The Fledglings' Mentor

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The Fledglings' Mentor Page 23

by C L Amos

  Damien nodded, “I’ll go there personally…”

  Dylan interjected; “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s the Great Sharmana on the phone and she has an important message for you.”

  Marcelle grabbed the phone and placed the call on speaker, “Yes…yes go ahead.”

  The old voice crackled through the phone, “Tom has invoked the Goddess and is in the early stages of his fiveling rebirth.”

  Marcelle stammered, “But it’s not supposed to happen for another month! Does that mean we missed his fourling rebirth?”

  The old voice continued, “The three of them are growing more and more powerful. They are not waiting for destiny so much as it has been thrust upon them. In fact, the full moon only serves to energies the energies they have already unleashed within themselves… I digress! You need to listen carefully and do exactly what I say, because you cannot afford to fuck this up and get it wrong. The two women in front of you are essentially being used as an earth spike; they are vibrating in and out of the physical plane and no amount of effort or force will be able to stop them. The key lies with Tom. When you find him, he will be in the same state of perpetual flux as his energy transcends each of the planes allowing him to exist on all of them at once. However, unlike these two, he is still connected to this plane… he can hear you, smell you and feel your presence. Your job is simple - you have to piss him off! This will fill him with rage and automatically sever his connection with the Goddess. This will be the only chance you get to kill him so pay attention. As soon as his eyes open, you are to strike him with a sword and sever his head from his body in one swift motion. Once you have killed him, the two in front of you will fall out of their trances. It should be relatively easy to dispatch them after Tom is dead. The power they experience is nothing more than an overflow created through their close connection with the fiveling.”

  Dylan interjected, “So Julia isn’t a fiveling?”

  The Great Sharmana responded, “No. Both her and Sasha experienced an overflow of Tom’s power… think of them as an electrical circuit and Tom as the battery… if you disconnect the battery, everything else shuts down.”

  Marcelle cut in, “Understood. We thank you for your wisdom, Great Sharmana.”

  She killed the call, “Change of plan…Damien, find Tom and kill him. Dylan. I want you to go with him and collect as much blood and semen from him as possible.” She turned to the guard, “Flush the cells with fire and incinerate all of them. You heard the Great Sharmana … they are useless.”

  The guard nodded.

  Chapter 17 Killing the Fiveling

  Damien and Dylan were at Sasha’s apartment when they got the call - the sweeper team had found Tom under an overhang halfway up the mountain overlooking his farm. Within half an hour they were at the farm and hiking up the trail that led to the overhang. Dylan wasn’t used to physical activity and had to stop several times as he made his way up the side of the mountain. By the time Dylan finally arrived at the campsite, the sun had already started to set, and Damien was visibly agitated, “Can we get started please? Marcelle is in the lab, waiting for the livestream to start.”

  Dylan tried to catch his breath and raised his hand, “Just give me one second to get set up.”

  Damien clenched a few rocks, flung them at Tom and watched them simply pass through his body. He took the sword and placed it against Tom’s neck and swung through, practicing his aim and distance.

  Dylan placed plastic sheeting around Tom and set up the cameras to start recording, “All set - I am ready to start.”

  Damien nodded and took out his cock, “Once I have killed you, I am gonna go back to the lab and I am going to ram my cock so far and hard up Sasha that I am going to rip her insides, and once I have finished with her I …”


  Damien saw an apparition take form behind Tom… “You can’t protect him, Goddess… you cannot intervene in the affairs of man.” He smiled, “Where was I”, he started jerking off, “Yeah when I finish fucking your precious little Sasha’s brains out, I am going to turn to your sweet little innocent sister …”

  Dylan started noticing gaps in the light spectrum, “It’s working…it’s working!”

  Damien smiled and stood with the sword raised. “I am going to slap her with my cock and shove it so far down her mouth that she chokes to death as I piss down her throat.”

  Tom’s eyes shot open and Damien dropped his arm, the blade swishing through the air, his eyes flashing red just as he struck Tom’s neck.

  Tom felt the blade stop against his neck… he looked up and saw Damien’s eyes glowing red and knew in that instant that Hathor had chosen to save him. He leapt up, shifting into his wolf form, and knocked Damien to the ground. The sword was flung out of Damien’s hand. Damien tried to cover his neck and face, but Tom put his sharp teeth and bite force to good use. As he ripped out Damien’s throat, a cloud of red smoke escaped from his nostrils and hung-over Tom for a second before ascending back to the sky.

  Dylan watched this and grabbed the sword, and as the red smoke ascended, he raised the sword over Tom’s neck and thrust down.

  Marcelle sat on the edge of her seat, watching in anticipation, but when Tom leapt up, he knocked the camera over, and it pointed up aimlessly into the sky. The last thing she saw was Dylan pass the camera with the sword in his hand, “For fuck’s sake! What is going on… will somebody pick the fucking camera up!” Suddenly a blinding light shot out of the cells and as Marcelle looked over, she saw Julia and Sasha collapse on the floor. Marcelle punched the air, “Yes, they did it! They killed Tom!” The guard motioned to hit the incineration button but Marcelle stopped him. “This is mine!”

  She pushed the button and nothing… she pushed it again and again… still nothing. “Fuck!!” she changed programs and asked the guard to show her where the gas was, but he didn’t answer her and as she looked up into Sasha’s cell she understood why. Sasha’s skin looked like it was covered in golden glowing sacred geometry, and as she stepped forward, her skin shifted in waves alternating between fur, feathers and scales. Her hands glowing with a golden hue, she reached up and placed her hand against the glass and a wave of golden light spread from her hands and covered every corner of the cell. The glass exploded into a fine dust, and Marcelle started to cower and beg for her life, “Please … please don’t kill me… I am unarmed… it would be murder.”

  Sasha reached out her hand and helped Marcelle up, “You will hereby relinquish all your rights to leadership and you will order your army to stand down immediately. Is that understood?”

  Marcelle nodded and pulled Sasha in for a hug to thank her, but her motives were not sincere, and she thrust the knife into Sasha’s back as she shifted into her Owbearake form. Marcelle held Sasha tight in a bear hug, slowly squeezing the life from Sasha, “You stupid little fucking kid… did you really think I would just give up?”

  Sasha raised her arms and broke the bear’s hold. Marcelle thrust the point of her beak down at Sasha’s head, but it met Sasha’s equally hard Raven beak which disappeared as quickly as it had come. Marcelle swung her bear claws wildly, but Sasha’s torso shifted in and out of her cobra form and dodged the incoming blows. Finally, in desperation, Marcelle lunged forward and Sasha ducked and twisted, her wingtips turning to blades of silver gliding through the air, effortlessly severing Marcelle’s head from her body.

  Sasha turned and held out her hands towards the cells. She felt the energy flow into her hands and out towards the cells, bursting the glass into a fine white dust.

  Pete and Janey ran to each other and embraced, glad to finally be free.

  Sasha ran to meet Julia, and they threw their arms around one another and held their embrace.

  Sasha eventually pulled back and examined Julia’s face, and smiled as she playfully pushed Julia’s hair behind her ear, “I thought we agreed no more secrets?”

  Julia took in a deep breath and smiled… “You must understand …it wasn’t my secret
to share.”

  Sasha smiled and pulled Julia in for a kiss before turning to Pete and Janey, “It’s over… it’s finally over!”

  Julia took her hand… “It’s time to rebuild and start anew.”

  Sasha nodded, picked up Marcelle’s phone and broadcast a video message to every screen and smart device in the complex. She held up Marcelle’s head, “It is over! I hereby strip the High Council of all its power with immediate effect and I order the military to stand down and disband.” She dropped Marcelle’s head and walked out of the door with her family. “Let’s go home.”

  Sasha and Julia arrived at the farmstead and were happily greeted by a somewhat injured but still very much alive Tom. Luckily for him Dylan wasn’t much of a swordsman, and his limp effort missed its target and landed across Tom’s muscular shoulder blades, leaving little more than a flesh wound. Sasha leapt up and kissed him passionately before draping one arm over Tom’s shoulders and her other over Julia’s. She smiled and looked at Julia on her left-hand side and kissed her cheek, she then turned to her right-hand side and kissed Tom on his cheek. She was finally ready to take a mate, and luckily for her as the new Alpha, she could have them both! The three walked interlinked towards the burnt-out old barn, and she glanced over and nodded to Tom. “It’s time to rebuild. You can call in the rest of our pack!”

  About the Author

  C. L. Amos is a full-time mother, wife, and business owner. Cody has a flourishing tarot practice in Owensboro, KY. Cody reads for both local and online clients, teaches classes, is a certified reiki practitioner, and coaches’ small businesses.

  Cody is dedicated to spiritual healing and self-development, studying consistently for years and has planned outlines for more spiritual healing, personal development, and steamy fiction paranormal romance books.

  Cody’s most profound passion is helping people heal themselves through self-awareness, reiki, chakra healing, and Tarot.

  When Cody is not reading tarot or publishing books, she can be found studying new materials and theories, having dinner with her family & friends, and lounging around with her cats.

  Find C.L. Amos at

  Also by C. L. Amos

  Harness The Healing Powers of Chakras:

  The Ultimate Guide on Using the Healing Powers of Chakras to Improve Your Physical Health, Boost Your Productivity and Balance Your Emotions

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