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The Mage’s War (Crescent Moon Academy Book 1)

Page 19

by CY Jones

  “Do you need anything else?” she asks, batting her fake eyelashes. Now that she’s back to her normal self, I’m no longer interested.

  “I’m good,” I answer in a flat tone, and she gets the picture, quickly scurrying away. I wonder how long the high of doing something so naughty with a dark mage will last.

  When she’s gone, I wipe myself before fastening my jeans. “You might as well come out. I know you’re here,” I call out. Seconds later, Oliver walks over with a very amused look on his face. “Are you done playing games?” I growl.

  “I had to let Caster give you a bit more inspiration. If I had to wait for you to get done on your own, I would have been here forever.” I roll my eyes at that. Clearly, he’s trying to get a reaction out of me.

  “So you had her conjure up the little faker’s image?”

  “It worked, didn’t it? A little too well for someone who acts like they aren’t interested.”

  “I’m not,” I protest, but even I’m not sure anymore. I’m not stupid. I know he’s not convinced. At this point, I don’t even know if I am. I hate her still, even more so since she can get under my skin so easily, but my want of her has reached the level of insanity in which I don’t need right now. Crazy people do crazy things and make stupid mistakes.

  “You know you could have just asked me to heal you? No need to seek out the goodie-two-shoes unless you wanted to fuck her.”

  “I didn’t think you would have been amenable after the cave,” I answer honestly.

  “I don’t agree with your actions, but I get why you did it. You like to come off as this douchebag, but you’ve been protecting the girl this whole time, haven’t you?”

  “Your reasoning is a little off, Erwin. Are you sure it wasn’t you I fought in the cave? Clearly, you have a head injury. I only did what was right for us and that’s all.”

  “If you say so, boss.”

  “Whatever. Did you three complete your mission?”

  “Yes. Those Clawhaven mages are some real stupid fucks. They actually believe they intercepted a message from Milo’s crow,” he chuckles.

  “It’s a good thing they are stupid pricks or our plan would have fell flat. Was Milo able to confirm only four mages have Champions?”

  “Yes. Well, three now. Their Berserker was killed by their Lancer while he was there. I guess not everyone is smart enough to enter into an alliance. The only Champions left is a Lancer, Archer, and an Assassin. All three are strong and could attack her at any time. With one Champion dead, I doubt they’ll make a move tonight, probably lying low to replenish their mana like us, but I can’t say that will stay the same for tomorrow.”

  “If I were them, after learning there’s a Boudreaux here with a Champion, I’d enter a temporary truce until they take her out. I agree they won’t strike tonight, but who knows after that. Have Ryker stay out that way to keep an eye out on them. Archer should be enough to watch over her tonight. You can take tomorrow morning.”

  This is what I’m built for. Strategizing and forming a battle plan. I do not take my role lightly and have looked through every possible avenue. Any angle our enemy will try to exploit. At first, it was to ensure the five of us survived, but my plans have been amended. Now, they include her.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll be visiting my family home, and probably won’t get back until late Monday evening. I’ll leave Saber here for your disposal, just in case they strike and you need her.”

  “Going home? What for?” he asks, shocked. I don’t blame him. I haven’t been back there since my sister was killed. She was the only thing in that wretched house I cared for and now she’s gone.

  “To start research on our little harlequin. You know how my father loves to hoard secrets like a dragon.”

  “I’m doubtful he’ll tell you anything without a steep price. Even for his son.”

  “I’ll worry about that. You have your orders, don’t fuck it up. I’d hate to find out I went home for nothing if I come back and she’s dead.” He rolls his eyes, not in the least bothered by my comment. We both know who has the harder mission here. I’ll have to sell my soul to get anything out of my father, and that’s if he doesn’t try to kill me while I’m there. There’s a chance I won’t make it back at all, but it’s small since I’m his only heir.

  Rising from the couch, I stretch. My body is still a little sore and I am tired as shit. We all used up a shit ton of mana summoning our Champions as well as the fight afterwards. I need to rest, not just for my sake, but Saber’s too, so she can sufficiently draw enough mana from me. I want her to be alert. Now is not the time to be complacent. Not when the war has started and all the Champions have been summoned. The other academies are not as dumb as Clawhaven. I’m already being reckless by going home without Saber, but she’s needed here. Now that my plan has been put into motion, I have to make sure the little harlequin has every tool she needs to survive. Reading my thoughts, Saber’s smokey voice whispers in my head, “Master, I do not agree with your plan of going home without me.”

  “I’ll be fine. If I get into any trouble, I can always call you to me or if need be, use a command spell.” She’s still not happy with my decision, but I’m the Master. She has no choice but to comply with my orders.

  I’m quiet as I tiptoe through the house, careful to not wake my family. Sick with worry for my father. Mother did not fall asleep till late. Even now, she stirs in her sleep, tossing and turning like the tide in a storm. My father sleeps steadily, knowing this will be the last night he’ll be able to rest easy in a soft bed next to his wife. He knows if he leaves for the war, he will die. Time has taken its toll and he is no longer young anymore; vigorous like he was in the last war where he came back a hero with a messed up leg. My father will do anything for his family, even die. He has made peace with his decision, but I have not. Father is prideful. He will not dishonor his family by ignoring the summons from the Emperor, but I am my father’s daughter. For my family, they have my utmost loyalty.

  I put on my father’s armor and stare at myself in the mirror. Held tightly in my hand is his sword and I close my eyes, using it to cut half my hair. My hair is still long, but I don’t look as feminine, especially when I gather it on the top of my head in a knot. Kneeling at the altar, I pray to our ancestors to look after my family and to help them mourn my loss if I happen to get caught or killed. Standing, I trade my father’s draft notice with the delicate flower comb I wear in my hair so that they’ll know it was me who took it. For my family, I will be brave.

  Training is hard on my body. I’m frailer than the other men, slower since I’m not used to such strenuous exercise. Men are animals and they act and smell like them too, but I keep up my deceit and take on their traits. One false move and I’ll be banished and have brought dishonor on myself and my family. Women have no business in war, but I’m here to prove that’s not true. For my family, I discipline myself. Work day and night to improve when the others have long stopped. My mind stays determined as I build my chi and soon, my body follows. My soft skin hardens, my muscles grow. I’m quicker on my feet, moving through the drills like the wind. I’m graceful like water, but it’s fire that fuels my soul until I far surpass every man in my regimen. My mind is cunning and with a sword, I am deadly.

  War is not for the weak. Blood coats my hands, splattered all over my face and armor, but I push on. On top of my father’s horse, I take my enemies down one by one until no one is left. My ancestors hear my battle cry and help push me as I’m guided by the dragon inside. I kill without remorse, striking down anyone who dares try to stop me.

  Red, red, red, all I see is red. I’m a monster, swift on my feet. Connected to my chi, I am graceful and accurate with my father’s sword as I run through Hun after Hun. They tried to ambush us, our numbers far fewer than theirs, but we push on with a fierce determination that shouldn't be possible, turning the tide in our favor. We all have something to live for. For me, it’s my family, for the men in my regimen, it’s the empire. We
fight for glory. We fight for honor. We fight for freedom. We fight for the kingdom.

  My spins are flawless as I jump in the air and kick out with my feet. Strike, kick, spin, hit. This is my death song. My sword is another extension of my arm and I wield it with precision. I’m no longer Hua Mulan, but a dragon hidden in the shadows of a woman. When I’m done, I stand on a pile of bodies with my hair blowing in the wind. I refuse to hide any longer. I have proven that women are not weak. When pushed, we’ll howl with the wind and can be just as deadly as men. For my family, I will be true to myself.

  I took on and accepted the life of a warrior even after I brought honor to my family. I defeated the Huns, saved the Empire, did what no woman has ever done before. I always knew I’d die in battle from the first moment I put on my father’s armor. All I can see is red as flames circle me. The fire of my heart, what truly makes up my chi. I was never calm like water or swift like the wind. It was the heat and flames that I embraced and held onto. My ancestors call my name, beckoning me to join them. My mother and father are with them, but I’m not ready to join them. I do not want to give up the fight. The dragon inside me lifts from my body and changes into a fiery bird. Red and golden feathers float carelessly within the flames, and I grab onto one, agreeing to its price. For myself, I will fight for all eternity.

  As soon as I wake, I call to make sure the private jet is fueled and ready for departure. I want to be up in the air as soon as possible. The sooner I make it home, the sooner I can come back. I hate leaving like this, but it has to be done. I know my father knows the answers we’re seeking. He makes it his business to know everything about everyone, especially the old families. I’m banking on the fact that my visit will take him by surprise. I haven’t been home in a long time and there’s a war going on. He might just tell me what I want to know, just to get me to leave. As a master, I have a big fat target on my back and casualties are known to happen. I’m also banking on the fact that this move is not normal. No one would be expecting me to just board a jet and leave. Hawthornes aren’t cowards.

  “Master, would you allow me to accompany you to the air strip?” Hearing her voice reminds me of my dream. I know exactly which warrior I drew. Ironic since she lived for her family and risked her life to save them when I hate mine with a passion mere words could not relay. My mother is nothing but a ladder climbing socialite, addicted to wine and valium. My father, a cruel bloodthirsty murderer who would do anything to propel our family’s name. All he cares about is appearances and what someone can do for him. And secrets. He has to know everything so he can use that information against them.

  “You can, but as soon as my jet takes off, I want you back here. Stay close to the girl and make sure nothing happens to her.”

  “As you wish, Master.”

  Milo’s crow watches me as I step into the town car. I’m sure Oliver informed everyone I’ll be leaving today. I’m not sure if he’s watching my back or looking for weaknesses to exploit. When I came up with the plan to form a truce with the other families, I was not sure he’d accept. Out of us all, he’s the most dangerous. The one capable of killing me. I’ve known him since he was five and even then, he’s still the same. He has this darkness that circles him like a bad omen that refuses to leave. He has always been quiet, watching everything around him with intelligent eyes. The mask of indifference he wears eats up all his emotions. The ones that are hard to read are always the most dangerous.

  Our friendship has been uneasy over the years, but he’s still my brother. It might be crazy, but I trust him, even when I know he wants to kill me, like now. It’s been a while since I’ve done something to get a reaction out of him, and I don’t think it’s because I lost the Archer. I’m sure it’s because he’s interested in the girl like the others. If that’s true, she’d be the first to break through his cold demeanor. I didn’t even think he was interested in the opposite sex until she came around, but it’s not like I know what he does with his free time. He’s a mystery to all of us.

  With no traffic, we make it to the airport in record time. After bidding Saber a quick farewell, I board the plane. In a couple of hours, I’ll be home. I need to formulate a plan before then. I can’t just outright ask for answers. If he knows I came there wanting something, he will not give it to me without me having to give something I do not want to lose in return. My older sister was the only thing I cared about, so there isn’t much he can take, but my father is a snake. He has a talent for knowing where to strike so it’ll hurt the hardest. I’ll have to be cunning and trick the information I need out of him somehow. Maybe leave a few breadcrumbs and see if he’ll fall into the trap I set out for him. Leaning back in my chair, I get comfortable so I can get some more rest while I can. I’ll need to be on my A-game against him.

  This time when I dream, I dream of her. When I do decide to take her, it will be on my terms. I’ll yield control to no one, not even her. I’ll have her on all fours with her deadly hair wrapped tightly in my firm grip so her slender neck and back arch beautifully as I fuck her deep from behind. Her ass will be red, marked by my hand, and when she comes, you’ll see the hate flashing in her beautiful hazel eyes as well as the sated bliss from how much she loves the way I make her feel. That’s what I want. What I have been searching for. A love-hate relationship where we tiptoe each other’s boundaries. Maybe once I fuck her, I can get her out my system. Purge myself of this unhealthy obsession so I can go back to normal.

  Turbulence shakes the jet and I jolt awake with a hard dick. Using my magic, I scan for anything out of the ordinary and relax when I don’t find anything. It’s just a regular thunderstorm we’re flying through, nothing more. Closing my eyes, I will my dick to calm down. Maybe dreaming about her so close to home wasn’t a great idea. I need to work on building up my shields, be more like Milo because I cannot allow my father to read my mind. I’m here to drop crumbs, not the whole damn loaf. Thinking about what my father would do to her if he knew I was interested deflates my hard on quickly and just in time too. Through the window, I can start to make out land, and the overhead lights turn on while the pilot announces over the intercom we’ll be landing soon. Get in, get answers, and get out. As long as I stick to the plan, I should be fine.

  The mansion is just as I remember it; cold and uninviting. From an outsider’s view, it's a magnificent historic home and inside the lap of luxury, nothing less for a Hawthorne, but it’s the aura surrounding the place that sends shivers down my spine, like a haunted house. You can feel it deep in your bones that bad things happen here. I don’t bother to knock, just let myself in. I’m sure the butler is around, but why wait on him and alert my father of my presence?

  The halls are dark and ominous… quiet with my footsteps being the only sound. It’s mid-afternoon, so my mother is either preparing to go out or has yet to come home from fucking her latest conquest. She never made it a secret to her children that she married my father in name only, and it’s not like my father even cares she fucks around as long as she remains discrete. He has his own conquests he brings home to rub in his indifference. I’d like to say they loved each other once, but I wouldn’t know. I’ve been away in school since I could walk, and when I did come home, I learned early on to stay away from my parents.

  I veer off to my sister’s room. It’s still the way she left it with the huge princess canopy bed with purple bedding and sheer violet drapings. Centered in the middle of her pillows is her old ratty teddy bear, Mr. Stuffy. When we were younger, his glass eye was lost in the garden, so we sewed on a black button we found instead. It was like a little art project with her and I as we pretended to be surgeons, operating on our patient.

  On her desk is her iMac completely covered in stickers. There was no rhyme or reason to them. Just every sticker she can find completely covering the expensive machine. Next to the desk, on the wall is a collage of pictures of us. No one else, just the two of us smiling like we lived in a happy and free world. In these pictures, fairy tales are r
eal, but it couldn’t be farther than the truth. None of those pictures was taken in this house. Charlotte tried her best to protect me, to hide me from the evil that lives in these walls, but even she couldn’t escape their reach. I pull down a picture with our arms around each other smiling into the camera. It was the last picture we took before she was killed. She told me she met someone and was going to introduce them to me, but that never happened. She was taken away from me before she ever got the chance.

  Pocketing the picture, I leave and head toward my father’s study. I know he’s in there and I have doddled long enough. Get in, get answers, and get out.

  Just as I move to knock on the door, it opens and I step back to allow the woman opening it to step past. She’s just my father’s type, blonde with collagen filled lips and big fake tits on an impossibly thin frame. Her sparkly dress is indecent and her knees are bruised red. One guess of what she was doing. When she sees me, she eyes my body up and down like a predator with a sharp gleam in her cold blue eyes. A cougar looking for young prey to sink her jaws in. I give her a bored look of abhor that lets her know exactly what I think about her. Making an unlady-like noise, she holds up her head with her thin nose in the air like she’s the Queen of England and not some ladder climbing whore that was just minutes ago sucking my father off, and struts down the hall toward the front door like she’s on the runway.


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