in India and there was no fresh air to be had at all, just hot, sticky humid air that made his chest feel even tighter.

  Brent tried to reason with himself. What Raj did or didn’t do was none of his fucking business. He’d told Raj how things stood between them. Now he just had to make himself believe it…

  Only that was easier said than done.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Raj extricated himself from Lucas’s grip before they entered the busy reception room. The last thing he wanted was for Lucas to think he was interested in him. That mistake had happened a long time ago and it was one he would never repeat, however hard Lucas tried to seduce him. He didn’t want to enter the room on the arm of an openly gay man, either, although he supposed that doing so might be the answer to all of his problems.

  He sighed.

  Who was he trying to kid? It would only exacerbate them.

  A lot of people had arrived at the party already. Raj was once was able to tolerate these parties—to enjoy them even, but, as he looked around the sea of happy faces, he wished he was somewhere else.

  It was all the schmoozing that Raj found intolerable—having to make conversation with people he normally wouldn’t pass the time of day with. There was a falseness to it all that he didn’t have the stomach for anymore. He knew it was expected of him, but it made him feel like a phony.


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