The Watcher: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (The Age of Vampyre Book 1)

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The Watcher: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (The Age of Vampyre Book 1) Page 12

by Sophia North

  "Perhaps," Dante replied. "But it could also be an opportunity."

  "You can't possibly go!" Simone cried out, unhappy with his direction of thought. "Vlad's right, it's a trap!"

  "Yes, Admiral," Dante answered suavely, unable to resist the Stars Wars reference. "But Anton holds all the cards. To launch some kind of counter-attack we need time. And maybe I could buy us some by agreeing to meet with him."

  "Don't be ridiculous. He sounds utterly mad! And I should know, I'm the bloody professional," Simone insisted, but neither one of them were listening. Typical males - always looking for an angle despite the risk it carried.

  "No, Dante's plan has merit," Vlad countered, with a thoughtful tap to his lip. "You could go send word to Lowerton that you are considering Anton's offer...string him along for a little bit, and when the timing is right, accept his invitation when we can use the advantage. It's fucking brilliant."

  Simone sat on the couch in stunned silence. Did they have a death wish? As far as she was concerned engaging with Anton on any level would spell trouble. The vamp sounded deranged.

  "I think I should try to use my visionary power again. It might cast more light on what is unfolding," Dante announced. Turning to Simone, he asked: "I'll require your assistance, if you are willing to give it."

  Without hesitation, she responded, "Whatever is required, it is yours for the taking."

  Dante smiled at her choice of words. He may very well test the limits on her very generous offer in the near future.

  Turning back to his friend, he gave out his final instructions. "Vlad, you need to move. Roxy must get the Hive operation up and running immediately. Have her reach out to all our key contacts, arrange some meetings. But most importantly, she must get word out about the blood bank situation, as well as alert others to watch out for any of Lowerton's refugees. The last thing we need are the human authorities becoming involved should one of them get caught."

  "I'm on it, mate," he replied, shrugging back into his tattered shirt.

  "And, you may want to consider changing your clothes. Foxy Roxy might have some standards," Simone teased, before continuing in a more serious note. "Be careful out there, Viking. My friend Penny will insist on calling you an asshole to your face. It would be a shame if your untimely death deprived her of the pleasure."

  With a knowing smile, Vlad paused on his way out the door. "I did say your lady friend's affections would stray once she'd spent some time with me, brother," he reminded Dante. "And by my estimation, I'd say her heart's halfway mine already."

  The Viking bowed in her direction, "Doc, I bid you a fond adieu. And do try to not let my friend seduce you whilst I’m gone. I'd hate to lose the race."

  Chapter Sixteen

  "YOU KNOW THIS may not work," Dante confessed, sitting at one end of the long, leather couch while Simone sat at the other end. He'd insisted on the distance, knowing he could become quite animated in his trance-state. "Even with assistance, I'm not always able to access my visions."

  "After what Vlad described, we must try," Simone replied. "Is there nothing more I can do to help you? Listening seems...inadequate under the circumstances."

  Dante contemplated his next words carefully. There was another option but he was unsure whether he wanted to try it, let alone ask it of Simone.

  Simone sensed his hesitation. "Tell me, is there something else I can do?"

  "It's unconventional," he eventually replied. "Highly so. I've only ever been told about the...technique."

  Her cheeks flamed involuntarily. There was something sensual, forbidden, in the way he spoke that caused her body to intuitively respond.

  "Why continue to pretend anything about our relationship is conventional? Tell me, what does this technique entail? Whatever it is, I'm up for it," she boldly declared.

  Dante rose to the challenge. "Then come to me, my beauty and I'll do better...I'll show you."

  Drawn like a moth to a flame, Simone slid from her position and was soon standing in front of him. "Now what?" she asked, admiring how relaxed he looked lounging on the couch.

  "Take my hand."

  Simone rested her hand in his.

  "Join me."

  His hand steadied her, as she straddled him and slowly lowered herself onto his lap. The beautiful sundress he'd gifted her, fanned out to cover their intimate position.

  Simone gasped aloud once she'd settled.

  "Ah yes, it seems I may have been remiss in providing you with all your feminine needs," he whispered seductively in her ear. "How thoughtless of me."

  Simone smiled in return, enjoying the feel of his growing trouser-clad erection against her nakedness. "Surely you've know what lay beneath?"

  "My imagination has run riot, I assure you, Dr. Radcliffe."

  Feminine pride coursed through her, it was exactly what she wanted to hear. "So, here I am. Now what are you going to do with me?" she asked, staring into his smoky grey eyes.

  Dante ran his finger tips up her arm to gently grasp her neck and draw her closer. His soft breath replaced the sensual feel of his fingertips as his lips hovered along her neck. "Many, many wonderful things, my beautiful Simone. Soon..."

  Her breath caught in her throat. His promises would have to wait. "Yes, I will hold you to that. But first, we have work to do."

  Dante tenderly rubbed his thumb along her cheekbone. "I need you to trust me again."

  Simone nuzzled her cheek against the palm of his hand. "I do."

  Dante tilted her neck to one side, released his fangs, and sank them deeply into her outstretched throat. Moments later he drew away from feeding on her and fell back in what appeared to be a mild trance.

  Live human blood did wonders for someone with his capabilities, at least according to Lucretius - an old vampyre sage who'd written on the subject in ancient times.

  "Things are hazy," he muttered. "Not sure…can't see anything…"

  "Just relax, the images will come," Simone soothed encouragingly, her heart still racing from the feel of his fangs in her throat. "Take some deep breaths, slow your heart rate."

  "Yes…must slow everything down," he murmured. "…all will become clear…must be patient…"

  Within a few seconds, Simone's encouraging voice was replaced by a loud 'whooshing' sound. A strong wind blew against his face as he passed through a wall of mist that turned out to be a cloud.

  He was flying. Soaring in the bright, blue splendour of a sunlit sky. It was an incredible feeling.

  After a quick descent, London appeared below him, passing by at an incredible pace. He recognised a few old monuments as he swerved past taller buildings and the odd skyscraper.

  He was not really in control. Something else guided him safely along. He was nothing more than a passive observer and the knowledge did not unnerve him at all.

  The landscape gradually transformed from urban to rural and Dante felt unsure of his exact location. The sky darkened slightly and the white clouds turned grey.

  The speed of his flying decreased dramatically. The fields and small woodlands below appeared unruly and ill-managed with no fencing or pathways. He passed low over a dilapidated stone farmhouse, before a dark, foreboding woodland came into view, as he flew above the tree line.

  Something about the landscape seemed familiar. He flew back and forth over the same fields and woodlands trying to get his bearings.

  Slowly it became increasingly darker until the trees looked like giant shadows. Dark figures moved below but he could not make them out. They shouted incoherently at each other, obviously fighting, with an occasional scream of pain heard between blows and clashes of swords.

  Determined to get closer, Dante attempted to direct his flight towards the ongoing fracas below, but was quickly punished for his effort.

  Sucked from the woodland battle by a ferocious force, he was hauled back to hover above the old, stone farmhouse once again. There was a large hole in the roof and through it he noticed a small fire burnin
g inside with a hunched figure sitting beside it.

  In a muffled voice, the figure called out his name: "Dante! I know you're up there," the voice croaked. "The time approaches for you to seek me out."

  Dante attempted to call back but when he tried to speak nothing came out.

  "Come!" the voice repeated again before the fire suddenly fizzed out, as though a pale of water had been thrown over it.

  Everything went dark.

  Dante opened his eyes.

  "You're back, thank god. Are you alright?"

  Simone's concerned face slowly came into focus.

  "Yes," Dante replied, blinking slightly. "I feel relatively well compared to how I usually do." He reached out and gently traced the nearly faded bite marks on her throat. "You used the crystal to heal you. I hope I didn't hurt you too much."

  "You were an absolute gentleman compared to my last customer," she teased.

  Dante's face grew fierce. "Samsun will die by my hand for what he did to you, slowly if the three sisters allow it to be," he returned darkly.

  Simone sat back, slightly alarmed by the cold determination in his voice. He didn't seem quite himself.

  "You didn't hurt me, Dante," she quietly reassured him, although she wasn't certain if it was for his benefit or hers.

  Sensing her trepidation, he smiled at her. "I never intentionally would, my sweet. My temper, on the other hand, can sometimes get the better of me."

  Simone relaxed. Her Dante was back.

  "Did it work? You didn't move the entire time you were out. I tried to find your pulse - couldn't - then realised you might not even have one, thus avoiding a full-scale panic."

  Dante laughed, imagining the look on her face when science had failed her. "I saw something...not sure what exactly, but it was definitely something."

  "Tell me about what you remember."

  "I was flying, Simone. The sun was shining, I felt its warmth - a sensation I've not experienced for centuries. And yet, it felt so natural to bathe in it."

  Simone smiled at the look of wonderment on his handsome face - his happiness akin to a young child's. "Were you in control?" she asked, thinking of the symbolism explored by those who dream they are flying. It may not be quite the same thing when it came to vampyric premonitions, but surely it had to be rooted in the same garden of thought.

  "No, but I never felt in any real danger despite being propelled along at incredible speeds. I flew from London until I reached a distant rural setting. Once there, I slowed down and flew over the same landscape again and again. There was a battle at one point - figures fighting. It seemed familiar...but I can't place it."

  "Anything else?"

  "Yes. A figure in a dark farmhouse spoke to me. He sat before a fire and said I must come to him. Then the fire went out and I woke up."

  For a short while they sat in silence, each digesting what Dante had revealed. The ornate grandfather clock in the library filled the silence with its steady ticking.

  "Do you think the figure was Wilhalf?" Simone finally asked.

  "Maybe. I'm not sure. Right now I'm so drained, I can't really think straight."

  Taking pity on him, she ceased with her questions. "What time is it?"

  "Half-past four, dawn approaches. So, Dr. Radcliffe - what is your answer?"

  "My answer to ...?" She left Dante to fill in the blank.

  "Hmm, I wonder." He swept her from the couch and strode out of the library, effortlessly carrying her cradled in his arms. "We'll discuss it on the way, shall we?"

  Simone gripped his shoulders. "You really need to stop this obsession with hauling me about whenever the mood strikes. I am perfectly capable of walking."

  Dante ignored her protests.

  Carrying her through the main hall, its once brilliantly lit expanse of white marble slowly dimmed to mimic a setting sun. High above, the domed ceiling deepened into a dark night sky and a multitude of stars became visible across its vast breadth.

  The effect was breathtaking.

  "Now then, where were we? Ah yes, your answer."

  Dante's deep hypnotic voice washed over Simone.

  "There have been so many questions, it's hard to remember," she huskily replied.

  The atmosphere in the dimly lit hall, combined with the night's events, began to seep into her strained psyche.

  Exhausted, Simone cuddled against Dante's strong neck as he slowly ascended the sweeping marble staircase.

  "Do you think I could attempt answering it tomorrow?" she murmured,

  Dante's heart sang. He'd received the answer he wanted.

  "If you insist," he replied softly as his steady gait gently lulled her into a deeper sense of relaxation.

  "Thank you. Now I have a question for you," she whispered seductively in his ear. "Your bed or mine?"

  Chapter Seventeen

  TURNING OVER, SIMONE'S sleepy gaze scanned the other side of the king-size bed searching for Dante.

  Last night had been the ultimate test of restraint.

  When she'd proposed sharing a bed with Dante she hadn't expected him to take her quite so literally.

  After issuing her bold invitation, he'd chosen her bedchambers as their final destination and Simone had thought her ship had come in. But alas, it was not to be.

  By the time she’d emerged from the bathroom in a sexy white silk negligee, he had miraculously fallen asleep.

  It was most disconcerting.

  And it had taken a goodly amount of time lying beside him pondering whether or not vampyres were unaware of euphemisms before she'd finally fallen asleep. It was that or consider the possibility he didn't want her – which made no sense. He'd admitted how much he wanted her down in the library.

  Yet, he somehow fell asleep in the few minutes she'd taken to change. It bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

  Studying his pale, handsome face in the room's low light, she noticed a thick curl of hair had fallen over one of his eyes. Tenderly brushing it back into place, Dante stirred slightly but did not wake.

  My god, he was utterly gorgeous.

  Lying on his back, fast asleep, with his hand tucked behind his head, he looked like a marble god begging to be touched.

  It was a miracle she'd managed to keep her hands off him. He had a physique to die for. His broad muscular chest and bulging biceps begged to be kissed...nipped...licked.

  Unable to resist him, Simone shifted closer so that she could run her fingers along the skin of his exposed arm, before sweeping down his chest to linger on his impressive six-pack.

  Dante groaned, muttering something in his sleep and Simone hastily withdrew her hand. Despite the poor light she knew his eyes were still closed. They tended to shine like a cat's in the dark when open.

  She wanted him, badly. This big, beautiful vampyre, who had come to her office in desperation. She'd been attracted to him from the beginning. Who would have thought within days they would be lying in bed together?

  He had taken her into his strange world and now she needed more from him. The transition from the frustration she'd been feeling about her life to the mysteries of his supernatural existence had awoken something inside her. A deep, primal longing. A yearning almost too painful to endure. Only his body, his touch, could douse such flames of desire.

  This time she audaciously ran her hand through his hair and back down along his jaw line. Dante opened his eyes.

  "Hello," he muttered drowsily.

  "I want you," Simone panted. "Right now."

  Dante's sleepy eyes widened in surprise. What the hell was going on? Not that he was displeased at waking to find a very turned on Simone lying beside him.

  No, that was definitely not his problem.

  His problem was, he had no idea how he'd fallen asleep. One minute he'd been lying in bed eagerly awaiting Simone's return, and now he was awake wondering how much time had passed.

  His momentary confusion was short-lived once his body got in on the action. When Simone's hand moved down to
grasp his hardening dick through his underwear, all thought of time flew from his head.

  "Don't move," she instructed, as she shifted to lie on top of him.

  Move? Yeah right.

  She started to kiss him and this time he was prepared, eager to let her have her way with him. Both of their mouths opened and she drove her tongue inside. Dante responded in kind, by running his hands up her back. He could feel her breasts press against him through her nightgown.

  As their kissing became more impassioned, Simone pushed her hips against him, again and again - riding his hardening cock until it was rock hard in his underwear.

  The sensation nearly sent her over the edge. He felt so big, and she desperately needed him inside her.

  Placing a leg either side of him, Simone knelt up and allowed the slender shoulder straps of her negligee to fall. Her naked breasts caught in the dim light.

  "So beautiful," Dante groaned, as he gently squeezed them. He tried to kiss her nipples but was unable to get close enough as Simone playfully leaned back on her hands.

  Dante admired the view she presented. Naked from the waist up, her nightgown hung on her hips, as her stretched-out body revealed a tantalising amount of honey skin, from her firm belly up to her long swan throat. Her full breasts and pink nipples on display were delightfully tempting but the true treasure he sought laid hidden beneath a ripple of white silk pooled at her hips.

  Running his fingers along the inside of her thigh, he soon found what he was searching for.

  Feeling him finger her clit, Simone barely stifled a cry of pleasure. Her mind seemed ready to shatter into tiny pieces, never had she felt such red-hot lust.

  It had been so long since she'd last made love. Months of pent-up frustration called for release. No man had ever come close to exciting her like this. She wanted Dante to ravish her with his vampyric strength.

  Stroking her wet pussy, Dante slipped a finger deep inside. Fuck, she was beautifully tight. He was going to enjoy stretching her out inch by inch. His thick cock twitched in anticipation.


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