Hard to Hate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Hard to Love Book 1)

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Hard to Hate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Hard to Love Book 1) Page 4

by L. M. Reid

  Nope, there’s no chance in hell of me falling for one of my employees ever again, or any woman for that matter. Definitely not some unstable drunk and damaged woman either, no matter how spectacular her legs would look wrapped around my waist.

  I groan internally.

  Okay, maybe sex with the crazy chick isn’t completely out of the question.

  There is something about her feistiness that I find a fucking turn on when it should be a major turn off. The tricky part is going to be to get her to agree to it. Though, something tells me that her hostility isn’t necessarily directed at me, but rather at life in general. I just happen to be who she’s taking it out on. Maybe I could offer her another outlet for her issues.

  Sex is a great stress reliever and she sure as hell looks stressed.



  The instructions Gabe texted to me said to enter through the black door in the back of the building, to be there by nine - which apparently means eight-thirty - and to dress appropriately, whatever that means.

  So, here I am, standing in front of the black metal door at eight thirty on the dot. I’m dressed in a red bustier with some very short satin shorts and thigh-high boots that Nat picked out for me. Out of the two of us, she’s the only one who’s been to Lust so at least she has some semblance of an idea of what the dress code might be.

  I am a bundle of nerves – I can feel the flush on my cheeks and my palms are sweating. I have no idea what I am going to be walking into which simultaneously makes this moment terrifying and exhilarating. I close my eyes, take a breath, and blow it out as I grab the handle to the door stepping through the door with a false sense of confidence.

  People are milling around, but through the crowd I manage to find Gabe standing off to the side. There’s a gorgeous blonde next to him that intimidates the hell out of me just looking at her. Instantly, I feel like I’m out of my league. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I’m no slouch, but I’m not exactly the posh woman that Gabe is chatting with either. We make eye contact and he smiles and waves me over.

  “Hey, Gabe,” I greet him.

  Before Gabe can even speak, the blonde woman throws her arms around my neck. “You must be Chloe.” She hugs me tightly. “I am so excited to meet you.”

  Unsure what to do, I rest my hands on her back and accept the hug from this stranger.

  “Chloe, this is Ginger. You two are going to be working together,” Gabe informs me.

  “Working together?” I ask unsure what he means by that.

  “Yes, you two will be working as a team. Ginger will…”

  The familiar voice stops when I turn to face it. This can’t be happening.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” the douchebag guy from the bar asks.

  I just stare at him a moment trying to process the fact that not only is he here standing in front of me, but that we are going to be working together. This has to be a joke, a punishment for my out of control behavior? Either way, for the second time, this guy has ruined a night that I was enjoying.

  “I work here,” I tell him. “What are you…”

  “Not anymore you don’t,” he tells me. His head turns to Gabe. “Get her out of here.”

  Seriously, who the hell does this guy think he is?

  “Griffin, what’s going on?” Gabe asks confused. Well, that makes two of us. Until it sinks in that Gabe just called the guy from the bar Griffin. Fuck. Douchebag bar guy is my new boss?

  Or at least he was, since he seems to be in the process of firing me.

  “Not here,” Griffin says to Gabe. He turns his head to me, “Let’s go.”

  Still in shock, I do as he says and follow him and Gabe into a room. Griffin closes the door behind us and beelines for Gabe.

  He’s pointing his finger in Gabe’s face. “You fucked up, big time.”

  “I take it you two know each other?” Gabe asks still clueless as to what the connection between Griffin and I is.

  Griffin ignores Gabe and refocuses his attention on me. “You can’t work here. You’re too much of a liability. You’re fired.” He says the words so harshly that I can feel tears welling in my eyes.

  I blink rapidly forcing them back. “No.”

  “Griffin?” Gabe shouts his name as a question. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “She’s the girl,” he informs Gabe, his finger now pointing toward me. “The drunk girl from Rich’s place, the one who pounded on me like I was a goddamn punching bag? She’s a fucking drunk and she’s unstable. No way in hell…”

  “I am not a drunk,” I say defensively. I focus on that description because the unstable portion isn’t completely inaccurate. “I had a bad night. I messed up. It won’t happen again.”

  His eyes bore into mine. Any bit of compassion that he had given me that night is gone. “I don’t give a shit if it happens every night. It’s not my problem, you’re not my problem. Remember?”

  “Griff, can’t we…” Gabe chimes in.

  “No. Absolutely fucking not.”

  “You really are an asshole, you know that?” I say to him. He’s already firing me, what else do I have to lose?

  “I would much rather be an asshole than lose everything I fucking worked my ass off for.”

  “You’re not risking anything. I…” Part of me wants to tell him I’m getting help, that I’m seeing a therapist that I’m going to be okay. Yes, I want to tell him because I want him to give me my job back. But I also want to tell him to let him know that I heard him. He stares back at me expectantly, waiting for me to finish whatever I’m saying. As he’s waiting, he folds his arms across his chest making him look even more intimidating than he did the night I met him. And sexier too. The man standing before me, he fits the description of the owner. Arrogant, sexy, and can melt a woman’s panties with just a look. Yep, he fits all three. Because even though he’s firing me, I can’t help but notice the heat that’s pooling between my thighs.

  “I wasn’t in my right mind, that night. I lost my sister four months ago and my head was all fucked up. But I’m getting help. And part of that help, it’s this job. Please, Griffin, I know you don’t owe me anything, but please give me a chance.”

  He turns away from me and runs his hands through his hair.

  “One night, one chance. If you so much as stir a drink in the wrong direction, you’re done.” His voice is flat, void of any emotion or even the anger that had been there moments before. That’s progress, right?

  “I won’t let you down,” I tell him.

  “She’s your problem, Gabe. Make sure she doesn’t destroy anything.” Griffin walks out the door, slamming it behind him.

  I’m standing there with Gabe, my hands shaking. I’m not sure if I should leave or stay or just quit because God knows I’m going to fuck up tonight. I’ve never worked in a high-volume place like this. I’ve never worked anywhere other than my dad’s small bar. No, this isn’t going to end well for me or Gabe. Maybe it’s better if I just leave. That way I can at least save him.

  “What are you waiting for? We have work to do,” Gabe says holding the door open for me.

  “I think I should just go. Griffin…”

  “Griffin’s bark is worse than his bite,” Gabe informs me. Though I don’t know if he’s ever been on the receiving end of his bite before because when the man drops you on your ass that is one hell of a bite. I still have the bruise to prove it.

  “I don’t know.” I mean, can I really work for a man I hate? Do I even want to? Sure, I want a job, but having to deal with someone like him? Is it really worth it?

  “You said you needed this. Has something changed?” I shake my head no. Nothing has changed, except that I hadn’t anticipated working for an asshole. “Then get your ass out there and prove the asshole wrong.”

  I smile at Gabe. He’s right. Even if he still ends up firing me, it will be worth the look on his face when I make it through the night and even more if I make it through successfully.

  “Just one piece of advice,” Gabe says before we join the rest of the team. “You might want to quit calling him an asshole to his face.”

  “I’ll try,” I say.

  “Good.” Gabe walks me over to Ginger. “You got this?”

  Ginger nods confidently. “You ready?” Ginger asks.

  Ready or not, I don’t have much of a choice. If I have any hope of keeping this job, I need to go out there and give it my all. I glance over and Griffin, then back to Ginger. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Ginger leads to me my spot at the bar.

  “Roman, this is Chloe, our newbie. Chloe this is Roman. He’ll be able to show you everything behind the bar. And I will make sure you don’t screw it up.” She gives my hand a quick squeeze. “You’re going to do fine. Relax.”

  Never in the history of ever has someone actually relaxed when they were told too. If anything, the word is an instant invitation to relax even less.

  “Buckle up Sweetie, it’s going to get bumpy,” Roman says as he tosses his head back with a laugh.

  He’s not wrong though, that’s exactly what I need to do. Enjoy the ride.

  Customers start to pour into the club. I let out the breath that I unknowingly had been holding. It’s show time.

  I instantly fall in love with the atmosphere. The music is blaring; the crowd is large and lively. It looks like an endless sea of beauty and happiness and I just want to be a part of it. There is enough electricity in this place to power a small town and it does wonders to my mind and body. Things are hectic and I am running my ass off just like Gabe promised, but I love every minute of it. I look at my section of the bar which seems to be growing by the second. The crowd is mostly male, and I find their touches as I hand them their drinks to linger. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, I’m all for flirting with them, especially if it’s going to get me a bigger tip. Tonight is a little different though. Tonight, I need to focus on not making any mistakes.

  I felt the weight of Griffin’s stare the moment I walked out onto the floor. He’s watching my every move, waiting for me to screw up. Well, fuck him. I’m not going to screw up. At least, not while he’s watching. His lack of faith in me only makes me work harder and faster just to prove him wrong.

  For the time being his attention seems to be focused on the woman next to him instead of me. She’s blonde, petite, and picture perfect in her sequin dress. Griffin’s arm is around her, his hand resting on her ass. There’s a broad smile on his handsome face as people flock to him. Men and women alike seem to be drawn to him. Every single one of them vying for a piece of his attention and to my surprise; he seems to give it to them. I suppose it’s just business, making nice with the customers to keep their business, but he seems so genuine.

  I snap my head in the opposite direction when his lips press against the woman’s. That wasn’t just any kiss. He was fucking her mouth. So why is it that my eyes keep wandering back to them, watching them, being turned on by it? Wishing it was me he was kissing, not her.

  “Earth to Chloe,” I hear Roman say pulling my attention from Griffin and back to reality. “You have the hots for him too?”

  “Ugh, no. I can’t stand him.” The man is a pig. The blonde he’s with? Yeah, definitely not the one I saw him kissing yesterday. And not the one he was with at the bar that night. The man’s bedroom must have a revolving door on it.

  “That’s Griffin for ya. Either you love him, or you hate him. Most women love him though.”

  The question is why. I get the physical attraction. The man is gorgeous. And strong. The way he just hoisted me over his shoulder as if it were nothing. Looks aside, he is nothing short of infuriating. He’s the complete opposite of everything you would want in a man – he’s egotistical, condescending, and entitled. So why I’m wasting time thinking about him in any context I’m not sure. I like nice guys. Good guys. Not misogynistic, egotistical, douchebags who think they own the damn world and the right to do and say as they please.

  “I’m team Hate Griffin,” I say to further clarify my stance.

  “Yeah, well, you better start moving to team Love Griffin or you’re going to get your ass fired,” Ginger chimes in. “Besides, he’s not as bad as you’re making him out to be.”

  Her defense of him instantly has me wondering just how well she knows him. Ginger’s gorgeous, just his type, physically at least. Though, in my opinion, I think she’s too good for him. She seems sweet and thoughtful, nothing like he deserves.

  She also happens to be seeing a decline in her tips tonight thanks to me. “I’m sorry about that last order,” I tell her.

  She waves her hand at me. “They’re already drunk, they don’t care,” she laughs. “You’re doing great gorgeous,” she tells me before walking away.

  I smile at the compliment and turn back to my customers at the bar. You’ve got this Chloe.

  I take a man’s order and step back to grab what I need. But when I back up, I find myself pressed up against a solid wall of muscle.

  My body tingles with anticipation. Anticipation of what I’m not sure. All I know is that without looking, I’m certain it’s Griffin I’m pressed against. The other thing I know? As much as I can’t stand the man, I sure as hell like the feeling of his body against mine.

  His warm breath brushes against the sensitive skin on my neck as he whispers to me, “You’re hired. But until you I’m satisfied with your performance, you’re on probation. I can and will fire you if you so much as make a single mistake. Understood?” I nod, his proximity affecting my ability to speak. “Good. Now, get back to work.”

  “Yes, sir,” I say. And when I do, I swear to God I hear him groan before walking away.



  Gabe treads lightly as he enters my office. He hired the crazy chick. My crazy chick. The one whose legs I have been dreaming about.

  Against my better judgement, I didn’t follow through with firing her. It’s not the worst decision I’ve ever made, but it’s far from the smartest. I gave her one night and while I fully expected to see her fall on her face, she didn’t. She rose to the challenge. She impressed me which is not something that’s easy to do. Sure, she fucked up orders, I expected that. But, for the most part she held her own. Not to mention she drew one hell of a crowd to her section. She even had me looking that way more than I should have. That red lace bustier she was wearing put her perfect tits on the most beautiful visual display for me. And, those shorts she had on? Christ, her ass looked perfect in them.

  I spent the better part of the night rock hard and uncomfortable just looking at her. Then I went and did something stupid. I touched her; I breathed in her scent, and apparently lost my mind because instead of firing her, I hired her officially. I put her on probation, my get out of jail free card if I decide to fire her because I can’t handle being around her anymore.

  Being close to her again only reignited my attraction to her and now I can’t get her out of my mind. Even fucking the blonde that I had been with last night didn’t dull my desire for her. And I have none other than good old Gabe to thank for that. And he knows it, which is why he’s sitting on the couch looking over the receipts from last night rather than across the desk from me like he usually would.

  “She’s not half bad,” I say out loud.

  “Told ya,” he replies. “Hot as hell, too.”

  “And still bat shit crazy,” I say.

  “Come on man, don’t be a dick. She’s been through a lot,” he tells me.

  She has, he’s right. Losing someone you’re close to, it’s never easy. We all deal with shit in our own way. And sometimes we even fall apart. That’s why I tried to help her that night at the bar. Maybe I should have stayed out of it, minded my own business. I couldn’t help myself though. I had been eyeing her all night watching her get more and more intoxicated by the second. I watched as she stumbled to the bar that last time like a baby deer on ice. Why the fuck that bartender would give her another drin
k is beyond me. She was clearly intoxicated and well past the point of needing to be cut off. So, I did what I thought I was best.

  “You didn’t see her that night,” I tell him.

  I attempted to put an end to the downward spiral I had been watching her take all night. In doing that, I apparently pissed her off which in her mind warranted beating on me.

  I grabbed her wrists to try to stop her, to control her. Admittedly, a part of me also just wanted to touch her. Whatever had gotten into her that night, she was hell on wheels. Nothing I did or said was going to diffuse the situation. For whatever reason, all her anger seemed to be directed at me. Maybe she just needed a punching bag or someone to blame for whatever was bothering her. I was okay with that, just not in front of such a large crowd. So, I picked her up and took her outside. When she still refused to let up, I dropped her on her perfect little ass.

  For a moment, I thought I had reached her. But then something changed, and she was back to biting my head off. I know when to cut my losses. So, that’s exactly what I did. I stood up and went back to my date for the evening.

  “I told her she was on probation.”

  Gabe smiles, knowing that he’s won this round.

  “You like her, don’t you?”

  I roll my eyes at him. The fucker just never gives up. He’s happily married, and I couldn’t be happier for him. He found the perfect woman when he met Emily. I used to date, even allowed myself to fall in love once. And once was more than enough. Love and marriage, they’re not for me though. I don’t believe in happily ever after’s or fairytales come true.

  “I like all my employees, unless they fuck up.” I give him a look letting him know that includes him.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he says with a chuckle. “You’re sorry ass would be lost without me here.”

  The man makes a solid point. What I lack in business skills, he makes up for and vice versa. Everyone has to know their strengths and their weaknesses, and Gabe and I sure as hell complement each other. It’s why he knows his job will never be in jeopardy. Unless of course, my dad does something to fuck things up for Lust which he is always trying to do. It helps to have a good friend as an attorney, one who makes sure that contracts are iron clad and dads can’t fuck their sons over.


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