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Samantha in Singapore

Page 12

by Alex Jamieson

  In a large package at the side of the box was an enormous black cock. In glaring lettering at the top of the box was the boast that it had been created from a cast of a real porn star. Every ridge and every vein were realistically formed along the length of the shaft, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. I knew it was wrong of me, but my mind flew to J.

  I found Jake looking at me, and it was as if he were looking into my soul. He knew what I’d been thinking. I felt as guilty as sin.

  “Would you like to fool around with that for a bit?”

  I lifted it out of the box and took off the packaging.

  “I don’t know what I’d even be able to do with it. It’s so enormous.”

  “Let me leave you alone for a while. Just play it by ear. Again, all control is in your hands.”

  Actually, it’s a huge black dildo that’s in my hands.

  “Red light on… cameras live.”

  He was gone again. Leaving me unsure of what was expected of me.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and just studied the thing. I couldn’t get over the size of it or the blackness of it. It was more like a weapon that a part of a man’s anatomy. And, according to the package, this was a real man. My mind flew again to J. He was a tall, muscular guy. Is there any possibility that he could have a cock as big and as dark as this?

  My flight of fancy took me deeper into the depths of depravity as I wondered how anyone would fit the thing into their body. How would anyone even attempt to go down on something this size?

  I can only attribute it to some form of out of body experience, but I brought the thing to my mouth and tried to stretch my lips around the huge head. It stretched them to the point where I was afraid they would split. The effect was scary, but I realized I was soaking my panties in anticipation of what this amazing cock would feel like if it was buried deep inside me.

  I stood up, took off my dress, and stepped out of my white lace panties. Laying down on the bed I brought the big, black cock back to my mouth and licked all the way from the huge, realistic balls, up the underside of the shaft, until the head was at my lips. Stretching wide again, I took the whole head into my mouth, and I admit I thought of J.

  I couldn’t manage any more than just the head, and that was stretching my jaw to an uncomfortable degree. I pulled it from my mouth with an audible pop and slowly ran the tip of it down across my breasts. As I circled my nipples, making them sticky with my saliva, I remembered how J had looked at them this morning. An involuntary moan escaped my lips.

  Sliding the cock, that I had now come to regard as a thing of beauty, down between my legs I used my gushing wetness to slip it between my labia and feel the sensation of it as it glided across my opening. Surely no one could take this inside them.

  The wetter I became the more slippery was J’s cock. Stop thinking like that. Maybe I could try just the head like I did in my mouth.


  Only the head was inside me, but, my God, it felt good. I was being stretched like never before. The weird combination of pleasure and pain drove me on. Pushing it deeper, I experienced the first clutching waves of an orgasm, but I wanted more.

  Flinging myself over I lay face down on the bed. I pushed my ass into the air and stretched my legs as far apart as they would go, then I pushed that beautiful black cock as far inside myself as I could handle.’

  “Aaagh.” My scream filled the studio as the end of J’s cock hit my cervix. I pumped it in and out of me and realized that the orgasm that was about to erupt was going to be life-changing. As I pushed him in until he was balls-deep inside me, I erupted with a scream.


  I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted, and awareness suddenly hit me. My legs were spread wide, and only the huge balls of a giant black dildo were protruding from my wide-stretched pussy. My husband had watched me, and the whole thing had been caught on camera.

  My sobbing brought Jake running to me again.

  How could I let him comfort me when he’d just heard me screaming another man’s name? I felt mortified.

  “It’s okay, Sam, it’s okay,” he kept repeating.

  “Oh God, Jake, I’m so sorry. Whatever do you think of me?”

  “I can’t even find the words, Sam.”

  Oh no. It was that bad. He couldn’t even express how shameful I’d been, how disappointed and hurt he was.

  “You were wonderful. I love you more than I ever have, my beautiful.”

  I sobbed even harder.

  “Do you want me to call Samson and have him take you home? I just need to spend a couple of hours on the facial adjustments before anyone else can see the footage.”

  “I want to stay with you. We can’t be apart just now.”

  He put his arm around me and walked me up to the office. When he had me settled into the comfort of an armchair, he went back into the control room to work his magic and make me unrecognizable.


  That evening Jake was so attentive. It was as if he wanted to protect me from something. Maybe from myself. The new self that was starting to lose control. He never said a word about hearing J’s name.

  On the Thursday he went off to the studio, as usual. I had intended to go for a calming stroll through the Botanical Gardens but found I wanted only to stay within the confines of the apartment. Winnie and Jimmy Huang were busying themselves with chores, so I pretended to have a migraine and shut myself in the master suite. I couldn’t close my mind to the raging conflicts that were tearing me apart. I knew that Paolo and J were likely reviewing the footage as I lay there in my darkened room. Did I want them to admire me? Did I want them to lust after me? Was I embarrassed, or was I proud?

  I assumed that Jake would have edited out my scream of “J” as I orgasmed. But what if he hadn’t. He’d tweaked my facial features, but J would know who I was. Oh, please let Winnie and Jimmy leave and please let my Jake come home to me.

  It was the longest day imaginable but, eventually, I heard Jake at the door. I ran to meet him and jumped into his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist, and I kissed him so hard I thought he was going to fall over backward.

  “Wow. That was the best welcome I’ve had all week,” he laughed. “What have you been up to today that’s made you so affectionate?”

  “Thinking. Lots of thinking.”

  “Oh, you know you shouldn’t do that. It can be fatal. Thinking never got anyone anywhere.”

  He dropped his messenger bag by the door, and we went into the living room.

  “Something smells delicious.”

  “Yeah, Jimmy’s outdone himself. All we have to do is serve it out. A girl could get used to having a private chef on hand. Drink?”

  “Sure, I’d love a scotch. It’s been a long day.”

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I was itching to know.

  “Did the guys see the footage?”

  “Sam, they were blown away.”

  “Can I ask you something else.”


  “Did you do any other editing apart from adjusting my facial features.”

  “I did. Just one small thing.”

  I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  Jake went on to tell me that, not only had J and Paolo seen the footage, but Tony and Charlotte had come down from the executive suite, and they’d reviewed it too.

  “They were so impressed they want to take you to lunch tomorrow to celebrate your brilliant performance.”


  It was arranged that on Friday Samson would take me down to the CBD for noon, and we would all meet in the studio. Samson is habitually early for everything as a result of getting stuck in a traffic jam ONCE. So, he picked me up at eleven twenty for the fifteen-minute ride. I figured it was okay. I could just sneak into the studio and surprise Jake. As the doors of the elevator opened at the basement level, I could hear voices. Charlotte’s was the most prominent, but I could also pick out Tony’s and Jake’s.

God she is the sexiest thing, Jake. You are a lucky man. That’s by far the hottest footage we’ve ever captured. For God’s sake, make her the star of Mylitta.”

  Charlotte was talking about ME. It made me blush to my roots.

  “I agree, Jake. Sam was amazing. She has this inherent sexiness combined with a natural innocence. Thank God we were short on blonds or we would never have discovered our star performer.”

  Star? Me? Holy, shit.

  “How amazing would it be if she would agree to some action with some stud in the studio?”

  Why is it always Charlotte who suggests the outrageous?

  “Oh Charlie, I think that would be asking too much of her. She’s already conflicted over what she did on Wednesday.”

  Jake was right about me being conflicted, but I noticed he didn’t complain that it would be too much for him if he agreed to Charlotte's wild idea. With the knowledge of his fantasy sitting deep in my brain, I couldn’t help but wonder if he would actually enjoy seeing me perform with another man.

  I needed to nip this in the bud. Charlie needed to be stopped in her tracks. My performing days were over. I strode into the control room and pretended that I’d just stepped out of the elevator.

  “So, what are you all talking about?”

  “We were talking about you, darling.”

  She’d never called me darling before.

  “And what, may I ask, were you saying.”

  “We were saying that you are perhaps the most natural performer we have ever seen and that you deserve an expensive lunch and lots of champagne to celebrate.”


  As promised, lunch was wonderful. Exquisite food and several bottles of champagne gave Charlotte the confidence to say her piece.

  “Sam, would you allow me to make you a proposal?”

  I was a little tipsy too so, although I could guess what was coming, I found it mildly amusing.

  “Would you consider just one more shoot in the studio. We’ve seen the footage, and you are just too good for the project for you to stop now. Mylitta would be so much more powerful if you would do one more scene. You are so incredibly natural on screen. Your beauty and your talent are not easy to find.”

  “Charlie STOP. You are just sucking up to me because you think your proposal, whatever it might be, is going to horrify me. So, tell me, what do you want to propose?’

  Everyone laughed, but I noticed that Jake’s was a nervous laugh.

  “Okay, I'll just come straight out with it. Sam, would you consider a session with some handsome young stud? There I’ve said it.”

  “I was right… I’m horrified. Anthony, you need to take control of your wife. She’s gone mad.”

  The men had decided to stay out of the discussion but, while they stayed on the sidelines, Charlie wheedled and whined in an effort to convince me.

  “Think of the project, Sam. We want Jake’s first big thing to be a really big thing.”

  “And to achieve that you want me, a happily married woman, to be fooling around with a “really big thing” on camera. I repeat… I’m horrified.”

  By this point, we were all laughing uproariously.

  “Please just consider it over the weekend. Talk about it with each other. You both know how Tony and I fulfill our fantasies. Maybe this would help you both fulfill some of yours.”

  “STOP Charlie… no more. We will talk about it, I promise, but now I need to change the subject.”

  Chapter 6 – The Second Shoot

  If I’d been conflicted before I was now in inner turmoil, and I think Jake was too. We had a quiet weekend planned, but we knew that all our thoughts would be consumed by Charlie’s suggestion.

  It was on Saturday evening after a couple of drinks that I decided that we needed to brave the inevitable conversation. We sat on the sofa together, and my feet were in Jake’s lap. He was gently massaging my toes as I looked him in the eye.

  “Would YOU want me to do it. I don’t care that Charlie and Tony want me to. You are my only concern.”

  “Only if you want to. That’s all I care about. I want you to do anything that makes you happy. I suppose they’re right that it allows you to enjoy your exhibitionist streak. I know you’ve already guessed that, like Tony and loads of other men, I fall on the end of the male spectrum that gets turned on by the thought of you with another man. I’m sorry if that upsets you, but it’s just who I am.”

  I admired Jake for his bravery in coming out and saying it. I needed to exhibit the same degree of fortitude.

  “My exhibitionist streak is obviously not my only fantasy, is it? You heard what I screamed in the studio the other day. So now it's my turn to be sorry. I love you more than anything in the world, Jake, and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. I will never, ever want to love anyone else.”

  “But. Come on. Out with it. I sense there’s a but coming.”

  “But the thought of fooling around a bit, especially with you watching, does sound kind of hot. Remember what it was like when you watched me dancing with Javier in Bangkok? It would be the best of both worlds because I could get to feel desired and sexy, without having sex… and you could watch.”

  I could hardly believe this was the naïve, innocent woman who had lived with me in Texas. With that admission out of the way, our weekend was filled with more sex than we’d had in the previous month. By Sunday evening, we were satiated, exhausted, and sore.

  As we were eating dinner, I suggested that we call Charlie and tell her that I was willing to perform but only if I could set the terms and conditions. I would spell out the conditions to Charlie, and she could take it or leave it.

  “And what would they be?”

  Jake was understandably concerned.

  I ran to the kitchen for a pen and paper. We discussed my concerns, as professionally as we could, under the exceedingly strange circumstances, and we came up with my list.

  No penetration - soft-core only

  No one allowed in the control booth except Jake

  Charlie not allowed within a one-mile radius!!!

  No one to see the footage until the facial adjustment has been made

  Confidentiality agreements to be signed by all parties who were “in the know.”

  Charlie must stay outside a radius of one mile (that bore repeating for emphasis when we called her.)

  “I have one more condition that I hope you’re okay with.”

  My poor husband looked a little scared of what I would say.

  “There are just six of us who know my secret, and I’m not willing to let that number increase to seven. If you want me to do it, it’s got to be with either J or Paolo. They are both exceedingly handsome, and they both appear to have great bodies. So, if they are willing, it would have to be one of them. Charlotte has already told me you lack interracial content, so I suppose that J would be the most useful to the project.”

  Jake’s face became a stony mask. I couldn’t read what he was thinking. He’d heard me scream J’s name as I orgasmed all over a huge black dildo, and now I was proposing a live shoot with the man. Even after he’d admitted his fantasy, was I taking this too far?

  “I think you’d better call Charlie, Sam. She’ll be on tenterhooks waiting to hear from you. I have to be up early in the morning, so I think I’m going to turn in.”

  I WAS taking this too far.


  I couldn’t help but think of myself as the sorry, hapless husband delivering his wife to the Temple of Mylitta to be violated by a stranger. I’d been aware of my fantasies for a long time but weren’t fantasies supposed to stay that way?

  We’d had a blissful weekend of non-stop sex until Sam had agreed to step outside the world of fantasy, and I was expected to make it all happen.

  As I rode the elevator down to the studio, I’d never felt more uncomfortable in my life. Paolo and J were already hard at work.

  “Morning, boss,” they joked. On our first day working together I’d told them to call
me Jake, but they found a juvenile pleasure in calling me boss.

  The guys had seen the footage of Sam, and despite my facial adjustments, they knew full well it was her. Apart from general comments on how amazing the shoot had been and how this was the most effective content we’d ever developed, they diplomatically steered clear of making specific comments about Sam.

  However, watching their expressions as we’d all reviewed the footage made it abundantly clear what they thought of her. Right there in front of me at the review session, they’d both needed to adjust their jeans to accommodate growing erections.

  And now I had to explain the plans to take this whole thing to an entirely new level.

  “So, guys. Mrs. Smithson-Lee has come up with a suggestion for one more shoot with the same model.”

  I stupidly couldn’t bring myself to utter the words with my wife. We all knew exactly who I was talking about, so I had no idea who I was trying to protect with my misplaced subtlety.

  “She thinks it would add value to the project for a shoot with S, s, s….” I stuttered over my own wife’s name but, once again, I couldn’t spit it out. “She thinks it would add value to the project for a shoot with the same model and a male participant.”

  What was I a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl? We were all here to develop adult content, and I was suddenly squeamish.

  Both Paolo and J were nodding eagerly. It was apparent they hoped to be present for this shoot, unlike the solo session that was scheduled specifically to take advantage of their absence.

  “Here’s the thing. There will be conditions attached to the shoot.”

  I needed to just come out and say it. Swallowing my pride, I plowed on.

  “Sam will not allow penetration.” I’d done it. I’d said her name.

  “This will be an entirely soft-core shoot. Her second condition is that there will be no one in the control booth but me.”

  It was almost amusing the way their faces fell in unison. Almost amusing, but not quite. I was not in a mood to be amused.

  “Condition number three is that no one will get to see the footage until the facial adjustments have been made. That includes members of this team. Her final condition is that everyone involved, which again includes all members of this team, will execute a confidentiality agreement to protect her reputation. She has agreed to do this solely for the good of the project, and I need to get an agreement from you here and now that you accept the terms.”


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