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Nikolai Page 4

by Sandy Alvarez

  The ringing of the hotel phone brings me out of my wandering thoughts, and I nearly jump out of my skin. Reaching over, I pick it up and answer. "Hello?"

  "Somehow, I knew you'd still be awake."

  I close my eyes. "You guessed, right."

  His soft chuckle vibrates through the line. Over the next hour, Sam helps put my nerves at ease. He's good at that. I wasn't lying when I said he was my best friend. Alba is too, but since she moved back to Polson, Sam and I have become closer. Our friendship is strictly platonic. I think of him as a brother, just like he sees me as a sister. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

  "Thanks for calling. Tell Alba I said hi."

  "I will. Try to get some sleep."

  Ten minutes after hanging up with Sam, I fall asleep.

  "Where—what?" I stare up at Sam the next day, minutes after he arrived back from Polson. And he's just dropped a bomb on me.

  "I said we are moving to Polson. I talked to Alba."

  "You told her?" I cut him off.

  "I know I said I wouldn't, but she pried it out of me. You know how she is. It's like she can smell a secret a mile away." My shoulders slump because he's right. "The club is going to help. Alba is filling Gabriel in on the situation. Polson is the safest place for you."

  "Just like that?" I ask.

  "Just like that. It's time for a fresh start—for both of us."

  "What about the apartment you said you found and your job?"

  Sam shrugs. "I'll find a place in Polson. Also, the club and Logan's brother Nikolai own a construction company. I'm going to try and get a job there."

  "How soon are we leaving?"

  "When I hashed out the details with Alba, I said I need at least a month to secure us a place to stay and a job. She called me on my way back. The club found us an apartment. We can move in whenever we're ready. So, we leave soon."

  Gabriel is Alba's boyfriend and the father to her unborn baby. He is also the Enforcer for The Kings of Retribution. Suddenly, just the mention of the MC has my heart rate picking up. I've been to the clubhouse once, and those men are next level intimidating.

  Sensing my onset of panic, Sam comes to stand toe to toe with me. "Leah, I know those guys just as much as you do, which is not a whole hell of a lot, but one thing I do know is they are good people, and they can protect you. Alba wouldn't have suggested the idea if she didn't trust the club. Staying here in Bozeman is risky, Leah. You having any association or living anywhere near The Kings of Retribution is the last thing your father would expect from you, and Polson is probably the last place on earth your dad will think to look."

  I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat. "You're right. My father would never look there. Staying here longer than necessary is a risk."

  Sam squeezes my shoulders. "I know this situation is scary, and things are moving fast, but I'll be with you every step of the way."

  "I don't know how to thank you for everything, Sam. You're giving up a lot to help me."

  "I'm not giving up anything important. Like I said before, your safety is my number one priority. And this move is for me too."

  Sighing, I step back and plop down on the bed.

  "I'm serious, Leah." Sam sits next to me. "With me quitting school and the shit I'm going through with my dad, I need a fresh start like you. I don't want to go back to Texas, and there is nothing for me in Bozeman. I can't explain it, but something tells me this move will be good for both of us."

  Sam wasn't lying when he said his relationship with his dad is rocky. Sam attended the University on a football scholarship, but he was facing suspension from the team when he got into a fight with a teammate. That alone would have put his scholarship in jeopardy. Sam ended up dropping out before the situation came to a head. Alba was sick over what happened since the fight he was in was over her. He was quick to assure her he had no hurt feelings or regret over his decision. Like me, his only reason for going away to school was to escape his home life and put as many miles between him and his dad as possible.

  The next day I am hanging up the phone after talking with Alba when Sam comes bursting through the door of the hotel room. It's only a quarter past nine o'clock in the morning, and he's supposed to be at work, so showing up with a frazzled look on his face, sets me on edge. "Sam, what's wrong?"

  "Your dad showed up at my job."

  I jump from the bed. "What! He found me?" My stomach sinks.

  Sam's jaw clenches, and he shakes his head. "I don't know. I didn't speak to him, but he did ask around, trying to find me. My boss, Henry, covered for me. He told your dad I was out on a job site. I think he suspected something was up since I put in my two weeks this morning. He tried grilling me on why I was suddenly quitting since he was going to lose one of his best workers. I didn't tell him the details, only that I had a family emergency and was moving. After your father left, I asked my boss what he wanted. Your dad didn't say much, only that he was looking for me. Henry told me not to worry about finishing out my two weeks. He said he would give my next employer a glowing recommendation and wished me good luck."

  "Did you come straight here after leaving work? Do you think my dad followed you?"

  Sam shakes his head. "I'm pretty sure no one followed. I watched your dad leave out of the parking lot. He headed in the opposite direction. I also drove around a bit to make sure."

  I close my eyes and blow out a relieved breath.

  "Your dad has gotten a little too close for comfort. I want us to pack and be ready to go within the hour."

  I don't say anything. Sam is right. My dad showing up at his job means he's on our trail. I'm sure by now he's been to the apartment. And if he was there, he saw my cell phone and car were left behind. On that thought, another one comes to mind. "I should call him."

  "What?" Sam levels me with a look.

  "This is ridiculous, Sam. I'm legally an adult. I shouldn't have to hide from my father. Maybe I just call and tell him I am not coming home. Right? It's not like he can make me."

  "Do you honestly think it will be that simple? That your father will simply leave you to live your life in peace?"

  "No. My father demands control. Especially over his family. But I have to try." I can tell Sam doesn't like my idea but passes me his phone anyway. Taking it from him, I type in my dad's number and place the phone to my ear. On the third ring, he answers.


  Just the sound of my dad's voice has me clamming up. But I manage to keep it together. "Dad."

  The other end of the line is silent for a moment. "Leah, where the fuck are you, young lady? Do you know I have been out looking for you? Why the hell are you not home?"

  "I'm not coming home, dad."

  "Do you need reminding as to what will happen if you disobey me, Leah?" The tone and underline threat my father delivers sends a chill down my spine. Memories I live with every day, and the bruises on my body remind me. "You're with that boy, aren't you? You've gone against my word to slut around, is that it?"

  "No, dad, that's not it at all." My voice sounds small.

  "We'll discuss this when you get home, which I expect to be by the end of the day," he clips.

  I suck in a deep breath and close my eyes. "I am not coming home," I say for the second time, and my father loses it.

  "Listen, you ungrateful little bitch. I want you home, now," he roars through the phone. "Do you honestly think that boy is going to put up with you for very long? Don't kid yourself, child. As soon as he's done using you, he'll toss you out like the trash you are. Save yourself and me the trouble and do as you're told. Do I make…"

  My father doesn't get the chance to finish his tirade because suddenly, the phone is ripped from my hand, and Sam ends the call. The tick in his jaw tells me he heard what was said. My eyes well up with tears, and my body begins to shake. I don't understand why my father is fighting so hard to make me return home when he hates me so much. You would think he would be relieved not to have to deal with me anymore. />
  "We're leaving, now," Sam growls, and the two of us begin packing.

  We roll into Polson just before nightfall. My nerves start kicking in again when Sam pulls into a small apartment complex and parks next to a motorcycle. I immediately recognize the man as Gabriel. All The Kings men look the same…intimidating.

  "Give me a minute," Sam says, hopping out of the truck and making his way over to Gabriel. I take this time to scan my surroundings. Polson is a small town, much like the town where I grew up. The complex that I assume is our new home looks new. I like the fact it's not massive. I only see a dozen or so units. And it's located just on the edge of town. We drove past a garage called Kings Custom on the way here. I remember Alba saying the club owned the garage, and her sister works there. We are also well within walking distance of several stores, a plus for me since I don't have a car. Hopefully, I can get a job soon and start saving for one. I also want to start paying my way. I can't allow Sam to support me for too long. I just need to wait for the dust to settle with my dad. Once I have taken in my new home, I bring my attention back to Sam and Gabriel. The two shake hands, then Gabriel hands something to Sam while pointing to the apartment on the top floor in front of us. They exchange a few more words before Sam makes his way back toward the truck. Gabriel starts up his bike and takes off. How anyone can ride a bike in the cold is beyond me.

  "Come on. I have the key to our place," Sam says as he grabs some of our bags from the truck's back seat. Nodding, I climb out of the passenger seat and go to help him with our things. "Leave them. I'll come back for the rest once I get you upstairs."

  Holding onto the rail of the stairs, Sam helps support me as we make our way up to apartment eight. For the most part, I have healed from my injuries, though I still have a slight pinch in my ribs, and my face still has a significant amount of bruising that has faded from a colorful shade of purple to more yellowish-green. Using the key Gabriel gave him, Sam lets us into the apartment. The moment we step inside, a man steps out from the hallway, making me jump. Sam is quick to reassure me. "It's okay, Leah. That's Reid. He's a member of the club."

  "Sorry for scarin' you like that, sweetheart. I'm here to install the security system. I'm finishin' up now."

  "Th…that's okay," I whisper.

  Reid doesn't say anything else. He just stands there for a moment, taking me in, and when his gaze lands on my bruises, his face hardens. Several seconds pass before Reid and Sam share a look then give each other a nod.

  "I'll be done in five," he tells us.

  "Thanks, man. We appreciate you coming and helping on short notice."

  "No problem," Reid says and looks at me again. "You're safe here."

  With one final jerk of his chin, Reid strides past Sam and me then disappears out the front door.



  Polson, Montana. I take in what has become my new home for the past year as I drive down the winding road leading to my brother's clubhouse. He's the Vice President for The Kings of Retribution MC. Funny how our lives and ways of living mirror one another, considering it was only last year we finally met. Logan is the product of a whirlwind romance my father had years ago before marrying my mother.

  It's mid-evening, and the sun is starting to set on the horizon, turning the sky several shades of blues and purples. It's getting warmer this time of year, but snow still covers the mountain peaks off in the distance. As soon as I landed, I had an unread message from my brother. It seems a bunch of shit went down while I was gone. A man is dead, and Reid is recovering from pretty significant injuries sustained during the situation. On a good note, Alba and Gabriel's sister are okay, and so is their unborn child.

  I turn my truck off the main highway onto the dirt road heading for my final destination. As soon as I crest the hilltop, the clubhouse comes into view, and coming home never felt so good. The Kings took me in like I was one of their own, even gave me my own private room at the clubhouse to crash in whenever I like. Looking around, I notice all the men are here, minus Reid's bike. Parking my truck along the side of the building, I climb out and make my way inside. The blast of warm air and the smell of tobacco hit my face the moment I pull the front door open. Inside, I find the guys sitting around a large round table in the center of the dimly lit room.

  "Nikolai. Get your ass over here," Jake's boastful voice carries throughout the room. An empty chair is waiting for me as I step to the table. "Good to have you back in town." He slides a glass from the center of the table toward me. A bottle of my favorite vodka is sitting in the middle, along with some bourbon. Reaching out, I tip the bottle, pouring myself a shot worth in my glass.

  A short cigarette balances between Jake's fingers as he leans back in his chair. "How were things back home?" raising his hand, he takes a toke off his cigarette.

  "Unresolved," I pause, taking a sip of my drink before finishing my statement. "but nothing we can't take care of."

  Jake chuckles. "Oh, I do not doubt that."

  I look to my brother, who sits across from me, his looks mirror my own, except our hair color. Logan speaks, "Good to have you home." He lifts his drink in the air.

  "It's good to be home." When I say those words, I mean them. Polson is a world away from where I grew up and what I called home for so long, but Polson feels like the place I was always meant to be. I want my roots to take hold in these mountains. Pulling a deep breath through my nose, I let out a long exhale. "Aside from enjoying a drink with my brothers, what else is our meeting about?" I ask as I look around the table.

  "Gabriel's woman has a friend who is looking for work. The girl needs to lay low for a while," Logan informs me, and I watch Gabriel become a little tense, and I wonder if this has anything to do with what Alba just went through.

  "Is this related to your woman's attacker?" my eyes settle on Gabriel.

  "No. Never again will a man harm her." Gabriel's tone is low and full of promise.

  "Alba's friends Leah and Sam are looking to find work. We figured they could work at Kings Construction. That's if you are cool with it. It's Leah who is in trouble, but both Sam and Leah need a fresh start," Jake adds.

  A woman?

  "Leah's hiding from her family, her father, to be specific. We don't know every detail, but enough that he beat the shit out of her a couple of weeks ago, and it has happened before. She's scared to death of him." Jake doesn't have to say more.

  "Have you dug around to find more about her father?"

  "We're looking into who he is," Jake tells me.

  "If she's under your protection, she is under mine as well." I look to Gabriel since he can most likely get word to them much faster than anyone else. "Have them at my office first thing tomorrow morning, and I'll get it all sorted." Gabriel nods his response, then pulls his phone from the inside of his cut, his fingers tapping at the screen. My thoughts briefly shift to the problems my father is dealing with, and the fact that I'm back here instead of there helping him with our future shipments.

  "How's the old man doin'?" Logan asks.

  "He is well."

  "You mentioned things overseas are unresolved. Anything the club can help with?" Logan pours a little Jameson into his glass. The rest of the men eye me, waiting to see if I'll indulge their curiosity.

  I let out an exhausted breath as jetlag starts to set in. "Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done from here. A shipment of weapons was stolen from its departure point, as well as the unfortunate death of one of our men." Abram's cold dead eyes followed by the memory of his wife's tear-streaked face after we paid our respects to her family comes to mind, and my hand tightens around the glass in my hand.

  "Damn, brother. Sorry to hear that. Any clues to who is behind it?" Logan asks, before striking a match across the rough surface of the table, and lighting a cigarette.

  "We suspect Miran Novikoff is behind the thefts. There have been similar incidents involving other syndicates in other territories," I tell them.

Jake repeats. "The name sounds familiar."

  "They've been around for some time now. Novikoff was a good friend of my grandfather, and they were in business together. Novikoff used to have dealings here in Montana and still conducts business in Canada. Back in the day, he would accompany my grandfather on his trips here. That's probably why his name is familiar to you. When my grandfather died, my father cut all ties to Novikoff. You can say there is bad blood between the two families. Up until now, he hasn't been an issue. Over the past year, his operations have grown in numbers, though. Smaller groups are popping up all over Russia. They're recruiting by the masses."

  "What kind of shit do they dabble in?" Quinn, who has been quiet this entire time, speaks.

  "Anything that will bring them money. Drugs, sex, human trafficking," I tell Quinn, and his face hardens.

  "Fuckin' despise people who kidnap and use human life like currency." Quinn downs his beer. "All of us here are criminals in our own rights, and have done things in our lives that are better left unsaid, but human trafficking is just about as low as you can get in my book. Selling women and kids." Quinn shakes his head. As long as I've known Quinn, this is the first time I've seen him genuinely passionate about a subject. "Fuckers like that are bottom feeders of crime, and I'd happily rid the world of them if given the opportunity." All the men at this table, including myself, nod in agreement.

  My eyes feel heavy, and my head is starting to throb. Leaving what's left of my drink untouched, I push myself from the table and stand. "That long flight has kicked my ass. I think I'll crash here for the night." I fight off a yawn.

  "I think the rest of us are ready to call it a night as well. We'll touch base with you tomorrow," Jake announces. "If anyone needs anything, you know where to find me. I'm too fucking exhausted to drive home tonight."

  The following morning, I wake before the others in the clubhouse, dress, and head for the office, a small single-story building that sits on the property where we house all our supplies and machinery for the jobs we do. Punching in a security code, the gate slides open, and I pull my truck into my usual spot.


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