Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1)

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Illuminate (The Magic Users of Greenford Book 1) Page 17

by Lisa Oliver

“The chef’s on standby in the kitchen,” Lucifer said leaning around to put the glass on the bedside cabinet. Stefan swallowed hard for a second time. Lucifer’s muscles seemed to have that effect on him and stretched out as they were… Yum.

  “I wasn’t sure, the books didn’t say anything about how you’d feel when you recovered. If there’s anything specific you need…”

  My mate’s worried about me. Reaching over, Stefan gave into his urge to touch, resting his palm over Lucifer’s heart. “Lucifer, I’m fine. In fact, considering what we’ve been through, I’m doing great. More to the point, how are you feeling? And oh, my gods, what happened to the girl, is she all right? Are we in any trouble with your boss? Did the twins get captured? Is the council in Egypt still blaming us for Brutus’s murder? Did Monty…”

  “Wait.” Lucifer rested his hand over Stefan’s. “The girl survived. She’s getting all the help she needs. My boss has had his report, with a few parts glossed over. He’s just glad Technic’s dead and he can close that case. Brutus’s murder was blamed on Technic, and the fire at Abdullah’s shop has been attributed to Technic too. Abdullah’s death has been ruled an unfortunate accident resulting from an argument between friends. Telling my boss any different, would have resulted in having to give a lot more detail – details I wasn’t prepared to share with him without talking to you first.”

  “I’m glad the girl will be okay. What you have to do with your boss is up to you. But you didn’t answer my first question,” Stefan reminded gently. He’d have to be blind to miss the dark shadows under Lucifer’s eyes and the tenseness around his jawline. “Technic and Abdullah were both friends of yours. How are you feeling?”

  The silence between them stretched to the point of being unbearable, before Lucifer dropped his chin to his chest and said, “I’m so sorry.”

  “I don’t understand.” Stefan started to feel a flicker of panic. “Sorry about what? It’s not the council, is it? Oh no, did Monty say something to them?”

  “This has nothing to do with the council. It’s about us being mates.” Lucifer pushed himself up to the sitting position, knocking Stefan’s hand away and flinging his arms wide. “I didn’t know, okay, but that’s a poor excuse. I didn’t know that the person I was friends with was the same man who abused you. I don’t know how you can even look at me, let alone be in the same bed with me, knowing I let that man… I let him rub me off and give me blow jobs. He raped you and tried to kill you. I’m disgusted with myself.”

  “Disgusted?” Stefan sat up, pulling the covers up with him like a shield. “Lucifer, what happened to me was a lifetime ago. You didn’t even know Technic, or Jordan then. I know how charming he used to be – he suckered me in too, remember. I believed him when he told me we were fated. Does that make me disgusting in your eyes too?”

  “No.” Lucifer made to reach for him but then seemed to think better of it. “Never. You were a kid, that happened before your magic matured. You wouldn’t have known his dark side, the same as none of his other victims did. But I’m a grown man – I should’ve known better. I thought he was my friend, and yet all the times I invited him here, feeding him, laughing at his stories, he’d… he’d… you… Fuck. I want to piece him back together just so I can kill him all over again.”

  Closing his eyes, Stefan shook his head. “What happened to me was years ago, Luc. I made my peace with it and so should you. As soon as you knew what he’d done to his anchor, you started hunting him down and you haven’t stopped. Your closeness, any intimacy you two shared meant nothing from the moment you knew he’d crossed the line. That’s the type of honorable man you are. I just wish the man from the council who’d interviewed me all those years ago when I was in the hospital had been someone like you, because then maybe Technic’s anchor and all those other poor souls he killed would still be living.”

  Stefan felt it when Lucifer seemed to slump, and he opened his eyes. “You don’t resent me?” Lucifer asked quietly, and Stefan could see a flicker of hope in his mate’s eyes.

  “Luc, you’re my mate. My fated one. I could wish that a dozen things about this situation could be different, but it is what it is. Do I wish I’d been a bit more clued up when Jordan first approached me? Yes. Do I hate the fact that you’ve had your cock sucked by countless people before you met me, including Technic? Yes. But we didn’t know each other then. Neither of us could have known at the time of going through those situations that it would lead us to this point. The question you should be asking yourself is, are you going to let Jordan or Technic, or whatever name you want to call him, win in the long run?”

  The furrows over Lucifer’s eyes got deeper. “He’s dead.”

  “Yes, he is. You finally got justice for all his poor victims.” Stefan reached over and lightly touched Lucifer’s cheek. The man froze beneath his fingers. “But if you let our past with him come between us now, then he keeps winning. All he ever wanted was to have you to himself. Don’t you understand? If all you can feel in your heart is disgust at what he did to both of us, then where’s the love for me going to go?”

  Lucifer leaned slightly into his touch, giving Stefan the courage to continue.

  “I hated Jordan for what he did to me. I carried that hate for a long time. I swear sometimes that was the only thing that got me through the rehab process - a desire to see him brought to justice. And then one day, I’d been pushing myself so hard – I had to learn to walk again and everything.” Stefan smiled at the memory.

  “This old nurse came in; I never knew her name. But she watched me for a while, and then she said, and I’ll never forget this. She said, ‘you’d be able to walk a lot easier if you dropped the weight of hate you’re carrying’. I dismissed it at the time. If anyone had a reason to hate someone else, I figured it was me. And she never pushed anything. She’d just watch me struggling, forcing myself to get well again.”

  “But you still remember those words today.”

  “I do, because she was right. The hate I felt for Jordan didn’t change what I’d gone through. Nothing was going to change that. But that hate was a heavy load to carry and it really weighed me down.”

  “So, you forgave him then? Is that how you made your peace with what happened?”

  Stroking along Lucifer’s cheekbone, Stefan shook his head. “I’m not the forgiving type. Nope, I especially couldn’t forgive someone who I believed would never change. But I could change. I could control what I felt and how I behaved. So, I accepted my part in the abuse and forgave myself. That’s how I made peace with it all.”

  “But you didn’t do anything. It was all Jordan. You were his victim. None of what happened was your fault.”

  “I was there,” Stefan said simply. “I don’t blame myself. Blame doesn’t play a part in this. But hate as an emotion is as strong as love. My hating Jordan kept me tied to him emotionally, and I didn’t want to live with that. I didn’t want him in my life in any way. I didn’t even want to think of him. I didn’t want to see him or have any part of him impacting my life. So, I made peace with what happened, and moved on as best I could.”

  “All right.” Lucifer moved his head slightly and Stefan realized he’d stopped stroking the skin under his fingers, so he started doing it again. “So, when you saw him yesterday, that didn’t upset you?”

  Stefan chuckled although there was no humor in it. “I freaked out as soon as I knew Technic and Jordan were the same person. I was transported back to that day in my mind, scared and shivering like I was a kid again. It was a hell of a shock. In all the time you’d spoken about Technic, I never dreamed for one second the man you were hunting was Jordan. But I got my shit together. I had a little help – a nudge from the other side, I suppose you’d call it and as soon as Technic threatened you, I did what I had to do.”


  “Gaston and Garrick.” Stefan smiled for real this time. “You know, in all the years since Gaston died, I’d never seen or heard from him, but now I’m mated to you, t
hat’s twice he’s come to my aid. I think he must approve of you.”

  “Or maybe your life is more exciting now, so he’s keeping an eye on you.” The cheek muscles under Stefan’s hand tightened as Lucifer smiled. “Are we going to be okay?”

  “We’re going to be more than okay. We’re going to be amazing together. That is one thing Abdullah said that I truly believe.” Catching Lucifer’s eyes with his own, Stefan said firmly, “I love you, Lucifer Fireborn, and that will never change. You just have to trust me on that, so how about you put those hunky muscles of yours to work and show me how much you’ve missed me while I’ve been unconscious.”

  “Shouldn’t you have something to eat first?” But Lucifer’s arms were already pulling him close and Stefan had his hands where they wanted to be, wrapped around Lucifer’s torso.

  “We should both eat, yes. I need a shower, and from the dark smudges under your eyes you need a week’s worth of sleep,” Stefan agreed. “But if you’ve got the energy, I’d far rather you kissed me first.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Lucifer had the energy. After hearing Stefan’s words, Lucifer felt as though he could build an apartment building single-handedly and still make love to his precious mate afterwards. The fourteen hours Stefan lay so still and silent were the longest hours of Lucifer’s life. Not one for introspection, or second guessing anything he did as a rule, Lucifer spent most of that time worrying – just how much of his past behavior was going to bite him on the ass when Stefan finally woke up.

  He’d worried needlessly. The Fates had certainly known what they were doing when they crafted Stefan with him in mind. For all he’d been through, at the core Stefan was a wise and sensible young man who changed what he could and coped with the rest of the shit life had thrown at him. Kissing his mate wasn’t going to be enough.

  Laying Stefan back among the pillows, Lucifer swept aside the covers, his eyes drinking in every detail of his mate’s body. Everything appealed to him from the silky softness of Stefan’s skin, to the way his boy shorts hugged the promise in his crotch. A promise that was getting bigger with every second.

  “How did I get so lucky?” he mused as he bent to trail his lips over the many marks glowing in Stefan’s skin. “Look at you, all glowing for me, as if every inch of you wants to be closer to me.”

  “It does.” Stefan’s voice was husky. “Especially this bit.” His thin hips jerked in the air.

  “So much to explore.” Lucifer’s head went lower, inhaling the musky scent of his mate. His hands rested over the delicious shorts, kneading Stefan’s hips, watching as a small wet spot blossomed on the pale cloth. Nuzzling the cloth with his nose, Lucifer could feel the hardness behind it jerking, the waistband of the shorts preventing the length from reaching its fullness. “It would be so easy to pull this band down and let your pretty cock free,” he rumbled.

  “Great idea.” Stefan wiggled suggestively. “Naked is brilliant.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Lucifer moved his head lower, teasing at the edge of the shorts where they stretched along the groove of Stefan’s hip. “Some clothing can be fun. I can mouth around those delicious testicles.”

  Lucifer did that, loving how Stefan’s gasp turned into a moan. “I can even nudge some parts of the cloth aside,” he murmured as he released his mouthful. Using his thumbs, he eased the cloth, so it exposed half of Stefan’s ball sack. This time when he sucked the uncovered prize, Stefan’s legs jerked.

  “Lucifer, please take them off.”

  “I don’t know if I should.” Lucifer pressed his nose into the middle of Stefan’s scrotum, rubbing back and forth in gentle motions taking in the scent of his aroused mate. “Hmm, who knew you could be so sensitive right there.”

  “I want you so much. I’m needing here,” Stefan pleaded. “You can’t put that big dick of yours in me, if you don’t take my shorts off.”

  Lucifer’s dick was making a few protests of its own. But he had something else he wanted to do first. Nuzzling over the cloth covered length he was eye level with, Lucifer swiped his tongue over the damp spot, moaning a little himself when Stefan’s essence hit his taste buds. Using his nose to press down the cloth, Lucifer outlined the rounded head of Stefan’s cock and sucked at it through the material.

  “Oh, gods, Lucifer.” Stefan’s hips twisted and jerked. “You’re driving me crazy. I’m so close.”

  Lucifer released his prize. “I want you to come when I’m deep inside you.”

  “Yes. Yes.” Stefan shoved at his shorts, but Lucifer’s thumbs stopped them going far. Letting out a huff, Stefan rested up on his elbows, his eyelids heavy and his full lips pouting. “I’m already ready for you down there,” he said, his voice low and full of lust. Then he winked and Lucifer was lost.

  Ripping off the shorts that were now offensive to him, Lucifer had just enough peace of mind to grab a pillow which was rudely shoved under Stefan’s hips. Spreading Stefan’s legs wide, he could see the evidence of the magic Stefan had used, the hole clenching as though it was missing something.

  Me. Lucifer’s Neanderthal brain took over. That hole is mine. Shuffling into position on his knees, Lucifer barely had time to grab his cock and get lined up, when Stefan’s legs wrapped around his hips – his feet pushing on Lucifer’s lower back.

  “I’m getting there, I’m getting there.” His cock pressing firmly against Stefan’s hole, Lucifer scooped up some of the residual lube, and wiped it around his cock head and down his shaft. Clenching his buttocks, Lucifer pushed with his hips, letting out a long sigh as his cock met minimal resistance.

  The pressure around his length was incredible, but Lucifer kept his movements slow. Magic was fine for prep purposes, but he was still big and him and Stefan hadn’t been together long enough yet for his mate to be able to take him easily. Halfway, and he pulled back just a little, feeling the muscles at the hole entrance protest. He pushed back in again, and kept pushing, until his groin and Stefan’s ass kissed.

  “Heaven,” Lucifer said with a sigh, looking down at his mate. Stefan’s cheeks were bright red and there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead. The man’s eyes were almost black, and his breathing was hard and fast. Lucifer felt as though he’d never seen anything so erotic in his life and opened his mouth to say so. Unfortunately, his Neanderthal brain was still in charge.

  “Only you I can do face to face.” Oops, that didn’t come out right.

  Stefan’s eyebrow arched. “You’re thinking about doing other people right now? When your dick’s tickling my throat from the inside and I’m about ready to blow?”

  “No. No.” Lucifer tried to get his brain to work, but it was damn near impossible because his dick was in heaven, and Lucifer just wanted to stay in his mate forever. “This. You and me. It’s intimate. Special.”

  “You’re a classic example of why we men shouldn’t talk during sex.” Stefan’s face softened as he held out his arms. “Love on me, Lucifer. Remind me good and proper who owns my heart.”

  Action. Yes. Leaning over his mate’s outstretched torso, Lucifer put his lips to better use, gently moving his hips, making sure his abdomen was providing a spot of friction to Stefan’s still hard cock. Stefan’s hands on his shoulders sent tingles down his back, and the urgency of his plush lips increased as Lucifer thrust a little harder.

  Stefan was moving with him as best he could, using his leverage on Lucifer’s shoulders to lift his hips. It was like riding down a water slide. No matter how much Lucifer wanted to prolong the moment and enjoy the ride, he was going faster and faster. The heaviness grew in his belly as his balls tightened. Hold off. Think of anything. But thinking was impossible.

  Resting his weight on one hand, Lucifer slipped the other between their bodies, finding Stefan’s cock in the puddle left on Stefan’s belly. Wrapping his fingers around the soggy length he did his best to match his hand movements with those of his hips, feeling the tension in Stefan’s body increase with every stroke.

there. Right there.” Stefan arched his neck back, his teeth clenched, his eyelids firmly closed. “Right… Right… Right… There!” Stefan’s spunk flowed over Lucifer’s fingers. “Oh, gods… Oh, gods…”

  And Lucifer was right there with him, his orgasm barreling through him like a freight train, pouring his life force into his mate below. The air around them sung and danced with their magic, mini fireworks zipping around the room. The urge to slump over his mate and sleep for a week hit Lucifer hard, but he knew better than to squash his mate.

  Panting hard, Lucifer tried to withdraw, but Stefan’s hand on his neck stopped him. “Just give us a minute.”

  I can do a minute. Lucifer was fading fast. More to keep himself awake than anything else, he said gruffly, “Will you go on a date with me tomorrow evening?”

  Stefan’s smile and excited nod was worth expending the extra energy for.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “Will I do?” Stefan did a slow twirl in front of his mate. For his first ever date, he’d opted for a black button up shirt, matching black pants and his boots. You can’t go wrong with black, right? His only splash of color was a thin red bow tie. Given that he’d only ever seen Lucifer in black clothing, he hoped he’d made the right choice and he assumed he was smart enough to get into anywhere Lucifer might have chosen for their evening outing.

  “You’re missing a few things.” Lucifer held his green gold waistcoat up, so Stefan could slip his arms into it. After a moment’s hesitation, Stefan did, quickly buttoning up the front. “And where’s your hat?”

  “In the wardrobe.” Stefan glanced in that direction. “I… er… the hat is kinda part of my signature, like my waistcoat. I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for our date. You’re very well known around town.”

  “And from tonight, so will you be.” Lucifer went to the wardrobe and took out Stefan’s precious hat. “Was this Gaston’s?”

  Stefan shook his head. “It was my father’s second-best hat. He was a huge man and after he died, my mom said I could take anything of his I wanted. Of course, most of his things dwarfed me, but he always wore a hat. He was buried in his favorite, but he often wore this one around town. It was a way of my keeping close to him I suppose.”


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