The Mage’s War (Crescent Moon Academy Book 1)

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The Mage’s War (Crescent Moon Academy Book 1) Page 18

by CY Jones

  “Fine,” they all nod. We’ll do it your way,” Kirito concedes. “But if this blows up in our faces, I won’t hesitate to help her take you down.” With that threat, he turns and leaves in an angry cloud.

  Chapter 15


  “Master, we should get back to your dorm room. The air around us doesn’t feel right,” the Indian warrior speaks, interrupting my crying jag. I know I’m a mess right now. Some all-powerful master I turned out to be. Fleeing the cave, I didn’t bother to pay attention to which direction I went as I stumbled through the forest. I just had to get out of there as quickly as I could before I completely broke down. It would have been even more embarrassing to cry in front of them, especially that asshole Zion. Wiping my tears and snot away with the back of my hand, I look up at my companion. I don’t see any judgement on his face, but that’s not saying much. I don’t even know what he is.

  “How do you know I stay in a dorm room?” I ask.

  “During the calling, everything about you and this world was transferred into our minds. I know that this is the late twentieth century and you are a mage attending Crescent Moon Academy.”

  That’s interesting. Come to think of it, he is communicating with me in English. I’m doubtful he’s a new-age Native American. If I had to guess, I’d say he was an Indian settled in America way before us white people came and took over his land and fucked it up.

  “Was that what was happening while you were immobile?” I question.

  “Yes, Master.” Nice to know they were doing something besides freaking me the hell out while they were all still and statue-like.

  “Stop calling me that. If you updated yourself on the times, then you know slavery is illegal in this day and age. I’m not your master. I’m not sure what the hell I am.”

  “Then what would you like for me to call you?”

  “My name. Hell, I wouldn’t even care if you called me Hey You. Anything but Master. I’m not even a proper master. You may have missed it back there, but me summoning you here was a mistake.”

  “There’s no mistakes in the Mage War. Everything happens for a reason.”

  “I like to know what my reason for being involved is,” I grumble.

  It’s not like I don’t have my own shit to worry about right now. Surviving the academy was already hard enough. Now I have to survive a whole war too. And what’s with that power I used back there? I’ve never done anything like that before. “You’re a manipulator. You hold the power of persuasion and have the ability to bend others to your will.” It takes me a minute to realize he answered that in my head and that he read my mind.

  “What the hell, Archer?” I shout.

  “Sorry, as your Champion, I’m privy to your thoughts. It has been a long time since I have last taken form. I forget not everyone enjoys having their thoughts read. It’s more of a defense tactic so I’d know when you’re in danger.”

  “Well, right now, it’s a violation,” I gripe. “I don’t know anything about you and as you saw back there in the cave, the ones I do know somewhat, treat me like shit and try to kill me.”

  “I’m your Champion and you’re my Master,” he says matter-of-factly.

  “I said to stop calling me that. My name is Angelica. An-gel-li-ca, call me that from now on.”

  “As you wish Ma… Angelica.”

  “Great, glad that’s settled. Do you have any idea how I’m supposed to send you back? I wasn’t supposed to be chosen for this war. I have no clue whatsoever of what’s going on. I have no business wielding a Champion.”

  “The only way we can be sent back is if we die or the war is completed.”

  “So, in other words, I’m stuck with you?” I’m sure I sound like a brat, but I can’t help it. I don’t do well when I don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of me.

  “You’re wrong you know. I felt you. It’s what woke me from my slumber. Your power called to me, which is why I chose you. You may think you’re a mistake, but this was always your destiny.”

  “What do you mean you chose me? Didn’t you get summoned here?”

  “Champions don’t head the call of every mage’s summons. When you woke me, three others called out for me as well, but it is you who I marked and it’s your summons I answered. You may not have said the incantation, but it was your will that shouted the loudest.”

  Interesting. Did I really call him here? This whole time I’ve been thinking of this as being unwillingly taken for a ride, but now... Was I in the passenger seat this whole time under my own volition? Or was I the driver? I wanted answers. Wanted to know the extent of my powers and who I really am. Did I unconsciously call on Archer to help me with that quest?

  “What is your name? I can’t keep calling you Archer in my head.”

  “Usually Champions have some recognition of their past after being summoned, but because of the circumstances behind your summons, I can only recall bits and pieces. I know I was my tribe’s chief, but I do not remember which tribe or my name. For now, that’s not a problem, but it will become one when my noble phantasm is needed. It can only be evoked with my true name.”

  “What’s a noble phantasm?” I wonder if it’s the same as in the series.

  “Unlimited power I can wield against my enemy or in an easier explanation, my finishing move.” Yep, just like in the series.

  “Maybe it’ll come to you later. Do you have anything in mind you’d like to be called in the meantime?” Maybe he has a favorite nickname or something he’d like to use.

  “Archer is fine.”

  “Alrighty then, I’ll call you that.”

  “I sense a mage and Champion headed in our direction. Would you like for me to attack?”

  Would I? It’s probably one of those assholes. Who else who just got a shiny new Champion would be traipsing out here in the middle of the night?

  “No, let them come, but stay out of sight. I’ll call on you if I need you.”

  “As you wish. I’ll take my incorporeal form and watch you from up there,” he replies, pointing towards a grouping of trees a couple of yards away. My eyes grow wide as I watch him fade into mist before disappearing completely. “Don’t worry, Angelica, I’m still with you,” he whispers into my head. Well, damn, maybe the reading my thoughts and talking in my head thing isn’t that bad after all. Him being invisible like that will sure come in handy.

  I walk on, but slowly, waiting on the newcomer. It doesn’t take long before a voice calls out, “I’m not here to hurt you, kitten. I only want to talk.” Kirito. I’m not sure I’m ready to see him yet. I can’t believe he blabbed to his boys about us. I wonder if they all got a laugh out of it? Zion certainly looked amused. Was fucking me all a game? Just like with Constantine? The douchebag only dated me just so he could take my virginity, doing my twisted sister’s bidding.

  When he comes into view, his hands are in the air. For mages, that move is pretty useless as we are the weapons, but I appreciate the gesture. I’m sure it’s for his sake as well as mine since I wield the coveted Archer. What Champion did he get again? Oh yeah, the Assassin I think. In my mind, that’s way scarier. I remember the lanky warrior dressed all in black from head to toe like a ninja. He had on a black mask plate over the lower portion of his face just like the one Scorpion and Sub Zero wears in Mortal Kombat. Yes, I like video games as well as anime.

  “Why are you here? Didn’t you already get what you wanted?” I snarl.

  “It wasn’t like that, kitten,” he insists, moving closer. “You’ve got to know I really like you.”

  “Huh,” I tut. “You could have fooled me. Did you think it was a game to fuck me and then blab to your friends the next day? Or did you even wait that long?” I’m hurt. My heart is bleeding out in my chest, beating to an uneven rhythm.

  “No, kitten… shit. Zion is an asshole. I never told him shit about us. He just made you think I did to hurt you.”

  “You’re a liar. If you didn’t tell him, how did he
find out?” I shout.

  “‘Cause he saw us,” he shouts back.

  “Say what now?” Out of all the excuses he could have come up with, I admit I wasn’t expecting that.

  “Zion has had us surveilling you since you got here to see if you were a threat sent here to compete in the Mage War. Besides your first initial meeting with Zion, meeting us all the way you did was no accident. There’s at least one of us in all your classes, even though as of late, we haven’t really been attending them because we’ve been preparing for the war. That day in the kitchen, I sought you out on purpose.”

  “And the field?” I inquire. I want to know was that part of his surveillance too.

  “It was no accident I was out there. I followed you. Don’t look at me like that. My intentions were pure. I didn’t go out there just to fuck you, but when I’m around you, I find it hard to keep my hands to myself. You intrigue me like no one ever has. Zion too, if I were to go by the insane way he has been acting lately.”

  “Zion can jump off a cliff onto a bed of metal spikes for all I care,” I growl.

  “And me? Do you wish the same fate on me? For you, I’d gladly walk across those spikes just to see your smile.”

  “You’re so cheesy and a flirt,” I laugh, shoving his shoulder, but the strong bastard barely moves. “I guess I’ll think about forgiving you,” I answer after a beat. I’m not saying I’ll be inviting him back into my bed anytime soon. Okay, as long as I can deny him. It’s funny how you can go a long time without having sex and then when you do get some, you’re addicted.

  Smiling, he pulls me to his body and kisses me like I’m the moon and the stars and he’s the night sky they lay in. When he pulls back, a mammoth snake dangles down from one of the thick branches of the tree we’re standing under and hisses, causing his tongue to caress my cheek.

  “Razz says he’s sorry too.”

  “That damn snake is too big to be sneaking up on people. He almost gave me a heart attack. Where’s your Champion? He better not try to sneak up on me next or I’ll knee him in the balls.” Kirito chuckles, but I’m being serious.

  “He’s in his incorporeal form, which I imagine yours is too. Probably in some tree ready to shoot me down if I lay an ill-intended hand on you.” He’s not wrong, but I don’t tell him that.

  “Archer… is around,” I answer vaguely.

  “Fair enough. I don’t blame him or you for not trusting me. I look forward to earning that trust back.”

  “You say that like you had it in the first place.”

  “Tell me, kitten, would you have fucked me if I didn’t?” I don’t answer because he’s right. It may have been a night of fun and excellent sex, but I would not have let him touch me if I did not trust him, even if it’s slight.

  “Are you always this infuriating when you’re right?” I grumble.

  “Worse,” he chuckles. “Come on, let’s get back to the academy. It’s late and one shouldn’t doddle on the night Champions are summoned. That’s just asking for trouble.”

  I let him take my hand and lead us back because one, he’s right. Mages can be waiting in the shadows ready to eliminate me and I would never know and two, I still have no clue which direction is the way back. I do make sure to pay attention, just in case I need to go back to the cave one day. “I can take you back,” Archer whispers in my head.

  “Now you can, but what about when you’re gone? The Mage War won’t last forever.

  We make it back in record time and like a proper gentleman, Kirito walks me to my door. The wicked never sleeps, so despite the late hour, there’s still plenty of nosy mages walking about, but he pays them no mind when he leaves me with a kiss so hot, I’m surprised I didn’t combust into flames right then and there. The rumors are going to go wild, but I couldn’t care less about what anyone in this academy thinks about me. For the exception of Quinn, they can all jump off a cliff with Zion.

  I’m exhausted, but I somehow find the strength to make it to the shower. I was all sweaty from practicing with Quinn earlier, then waking up in the middle of the woods, oh and cave dwelling; let’s not forget that little adventure. My body is long overdue for a good scrub. I feel all grimy, like I haven’t showered in weeks. After taking an extra long time to make sure I’m thoroughly clean, I go back to my room. Safely closed inside, I call Archer forward.

  He’s so big, he makes my already small room seem tiny. I watch him look around, picking up things here and there and examining them before he puts them back. I laugh when he picks up one of my dolls, sniffs it before placing it back on the shelf pinched between his fingers.

  “What’s the matter? Not into voodoo?” I question.

  “I cannot give you an opinion. You are the first mage I have met who practices in such things.”

  “I haven’t met another one of me either,” I admit. “My brother and I grew up pretty sheltered, plus my father didn’t want anyone to learn that I’m only half harlequin so I could only practice at home.”

  “That sounds hard, having to hide who you are.”

  “It was sometimes, but I had my brother. When I was feeling sad or when his mother would act crazy, he’d take me on our father’s private jet and we would go anywhere around the world I wanted. I’ve been to Egypt and seen the pyramids, explored the world’s most untamed jungles and walked the Rain Forest, been backpacking across Europe, swam in the crystal blue water in Italy, and beheld France lit up at night from the Eiffel Tower. Quinn always seemed to know where to take me to make me feel better.”

  “He sounds like a good brother.” My eyelids start to grow heavy and I lie down on the bed, staring at the beautiful Indian looking out the window for danger.

  “Do Champions sleep?” I ask on a yawn.

  “We do to replenish our reserves if our chosen mage isn’t supplying us with enough mana.”

  “What’s mana?”

  “The spiritual energy inside a mage. I believe you call it your pool of magic or well. In a way, we are another magic and need to be fed with enough spiritual energy to function. If a mage is weak or inexperienced, we would have to sleep and eat to refuel, but it takes longer than tapping it straight from the source. This is why weak mages are never chosen. Without mana, we would cease to exist. If you were to die, I would eventually fade and disappear.”

  “Why eventually? How come not right away if I’m your power source?”

  “Archer class Champions have independent functions.”

  “Meaning?” I prod.

  “Meaning I can be away from you for many days and still go on without having to replenish my mana. It’s a special ability unique to my class.”

  “No wonder why so many mages wanted you. Why Milo was foaming at the mouth when he found out I had the Archer. Wait! Do you have to rest? I am one of those inexperienced mages and have no clue what I’m doing.”

  “Despite your naivety, I get an adequate supply of mana from you. You’re a powerful mage, and even though you don’t know what you’re doing, subconsciously, your body does.”

  “That’s interesting.” I don’t feel powerful, especially right now. I yawn again, louder this time, barely able to keep my eyes open.

  “Why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll patrol and keep you safe.”

  “‘Kay,” I mumble. I may have said something else, but my brain is done computing for the night. The dark cloud of my mind drags me under and it doesn’t take long before I’m fast asleep.

  Chapter 16


  I feel nothing as I watch with dispassionate eyes as the blonde’s head between my legs bobs up and down my shaft as she sucks me off. I originally called the little goodie-two-shoes here to heal me. She’s the one who had other ideas as a form of payment when she knelt between my legs and shucked off her shirt, revealing a nice pair of fat tits hidden under all that school paraphernalia. I give her points for her stamina. She has been going at it for almost an hour now and has already gotten herself off three times with her finger b
etween her legs, but I have yet to spill a drop of my seed. Truthfully, I’m surprised I’m hard at all. It’s not like Kaydence isn’t hot. She is, in that girl-next-door kind of way, but my tastes are being picky bastards and is craving someone else a little more illusive. A dark haired beauty with a smart mouth and ass begging for me to spank red.

  Closing my eyes, I try and fail to at least pretend she’s here, but it’s no use. My body won’t be tricked. I’m about to pull Kaydence off me when suddenly her straight blonde hair lengthens past her breast, curling as it turns a rich brown with caramel highlights. Her skin darkens to a golden tan. Before, aroused bright blue eyes stared up at me from lush lashes, but now, they’re a gorgeous hazel with flecks of green and gold. Her tits grow smaller, which should be a turn off, but it’s really not when the frame they’re paired with compliments them perfectly. Rosy nipples turn dark like chocolate, pierced with tiny barbells in a X with tiny jingle bells attached to the ends. Her moans are even the same as the ones I heard last night, and I get impossibly hard in her mouth. Holding her down with one hand, I work my hips and fuck her throat with a renewed interest.

  My heartbeat speeds up, sweat drips from my brow, but I don’t let up even when I hear the girl start to choke. So much for not having a gag reflex. The mages’ she fucked before dicks must not have been that big, but it doesn’t matter. The noise adds to further arouse me. Finally, I’m on the edge, ready to leap, and with my head tilted back and my eyes closed, I cum hard, exploding down her throat. Oliver I curse in my head, already knowing the culprit behind the deception.

  Dazed, Kaydence stands, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and I hand her a damp towel to wipe her mouth and hands. To be thorough, I recite a spell to burn away any traces left behind of my seed. You don’t get where I am by being careless. I have rules; one being when I fuck someone, I never take them back to my room. It’s always somewhere private I know well and can’t be ambushed. Before my dick goes anywhere near them, I’m the one to recite the spell for protection. Words can be left out or twisted. Then I supervise closely as they clean them themselves off and use my powers to burn any traces of me off their body. I will not risk pregnancy or my DNA used against me. Not that Kaydence is capable of doing such things. I honestly believe she’s too good for her own good. Normally, I fuck dark mages and they’ll do anything to trap me.


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