The Mage’s War (Crescent Moon Academy Book 1)

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The Mage’s War (Crescent Moon Academy Book 1) Page 27

by CY Jones

  I’m silent. Not believing what I’m hearing. We knew him going back home alone would be dangerous, but for his father to attempt to kill his only heir... that’s just mad. “How did he think he was going to get away with it? Your death would have been noticed.”

  “Who knows. I didn’t exactly stick around to ask. By the time I came to, my mother was already gone and Saber was guarding my unconscious body in my room.”

  “So why send Violet here now? I mean, if you did want to be with Angelica, it’s not like he could stop you. You never made any promises to marry Violet, only he did. He can’t honestly think he can force you? And if he tried to kill you, that means he has other plans for the future that doesn’t involve his heir.”

  “It’s those other plans I’m worried about. I never knew why he was so focused on me marrying Violet. Her bloodline has grown weak over the years and is not much of an asset to him. He won’t gain any prestige from her family or have any guarantee our pairing will result in strong offspring. I always assumed Violet's father had something on him and was blackmailing him.”

  “Did you learn anything from the trip besides your mother isn’t as much of a self-centered bitch as you once thought?” I ask.

  “Yes, I learned something about Angelica I wish now that I never found out because it’ll destroy her,” he answers in a serious tone.

  “Which is?” I prod, even though I don’t think I want to know the answer myself.

  By the time he’s done telling me, I’m dazed. I feel like a child listening to a bedtime story that turns into a nightmare. How can I go back to my room and look my temptress in the face knowing what I know? Zion is right, this will destroy her. Make her question everything, even her existence.

  “We can’t be the ones to tell her the truth. That responsibility falls on her parents.”

  “Yeah, but they haven’t said shit in all this time; what makes you think they ever will?” he argues.

  “Still…” I pause. “Do you think her brother knows?”

  “Maybe. It would explain why he has such a hard on for her. I don’t think he sees her as his sister, but playing the long game until he makes her his wife. That’s the only way this sham can continue. I doubt her parents ever planned on telling her the truth. Her father is the leader of their commune. Think of the havoc the truth will cause. No wonder why a Boudreaux never attended here. It’s a miracle no one has questioned the difference between their powers. She's a dark mage, he’s light, that just doesn’t happen with twins. I couldn’t dig up anything that would explain why they would send them here now. With all they’ve already done, it would have been wise for them to stay in hiding and not be allowed to use their powers.”

  “Are you sure it’s her? You could be wrong,” I say, looking at this at every angle.

  Turning his back on me, he retrieves something from the spelled jeweled box he keeps on top of his dresser and hands an old Polaroid photo to me. “I found this in the hall of records.”

  I can’t deny the woman with long dark curly hair and hazel eyes holding a tiny babe wrapped in a yellow blanket looks a lot like Angelica. In fact, she could be her older sister. The woman looks so young, probably sixteen or seventeen-years-old.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I ask, tearing my eyes from the photo.

  “My father knows what Angelica looks like from my head. Let's hope he doesn’t put two and two together and go to Morganstein. For now, all we can do is go about this war as planned. With Kirito getting injured, she’s more amicable in helping us now.”

  “And her brother?” I ask, raising a brow.

  “We shouldn't go off alone anymore. His Champion may have been able to take one Champion out, but I’m doubtful he’ll be able to take out two. We should leak his identity and what Champion he wields to the other academies and have them settle our problem for us. Until they take him out, we need to keep her away from Quinn because it won’t be safe for her to be around him.”

  “Easier said than done. She’ll kick our asses if we try to keep them apart,” I warn.

  “Only if she knows what we are doing. We’ll have to be sneaky about it. Train with her. She’ll buy that we want her and her Champion in sync with us. She’s already hiding her abilities from her brother, so she wouldn’t want him around if you’re training.”

  “And if they can’t kill him? We can’t keep her away from her brother for long.”

  “Then we’ll kill him,” his eyes flash with flames and his voice gets scary dark. “We owe him for Kirito.”

  This plan has a chance of backfiring. There's too many unknowns and secrets like the one her parents are keeping from her always tend to come out at the worst time. I can’t help feeling like we’re sitting on a ticking time bomb, and when it explodes, we’ll have more things to worry about than this war. Angelica is strong. She’s just barely tapped into what she can do. When a person has nothing to lose, there's no telling what they’ll unleash.

  “I want to go on record that this is a bad idea,” I warn him before leaving.

  I get back to my room just when she starts to stir, and I get back in the bed and wrap myself around her. I never cuddled with anyone before either. I think I like it. My parents were murdered when I was young. My grandpa raised me, but he wasn’t the touchy-feely, talk about your feelings type. In fact, he hated being touched. I grew up in this academy, already set in my ways and until he died, I only saw him on holidays, where he taught me to be as coldhearted as him, and I became the master of my family line. I have an aunt who would love for me to croak so her son can take over. I’m still not certain she didn’t kill my parents. She knows better than to be left in a room alone with me. Fear is the only thing that keeps her from coming after me. I have my gramps to thank for that. He may have been an ornery, old man, but he raised me in his shadow and made sure I did not grow up weak. He knew the kind of people his children were and did not sugar coat anything.

  I inhale her sweet scent. She smells like coconuts and vanilla. She also smells like me and the beast inside me growls his approval. She murmurs something unintelligible in her sleep before wrapping a thick lock of my hair around her finger. The action seems to calm her and her breathing evens back out. We have nothing to fear. Our Champions will keep her safe, and I will never let anything bad happen to her. She’s mine now.

  Chapter 23


  As I roll across the field, Archer sends a barrage of arrows at Blondie’s Champion, who jumps out the way and leaps into a thick oak tree that he uses as cover. We have all been taking turns training together for a week now. I still have yet to agree to fight this war with them, but since they already know the truth about me, it has been nice to use my powers without holding back.

  Ever since I tapped into my power of manipulation, it was like I cracked open a fissure inside me and power I didn’t even know was possible has been slowly leaking out of me like puffs of air. Once open, I couldn’t seal it back, which makes not using them torture. It’s like my body has to have a release. I haven’t made anyone move against their will, but if I focus hard enough, I can see these invisible strings attached to people. Maybe it’s instinctive, but I know if I focus and give the strings a little tug with my magic, I can make people do and say whatever I want.

  It’s a different power from when I attacked Blondie in the cave and our mind and body linked together. I don’t know what was up with that. I’m doubtful I’ll ever do that again nor would I practice with that sort of power. I don’t want anyone in my head. Ever! It’s not a nice place. Trust me.

  I also think I can see auroras now too, which is weird. But the colors I see aren’t bright like I heard or read about in books from the enchanted library, but clouded, like I’m looking through dirty lenses. Milo said it’s probable because I need to practice more, that each power we have has to be exercised like a muscle. I could ask the headmaster since this is a power he has, but I’d rather not open up the ‘I’m a manipulator’ can of worms. It w
ould be his duty to report me to the Council and I rather not put him in that position.

  Bouncing to my feet, I planned to go after Oli, but I can’t move and I curse, realizing I’m trapped in one of Caster’s spells. Peering down, a sigil glows under my feet and I want to slap myself for not paying attention. On silent feet, Oli comes up behind me and holds a dagger to my neck. “You lose, beautiful,” his breathy voice whispers in my ear and I shudder.

  The guys and I have been playing an interesting game. One where I know they want me, but we have all been playing hard to get, well, except for Zion. He’s been one-hundred percent certain ‘it’s not gonna happen’. Not that I can blame him. He has his hands full with Violet. She’s always around him like his shadow. I still have no idea how he feels about her. He won’t confirm or deny their engagement. I never took him for the type of guy who’s into the clingy types, but what do I know about relationships? I’ve fucked both Kirito and Milo. Granted neither party ever said we’re a couple and we haven’t had any repeat performances, but I really want to. The problem is, I’m never alone with just one of them, so it makes going off with one and leaving the other behind awkward. Then there's the twins. They make flirting an art form. My laundry consists of way too many soaked panties.

  “You win. I’m done for the evening,” I say with the edge of the blade against my throat nearly cutting me before Oli removes the dagger. Groaning, I stretch my arms high in the air. I’m so damn sore. All this training is exhausting as well as my libido playing musical chairs with the guys. She’s a greedy bitch and it won’t be long before she adds the twins to this already complicated equation. Besides, according to the rumors going around the school, I’m already fucking them. Word on the street is that, with the exception of Zion, I let the heirs pass me around as payment for them not killing me. I’d seriously love to know who made that one up so I can cut slits in their throat and watch how long it takes for them to choke to death on their own blood. #Goals.

  “Want to grab dinner with me and my brother at the diner?” Oli asks, breaking me from my dark thoughts of revenge.

  “I really want to, but I need to go back to my room and study for our Spell Casting exam.” Unlike them, I have to try harder in that class because of my dyslexia. If I get one bad grade, Leslie would be the first to say I’m too dumb to be taking the class anyways and the school is just wasting their time. Unfortunately, it’s a priority class and I have to pass it with at least a B+ in order to remain in the top rating. I’m currently sitting pretty in eighth place.

  “Okay, beautiful. Let me tell my brother and I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”

  “Alright,” I agree. I think it’s really sweet they feel like they have to escort me everywhere, like I’m not dangerous as hell and can kill people with my hair. Not to mention the badass Indian with perfect aim who never leaves my side.

  As soon as we get to my building, Archer whispers in my head, “There’s someone in your room.” Only one person can bypass my wards. It has to be Quinn, but I move cautiously, just in case. You can never be too careful in this place, not to mention there are mages running around who aren’t on my side with Champions strong enough to break my wards with just their pinky finger.

  “Is something wrong?” Oli asks, reading my body. Why does he have to be so perceptive? If I tell him Archer senses someone in my room, he’ll go even further into protective mode and break my door down. Then if Quinn is indeed in there, he’ll go into big brother mode and it’s all downhill from there.

  “Nothing,” I lie. “I’m just thinking about our exam coming up next week, that's all.”

  “I wish you would stop worrying about that. You’ll do fine. You need to give yourself more credit. You’re such a badass and you don’t even know it.”

  “Says the guy who got Caster as his Champion. Spellcasting comes easy to you. Me? Not so much.

  “You’ll get there, just have faith.”

  I give him a small smile. I wish I had as much confidence in myself as he does me. I guess that’s hard when you have an evil stepmom always whispering in your ear that you’re not good enough. As awesome as my dad was, the taint of her bitterness was still able to leave a long lasting stain on my psyche.

  “You don’t believe me, do you?” he asks in a sad voice.

  “You should spend less time trying to read me and more time strategizing what you’re going to do about this crazy ass Mage War. You forget, I still haven’t agreed to work with y’all.”

  He gives me a delicious, wicked smile, and I have to bite back a moan. Seriously, it’s not fair for someone to look like him and there’s a carbon copy just as tempting. “Deflecting. It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me all your secrets… yet.”

  “You implied that statement like I will sometime in the future. If you believe that, let me set you straight right now.” I move forward, closing the gap between us until I’m a breath away from his luscious lips. “It’s never going to happen,” I whisper, before giving him a teasing kiss.

  When he pulls away, his pupils are huge and I stare dazzled at the different color blues swimming around his irises. “Challenge accepted, beautiful, but don’t hold it against me when you lose.” With that parting remark, he leaves me with a wave and a cocky smile. Smug bastard. I bet he believes he can best me. Well, I do love games, so bring it on, pretty boy.

  Taking a deep breath, I pull myself together and slowly turn the knob of my door. “Archer, stay alert, just in case I need you,” I tell him as I push my door open and step through.

  Just as I thought, it’s Quinn lounging on my bed like he doesn’t have a care in the world. The balls on my brother. I haven’t seen him in what seems like ages. I was certain he abandoned me to my own devices since I haven’t been able to track him down. I thought after I returned his gift, he’d see I was seriously upset with him and tried to rectify the situation, but nooo, the asshole just had to be a dick and ignored me further.

  “Oh, you are alive,” I snark. Barely sparing him a glance, I walk over to my dresser and start to remove my rings and earrings. All the jewelry I wear has some kind of spell woven into them and I rather study free of outside interferences. With that concept, the sooner I kick Quinn out of my room, the better.

  “Sister dear. With a greeting like that, you make me feel like you don’t like me.”

  “At this moment, you’re not my favorite person,” I tell him truthfully.

  “You wound me,” he replies, dramatically, holding his hands over his heart like he’s an actor in some Shakespearean play. Always the joker. I bet the asshole doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong.

  “What do you want, Quinn? I’m a little busy right now to play your games.”

  “So I heard,” he growls.

  What the fuck crawled up his ass?

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask, turning on him. Folding my arms across my chest, I look him dead in his bright blue eyes. I don’t think I like the accusatory tone he’s using or the fact that he’s acting like some jealous lover.

  “I’ve heard you’ve been quite busy with five pretentious assholes who you have no business being around. Is that how you operate now? If you didn’t think you could handle them, you could have always come to me for help. No need to whore yourself out.”

  My slap is immediate, my palm stinging as my anger vibrates through my body. I’m more than angry, I’m fucking seething. How dare he? I don’t give a flying fuck what everyone else thinks, but for my own flesh and blood to buy into the rumors and then come to my room after acting like a fucking dick. How fucking dare he?

  “You know, Quinn, for someone who’s been MIA, you sure have a lot to say about my life. Even if I did need your help, which I don’t by the way, do tell me, how was I supposed to go about getting it when everytime I’ve stopped by your room, you either weren’t there or couldn’t be bothered? Now all of the sudden, you show up in my domain with a lot to say about shit you know nothing about. If you seriously
believe I’d actually have sex with someone to stay alive, then you can get the fuck out of my room and never come back.”

  “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for,” he says, his gaze pleading with me for forgiveness.

  “You think. I can’t believe you’d have the audacity to say something like that to me. I get enough shit from the assholes here. I don’t need my brother adding to the drama.”

  “I know, I’m being an ass. It’s just… I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately. It was wrong of me to take my shit out on you. I know you’d never sleep with anyone for protection. You’re right. I’m a dick and I’m sorry,” he apologizes again, and I let out a loud sigh before sitting next to him.

  Seeing that all is forgiven, he takes my hand in his, threading his long fingers through mine. “Why are you here anyway?” I ask, watching his fingers like I’ve never seen them before. It’s been awhile since it has been just us, together with our weirdness.

  “Do I have to have a reason? Can’t I just visit my sister without their being some sort of an agenda?”

  “I don’t know. It seems like you’ve been avoiding me lately, so excuse me if I assume you’re here for another reason.” My words come out harsher than I meant to and he winces, but I can’t find it in me to feel bad. He’s the one who abandoned me, not the other way around.

  “I didn’t do it intentionally. I guess I have a problem with sharing. I’m used to it just being us, and then we came here and everything changed. With each day, I feel the distance and before I knew it, days would go by without me seeing you. Before, we used to be on the same page, but now, it’s like we’re not even in the same book. Both of us on separate missions.”

  I hate that he’s hurting, and for once in my life, I don’t know how to fix it because he’s right. We have somewhat grown apart, but I don’t fully think that’s a bad thing. He’s making a name for himself and I’m still learning who I am. I can’t be the best sister to him with all these question marks floating around in a circle above my head. “And what’s your mission?” I question.


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