Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1) Page 8

by Lisa Oliver

  “There has to be another way. Last time we called them, they left us stranded – you could have died. I’m not putting our lives in the hands of those three again. Find someone else. Later.” Lucifer disconnected the call; well aware Stefan was watching him. He was bound to be full of questions, questions Lucifer wasn’t sure he wanted to answer. It was easier to call the pilot of the plane instead. They were going to need food on the plane and Lucifer was ready for a serious nap.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Since his stint in hospital, Stefan hadn’t been the type to sit and dream about being mated to a huge, buff magic user, or any magic user for that matter. After his disastrous affair with Jordan, he’d tended to take jobs with older magic users who were at least married. Unfortunately, he quickly learned that marriage didn’t stop men and women alike who felt his anchor duties should include sex. But as mated magic users didn’t need his services, he’d often been caught between a rock and a hard place. Having moral standards was one thing – needing to eat and have a roof over his head was another.

  The only reason he even went to the interview for Lucifer, was because Darwin was quietly persistent from the moment he’d seen Stefan’s magic license. He’d come across as unthreatening at the job center and was such a genuinely nice guy that Stefan took a chance, even though he had no clue who Darwin needed him to anchor for.

  Darwin led me to Lucifer, who turns out to be my mate. We’ve claimed each other, admittedly under some duress, but why won’t he talk to me? A tiny part of Stefan almost wished Lucifer was one of the men he’d anchored for before who couldn’t keep their hands off him. Somehow, that’s how he’d always imagined a mate would behave when he did think about having one. Lucifer’s shut off nature was in part insulting and, if Stefan was honest with himself, hurtful.

  Ever since they got on the plane, Lucifer’s body language screamed “leave me alone.” He’d taken the seat furthest away from Stefan, wrapped his coat around himself and closed his eyes. Garrick had taken the time to get some rest too, but Stefan’s brain wouldn’t quit.

  He had a lot to think about. The case for one thing. Technic was now consumed by a demon, and Abdullah had been clear that the man was determined to take Lucifer down. Why? Stefan couldn’t work out if Technic was jealous of Lucifer’s relationship with Darwin, or if their “friendship” had been a lot closer than Lucifer had led Stefan to believe.

  And then there was the twins aspect. Lucifer seemed adamant, both with Abdullah and Darwin that there had to be someone else who could help with the impending showdown. But why? Stefan had so many questions which Lucifer seemed determined not to answer. Hell, he hadn’t even had a chance to ask them, and yeah, that wasn’t doing Stefan’s self-confidence any good. The one man who is supposed to want me, confide in me, and share with me, would rather pretend to be sleeping. Asshole.

  Recognizing his brain was going down some dark holes that wouldn’t do him any good in the long run, Stefan reached for his bag, feeling for a small chest he kept in the side pocket. Sliding onto the floor, he used his magic to pull the chest into its full size, and then manufactured a bubble of light, making sure not to disturb the sleepers, pretend or otherwise. Reaching into the chest, he fingered his tools. Working always helped soothe his mind. I’ll try a hummingbird this time, he thought with a smile as he got to work.


  Lucifer resisted the urge to fidget in the airplane seat. He found it difficult sleeping when his brain was screaming “coward” at him. The logical side of his brain sought to justify his behavior – he needed rest, he’d been shot, he’d almost had his magic drained by some unseen creature of the deep. But his core being, the one that handled Lucifer’s emotions and was responsible for his gut instincts wasn’t being so charitable. Lucifer was now committed to another being he knew next to nothing about, but even that lack of knowledge wasn’t a good reason for refusing to confide in or explain an increasingly confusing situation to his new mate.

  He opened one eye, just a slit, and risked a peek at Stefan. The young man had abandoned his seat at the back of the cabin and was sitting on the floor engrossed in something – a large bug or similar, Lucifer guessed. He was immediately struck by how considerate Stefan was being – his light was contained, and Lucifer imagined the bubble Stefan created around himself kept any noise from escaping too. He couldn’t hear anything except the drone of the plane engine, yet he could see Stefan was using tools.

  A realization hit him, as Lucifer watched, at how lonely Stefan looked. His hat abandoned for now, his white blond hair shielding part of his face, sitting in a bubble of light in an otherwise darkened cabin, it was like watching the man on a screen or through a window – close but totally out of reach.

  All my own doing, and that thought sent a pang of regret through Lucifer’s cold heart. Right from the beginning, Lucifer hadn’t done right by his mate. Lucifer remembered how different it was, working cases with Darwin. The two men would talk for hours, there was nothing Darwin didn’t know about every criminal Lucifer had pursued over the years. Lucifer knew how vital information was in keeping his brother safe. My mate deserves all that and more.

  Lucifer took in his mate’s slender body. Stefan’s back was straight, his legs folded in front of him without any apparent sign of discomfort, totally engrossed in piecing something together with tiny cogs smaller than the tip of Lucifer’s fingers. So engrossed, so self-contained. Has Stefan ever been able to rely on anyone in his life before?

  Unsure where that last thought came from, Lucifer abandoned his pretense at sleeping. His butt was going numb from the angle he was sitting, so he moved, distributing his weight more evenly. Stefan didn’t even look up. He was completely absorbed in his miniature project and as more cogs and pieces of metal were added, Lucifer started to see a bird emerge – a beautifully detailed bird decked out in gold and blues.

  It was fascinating to watch and while there was a big part of Lucifer that knew he and his mate had to talk, he felt it would be almost selfish to interrupt a craftsman. There was so much more to Stefan than a gold and green waistcoat, or a weird hat. Immersed in his project, Stefan gave off a quiet confidence Lucifer could almost feel – putting together a bundle of bits and creating something magical.

  Lucifer didn’t know how long he sat there, watching Stefan work. He did know that the more he watched the stunning man, the more the carnal side of his nature emerged. Stefan was his for all time, and yet Lucifer had barely touched him beyond that one hug. As Stefan’s arms moved, his back flexed and Lucifer wondered what he’d look like without his buttoned-up shirt and waistcoat. At one point, Stefan leaned forward over his legs, peering into a chest that must have come from his bag. The sight of his ass clearly defined as Stefan’s pants tightened had Lucifer biting the inside of his lower lip.

  So, lost in his thoughts about what Stefan looked like under his clothes, he almost missed the “ta-da” moment. It was Stefan’s muffled chuckle that alerted him. There, perched on his hand, was a brightly colored mechanical bird complete with wings, beady eyes and a long narrow beak. A hummingbird. Lucifer felt the sides of his lips twitch up too. Stefan looked over and Lucifer’s need increased as he was assessed by his mate’s ice gray eyes. “Do you feel ready to talk now?” Stefan asked, waving his hand, removing the confines of the bubble he was working in.

  “I’d far rather get to the physical side of our claiming.” Lucifer adjusted the growing length in his pants, not bothering to hide what he was doing. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

  “Oh really.”

  Sweeping up his tools, Stefan deposited them carefully in the chest by his side. Once everything was put away and the bird consigned to a small box of its own, Stefan stood, brushing out the creases in his pants. Lucifer felt the heat in his belly increase as the man sauntered closer. He spread his legs as Stefan reached his chair, and Stefan didn’t disappoint, stepping in between them. Leaning over, Stefan smirked as Lucifer’s breath quickened and Lucife
r felt a zing straight to his balls. Resting his hands on the armrests, Stefan said softly, “What makes you think I’m the kind of man who lets a guy fuck him when he won’t even talk to me?”

  “You’re not? You won’t?” Well, shit!

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stefan wanted to laugh out loud at Lucifer’s expression. The heat in the ruggedly handsome man’s eyes was still there, and there was no missing the hardened cock the man was sporting, but the ‘oh shit’ look that crossed his mate’s face at Stefan’s words was too funny for words. He decided to step things up a bit.

  Looking down, he made a point of focusing his gaze on Lucifer’s crotch area, softly walking the fingers of one hand slowly up his mate’s inner thigh. “The local butcher at Greenford talks to me more than you do. Should I drop my pants for him, do you think? I know he’s interested. He’s offered me a bed for the night more than once. Or what about Jensen at the council office? I probably know more about his unfortunate skin condition than most people alive, but I don’t jump into bed with him either.” He sighed, completely for effect. “But at least those people talk to me.”

  “We’re mates.” The growl in Lucifer’s voice sent a tingle down Stefan’s back from skull to tailbone.

  “Hmm. We are.” Making sure to flick his hair back, Stefan tilted his head as he eyed Lucifer’s face again. “But how do I know you’re even happy about that now you’ve had time to think about it? Shouldn’t you be bringing me up to speed with our case? Filling me in on information I’m sadly lacking? In other words, talking to me?”

  Stefan jumped as Lucifer’s hands landed on his hips, pulling him close enough to feel the lump in the man’s pants. “I will tell you everything you want or need to know.” The growl was still evident in Lucifer’s tone. “After.”

  And… I think I just lost control of this situation. “Wanting you was never going to be an issue,” Stefan said, trying to hide his breathlessness. His hands fell, as if by magic, on Lucifer’s shoulders and he couldn’t resist flexing his fingers. So much power. “You know that. But we have to… we have to… we have to connect with more than magic and skin.”

  Lucifer’s hands were slowly moving over his butt, which was shorting out Stefan’s ability to think. “Luc, wait. Are you even listening to me?”

  “Listening. Hearing. Understanding.” Lucifer’s breath ghosted over Stefan’s face. “I did wrong. I should talk more. I’ll do better.”

  Stefan opened his mouth – to protest, to say… something, but he wasn’t given a chance. For only the second time in his life, hard lips pressed against his and he gasped. Thick fingers curled in his hair, the other hand pushing hard on his butt, pressing their bodies together. There was no way Stefan could stay on his feet, but he had every confidence that Lucifer could take his weight.

  Taking a chance, Stefan let himself fall. He was so glad he did. Kissing Lucifer was everything Stefan would have dreamed of if his mind ever dwelt on such things. There was mastery, strength and lashings of experience behind those lips, but Stefan preferred to savor the surprising softness of the hair around Lucifer’s mouth, the sweetness of his mate’s taste and the heat that exploded between them. When Lucifer finally gave them space to take a quick breath, Stefan couldn’t help but note the flared nostrils and the way Lucifer’s eyes were almost black. His mate truly wanted him in the basest of ways.

  Yet, the fingers plucking at his waistcoat buttons were gentle. “Can I…?”

  Stefan nodded, holding his breath. Lucifer couldn’t know how special his waistcoat was to him. Or maybe he could, because when the buttons were completely undone, Lucifer carefully eased the garment from Stefan’s shoulders, folded it, and laid it carefully on the seat beside them.

  “You’re like a fine horse,” Lucifer rumbled, although Stefan was more focused on those wicked hands which had taken care of his slim tie and were now unbuttoning his shirt. “All sleek and finely tuned, with a hidden power underneath.”

  His face heating, Stefan carded his fingers through Lucifer’s long hair. It was soft, just like his facial hair. Of course, he had to let go of his petting when Lucifer nudged him. His shirt was off. Stefan now stood bare chested in front of a man who was twice his size and likely far more defined than he’d ever be. Embarrassed, Stefan gave a half shrug. “I’m not built anything like you.”

  “You don’t need to be. You shine.”


  Lucifer wasn’t one for spouting poetry, but as he admired Stefan’s slender form, he sent up heartfelt thanks to the Fates. No, Stefan didn’t have his size, definition – even his skin was paler - but all Stefan’s bits were in the right place and they glowed.

  When Lucifer said his mate was shining, he wasn’t just talking about the man’s inner confidence, which had slipped a bit for the moment. Stefan’s skin was alive with light, dozens of latent magical symbols shining like tattoos etched in sunshine. Lucifer had seen a few such markings in his life – Darwin’s forearms lit up every time Monty was near. But Darwin said his arms were the only place he lit up, his clarification made after a particularly scathing comment from Lucifer about a neon dick, something he’d commented on early in his brother’s relationship. On two other occasions Lucifer had seen similar marks on the anchor of a mated pair, but they too were confined to the arms.

  Stefan had them everywhere. Celtic knots glowed through his skin as though they were on fire, and various symbols trailed over his shoulders, across his chest. Even Stefan’s belly hosted a swirling mass of symbols Lucifer vaguely remembered from ancient texts.

  “Look at you,” he breathed, his fingers moving of their own volition, tracing marks as old as time. “Your power levels must be off the charts.”

  Stefan looked down at his chest, a small frown line marring his brow. “I was tested at level seven. It’s on my license. Are you doing this to me?”

  “No, babe.” Lucifer wanted to laugh for no reason at all. Stefan looked incredible. “You’re shining because you’re amazing. I swear, I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’ll bet every inch of your skin is covered.”

  Tilting his head to one side, Stefan peered at him shyly. “Do you think we should look?”

  “Hell yes.” Lucifer’s fingers were itching to strip his mate bare.

  “But.” Stefan put his finger up. “Could this be a mutual thing – you know, I have my shirt off, so you take yours off too? I’ll do my best not to drool.”

  “You can drool all you like, babe.” Lucifer hurriedly shrugged off his coat and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt before dragging that over his head and dropping it on the floor. “Ta-da. Now, let me…”

  “Wait. Gods.” Stefan chuckled. “It’s like it’s your first time or something and we both know that’s not the case. How come only the tattoos on your forearm are glowing?”

  Lucifer held his arms up in front of him, looking. “I didn’t think I was meant to glow too. Only anchors do. Oh well, must be to do with our connection.” He went to grab Stefan again and this time Stefan didn’t stop him.

  “Your skin is incredible.” He nuzzled against his mate’s sternum; his fingers busy taking care of the fastenings on Stefan’s pants. Sliding his hand inside, Lucifer met a brief-covered bulge. A nice handful, he thought, eager to get to the flesh underneath. Working his fingers under the brief’s waistband, he encountered warm, firm flesh – his favorite kind. Ignoring Stefan’s gasp, Lucifer used his other hand to shove the offending clothing down his mate’s legs.

  I was right. He does glow everywhere. I wonder… Never one for second guessing his instincts, Lucifer dipped his head, catching Stefan’s cockhead in his mouth. The faintest prickle of electricity greeted his tongue, his magic flaring as it came into contact with Stefan’s. But there was a time for magic and there was a time for cock-sucking and while Lucifer didn’t want to blow his own horn, sucking dick was something he was good at.

  And it seemed Stefan appreciated his skills if the moans were any indication
. The poor man wobbled, his legs seeming to give out on him. A firm arm around Stefan’s thighs held him steady. Lucifer was aware of Stefan’s hands stroking from his neck to his shoulder, which was nice, but the cock in his mouth was responding like a dream.

  Beads of precome dribbled on Lucifer’s tongue every time he pulled back, causing his mouth to water. Sexual juices weren’t sweet or fruity, they were sticky and salty, something Lucifer happened to enjoy. Stefan’s had a lightness about it, and if Lucifer had been poetically inclined, he’d have thought he could taste the magic leaking from Stefan’s skin. It was a heady taste and Lucifer used their connection to get rid of his own pants, boots and briefs magically, along with Stefan’s pants which were still hanging over his footwear. With his cock primed and ready to go, Lucifer was in a hurry to move things along.


  The sudden change of texture against Stefan’s leg alerted him to the disappearance of his mate’s clothing. Naked. Together. On a plane. Oh, my gods I want to come so badly. He was doing everything he could to distract himself from his building climax – but his brain had one focus and that was the man slurping him down as if he was a favorite treat. It’s not like Stefan had had a chance to build up any sexual stamina. He was usually too busy trying to survive the day to day to worry about the state of his dick.

  A finger pressing against his hole did prove distracting. Stefan’s body tightened up automatically, but Lucifer kept a steady pressure on the spot and after a moment, Stefan felt the tip of his mate’s finger pushing inside. Stefan’s breath quickened. It had been so long, and it wasn’t as though he’d had any positive memories of sex in the past.


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