Samantha in Singapore

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Samantha in Singapore Page 11

by Alex Jamieson

  That was a piece of information to store away for a rainy day.

  The next title that caught my eye almost leaped out at me. I’d always had a strange fascination with women who could take a man deep into their throat. The title PERFECT DEEP THROAT grabbed my attention almost subconsciously.

  “Take a look at that one,” I said, pointing to the screen.

  “It’s hardly what we’re looking for.”

  “I know but take a quick look anyway.”

  Jake clicked on the thumbnail, and the video started. Within seconds our mouths had both fallen open. An attractive blond was laying on her back on a bed. Her head was tipped back slightly over the edge. Behind her, a man with chiseled abs and a raging erection was positioning himself to enter her mouth. In slid his cock, and it simply didn’t stop. Without any obvious physical gagging or even any apparent discomfort, the beautiful young woman accepted the entire length of him into her throat. We could clearly see the shape of his glans as it stretched out her neck before sliding back out.”

  I couldn’t contain myself any longer. “Holy shit, that’s sexy.” I was almost groaning.

  In he went again, and we watched as the guy's rigid cock rhythmically throat-fucked his wife.

  I reached out into Jake’s lap and found he was as hard as I’d ever felt him.

  “You liked it too?”


  I fumbled with his belt and zipper. His hardness made the maneuver a bit awkward, but eventually, I managed to get to his cock. With more enthusiasm than I’ve ever felt before I sucked him past my stretched lips. Jake had never cum in my mouth, no one had for that matter, but I wondered if the time was right. After watching the video, we were both so excited that our inhibitions were cast aside.

  I knew I couldn’t achieve what we’d just witnessed on the screen, but I bobbed my head up and down and used my hand to jerk his cock until I could tell he was close. I was ready to let him feed me his cum for the first time, but it was Jake who suddenly pulled out. He’d waited until the very last minute, and we both watched as spurt after spurt of his cum flew through the air and splashed all over the front of his shirt. Embarrassingly for him, but strangely excitingly for me, the first blast had hit his own chin. Without thinking, but probably subconsciously in reaction to the performances we just witnessed, I leaned forward and licked his chin clean. My first ever taste of cum.

  We lay there for the next ten minutes in silence. Drained. Me figuratively and Jake literally.

  “I think it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that “all life is an experiment and the more experiments you make, the better.” Maybe I need to broaden my horizons and be a little more experimental. If I agreed to this modeling thing for the Mylitta game, I would have some terms and conditions.”

  “What would you want; a white limo and only blue M and Ms in your dressing room.”

  “I’m serious. First. No one in the control room but you. J and Paolo would not be allowed to be present. Second. No one gets to see the footage until the facial adjustment has been made by you personally. Agreed?”


  I was on my way to being an anonymous porn star. What a turn of events.


  Jake went into work on the Monday, and he insisted on taking the MRT so I could keep the car and Samson with it, in case I needed to go out. Winnie arrived at nine and started to clean, although, to me, the place already looked spotless. Jimmy Huang, pronounced Wong, arrived at ten and wanted to consult with me about menus for the week. Life was so different from Austin. I found it difficult to come to grips with the strangeness.

  In the afternoon, I shut myself in the master suite and pulled up the video of the sexy wife performing for her husband. I’m a perfectionist in everything I do and, if I was going to perform, I fully intended to make an impression. I watched the woman’s movements and the way her eyes would focus on her husbands’ reactions. I took a special interest in the way she masturbated with two apparent goals… she wanted to get herself off, but she also wanted it to be as visually exciting as possible for the viewer. A good lesson there if I was to perform for a paying audience.

  When Jake got home from the studio, he was ecstatically happy.

  “This job has to be the most interesting thing that anyone could have asked me to do,” he said happily.

  “Of course, it is… you get to look at naked people having sex all day and then play about with your algorithms and such. You must be as happy as a clam.”

  “Sam, it’s not like that. I’ve not seen a single naked person or anything remotely approaching a sexual act. It’s all been about set design and creation requirements and lighting issues. It’s been brilliant. J and Paolo have also been showing me how to use the equipment. It’s so much more advanced than anything I’ve used before.”

  “So, are they still complaining about the scarcity of blonds?”

  “They are. But we might have an opportunity to resolve the problem if you’re still willing. On Wednesday the two of them are attending a conference on depth-of-field rendering. That’s my specialty, so I don’t need to go. It's being held at one of the big hotels over on Sentosa Island. They’ll be gone all day. How would you feel about a day of exhibitionism in furtherance of your adoring husbands’ career?”

  Yesterday, while we’d watched the video together, I’d thought maybe I could give it a try. But that was before a specific date and time had been mentioned. Now that Wednesday was a concrete proposal, I was starting to have second thoughts.


  Being a perfectionist, there was only one thing for me to do on the Tuesday and that was practice, practice, practice. Not the easiest thing in the world when I had Winnie and Jimmy hanging around. I’d convinced Jake to take the car, along with Samson, for the day but now I needed a plan.

  I produced a list of the most obscure American foods and told Jimmy that every item was a must-have for our pantry. I tasked him with finding every single item and not to return home until he had them. I just had to hope that he didn’t already know of one perfect store where he could complete the assignment.

  Winnie was much easier. I gave her a list of children’s names and ages and told her they were all our nieces and nephews. I had promised them all some typically Singaporean gifts, but I was way too busy to go shopping. Charlie had told me weeks ago that the favorite pastime for Singaporean women was shopping and Winnie was delighted with the idea of having a free hand in choosing the stuff for all our relatives.

  They had both left the apartment by ten thirty, so I locked myself in the master suite and pulled out the laptop. I knew I had to approach the project differently today. I didn’t need to watch the performance with the same voyeuristic intent as the day before. I needed to watch it as a student. I needed to demonstrate the same degree of diligence, as I did when I was a graduate student work on my thesis. Erotic performance warranted the same commitment as theoretical mathematics.

  Stripping off my clothes, I laid on the bed and started the video. It was, unfortunately, awkward. I felt way too tense to get into the project. An idea occurred to me. A glass of wine. I opened the bedroom door and peered out. It was unlikely that either of them had returned but, once it seemed like the coast was clear, I scuttled into the kitchen and poured myself an enormous glass of Pinot Gris. I gulped down about an inch, topped it up, and went back to my studies.

  As I watched the sensuous woman on the screen, I was reminded again of how she was trying to achieve two separate goals. She had to bring herself to a genuine orgasm while also attempting to intimately involve the viewer… in this case, her husband, who was watching from the end of the bed. If I was going to add value to the Mylitta project, I needed to achieve the same.

  I emulated her every move. I worked on looking at the viewer. By the time my glass of wine sat empty on the nightstand, I was really getting into the idea of performing in front of Jake. The fact that there would be cameras involved was bothering me less and
less. I was counting how many times I’d run through the video and followed the implied directions from the woman I was now seeing as my instructor. Fourteen so far. Every time I moved along with the beautiful creature on the screen, I picked up new, often slight, nuances. By mid-afternoon, I was so happy with myself that I decided I deserved a treat. As my professor plunged her fingers deep into her pussy while tickling her clit with her other hand, I did the same. I’d done it fourteen times already in my student mode, but this time my intent was different. This time I was ready to let it take me wherever fate decided.

  Fate decided to give me a wild, bursting orgasm, that had me soaking our bedspread, in perfect unison with my amazing instructor on the screen. I panted; I fell back on the bed. I was deliriously happy. I was ready.


  On Wednesday morning, I slipped on a cute, pale lemon sundress that buttons all the way down the front. I didn’t plan on running into anyone we knew so I figured a bra was unnecessary. We would be going straight from the apartment into the car and then taking the private elevator to the basement when we got to the Smithson-McDougall office. The only thing underneath the dress was the prettiest pair of white lace panties I could find. Getting dressed and undressed would simply be easier and more practical.

  Samson drove us downtown, and I casually kept my arms across my chest so no one would catch the faint glimpse of my nipples that I knew could be seen through the thin cotton of my dress. Jake was delighted by my choice of outfit.

  “You look radiant, Sam. Are you nervous?”

  “Of course, I am. My stomach doesn’t just have butterflies… it’s got an entire menagerie.”

  He laughed and held my arm in reassurance.

  “It’ll be fine. Remember that I will be tweaking the footage before the end of the day and no one will know it's you. You can let loose and do whatever you want to do with complete anonymity.”

  We rode the elevator down to the basement. Just imagine my shock when the doors slid open, and there stood J and Paolo waiting to get in. J immediately stuck out his hand, and I couldn’t ignore it. In his deep, gravelly, French-accent, he growled a good morning to me that sounded more like a sexual invitation. With his large black hand holding mine, I was desperately aware that my nipples had hardened in response.

  His eyes, that had been fixed on mine, now traveled, without any pretense, to my chest and I noticed a half-smile cross his face.

  Without looking away from my breasts, he addressed Jake. How brazen could he be?

  “We just popped in to get all the software booted up for you, boss. We’re going over to Sentosa now.”

  He still held my hand. It may have been seconds, but it felt like an age. I felt the involuntary blush that overtook me spread from my face, down my neck, and across my chest. Why did my feelings always give themselves away in such an obvious manner?

  As he let go of my hand, I heard the slightest sound from behind his closed lips. A sound like mmm… a sound of appreciation. My blush deepened in color.

  I hadn’t taken much notice, but I then spotted that Paolo was also transfixed by my nipples. It was only nine in the morning, and I was already feeling moist from the attention of these two handsome young guys. In ordinary circumstances, I would have described Paolo as an amazingly good-looking hunk of masculinity, but somehow, with J in the room, he was slightly diminished.

  As they wished us a good day and stepped into the elevator, my heart was pounding at the thought of them watching my footage. The idea excited me more than it should. I’m a happily married woman, so why should the opinions of my husband’s coworkers’ matter to me at all? Even after Jake had executed his tweaks, I assumed they would know it was me.

  The thought made my legs go weak.


  We went straight into the performance room, and Jake suggested that I spend a few minutes getting comfortable with the space. It was strange looking up at the control room window, knowing that my husband would be in the darkness behind that huge glass panel.

  “So where are the cameras?”

  “They’re everywhere. Hundreds of them filming from different angles. When all the takes are stitched together, the viewer gets either a 180-degree or 240-degree view of the room and the feeling that they are there with you. Just imagine if you really fancy someone and you could be in a room with them. Hot, eh?”

  “I don’t know Jake; this all seemed a lot easier when I was at home with the laptop. I could watch my stunning instructor and gain inspiration from her. In here, it all seems different. It feels impersonal and a bit contrived.”

  “Wait there.” He rushed off up to the control room. A couple of minutes later he was back with a laptop, and he’d fired up the video. “I’ve put it on a continuous loop so you will always have her with you. Now I’m going up there,” he pointed to the glass panel, “and you just take your time. Remember. Do only what you want to do. I think it’s best if I don’t attempt to give you any direction from the control room. In fact, I’m going to turn off the audio connection in that direction. Regard me as a passive viewer. Anything you want to say or do should be intended to draw me into your world on your terms. When the red light by the door is on the cameras are live.”

  And he was gone.

  At first, I just sat there watching the video for the umpteenth time. I watched as the woman started out being coy and flirty with her husband. I laughed out loud, as I had done every time I’d watched when she raised an eyebrow before slipping her hand into her panties. I was getting comfortable.

  I stood up and removed my dress. Looking up towards the control room, I knew that my loving husband was watching me, and I started to tingle between my legs. I lay on the bed, and, as I watched the video, I started to perform.

  At first, I was aware of following the lead of the woman I’d come to see as my instructor. But as the room got warmer and my pussy got wetter, I found myself wanting only one thing… I wanted to perform for Jake. I wanted my husband to see me as a raw, sexual being. So, he thought I was naïve, did he? I’d show him a thing or two.

  It was almost as if I could sense I was undergoing a deep transformation. So maybe that’s how poor Dr. Jekyll felt when he was subsumed by Mr. Hyde. I writhed, I panted, I found myself twisted into the most lascivious positions, not against my will but because of it. I was entirely entangled in the throes of passion as I looked up at the darkness behind the glass, wanting only to involve my one true love. My orgasm came crashing over me as I plunged three fingers into my pussy and pinched at my hardened button.

  I had amazed myself with my performance so I could only imagine what effect I’d had on Jake. I fell back on the bed in utter exhaustion and inexplicably burst into tears.

  I was dimly aware that Jake had rushed into the room, but I was floating on some other plane of existence. He took me in his arms, and I snuggled into the warmth of his body.

  “Sam, you were phenomenal. I’ve never seen anything like it. Where did you pull that from?”

  “I don’t know. I just let go.”


  “After that performance, you’ve got to let me take you to lunch.”

  “Not in this dress I can’t. I’m not wearing a bra.”

  “I know… and it's sexy. Here, hold this file folder in front of you. We’re in the business district, and after all, this is a working lunch.”

  We found a wonderful seafood restaurant nearby, and I gorged myself on a massive pile of shrimp in garlic sauce. I justified it by claiming that, as I was a solo performer, my garlic breath was hardly likely to offend anyone. We drank more wine than normal for a weekday, but Jake claimed we needed to celebrate the brilliance of my performance. He seemed genuinely blown away. Exactly as I’d hoped.

  “So, did you get all the footage you needed this morning? I don’t know that I’ve got the energy for a repeat performance after this lunch.”

  “This morning’s stuff was amazing, Sam. Once I’ve tweaked your facial features that fo
otage will be the centerpiece of Mylitta, I promise you.”

  My pride was plastered all over my face as I beamed at my husband.

  “Just one question… Would you even consider performing with a toy this afternoon?”

  Okay, call me naïve, but I had no idea what he was suggesting.

  “A toy? What kind of toy?”

  “A sex toy, Sam. I know you’ve heard of them. A dildo or a vibrator or something.”

  He looked uncomfortable, but I assumed that my morning's performance had given him a new perspective on my openness to sexuality.

  “It’s just that there’s a whole box of them up in the office and I figured it might make for some different scenes.”

  “Eww, gross. You mean there’s a box of revolting things that have been used by other performers, and you want me to even consider touching them?”

  He actually spat his wine across the table as his laughter erupted.

  “Of course not, you maniac, they are all new and packaged. But if you’d rather not I quite understand.”

  It was the wine that spoke next… at least that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

  “I’ll take a look at the box… but no promises.”


  Back at the studio after lunch, and Jake settled me into the performance space. I was experiencing the pleasant glow that lunchtime wine can often produce.

  When he back into the room carrying a large cardboard box, he was chuckling to himself.

  “You should see some of this stuff… it’s mind-boggling.”

  I peeked warily into the box and, I admit, I was horrified. Lurid purple vibrators vied for attention with bright pink cocks that hopefully weren’t intended to look like the real thing. Surely no one has a penis that color?

  “What the hell is that thing?” I asked.

  “It’s called a butt plug.”

  “Holy hell, Jake, please don’t tell me what you do with it.”

  “I assume that your willingness to consider a little more footage has not been positively impacted by this box of goodies, then?”

  “Not really,” I started to say, but then something caught my eye.


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