Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1) Page 15

by Lisa Oliver

  “You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit your sculptured ass.” Abdullah was tiring, but he still kept forcing his magic. “Turning against your lover just because he was different, scorning others who just wanted to rub off on you for five minutes, all because you believed your own publicity. You mock your brother’s mate for being a do-gooder, but you’re just as bad. Following all the stupid rules the council put in place to keep us down. Punishing those that deviate just a teeny bit…”

  “This is about Technic and the twins?” Everything all clicked into place and Lucifer almost dropped his hand. “You agree with the draining of anchors? The taking of lives like Brutus who never did anything wrong? You want the world overrun with demon spawn, and descending into chaos?”

  “It wouldn’t be like that.” Abdullah flung out his hands once more, but his magic was nearly gone. Flames splattered on the floor between them, and Lucifer tensed as the wooden floor caught light. Thanks to generations of whatever had been spilled on the floor, the fire moved fast.

  “Don’t you understand? I’m a seer! I see things! I’ve seen what it can be like if powerful magic users don’t have to rely on anchors to stop them flexing their magical muscles. I’ve seen a land where magic rules, and the laws for magic users are nothing but a distant memory. I’ve seen how great the brethren can be.”

  “So, you forged an alliance with Technic, who’s now possessed. You arranged for Brutus’s death, because he was going to warn me about you. And the twins? Are they just pissed off because I wouldn’t join in their sexy family time?” Sliding his hand down Stefan’s shoulder, Lucifer encouraged his mate to his feet. Sweat was pouring down his face and his coat was hot to the touch. “Three people who go through more lovers than hot meals, and they’re pissed off because one of those lovers wouldn’t be me? I don’t believe it.”

  “They have feelings.” Abdullah was fading fast. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for the flames which had spread across the floor and were now roaring up the walls. “You hurt them emotionally, devastated them, and you crushed Technic. He really thought you two had something. He believed in you. And instead of helping him you’ve been hunting him – three long years you’ve been hunting him. Well, I’ve got news for you, friend. He’s stronger than he’s ever been, and he’s coming for you. They’re all coming for you!”

  “Shame you won’t be around to see it,” Stefan said quietly. “What was it you told me, Abdullah? The future is fluid, changing with every single action we take in a day. Maybe you’ll find your greatness at the feet of the Goddess, but you won’t see it here. Lucifer, shall we?”

  Lucifer nodded, staring into the eyes of a man he thought was his friend until his molecules dispersed. Abdullah’s shocked screams and the whoosh of flames all fell away as they disappeared. Gods, I hope Stefan had a destination in mind.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Well, this is unexpected,” Lucifer said, as Stefan looked across at Abdullah’s café. To be honest, Stefan’s mind was still stunned by Abdullah’s revelations and as he got them out of the smoke and flames, the only place he could think of was the Sphinx. It was that or end up perched on the top of a pyramid. It wasn’t as though he was a frequent visitor to Egypt, and he didn’t want to move them too far away from his dragonfly who was still on his mission.

  At least we’re sitting on the Sphinx, not in it, Stefan thought, watching the flames consume the café. Turning to his mate, he said quietly, “Abdullah had a lot of negative shit to say in there. How are you feeling?”

  “Ugh, a feeling question. I don’t usually answer those.” Lucifer sat on the Sphinx’s back. Stefan noticed he was watching the café burn too.

  “Begging your pardon for using the wrong word,” Stefan knew Lucifer would take the bit of snark – it would take both of them a while to get used to the changes in their lives. “How are you dealing, coping, handling, processing, or managing all the shit Abdullah threw at you in there?” He tilted his head towards the fire that was still glowing brightly against the night sky.

  Lucifer chuckled at Stefan’s attempt at humor although the words that followed were anything but funny. “I’m still pissed off at Abdullah but gutted too if that makes sense. To know the twins have turned against me as well, over what I consider nothing at all, is a shit kicker. That bullshit about Technic is exactly that. Bullshit. You do know that don’t you?” Stefan realized he was actually worried. “Technic and I did not have feelings for each other.”

  “You didn’t have feelings for him beyond friendship before he went against all you stood for,” Stefan reminded him gently. “We can never know what someone else feels unless they tell us. But go on, I can see that’s not the only thing bothering you.”

  Lucifer might have let out a sigh, that Stefan ignored. He was starting to understand how his mate’s thinking worked. “I’m worried okay? What the hell did Abdullah mean about the Brethren? Was he talking about magic users in general, a random name he’s calling his little band of assholes, or is this some underground organization seeking to overthrow the council and our way of life?” Lucifer was tugging his hair. “This is one hell of a mess. I can’t fight against something if I don’t know the true nature of the threat. The twins and Technic out to get me is one thing, but is it just that, or do we need backup?”

  Stefan picked at a loose thread on his waistcoat. “I have heard the term brethren used before,” he said slowly. “But nothing concrete that would be any help with this.”

  “It’s an established organization then?” Lucifer’s eyes bored into his, the burning café forgotten.

  “I don’t know for sure.” Stefan sighed. “To be honest, I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to the conversation at the time.” He nibbled at his bottom lip and then continued. “There was this guy… my job just before you. You might have heard about him. Warren Price.”

  “Gods, I know about that one,” Lucifer sneered. “He’s a bottom feeder if I ever saw one.”

  “Yes, well,” Stefan said, stung by his mate’s response. “Anchors like me don’t have many choices when we’re hanging around the council job board praying someone will take us on so we can eat.”

  Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Stefan went on. “Price was looking for an anchor. He saw me, we exchanged licenses. He was impressed and suggested he take me for a meal so we could assess our compatibility. His idea of a meal was taking me back to his place and pulling out his cock. I backed off in a hurry, Garrick screeching in my ear, and as I was fumbling with the door because the bastard had locked me in, he was yelling about how when the brethren came into power, cock-teasers like me would be only fit for fucking in dark alleys because we wouldn’t be needed anymore.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry.” Lucifer’s hand was comforting as it rested behind his neck and Stefan leaned into it. “You have met some assholes in your time.”

  “Don’t make me think I’ve mated one then.” Stefan let his lips twitch up enough so Lucifer would know he was joking. “What do we do now? Do we find the twins or go after the rapist?”

  “Technic is the rapist,” Lucifer insisted, “and yes, seeing as your dragonfly has gone, I assume he’s in the area. How do we find him?”

  Stefan looked up checking the night sky and then the area around them. “On a night like this, it’s easy.” He swept his hand in a large arc taking in where the café used to sit and the surrounding area. Immediately a web of strings appeared, all originating from the café site and veering off in two directions. Stefan looked at the longest string. “Our dragonfly has gone that way.” He glanced up at Lucifer. “Can you see it?”

  “Amazing,” Lucifer said but he was looking in Stefan’s direction. “You are truly something, did you know that?”

  “Well, I had to be something, or I wouldn’t be sitting here.” Stefan let his bubble of happiness escape in a chuckle. “Thank you. Now are we going to follow that trail… or…”

  “Definitely ‘or’ for the moment.” Lucifer
leaned closer. “I’ve never made out with anyone on top of the sphinx before.”

  Stefan tilted his head. It wasn’t as though something like kissing a man on top of an Egyptian icon was on his bucket list, but he’d be silly to say no. Lucifer’s kisses were fast becoming addictive.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  A dark feeling was starting to build in Lucifer’s gut, and he knew he was getting closer to the demon. Stefan, striding along beside him, didn’t seem to be affected, but one of the many issues high magic users faced was a form of symbiotic reaction to evil. It was one of the reasons the council had so many rules about what they could and couldn’t do with their magic powers.

  Demons were the epitome of evil and combined with their ability to influence the emotions of people around them, their sheer presence could be a test of will for any high magic users who had low self-control. Having power of any kind came with a huge sense of responsibility, something Lucifer had lived with since realizing he couldn’t do any magic without an anchor. Anchored, there was very little someone like Lucifer couldn’t do with his magic, but the council ensured there was a long list of “should not do’s” magic users had to adhere to.

  And the urge to break those rules was growing in Lucifer fast. The streets were deathly quiet, hosts of innocents sleeping peacefully, unaware there was evil in their midst. A prickle of unease skated across Lucifer’s neck, and it was as though an army of ants were crawling down his back. He shook out his fingers as he walked, trying to get rid of the urge to lash out at something.

  “Lucifer?” Stefan walked so quietly, Lucifer had forgotten for a moment he was there. “He’s near. How badly are you affected?”

  “I can handle it,” Lucifer bit out between gritted teeth.

  “I could…” Stefan’s hand hovered in Lucifer’s peripheral vision.

  “Don’t touch me!” Lucifer twirled away as the ants moved down his legs and arms. Stefan’s face was a mask of hurt, his hand still hovering in the air.

  “You can’t touch me.” Lucifer started to pant. “I. Know. I. Can. Not. Do. Magic. Without. You.” He stopped in the middle of the narrow street they were following. According to the thread of light from the dragonfly, Technic was in one of the houses at the end of the lane. Leaning over, he rested his hands on his knees. “I cannot. I will not...”

  Visions of fire and destruction filled his mind as Lucifer fought to control his breathing. His magic was surging, pulling like a team of horses in a dozen different directions at once. Clenching his jaw, Lucifer fought the tug of power – the need to dominate, cower and rule over innocents whose only crime was that they were breathing. I’m unbeatable. Unstoppable. All others will bow down before me.

  “Ow. What the fuck?” Lucifer grabbed at his leg, which Stefan had just kicked.

  “You’re human, asshole, just like the rest of us. Now get your shit together. That rapist has another victim. Listen.”

  Still glaring at Stefan, Lucifer strained his ears. The sound of a screamed “No,” was muffled, but it could still be heard.

  “He’s probably warded his room, which is why the sound can barely be heard.” Stefan took off at a run.

  “But you…” Lucifer shook his head. Damn. Who’d have known that kick would work, he thought as he thundered after his faster mate. His magic was still tingling, and he seriously wanted a shower because he wasn’t sure that army of ants was purely a product of his imagination, but Lucifer shoved all that into the back of his brain and focused on the here and now.

  He caught up with Stefan as the man was frantically tugging on a door handle. “He must’ve locked it,” Stefan said urgently. “I can’t… the rules… I can’t get in.”

  “Being a steward has it’s uses. The rules are different for us. Allow me.” Taking a step back, Lucifer raised his boot and kicked at the door, causing it to splinter as it fell open. “Sometimes you just don’t need magic.”

  Stefan wasn’t listening, he was already sprinting up a set of dark stone stairs. The demon’s power was more concentrated in the smaller space but worry for his mate and the lingering pain from his bruised shin got Lucifer moving. He was almost at the top of the stairs when he heard Stefan yell, “Get off her, you bastard.” He winced as a blast of power rocked the stones and Stefan came flying out of the room, crashing into the top of the steps.

  “Stefan!” Lucifer was there in seconds, his hands hovering over his mate’s crumpled body.

  “I’m okay. I’m okay. Just winded.” Stefan panted as he rolled over. “Get me up.” He reached up and Lucifer pulled him to his feet. “Get in there. We’ve got to stop him.”

  Tucking Stefan’s hand in the back of his waistband, Lucifer warned, “Don’t let go and stay behind me,” before hurrying into the room. His eyes immediately went to the ashen face of a poor girl who was clearly still a teenager, strewn across a single bed like a discarded rag. For one moment, Lucifer thought they were too late, but her eyelids were fluttering, and her chest was rising and falling in shallow movements. Concentrating hard, Lucifer thought of the council offices where Brutus used to work and flicked his hand in the direction of the bed, causing it and the girl to disappear. Hopefully, the guy on night shift there would be awake, and the poor girl would get the help she needed.

  On the other side of the room was a figure dressed in a black hooded robe, his features hidden, the only skin visible were long thin fingers brushing down the man’s robe. Lucifer recognized the ring on the man’s left hand immediately, along with the voice that sounded deeper than usual, but definitely peeved. “I must say. You could’ve let me finish. Do you know how hard it is to get a random fuck when you’re a demon host? Honestly, it’s like these idiots have some sixth sense or something.”

  The man finished checking his robes, and straightened, flicking back his hood. The face was thinner, sharper, and the man’s eyes were bright red. Fuck, he’s fully possessed. Lucifer refused to let his shock show as the man opened his mouth showing the jagged teeth of a predator. “Lucifer, darling. You came at last. I’ve been leaving my calling cards all over the place for you to find me.”

  “Technic,” Lucifer growled and clenched his fists.


  Oh my god, I know that voice. Stefan shut his eyes as visions of his past flashed in front of them. The sneer, the way the man’s s’s were slightly slurred, the accent that was part camp, part arrogance. Feeling as though he was twenty all over again, Stefan’s legs trembled, and he fisted Lucifer’s belt hanging onto his sanity. I can’t be here. I can’t be in the same room…

  “You’ve gone too far this time, Technic.” Lucifer’s snarl snapped Stefan out of his stupor.

  “Too far? Why darling, I haven’t gone nearly far enough.” Technic let out a falsetto laugh. “Do you know how many people I’ve met in the past three years who believe in my ideology? The ideology you despised me for. There are dozens of them - men in positions of power across three continents. You have no idea how liberating it is, being able to stretch my metaphorical wings, able to do whatever I like, whenever I like.”

  “And what you like most is killing people weaker than yourself, I suppose.” Lucifer was moving forward, and Stefan had no choice but to go with him, doing his best to stay hidden. “It’s over, Technic. Haven’t you looked in the mirror lately? Your eyes are bright red. You’re not playing host to a demon anymore. You’ve been fully possessed!”

  “So, what if I have?” Technic laughed again, a deeper sound this time and Stefan’s anxiety increased. The demon was making itself known and the smell of sulfur in the room increased. “My friend and I have the same goals. Nothing too exciting, just a spot of world domination and the right to use my magic any damn way I please. The only reason I’m not running things now, is I’ve been waiting for you, dear Lucifer.”

  “You’ve been running from me for three years, leaving me the drained bodies of anchors not old enough to know what a dangerous asshole you are.”

  “Everyone ha
s to have a hobby, darling, and I knew if I’d tried talking to you when that stubborn shit Mark gave up his magic to the cause, you’d have just locked me up. And that doesn’t fit with my plans. But you’re here now and we can be together just the way I’d always planned.”

  “You have to be completely off your nut if you think I want to be with you,” Lucifer snarled.

  “It’s not like you have a choice darling. Thanks to my friendly demon, there’s nothing you can do to stop me. So, why don’t you stop hiding your precious anchor and give him here. We’ll drain him together. I’m sure he’s gorgeous – you always had a good eye for hunky men. After that, my demon will call his brother to join with you and we’ll take over the council and abolish those ridiculous rules you’re forced to live by. Oh, it’s going to be glorious fun now you’re here.”

  “Keep your hands off my anchor!”

  Lucifer’s fist shot out, sending a blast towards the corner of the room. Stefan cringed as Technic laughed. “Good shot, darling.” Stefan heard the sound of clapping hands. “You have gotten stronger over the years. Do it again. I don’t care. When you’ve worn your pitiful self out, I’ll drain your anchor and then fuck that perfect ass of yours I’ve been dreaming about for so long.”

  More firepower – Lucifer was throwing everything he had at the despot, While I’m cringing behind my mate’s back. But Stefan had almost died at the hand of the monster laughing cruelly as Lucifer did his best. The fear of even showing his face – a face Technic hadn’t seen yet purely and simply because he was too busy with the girl when Stefan had first run in the room.


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