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Teen Superheroes Box Set | Books 1-7

Page 112

by Pitt, Darrell

  ‘The Alpha Project was highly classified,’ Ferdy continued. ‘Apart from Twelve, only a few scientists knew about it. Even these scientists questioned the ethics of creating humans from strands of DNA. Twelve decided that the process had not yet been perfected. We were not considered perfect by Twelve. Glen looked the same as Axel but had no powers at all. Ferdy had a brilliant mind but was autistic. Even Chad, Ebony, Brodie, and Dan were not quite right. Not in Twelve’s eyes.’

  Brodie swallowed. ‘But we were saved,’ she said.

  ‘Doctor Richards and the other scientists escaped with us from the hive.’

  Chad was still shaking his head. ‘So we have no parents?’ he said. ‘No brothers or sisters. No real homes. No life before we woke up in a lab. And you’re saying we were grown in test-tubes?’

  ‘Not quite test tubes,’ Ferdy said. ‘We matured in hatching chambers. You and Axel saw thousands of chambers that were ready to go into operation. Ferdy believes that Twelve’s ultimate plan was to build an army of such humans without free will. Following his every command, they would eventually control—not just Earth—but the entire Union of Planets.’

  I shook my head. ‘Ferdy,’ I said. ‘This is a lot to take in.’

  ‘Ferdy is sorry he had to give you this news, but the truth is always better than a lie.’

  Chad stood up. ‘I’ve got to get out,’ he said. ‘Go and fly somewhere. Just go and…think.’

  Ebony said she was going to her room. Dan decided to go for a walk. I told Brodie I was heading for the roof.

  Brodie nodded and said she might join me later.

  The elevator opened onto the roof, and I sat in my usual place. Looking out at the city, I thought about everything Ferdy had said. The brother that I’d dreamed about wasn’t my brother. He was in someone else’s family. I had no brother. I had no parents. I’d never had parents. I’d never gone to school. I didn’t have a past filled with friends or family. I didn’t have a string of birthdays and Christmases behind me. There were no holiday pictures anywhere of me on beaches or in playgrounds or at amusement parks.

  It was a terrible shock. It felt like an ending and a beginning, all at the same time.

  Half an hour later, the door to the roof opened, and Brodie came out. She gave me a kiss and sat down beside me.

  I smiled. ‘What was that for?’

  ‘You looked like you needed it.’

  I took a deep breath. ‘I think I’m okay,’ I said. ‘Sometimes, you just need to work your way through things.’

  ‘Is that how you’re feeling?’

  ‘Kind of.’ I swallowed. ‘Nothing’s changed, and yet everything’s changed. We were never born. We were manufactured in a lab. Thousands of different people’s DNA was sewn together to produce us.’

  ‘Well,’ Brodie said. ‘At least they could cook.’

  ‘You can make jokes about it?’

  ‘Everyone comes from different backgrounds. Everyone has a different backstory to their life. Your past can be a weight that holds you back. Or you can use it as a step to move onto other things. It’s what you make it.’

  I thought about Glen, the other version of me who hadn’t been so lucky. ‘I got a chance,’ I said. ‘It was more than Glen got. The scientist who got him out must have been killed, and Glen got abandoned in the process. Without his memory, he spent the last year piecing together his identity.’ I nodded. ‘Doctor Richards saved my life. I’ve been given opportunities most people can’t even imagine. It’s something to celebrate. Not shy away from.’

  I gave Brodie another kiss. ‘Come on,’ I said. ‘I’ve got some organizing to do.’


  Grabbing her hand, I took her downstairs, contacted the others, and told them to meet me in the dining hall at six o’clock. By then, I had everything set up. I invited Mister Brown and a few of the other agents. It’s easier to have a party when you have lots of people.

  Chad and the others looked surprised when they saw the red and blue sign hanging from the ceiling.

  ‘Happy Birthday?’ Chad read.

  I shrugged. ‘Not many people that can choose their own birthdays,’ I said. ‘Today seems as good a day as any.’

  ‘I suppose so.’

  Ferdy’s voice chimed in. ‘Birthdays are special occasions,’ he said. ‘And the singer, Peter Allen, was born in Australia.’

  ‘Thanks, Ferdy,’ Dan said. ‘I’ll check out his music.’

  Soon there was much eating of junk food, including a cake I’d arranged, as well as music playing and dancing. Late in the evening, Chad drew me to one side.

  ‘Hey Axel,’ he said. ‘Just wanted to say that I’m sorry it didn’t work out with your brother.’

  ‘I suppose Glen was my brother,’ I said. ‘I’ll just have to get used to not having one.’

  ‘Not at all.’ Chad held out his hand to shake. ‘Like it or not, you’ve got a brother. It’s me. I’m here for you, and you’re here for me.’

  I firmly shook his hand. ‘I know,’ I said, thinking about the other members of our team. ‘I’ve got a whole family. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.’

  Chapter Forty-Four

  ‘Now,’ the guard said. ‘Don’t try anything funny.’

  Doctor Ravana frowned. ‘What is happening?’ he asked. ‘I am being moved?’

  ‘Just get your gear together.’

  Frowning, Ravana gathered his few belongings together. He was escorted by six guards through the complex, finally arriving at ground level. From here, he could see several other prisoners. There was even an exercise area in the middle of the room.

  He was motioned into a cell. Stumbling through the door in surprise, he looked about in wonder as the guard stuck his head in.

  ‘You must have friends in high places,’ he said.

  The door slammed shut.

  Doctor Ravana placed his box of belongings onto his bed. His eyes moved about the cell, taking in the walls, furniture, and finally, the window. It was high up on the wall, but he could reach it by standing on his bed. Ravana went to the window and peered out. There was double-sided glass on both sides, but he had a clear view of the landscape.

  That boy Axel had been right. It was a wilderness out there. Mostly it was snow, but it looked like there were some spruce and other trees in the distance. Closer in, a bird soared across the snow. Landing on a tree branch, it flitted there briefly before moving on.

  Ravana’s eyes moved to the overcast sky where a tiny dark shape floated against the endless sheet of white cloud. It was small but unmistakably human. Although he couldn’t make out the person’s features, Ravana could guess their identity. His face pressed against the glass, Doctor Ravana’s breath frosted the surface as he watched the figure fly away into the distance.

  There was no one to hear him, but still, Ravana spoke.

  ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘Thank you.’

  Chapter Forty-Five

  ‘We have a new assignment for you,’ Mister Brown said.

  ‘There are always new assignments,’ Chad complained. ‘Can’t we do something different for a change? Like, have fun?’

  We were sitting in The Agency briefing room where Mister Brown had asked us in for a meeting to discuss the future.

  ‘I hope it involves a trip to Hawaii,’ Brodie said. ‘I hear there’s plenty of supervillains in Hawaii. Hundreds of them. Could take weeks to sort them all out.’

  ‘That sounds suspiciously like a holiday to me,’ Mister Brown said.

  ‘Holiday-smolliday,’ Brodie said. ‘Hawaii still sounds good.’

  ‘I hope it’s a computer game villain,’ Dan said. ‘I’ve got so much experience playing Journey To Yabbada that I could beat an NPC with my eyes shut.’

  ‘NPC?’ Mister Brown said.

  ‘Non-Player Character.’

  Ferdy spoke up. ‘Fighting villains with eyes closed sounds most inefficient,’ he said.

  ‘Well,’ Ebony said. ‘I don’t care what the assignment
is—just as long as it doesn’t involve aliens.’ She examined Mister Brown’s face. ‘It doesn’t involve aliens? Does it?’

  Mister Brown laughed. ‘Actually,’ he said. ‘It’s kind of a new role for you. Almost a promotion.’

  Now it was my turn to laugh. ‘How can something be almost a promotion?’

  ‘As you know,’ Mister Brown continued, ‘we’re taking on more modified humans all the time. Some are created by The Agency. Sometimes teenagers are being modified in illegal labs. Either way, once they end up on our doorstep, they need training. Guidance. They need to be taught.’

  ‘Huh?’ Chad said. ‘You want us to be…teachers?’

  ‘You’ll still be saving the world,’ Mister Brown said.

  ‘Good. Because that’s what we do best.’

  ‘But you’ve all got a lot of experience. You need to share that. Teach others how to use their powers wisely so they can help both themselves and others. We want you to head up a brand new training program here at The Agency. Sort of a Teen Superhero School.’

  Teaching others, I thought. It wasn’t such a crazy idea. There were new kids here all the time. The Agency staff—non-modified humans—could only do so much to train them. There was nothing like having real-life superheroes who could guide inexperienced kids who were just starting out. It almost seemed like a natural progression.

  Ferdy spoke up. ‘Mister Brown,’ he said. ‘Does this offer include The Ferdy?’

  Chad almost fell off his chair. ‘The Ferdy?’ he said. ‘Where do you get this The Ferdy from?’

  ‘We must all become used to new things,’ Ferdy said. ‘The Ferdy has decided that The Ferdy has a nice ring to it.’

  Chad shook his head. ‘This place is getting crazier all the time,’ he said. ‘Looks like I’m the only sane one here.’

  We all laughed at that, and Chad honestly had no idea why we were laughing—which made it even funnier.

  ‘So,’ Mister Brown said. ‘What do you think?’

  I liked the idea and said so. ‘Brodie?’ I said. ‘Thoughts?’

  ‘Sure,’ she said, shrugging. ‘I saw one of the new kids executing a roundhouse kick the other day. She was pathetic. Plus, no one around this place knows how to pick locks. It’s a dying art, and someone’s got to resurrect it.’

  ‘Dan?’ I said.

  ‘I’m not sure teenagers will listen to someone of my size,’ he said. ‘Although I’m getting taller all the time. Not that I measure my height every day…which I might.’ He stopped and turned to Mister Brown. ‘So, we can still do gaming?’

  Mister Brown nodded. ‘Gaming will still happen.’

  I turned to Ebony, who shrugged. ‘At one time, I would have been terrified to stand up in front of a group and talk to them,’ she said. ‘But since then, I’ve helped save the world and fought supervillains to a standstill. If I can do that, a roomful of kids should be simple. Shouldn’t it?’

  She looked so dubious that we all burst out laughing again.

  ‘Sure,’ I said. ‘It’ll be easy. I intend to fire air cannonballs at my students. That should sort them out.’

  Now that he had his answer, Mister Brown told us that lessons would be starting in a fortnight.

  ‘Until then,’ he said. ‘We’ve got a big assignment for you.’

  ‘Really?’ I said.

  ‘There’s a supervillain operating in Hawaii. I’m sure it’ll take you a few weeks to track him down. Apparently, he hangs out at the beach a lot.’

  ‘Sound serious,’ Ebony said, her eyes shining.

  ‘Let me at that villain!’ Chad said, jumping up.

  ‘Me too!’ Dan agreed. ‘He won’t know what to expect from Mister Dan.’

  They headed out of the room.

  ‘Mister Dan?’ Mister Brown said. ‘The power’s gone to his head.’

  Brodie and I thanked him and headed to the roof, where we stood and watched the world go by.

  Finally, I cleared my throat. ‘There’s something I’ve got to say.’

  ‘What is it?’ Brodie said. ‘You look serious.’

  ‘I love you.’ There. The words were finally out. ‘I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before. It was…scary…and I was an idiot.’ I stared into her eyes. ‘I don’t know how I’d live without you.’

  She gripped my arms. ‘Are you sure that’s how you feel?’ she said. ‘If you don’t, it’s okay.’

  ‘No,’ I said firmly. ‘I’m in love with you, Brodie.’

  ‘Well, that’s handy because I’m in love with you too.’

  We kissed for a long time.

  I was just about to suggest we head downstairs to pack when a distant siren cut the air. I would have ignored it except it was followed by a second siren and then a third. Looking out over the city buildings, a trail of smoke rose into the sky.

  Brodie gave me one last kiss. ‘I’ll go and pack,’ she said, nodding in the direction of the sirens. ‘Go out there and make a difference.’

  I nodded.

  She disappeared into the elevator. Her words still ringing in my head, I flung myself into the sky and in the direction of the fire.

  Make a difference.

  And don’t forget to read the next thrilling series in the Teen Superhero Universe:

  Teen Superhero Bounty Hunters - Snakebite


  Getting to know my readers is one of the things I love most about writing. Sometimes I send out information about upcoming books and projects I’m working on. By signing up for my mailing list, you’ll get a copy of my FREE top-secret case file about the Teen Superheroes. You can find it here:


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  Darrell Pitt is an Australian writer with a lifelong interest in superheroes, monsters, science fiction and anything involving spaceships, vampires or zebras. You can find him online at

  You can also find him on Facebook at:

  He can also be contacted at his email address:

  By the way, Darrell hasn’t written a science fiction story yet that involves a team of superhero zebras on a spaceship facing off against vampire monsters—but there’s still time!


  Teen Superheroes – The Original Series

  Book One: Diary of a Teenage Superhero



  Book Two: The Doomsday Device



  Book Three: The Battle for Earth



  Book Four: The Twisted Future



  Book Five: Terminal Fear



  Book Six: The Invisible Weapon



  Book Seven: The Alpha Project



  Teen Superhero Bounty Hunters:

  Book One: Snakebite



  Book Two: Fear Fight

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  Book Three: Stormfront



  Book Four: Past Shadows



  Book Five: One Small Step



  Copyright 2020 Darrell Pitt

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this book are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

  All rights reserved. No part of this reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any other means without prior agreement in writing by the publisher, nor otherwise circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed upon the subsequent publisher.

  This book is dedicated to my readers.




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