Love on Beach Avenue

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Love on Beach Avenue Page 8

by Probst, Jennifer


  Avery spun on her heel. “Fine, let’s go. My car’s over here.”

  They got into her white SUV and headed out. “This first venue is the Ocean Club. Their SeaSalt restaurant has amazing cuisine, and I think it gives the flavor of elegance combined with the beach fun you may be looking for. They had a last-minute cancellation, so they’re holding it for us for twenty-four hours.”

  “What if they didn’t have a cancellation?” Carter asked from the back seat. “Would Ally have no choices at all?”

  Her shoulders stiffened, but she kept her voice light. “No, I have another vendor we’ll see next.”

  “And if she doesn’t like that one?”

  Her fingers gripped tight around the steering wheel. “I’d get creative. This late in the season I have limited choices, but we got lucky.”

  “Huh. Didn’t realize luck was a huge part of the wedding-planning business.”

  “Stop busting her chops, Carter,” his sister called out. “You have no idea how much stress we’ve put poor Avery under to plan this in three months. Don’t add to it.”

  She smiled at her friend, who tossed her a wink. Carter remained blessedly quiet for the rest of the drive. It was nice to see Ally stand up to her older sibling, and Avery enjoyed every moment of the king’s temporary knockdown.

  When they arrived at the Ocean Club, she introduced them to Peter, who took them through the space with his usual enthusiasm and charm. She’d built a long-term relationship with multiple vendors in Cape May and loved when one of her favorites was able to work with her. Whenever they had a cancellation, they immediately called Avery because she always had a bride ready to jump on the spot. Personally, this was the reception site she believed would fit her friend’s vision best.

  The massive open room where the reception would be held boasted a gorgeous bar; huge windows open to views of the beach; and gleaming, warm, polished wood floors. Her heels tapped as she began to paint a picture of the space to fit Ally and Jason’s needs. “You can definitely go with a smaller space with your number of guests, but this allows endless possibilities for decor and setup without feeling dwarfed. The dance floor could go here, or over there,” she pointed out. “We’d put the tables scattered by those windows so the guests have plenty of breathing room while they watch the sunset over the beach. I’d suggest doing silver tablecloths with black-raspberry accents.”

  “I love that,” Ally said. “What about cocktail hour?”

  “We can do it outside on the sundeck so you get a nice combination of inside and out. I’d also suggest doing various appetizer stations that are a bit unique, such as martini cakes, a full raw bar, and a special cocktail named for events you and Jason experienced together. The possibilities are endless.”

  “I can picture the whole thing.” Ally gave a sigh. “I’m torn on what to do about the main dinner, though.”

  “Chef Gordon can customize a menu that works,” she said. “If you didn’t want a sit-down or buffet, we could do a full tasting instead, where he’d make various bites that are served throughout the evening. That would give you more of a party atmosphere if you want to avoid the formalities of a sit-down.”

  Ally swung around and grabbed Carter’s hand. “It sounds perfect, but do you think it’s too weird?” she asked. “Do you think Jason’s family would question the lack of a full sit-down dinner?”

  Avery held her breath and prayed Carter would be supportive, even if he disagreed. He frowned, as if seriously considering it, and nodded. “No. If the food is good and plentiful, I don’t think they’ll care how it’s served. What if you do a formal gourmet rehearsal dinner? That way, you get both, but it’s more intimate with just us, the wedding party, and Jason’s immediate family.”

  Damn him. She’d been about to suggest the same idea, but opening her mouth now would make her look petty and juvenile.

  She kept smiling as Ally clapped her hands. “Yes! I love that idea!”

  He tipped his head in acknowledgment. Lucy popped her head up from the bag to lick his hand, and he smiled and patted her head with pure affection.

  Oh, how she disliked this man.

  After a productive appointment, Avery took them to their second option. The restaurant was gorgeous and intimate, with a fine menu and old-world feel. It marked all of Ally’s boxes, but Avery sensed the SeaSalt had captivated her friend. In the end, the decision was easy.

  “I love the SeaSalt,” Ally said as they walked out of their second appointment. “I know Jason would feel the most comfortable there. He doesn’t like being boxed in, so having all that extra room available with the views sold it for me.”

  “It’s a great choice,” Avery said, giving Ally a tight hug. “I’ll call Peter and get it booked. I also ordered the invitations you picked, so our top three critical tasks are officially done. The rest will just be fun.”

  For Ally, that is.

  The endless tasks to keep Ally’s wedding on track were overwhelming, but there was no way she was giving her friend a hint of the stress to bring it all together.

  “Let’s celebrate,” Ally said. “Can we grab a cocktail or dinner? My treat.”

  “My treat,” Carter corrected, offering a rare smile.

  Avery glanced at her watch and sighed. “I’m sorry, sweets, but I’m working all night long. I have a conference call at six and a huge wedding this upcoming weekend. I’ll be swamped for the next three days.”

  “But you have to eat!” Ally said. “Just one drink and a salad? Look, we can head right into Fins. You’ll be out in an hour tops and be fortified for the night.”

  She hesitated, but the pleading look on her friend’s face got her. “Okay, one hour. But I’m not sure if Fins allows dogs.”

  Carter dismissed this with an elegant wave of his hand. “Lucy is a certified therapy dog. It’s fine,” he said.

  “You’re kidding. What’s your diagnosis?”

  He didn’t look at her, just forged ahead with those long, measured strides. “Anxiety.”

  Avery stumbled on her heel, and he reached out to steady her with superhero speed. His fingers burned into her upper arm, and she gasped at the contact on her bare skin.

  What the hell was that about? Her arm tingled, and heat shimmered in her core. She’d never had such a reaction to a man’s touch. Is that what loathing felt like?

  “You don’t have anxiety,” she said, refusing to analyze her strange response.

  “How would you know?”

  She snorted. “’Cause you’re like a robot.”

  Ally burst into laughter. “Priceless. You know my brother too well. Lucy’s actually the one with anxiety when she’s away from him for too long. She’s also supersmart, so he pulled some strings, got her certified, and now gets to take her everywhere.”

  He paused before the entrance and slipped a tiny jacket over Lucy’s body that signified her as a therapy dog. Unbelievable.

  “That’s illegal,” Avery said. And surprising. She never would have imagined Carter breaking any rules—he was always respectful of authority.

  “Yes, it is. And I’m sure you’ve never broken the law before.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh, wait, you’ve been to jail. Guess you can’t judge.”

  Ally punched him lightly in the arm. “Are you ever going to get over that tiny mishap?”

  “No. When you have to bail someone you love out of prison at three a.m., come talk to me. Then we’ll be even.”

  Avery and Ally rolled their eyes and entered Fins.

  They were seated immediately on the back patio. The scorching heat was fading as the sun drifted downward, and a light breeze teased and tugged at Avery’s hair, pulling some strands free. She ordered a vodka and seltzer, oysters, and a side salad, and allowed her body to relax into the chair.

  “I’ll be right back. I want to hit the restroom and call Jason to let him know where we booked,” Ally said. Her hair gleamed bright red and bounced as she left, and Avery smiled at th
e open, beautiful joy reflected on her friend’s face.

  Avery turned toward Carter, and the question popped out of her mouth. “Has she always been this happy?”

  He regarded her with his usual serious expression. “She was born happy. My parents always said she had a gift of seeing the bigger picture in the world. Made it easy for her to forgive. Made it easy for her to fail because she always concentrated on the wins. She was like a light in the household.”

  His words struck her hard, said so matter-of-factly about his sister. “What about you?”

  He cocked his head. “What about me?”

  “If she was the light, what were you?”

  His stormy ultramarine gaze crashed into hers. Her chest tightened, and fire zipped through her. “The realist. What else would I be?”

  The waiter interrupted, dropping their drinks and appetizers on the table, then gliding off. The serious mood broke, and her breath finally reached her lungs.

  Losing their parents at such a young age must have affected both of them, but Ally was always open about her grief, and grateful to her brother for raising her. After their mother had died of cancer, their father passed shortly afterward of a heart attack. Ally said Carter rarely spoke about their father’s death, as if the tragedy of losing both parents within a few short months was too much for him to process. Curiosity stirred. Avery wished she could ask Carter many questions, but they didn’t have that type of relationship.

  He fed a few pieces of bread to Lucy, who remained quiet, her head cocked and tilted up in a mix of need and adoration. “How’d you end up getting Lucy?” she asked, forking up an oyster and enjoying the mild, sweet taste mixed with a touch of salt on her tongue. It was so fresh, she skipped the cocktail sauce and enjoyed it with only a drizzle of lemon. “Breeder, pet store, or shelter?”

  He swirled his ruby-red pinot noir, then took a sip. “I was away at a work conference and walking to my hotel. I saw a man with Lucy on a leash. She barked, and he kicked her hard. Knocked her against a tree. I called out, but he didn’t hear me. Lucy got up, and you know what she did? Looked straight at that asshole and let out another loud bark. It pretty much screamed Fuck you. And then he kicked her again.”

  “Oh my God, why are there such cruel people in the world?” She stared at Lucy with a new respect. “What did you do?”

  “I went over and began telling him how my daughter had been begging for a Yorkie forever, but we couldn’t find one at the shelter. I kissed his ass and offered him three hundred bucks for the dog right then.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t beat the crap out of him.”

  He shook his head. “Then he wouldn’t have given me the dog. Even if I accused him of animal abuse, it’s pretty hard to get it to stick. Lucy would’ve been right back with him. My goal was to get her away from him, permanently.”

  “So he accepted your offer?”

  A smile touched his lips. “Not until he negotiated to five hundred dollars. As soon as he took my money, I picked her up and snuck her into the hotel. I ordered us room service, named her Lucy, and she slept in the bed with me that night. We’ve been inseparable ever since.”

  Emotion roared over her in choppy waves. The way he looked after Ally and Lucy told her there was more depth than what he showed. Why was she intrigued to learn more about that part of him?

  “Why Lucy?”

  “From Peanuts. I like the way she’s always pulling the football away from Charlie Brown. She’s feisty and never apologizes. It was perfect for her.”

  Avery grinned. “Yeah, I guess it is. She’s a little bit mean, though.”

  “Not if she finds you worthy.”

  Lucy took that exact moment to gaze across the table at her, curl her lips back, and show her teeth in warning. When Carter looked back down at her, she nosed his hand with sweetness and affection.

  A combination of respect and irritation mingled at the dog’s obvious dislike for her. It seemed she was quite possessive of her man.

  What a bitch.

  He took a bite of his crab cake. “Well, now that we booked the reception venue, you can relax. I can handle the rest with Ally if you just want to give us your preferred contacts.”

  “What do you mean I ‘can relax’? There’s still a long list of things to accomplish in a short amount of time.”

  “I’m sure, but as you stated before, the rest are minor details. We can do the flowers, cake, rehearsal dinner, and favors on our own. That will open up more time for you to devote to your other brides.”

  The patronizing, smug smile was back, and her heart sank. He had no respect for her job or what was involved. Probably thought she was a glorified secretary, running around to confirm a bride’s choices.

  She dabbed her mouth with her napkin and tried for patience. “I know it may seem you have the bulk behind you, but there are millions of details that crop up that I handle.”

  “Like what?”

  She steeled her shoulders. “Like coordinating over a dozen vendors’ schedules so everything arrives the way we ordered and on time. Like being the main contact in case anything upsets your sister or she has any questions, rather than floundering about and trying to figure out who to call. It’s not just choosing cake and flowers, Carter. It’s photos, videos, ceremony, transportation, rehearsal dinner, makeup, hair, musicians, caterer, and hotels for the family to stay at. This isn’t about visiting a few vendors.”

  “Understood. If your assistant can give me a list, I’ll handle it. I’ll be finished with my project this week, and I can devote the rest of the summer to dealing with these details. Honestly, it’s not a problem.”

  Slowly, the horror of his true intention unfolded. Her fork dropped and clattered to her plate. Lucy jumped and peered over the edge of her carrier to see what was going on. “You don’t want me to plan Ally’s wedding,” she said, the shock still barreling through her. “You still don’t think I can handle it.”

  The coldness was back. Like a turtle crawling back into his shell, he surrounded himself with an icy distance and disapproval. “I’m only trying to take care of my sister.”

  “So am I. As her damn wedding planner. You may think you know everything, but you have no idea what’s involved with a wedding. Do twenty-four hours in my shoes and you’d be in full retreat, crying like a little baby.”

  His gaze narrowed. “I doubt it.”

  “I don’t. Just because you got lucky with a dress and one lousy suggestion for the rehearsal dinner doesn’t mean diddly-squat.”

  “Diddly-squat, huh? You’re quite the linguist.”

  Her voice shook. “You’re quite the control freak.”

  His jaw locked. “Once again, your penchant for drama is not a good look. If you’re losing it now, how will you deal with the multiple crises you keep telling me happen at a wedding?”

  She tried desperately to remind herself he was a client—the ManOH—and she couldn’t lose her temper for Ally’s sake. She dropped her voice to a harsh whisper. “I’m giving you a free pass today for your sister’s sake, but be warned, robot man. You want a war? You’re on the wrong battlefield, because I have the home advantage. And I’ve never lost a skirmish.”

  He sat back, staring at her with renewed interest. “Robot man, huh?” he finally said. “Interesting. Threats using war metaphors aren’t very original, though, but I appreciate the visual effect. I’m more of a bottom-line person, so I’ll get to the point. You’re not getting rid of me, Avery. I’m going to be in this every step of the way until my sister walks down the aisle. You can either accept it gracefully or keep having these little tantrums, which is only wasting a good amount of energy you can put into planning the perfect wedding. I’d advise the former.”

  She shook with the effort of not launching across the table and throttling him. He was unlike any ManOH she’d ever dealt with—worse than awful MOBs and PITA brides. He was all of them encompassed in one giant nightmare she couldn’t get rid of.

  And he’d
be here the entire summer. In her face.

  All the goodwill from their initial conversation drained away, and she was left with one goal in mind: destroy him without ruining Ally’s wedding.

  On cue, her friend came back, but her face didn’t reflect the happiness of a bride who’d just booked her reception venue. She slid into the chair, pocketed her phone, and faced them with a worried look. “I just got terrible news. Jason’s mother broke her leg.”

  “Oh no, is she all right?” Avery asked, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

  “Yes, she’s home now in a cast, but she needs round-the-clock care for the next few weeks until she’s able to get around on crutches. Jason can’t get the time off because of the wedding and honeymoon, and his brother just had a new baby. Maddie started a new job in California, so she can’t help, either. It’s a mess.”

  “Can you hire a nurse to stay with her?” Carter suggested.

  “We were discussing it, but honestly? She hates dealing with strangers in her house due to anxiety. Jason and I were talking, and we think the best solution is for me to go back home and stay with her until the wedding.”

  Avery and Carter were silent for a while. Her mind raced through the rest of the summer, quickly sorting out what still needed to be decided on. “I think that’s a good idea,” she said firmly. “You’ll only worry if you stay, and I handle most of my clients’ weddings virtually, anyway. Like I said, we’ve decided on the most important things. I’ll put together a spreadsheet, and we’ll do the rest via email, text, FaceTime, whatever works for you. I got this.”

  Ally smiled in gratitude and let out a breath. “Thank you. I loved the idea of spending the summer here, but she needs me now. And Jason’s mom is like . . .” She trailed off, emotion choking her throat.

  “A second mom,” Carter finished, nodding his head. “I get it. She’s lucky to have you as a future daughter-in-law. I agree with Avery. We can handle the rest of the wedding planning together.”

  A slow roaring began in her head. Gripping the edge of the table, she tried to mask the desperation tinged in her voice. “Um, there’s really no reason for Carter to stay, either,” she said, directing her words at Ally. “It’d be a waste of his time when I can speak directly with you about the rest of the details.”


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