Montana Seduction

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Montana Seduction Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  Ready to get this night going, Dane tapped his knuckles on the door and waited. He didn’t have to wait long. The double doors swung open and Stella stood before him looking just as stunning as she’d been this morning. Even working herself ragged, somehow she managed to come across as in control and put together.

  If it hadn’t been for that brief moment in her office when she’d looked so hurt while on the phone with her father, Stella would have convinced him not a thing was wrong in her world. He knew better.

  The nugget of guilt grew, taking root.

  “Perfect timing,” she stated with a smile as she gestured him in. “I just got everything set up and sent the cook away.”

  Dane stepped in and instantly fell back into his past. Nostalgia hit him hard as he scanned his eyes over the open space. He’d been a preteen when his mother had opened Mirage. This had been her on-site room and Dane and Ethan would take turns getting the fire going on cold, snowy nights...just like tonight.

  He swept his gaze back across the spacious room, taking in all the familiarity and noting each change since he’d been here last. Little touches made the room all Stella. The pictures across the mantel, the bright red throw over the leather chair, a pair of worn boots next to the sofa.

  But so much was still the same. That stone around the fireplace he’d helped choose with his mother, the dark kitchen cabinets and raw-edged countertops... The leather sofas were the same, the lamps were the same, the chocolate fur rug in front of the fire was the same.

  So much reminded him of his mother, which only added to his steely structure and mental drive to finish the job he’d started.

  Lara had loved her boys with her entire being. She’d done all of this for them, for their future. She’d taken the inheritance from her grandfather and invested every single penny first into this resort and then, just as soon as it started showing a profit, she’d opened her second Mirage location.

  Nearly twenty years had gone by since Dane had seen her or even heard her voice, but she was still here. This room, this resort, they were all pieces of her and he wasn’t going to stop until he got them all matter who he had to use to serve his purpose.

  “You didn’t have to send up wine and flowers this afternoon.”

  Stella’s sweet voice pulled him from the tunnel of thoughts. He turned to face her just as she closed the door and leaned back against it.

  “And the basket of spa and bath items was too much,” she added. “But that robe and those slippers feel like heaven, so thank you.”

  Dane nodded. “I figured you don’t take the time to pamper yourself, so I thought you might need a reminder.”

  Stella pushed off the door and closed the distance between them. “I don’t even know how you managed to get everything delivered to my penthouse because I know you didn’t purchase the flowers from the gift shop and those lotions in the basket are from France.”

  “And how do you know that?” he asked.

  “Because that is my favorite brand, right down to the scent.” Stella crossed her arms and tipped her head. “Apparently you have some incredible resources if you could manage all of this in a short amount of time.”

  She didn’t need to know that it took only one phone call to make all of this happen. He’d spared no expense on the items themselves and had paid another hefty sum to get everything delivered without Stella sensing a thing.

  And yet he got the oddest sense that it was the fact that he’d made an effort, that he’d tried to treat her, to spoil her a little, that pleased her the most. Did she ever have anyone do something just for her? Or was she too busy worrying how to please everyone else and still reach her goals?

  Ignoring her statement, because she didn’t need to know just how far his reaches were, Dane took a step back and glanced toward the fireplace where a table had been set up.

  “Did you order all of this or did you have them send up some leftovers?” he asked, turning his focus back to her.

  Stella’s dark eyes narrowed as she swatted at him. “Leftovers? You think I invited you to my room for leftovers?”

  Dane reached for her hand and had her tumbling against his chest, earning him a small squeak from her lips. She tipped her head back and met his gaze.

  “What did you invite me here for?” he murmured, mesmerized by the thick black lashes framing her expressive eyes.

  Damn it. If he wasn’t careful he’d find himself lost in Stella and ignoring all the things he actually should be doing.

  Like getting her to open up and trust him...

  “I wanted to see you,” she whispered. “”

  Dane couldn’t stop the twitch of his lips. “Talk? When I kissed you earlier you didn’t seem so eager to talk.”

  “Maybe that kiss affected you more than it did me.”

  Dane didn’t even think before he crushed his lips to hers. Like hell she wasn’t affected. And so was he, whether he wanted to be or not. He’d been waiting too long for another sample. Nine whole hours and every minute that went by, he could still taste her. Well, now he didn’t have to fantasize because she was in his arms.

  Or more like plastered against him, which was exactly where he wanted her. He hadn’t expected to physically ache for her. Never once did he consider that he would have an issue with self-control. Dane was always in control—except when the nightmares came. But with women? When he’d gone to bed with the few women he’d had since coming home scarred and broken, he’d never relinquished his power or felt out of control.

  Dane wrapped his arms around her, settling his hands over her round backside and urging her hips to align with his.

  Stella let out a little moan as he coaxed her lips apart and thrust his tongue against hers. There was no hesitation on her end, and much to his surprise, she reached up with her free hand and threaded her fingers through his unruly hair. That slight tug had even more arousal pumping through him.

  He turned her toward the back of the leather sofa and lifted her to sit on the top of the cushions. Dane stepped between her spread legs and raked his hands up her bare thighs and beneath the hem of her skirt.

  Pulling her hand from between their bodies and out of his grip, Stella reached for the buckle on his belt and gave a swift jerk.

  Dane pulled away and worked on taking deep breaths and getting this situation back under his control. He still needed information and it was damn difficult to think with her mouth all over his.

  “Why don’t we eat?” he suggested.

  Stella blinked and dropped her hands. “, that is the reason I invited you.”

  “And to talk,” he reminded her, because hearing all about her life with her father was of the utmost importance...despite his arousal.

  Stella slid off the couch and straightened her dress. Every part of Dane wanted to finish what they’d started—but that just proved that he needed to back away. He had to stay in control, had to keep his eye on the prize and not get distracted by how good she looked. And smelled. And tasted...

  Everything about Stella had become more complicated than he’d initially thought. Each moment had to be assessed and plotted.

  Dane followed the sway of Stella’s hips as she led the way toward the table for two set up in front of the fireplace. But when she just stood there, looking down at the setting, Dane came up beside her.

  “Something wrong?”

  Her eyes shifted to him and she smiled. “Let’s take dinner onto the balcony.”

  The climate-controlled, glassed-in balcony off the bedroom would be less intimate.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They both filled their plates and grabbed their wineglasses before heading out to the cozy, spacious area high above the valley. This was just another area he and Ethan had enjoyed when they came to stay with their mother. They’d pretend they were military spies looking over
enemy territory.

  Dane glanced to the L-shaped sofa and pushed aside the memories of when the space had three plaid upholstered chairs for Ethan, their mother and Dane. Their stepfather was often out doing business, leaving the three of them alone, which had been just fine with Dane. From day one he’d had an odd feeling about the guy his mother had married, but it hadn’t been until after his mother’s death that that feeling had grown into full-fledged hatred.

  Stella took a seat in the corner of the sofa and extended her legs out, propping her plate on her lap. Dane sat on the other end and balanced his plate on one leg and sat his wineglass on the maple table before him.

  “Is this the first time this week you’ve made it back to your room at a reasonable time?” he asked, stabbing the steak with his fork.

  “Yes.” She took a sip of her wine and leaned to the side to put her glass next to his. “The first time in a lot longer than a week, actually. I’ve never had a reason to get back to my room by a certain time. Nothing seemed as important as being with my staff and ensuring all the guests’ needs were attended to.”

  “I’m flattered I ranked above that,” he commented.

  “Oh, if I get a call, I’m heading back down,” she stated with a laugh. “Nothing comes between me and my goals.”

  Dane shot her a side glance and found her looking back at him. Apparently he’d been added to her goal list, which was fine with him. But then the scars would come up and that wasn’t exactly a point he wanted to discuss.

  And yet another niggling speared at him. She had no clue why he was here, what he was capable of doing...what he would ultimately take from her.

  Guilt could be all-consuming, but he had to remain focused. He had to see this through.

  Dane forced his eyes back to his plate and focused on the meal. Guilt had no place here, not if he wanted to complete this mission. It wasn’t his fault that she’d ended up in this situation, nor was it his duty to protect innocent people.

  Dane had been innocent, too, but his life had still been ruined and he’d been left to his own devices.

  None of this was what his mother would’ve wanted. She’d had her own plan of passing these resorts to her boys and Dane and Ethan were going to see that plan matter the cost.

  “This place is rather remarkable,” he said after a while. “You’ve got to be proud of what you’ve done.”

  “I am, but it’s not my opinion that matters.”

  “Your opinion should be the only one that matters,” he countered, trying to rein in his anger. “If your father can’t see how amazing you are, then maybe he’s not worthy of your loyalty.”

  Stella set her plate on the table and grabbed her wineglass. “I’m not sure anything can impress my father, to be honest. He sets a level of standards that no one could possibly reach.”

  Dane finished his meal and set his plate next to hers. He reached for his own glass and scooted down to sit next to her. Stella took another drink, then let out a clipped laugh.

  “I should’ve learned my lesson when I was nineteen. I got the silver medal in a national competition for cross-country skiing and he was angry that I hadn’t lived up to his expectations and placed first.”

  Dane recalled her medal mention in the background check he’d had done. He shouldn’t be surprised at her father’s lack of enthusiasm or praise. He didn’t deserve her loyalty.

  Dane knew all too well what it was like to be alone like Stella was. Having a bastard father was the same as going through life without one. While he had his brother, he and Ethan had never been the same since their mother passed, and he knew that emotional gap was partly his fault.

  When he came to Mirage, Dane never expected to have so much in common with Stella, yet he found himself drawing closer to her in ways that could and would get him into trouble if he didn’t stay emotionally detached.

  Dane set his glass down before plucking hers from her hand and placing it back on the table. He shifted toward her, placing one hand on the cushion beside her head and the other near her hip.

  “Maybe for the next several hours we forget everything outside of this room,” he suggested.

  Stella’s eyes widened as she eased farther back onto the cushions. “Hours? You think quite a lot of yourself.”

  “When I get your clothes off, I intend to take my time,” he promised.

  He very deliberately said nothing about shedding his own clothes. Maybe there was a way they could make this work without him baring too much—of his skin or anything else. There were so many ways to make a woman feel good. Stella deserved every single one of them.

  Stella’s chest rose and fell with each breath. The little button at the top of her dress strained against her chest and Dane didn’t take his eyes off her as he reached for the closure and freed her.

  When she smiled, he slid his hand down to the next button and slid it through the slit. A flash of red lace teased him, mesmerized him. That was exactly the lingerie he’d imagined she’d be wearing. Nothing plain or simple for this bold, assertive woman. Of course she’d have red. The power color suited her.

  “Are you starting that time now?” she asked, her voice breathless with want.

  Dane ignored her question and slid a finger between her breasts. Such silky skin against his rough, ranch-hardened hands. He’d always been a hands-on guy—in and out of the bedroom. And he couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted to get his hands on someone this badly.

  He knew he should resist. But she made it so damn all the best ways. He needed to slow this down. Regain control. Focus on what she needed, rather than what the craving in his blood demanded.

  “I’m still exploring.” Up, down. He continued to let his fingertip glide over her. “Trust me, you’ll know when I get started.”

  Stella covered his hand with hers and pushed down. “I still have more buttons.”

  Yeah, he’d noticed. The damn dress had little buttons that went from chest to just above her knees. She’d looked like an adorable little package just waiting to be unwrapped.

  He placed her hand on the next button and let go, silently urging her to continue. With a naughty smile to match the gleam in her eyes, Stella kept her focus on him as she finished revealing the rest of her curvy body.

  And then a shrill ring pierced the moment.

  With a groan, Stella sat up, forcing Dane back.

  “I have to get that,” she stated with an apologetic tone.

  Dane let her up and watched as she covered her body and made her way back into the penthouse. A large part of him wanted to take that phone and smash the hell out of it, but the other part of him, the businessman in him, understood her commitment to her work.

  He’d fallen into his ranch by sheer luck. He’d purchased it during a foreclosure and made one wise investment and purchase after another. He’d worked damn hard to get where he was today.

  Honestly, Dane hadn’t known just how much he would appreciate Stella until he arrived and saw her in action. He’d never taken into account just how much she did for Mirage. Because of her, his mother’s business was back to thriving. The resort was moving into a stronger year of sales and coming back from the brink of near financial ruin.

  Dane went to the window and shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked out onto the fat flakes coming down. The storm was going to hit hard and fast. People accustomed to Montana weather wouldn’t be fazed by this blizzard, but those who had traveled in from places that didn’t measure snow by the foot might be in for a surprise.

  The mountain would be cut off to all traffic if the storm came in as wild and ferocious as predicted.

  Dane blew out a sigh and cocked his neck from side to side. Even analyzing the damn weather did nothing to squelch his arousal. He’d had Stella spread out before him, arching against his touch, and—

  “I have
to go.”

  Dane turned to see Stella pulling her hair back into a low ponytail, her dress now all buttoned back up as if nothing had ever happened. His heart rate was still accelerated and now that he knew exactly what she hid beneath that dress, he couldn’t shut down quite so quickly.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Stella turned and headed through the penthouse, pocketing her cell and charging toward the door. Dane followed behind her. “Emergency with one of the rooms. I’ll tell you more later. Stay and have more to eat or...whatever.”

  And then she was gone.

  Dane could search her entire penthouse if he wanted, but he knew there would be no hidden secrets kept here. Everything he hoped to learn would come from the tidbits he picked up from Stella herself.

  And from the little time he’d spent with her, he’d learned a good bit about her father. Other than the fact Ruiz was a bastard, something Dane already knew, he also discovered there were very likely spies in place throughout Mirage, which meant Dane had to be careful.

  Ruiz was stringing his daughter along, making her do his grunt work at this resort, all while waiting to bring in the extra cash.

  Dane was willing to up his offer, but there had to be something he was missing. A man like Ruiz Garcia let his entire life revolve around money. The first amount Dane proposed had been turned down flat without so much as a counter. What was it that Ruiz was holding on to? And why?

  That was what Dane needed to find out and he wasn’t done with Stella until he did.


  After three hours of trying to calm down the newlywed couple in the Summit Suite, Stella was beyond exhausted.

  She’d run out so fast on Dane that she was a little embarrassed—but she’d been nothing less than honest with him about how married she was to this place. Everything fell in line behind keeping Mirage in the best standings with each guest that came through.

  Good thing she wasn’t looking for a relationship because she was not the prize any man would want. Every man she knew had an ego that was too large for him to stand behind her career. That was fine with her.


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