Running Mate

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Running Mate Page 25

by Katie Ashley

I laughed. “You are totally hopeless.”

  Amusement twinkled in blue eyes. “I know. It’s a good thing I have the love of an amazing woman to save me.”

  His words instantly melted my heart. “I love you so very much, Barrett.”

  Barrett’s response to my declaration was to bring his lips to mine. At first, the kiss was soft and heartfelt, but like the flickers of a growing flame, it became much more passionate. Our tongues tangled together as I tugged my fingers through Barrett’s hair.

  When Barrett ran his hand up my ribcage to cup my breast, I momentarily froze. It wasn’t that I didn’t welcome his touch or that I thought it was inappropriate for him to be groping me in my ball gown; it was more about the fact that I had just remembered there was a Secret Service agent standing in the doorway. Sure, he had his back to us, but it was totally mood-killing.

  Barrett abruptly ended our kiss and pulled away. “What’s wrong?”

  I motioned my head over his shoulder. “We have an audience,” I whispered.

  He grinned. “I guess that means you’re not into having someone watch us have sex.”

  Blood rushed to my face. “No I am not!” I sputtered indignantly as I shoved Barrett away.

  “Okay, okay. Voyeuristic sex goes off the list.”

  “It sure as hell does. Public places maybe, but never with an audience.”

  Barrett’s hands came to cup my cheeks. “I’d be happy with just the missionary position as long as I got to have sex with you.”

  An unladylike snort escaped me. “Like you would ever be satisfied with just the missionary position.”

  “Mr. Callahan?” an unknown staffer questioned behind us.


  “Your parents are waiting on you in the Yellow Room.”

  Barrett nodded. “Tell them we’ll be right there.”

  Once the staffer scurried off, Barrett held out his arm for me. “Come, Miss Monroe. We have balls to attend.” In true Barrett fashion, he leaned over to whisper into my ear, “Of course, I would much rather you being attending to my balls.”

  “You’re so crude.”

  “Like when you suck one into your warm, wet mouth while you pump my cock in your hand.”

  I whimpered as his words sent heat shooting between my legs. “Yellow Room, now,” I murmured.

  Barrett snickered. “Thinking my parents will be the cool down you need?”

  I grinned at him. “It’s more like I’m going to need to step outside onto the Truman Balcony to let the frigid temperatures cool me off.”

  After meeting up with Barrett’s parents and siblings in the Yellow Room—one of the oval sitting rooms in the family residence—we made our way downstairs, where a wall of Secret Service agents closed in around us as we piled into the second bulletproof limousine behind James and Jane. Thorn and two of his Army buddies rode along with us, as did Caroline, who kept giving Ty longing looks. Who could blame her? He was gorgeous with a sexy British accent.

  When we got out of the limo at the hotel, flashbulbs momentarily blinded me. Even after all my time on the campaign, I didn’t think I would ever get used to the media and their cameras. As the fake fiancée/real girlfriend of the First Son, I was going to have to get used to them being an unwanted part of my life. As long as they didn’t catch me accidentally flashing my boobs or my ass, I would be okay, although it did kinda suck not getting to have a say in what pictures of you were splashed across the front of newspapers and magazines.

  At the banquet room door, we were momentarily held back from entering. Then the song the twelve-piece band was playing abruptly ended, and a rousing rendition of “Hail to the Chief” erupted. The doors opened wider, and James and Jane strode into the room. It was still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that whenever I heard the song now, it was for James.

  After Barrett and I made our entrance, we did our best making the rounds with smiles and small talk. I found the first two balls rather stuffy and pretentious; they were made up of old money and political connections, people who had spent ridiculous amounts of money supporting James’s campaign. Although my heart wasn’t completely in it, Barrett and I waltzed while giving beaming smiles for the cameras.

  Thankfully, the evening took a turn for the better at our next stop, which was the Texas-themed Black Tie and Boots Ball. There was just something about cowboy boots and Stetsons that made me feel welcome. The big surprise that sent me out of my mind was when I saw it was my old friend, Abby Renard, and her brothers’ band, Jacob’s Ladder, who struck up “Hail to the Chief” as James entered. Wide eyed, I turned to Barrett. “Did you know about this?”

  He gave me his signature smirk. “I might’ve made a suggestion to the planners.”

  Squealing with delight, I threw my arms around his neck. “I love it.”

  “I thought you would.”

  After giving him a quick peck on the lips, I pulled back so we could make our entrance. When the song came to an end, Abby smiled as she took the microphone. “President Callahan, Mrs. Callahan, Vice President Smith, Mrs. Smith, I just want to say what an immense pleasure it is for my brothers and me to be here to perform for you. It truly is an honor and a career highlight to be part of such a special night.”

  Abby paused as applause broke out in the room. Her gaze then met mine, and she once again smiled. “In case some of you don’t know, I’m an old friend of the First Son’s fiancée, Addison. Our families were both part of the same missionary abroad program and after spending a few summers together as kids, we became pen pals in the pre-internet days. Thankfully, with the onset of technology, we’ve gotten to keep in touch over states and continents. I’ve loved every minute of watching her on the campaign trail in support of our newest president, and for our first song of the evening, I’d like to play one of her favorites.” Abby winked. “Addison, this one is for you!”

  “Where I Roam” was the song that had launched Jacob’s Ladder back before Abby had taken her older brother, Micah’s, place. The upbeat tempo and twangy mix of fiddle and banjo had people rushing to the dance floor.

  As soon as the song ended, I made a beeline for the stage so I could say hello to Abby as soon as possible. While Eli and Gabe started up the opening chords of their latest hit, Abby hurried down the steps to hug me. “I cannot believe you’re here!” I screeched over the music.

  Abby laughed as she squeezed me tight. When she pulled back, she gave me a beaming smile. “I could probably say the same thing to you considering you’re engaged to the First Son. That is pretty amazing, Ads,” Abby gushed.

  “It’s more like the Second First Son since Thorn’s the oldest,” I teasingly said.

  “Whatever. It’s still pretty amazing.”

  “That’s high praise coming from the woman who has won Grammys and CMA awards, not to mention marrying a smokin’ hot rocker.”

  Pride and happiness radiated in Abby’s eyes. “We’ve both come a long, long way from our missionary kid days, haven’t we?”

  I nodded. “We sure have.”

  “But I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. They taught me so much.”

  “They sure did.”

  After Abby threw a glance over her shoulder, Eli jerked his chin at her. “I gotta go. Jake’s at the hotel with the twins, and I’d love for you to meet them before we go home on Friday.”

  “I’d love to. Let’s plan on lunch tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She waved before hurrying back up the stairs to the microphone.

  When someone tapped me on the shoulder, I whirled around to see that it was Barrett.

  “Ready to get your boot scootin’ boogie on?”

  I laughed. “I’d love to, just never use that phrase again.”

  Barrett grinned as we walked out onto the dance floor. We danced through two fast songs before the music changed over to a slow, smooth ballad, and I closed my eyes as Barrett drew me flush against him under the glittering lights of the ballroom. Once again, I fought the urge to pinch m
yself. It felt just like being in a fairytale where I was Cinderella at the ball with my handsome Prince Charming. I never wanted the moment or that feeling to end.

  Inevitably, the song eventually came to an end, and Barrett’s breath warmed against my ear. “I need to be alone with you, Addison.”

  Nervous laughter bubbled from my lips. “There are too many people, too many risks,” I countered.

  “Just trust me.”

  Against my better judgment, I let Barrett lead me off the dance floor and out onto one of the balconies. I smiled as it reminded me of election night. Barrett pulled me against his body, shielding me from the cold. “Addison?”

  “Mmhmm,” I murmured cautiously, waiting for him to tell me to hike my dress up and bend over the railing.

  “Would you still like a wedding in the Rose Garden?”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Do you want to get married in the Rose Garden?”

  I jerked back to stare open-mouthed at him. “What?”

  “Well, from what I read in The White House: A History—one of the many books my mother forced on me—June is a peak month for roses, so that would probably be the best time for a wedding.” He cocked his brows at me. “Do you think you could plan one in six months?”

  Desperately, I tried processing what Barrett was saying. “I guess I could…” I tilted my head. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I think we should get married.”

  Oh. My. God. As a bundle of emotions came crashing down on me, I fought to keep myself from falling to a heap on the floor. Thankfully, Barrett had his arms around me, but that didn’t last for long.

  He dropped to one knee in front of me. “This is the moment when I would normally present you with a ring, but you already have one.”

  I glanced down at my hand. After our breakup, I hadn’t taken the ring off because it would have raised suspicion. Then when we made up on election night, I still kept it on.

  “I thought about buying you a different ring because this one might be tainted by our fake engagement, but when it came down to it, there wasn’t another ring in the whole world I wanted you to have. This ring symbolizes the day we first became a couple, even if it wasn’t for real. From that day on, my love and admiration for you began to grow. Someone who never saw himself capable of loving just one woman found the peace and contentment of monogamy. I discovered that a part of me was missing, and you were the only thing that could make me whole again. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you.”

  My heartbeat broke into such a wild gallop, I feared it would explode right out of my chest. The range of emotions rocketing through me was seriously overwhelming. The moment I’d dreamed about was actually coming true—Barrett was down on one knee, proposing to me.

  “Addison, will you marry me?”

  I wasn’t sure why, but at that moment, all I could whisper was, “For real?”

  Barrett gave me a genuine smile full of love as he nodded his head. “For real.”

  “Yes, yes, YES!” I cried. I barely gave Barrett time to stand up before I leapt into his arms. After he twirled me around, he brought his lips to mine, and I poured everything I had within me into that kiss. If I had died in that moment, I would have died a very happy woman.

  Even though I was freezing to death out there, I wished we could have spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other’s arms. All too soon, it was time for us to leave to make another appearance. Over the next five hours, we hit the rest of the official balls and then dropped by two private parties. As if the day hadn’t already been magical enough, Barrett’s proposal made me feel like I was floating on air.

  By the time we got back to the White House, it was after four AM. After taking the elevator to the executive quarters, we walked hand in hand down the Center Hall to our bedrooms. When we got to the East Sitting Hall, Barrett tugged me against him. Since there was a Secret Service agent station not far from us, Barrett dipped his head to whisper in my ear, “Wanna get busy with me in Honest Abe’s bed?”

  I threw my head back with a laugh. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m very serious.” He rolled his hips against mine, and I felt that his cock was very serious as well. “I’ve got a proclamation to emancipate you from your panties.”

  “You did not just degrade the Emancipation Proclamation like that,” I huffed indignantly.

  Barrett chuckled. “I knew it would get a rise out of you, and I get so turned on by seeing you riled.” He winked at me. “Besides, I’m sure Abe would forgive me—bro code and all.”

  Pushing him away, I wagged a finger at him. “I’m pretty sure Abe’s high moral standards wouldn’t stand for us sharing a room when we’re unmarried, naughty boy.”

  “Do you know how many unmarried people have gotten busy under this roof?”

  “Too many to count, I’m sure.”

  Nuzzling my neck, Barrett’s breath singed my skin. “We’re engaged now—that has to count for something.”

  “I know but—” With a growl, Barrett bent over, swept me off my feet, and threw me over his left shoulder. “Put me down, you caveman!”

  “I’ll put you down all right—down in my bed where you belong.” He then smacked my ass for good measure and the sound echoed through the vacant hallway.

  I let out a shriek of protest as he started marching me toward the Lincoln Bedroom. When I dared to throw a glance over my shoulder, I saw the Secret Service agent’s lips twitching like he was trying very hard not to laugh.

  Barrett threw open the door and then kicked it closed with his foot. My anger was momentarily forgotten as the significance of where I was washed over me—it was the bedroom of one of our greatest presidents. Sure, Lincoln had never actually slept in here, but it had been his office. This was his furniture.

  Barrett was true to his word about not putting me down unless it was in his bed. After my body flopped unceremoniously down onto the mattress, I craned my neck to take in every aspect of the room—the regal gold curtains, the gold and brown patterned wallpaper, the deep mahogany furniture.

  “By the expression on your face, I’m starting to think you’re getting a hard-on for Abe,” Barrett said as he made quick work of shedding his tux jacket.

  I giggled as I propped myself up on my elbows. “I can’t help it. You know what a history nerd I am.”

  With a grin, Barrett undid his white bow tie. “It’s one of the many quirky things I love about you.”

  “Quirky or kooky?” I teasingly asked.

  “Endearing,” he diplomatically replied.

  I rose up on my knees and scooted to the edge of the bed. My fingers reached out to start unbuttoning Barrett’s shirt and I asked, “What else do you love about me?”

  “The way your tongue pokes out when you’re concentrating really hard.”

  Scowling at him, I replied, “Out of everything you could love about me, that’s what you pick?”

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Ugh, it makes me sound like a dog.”

  Shrugging out of his shirt, Barrett argued, “No it doesn’t, it makes you cute.”

  “Fine. I’m cute when I stick my tongue out like a dog. What else?

  “The way you hum show tunes when you’re nervous, and the light in your eyes when you see an animal of any kind.”

  “Yep, I’m a sappy dork.”

  The serious expression on Barrett’s face caused my heart to accelerate. “The way you want to make the world a better place even though the cards are stacked against you, and the way you give of yourself to help others.”

  “That’s very sweet. Thank you.”

  “I can be sweet.”

  “I know that. It’s one thing that endears me to you.”

  A mischievous look flashed in Barrett’s eyes as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Standing before me in his tight black briefs, he added, “I also love the way your eyes roll back in your head when you take that first sip
of morning coffee.”

  I jabbed my finger in his now bare chest. “It’s not polite to make fun of an addict, and we both know how addicted I am to coffee.”

  Barrett laughed. “I’m not making fun of you, just stating the facts.” He reached around me to find the zipper of my dress. After lowering it, he dipped his head so his breath warmed my ear. “I also like the way your eyes roll back in your head when my tongue or my dick is buried deep inside your pussy.”

  Need burned through me, causing me to shudder. His fingers came to the straps of my dress and after he eased them down my arms, I raised my hips up so he could slide the dress off. When he couldn’t get me out of the dress fast enough, he started to tug on the fabric. “Hey now, you gotta be gentle with the Valentino,” I urged.

  “Fuck it. I’ll buy you another one.”

  Once my dress was whisked away and unceremoniously tossed to the floor, I was left in the lacy black thigh-highs and the navy bustier that sucked me in and pushed my boobs up.

  Barrett’s hungry gaze caused me to lick my lips in anticipation. “I also love the way your tits look when they’re cinched up like that. Makes me want to slide my dick between them.”

  “Why am I not surprised you found a way to make this lovefest all about sex?” I teased.

  Cocking his head, Barrett suggested, “Because me being a sex fiend is something you love about me.”

  “That’s true, just one of the many, many things.” I cupped his face in my hands. “Now will you shut up and make love to your real fiancée in Lincoln’s bedroom?”

  “I’ll shut up, but only if I can fuck my fiancée in Lincoln’s bedroom.”

  “I think a compromise is in order.”

  “What would that entail?” Barrett questioned as he loomed over me.

  “You can fuck me, but only if you promise to also make love to me.”

  “It’s been a long day—are you sure you’re up for that?”

  I grinned as I eyed the bulge in his underwear. “As long as the Bear’s up for it, I am.”

  “Trust me, he’s always up for it.” Barrett dipped off the mattress to open the nightstand drawer. To show his commitment to my compromise, he tossed a sheet of condoms onto the bed.


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