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Nikolai Page 8

by Sandy Alvarez

  "Yeah, but it's not without good cause." Sam drops down on a stool at the end of the bar.

  Jake sighs. "No, I guess not."

  "Since we are on the subject of Leah," Sam adds, "I wanted to bring up a concern I have about her." His statement catches my attention.

  "What is it, son?" Jake asks.

  "I'm not feeling right about her staying alone. I know the apartment has top-notch security, and she has assured me she's fine with living by herself, but my gut says she's not ready. I promised my friend I'd take care of her. So, I'm coming to the club in hopes you all can help me figure out a solution to not only keep Leah safe but to make her feel safe."

  The moment Sam mentioned he is moving out of the apartment, he and Leah share, I'm all ears. I knew he was interested in prospecting for The Kings, but I wasn't aware that it would be leaving my woman alone and vulnerable.

  Aware that this conversation doesn't include my opinion, I interrupt anyway. "I'll take care of Leah." Everyone eyes me as I abruptly stand, my chair screeching as the legs drag along the floor. No one says a word as I turn my back on them and walk out of the clubhouse with only one thing on my mind. Protecting what is mine. Glancing between my truck and my bike, I choose the Harley. The engine roars as I peel down the dirt road, a cloud of dust trailing behind me as I leave The Kings' compound.

  Thirty minutes later, I'm pulling up to the lake house. Inside, I head straight for the office, pulling my phone from my pocket along the way. Tapping the screen, I call my father.

  "Son. It is good to hear from you." His relaxed tone hints I woke him from sleep.

  "Shit. I apologize for waking you. In my rush, I wasn't thinking of the time difference."

  "What's wrong?" My father's voice is now alert, and I hear movement from the other end.

  "Everything is fine. If possible, I'd like Maxim to join me here in the States," I ask.

  "Done," he replies. "Does this have something to with a particular little brunette?" he asks the one question I sensed would be his next.

  "It does," I freely admit. My father may not be here full time like he had hoped, but he is here enough to know about Leah. And it's not like I have tried to hide my attraction for her, I just haven't acted on those feelings. "As of today, Sam has moved from the apartment they share. He is now living at The Kings' clubhouse, as their newest prospect."

  My father sighs. "It's been a year. Do you believe her father is still looking for her?"

  "The Kings have been keeping tabs on him. However, I don't believe he will stop looking for her. I'd like Maxim to be my eyes and ears when I can't."

  "Understandable." My father falls silent for a second, then adds, "You see your future with this girl?"

  I think about his words, but not for long. "Yes."

  "Then use whatever resources you need to secure that future. Maxim has been informed and will be on a flight to Polson in a couple of hours."

  Me and my father's relationship hasn't always been as strong as it is now, but over the past few years, the bond between us has grown, and now, it is unbreakable. "Thank you." That's where our call ends.

  Next, I call Reid. He's the one The Kings rely on to handle security measures and who installed the current system at Leah's apartment. Reid answers on the third ring. "I was expecting your call," he informs me.

  "Word travels fast."

  Reid laughs. "Yeah, brother, but you should be used to that by now. I've emailed all the information you need to log into the security system for Leah's place. Currently, the cameras are positioned outside the complex to capture every angle possible."

  "And inside?"

  Reid clears his throat. "No."


  "Catch you later, brother." Reid ends the call, and I log into my email, open the one Reid sent, then click the link he provided. After entering the password, I begin live streaming video outside Leah's apartment. I scan the parking lot, not finding her car, then remember she's out shopping with her friend. Knowing she isn't alone, slightly eases my mind.

  Through the rest of the morning and into the afternoon, I sit watching the security feed. I also decided to order a new phone for Leah. One I know is untraceable and can track down her whereabouts should the need arise. Keeping the video on the desktop, I retrieve my laptop from another room and open the files we have on Leah's father. Unfortunately, we don't have much to go on. He's been on the Post Creek Police force for years, married to Mary Winters. He and his wife attend church regularly. His status within the community there appears to be untarnished. He's clean—too clean. Like someone has tried too hard to paint him as the picture of perfection. That alone sends red flags. I'm not buying into the illusion. My instincts are telling me I need to dig deeper, and I'll need help doing it. Only one name comes to mind. Luka. He has worked with my family before. You need someone found; he'll find them. We need to know every detail about someone's life; he can do that as well. Opening my father's desk drawer, I retrieve the burner phone used to contact him.

  James Winters.

  624 Sycamore Ln. Post Creek, MT


  I wait for his reply.

  Message received.

  I slip the phone back into the drawer. Out the corner of my eyes, I catch a car pulling into the complex's parking lot. I zone in, watching Leah park. She waits a few minutes before stepping out of her vehicle, then scans her surroundings.

  Good girl.

  My eyes stay glued to the screen as she makes her way to her front door, the sway of her hips putting me into a trance-like state. She looks behind her before unlocking her door, then steps inside. She doesn't leave for the remainder of her day.

  The following morning, I leave for work later than usual. Reid will be working in the office today and will be there before Leah arrives. Needing the blueprints that should have been delivered by now, I head toward town. After making my routine stop for breakfast, I finally pull up to the front of Kings Construction.

  Leah is sitting behind her desk, typing on her keyboard as I step through the front door. Her eyes briefly leave her computer screen to look at me before dropping to the white bag in my hand. Then, she looks away just as fast, red staining her cheeks. She's so fucking adorable. Rounding the corner of her desk, I step behind her. Bending, my arm brushes past her as I sit the bag from the bakery in front of her. Her hair is pulled back in a braid today, giving me full access to lean down and whisper in her ear. "Good morning, Malyshka." She sucks in a breath, and I watch her skin prickle from the warmth of my breath. She swallows.

  "Good morning, Nikolai." Her sweet voice makes my cock twitch.

  "I cannot join you this morning for breakfast, but I will pick you up for lunch."

  "Umm," Leah hesitates.

  That's when I notice a blue card sitting beside the bag I just placed in front of her—a business card from the local gym. I snatch it from her desk.

  "Hey," her hand darts out, trying to take it from me.

  What the fuck? Hell no.

  I grow angry as I stare at the card. "Who is Rhett?" I demand.

  Leah folds her arms under her breast. "He runs the gym in town."

  "I've told you before. There is nothing wrong with you."

  Her heavy sighs let me know she is becoming frustrated with me. "I'm considering taking self-defense classes, okay."

  "You want to learn self-defense?" I ask her, my tone softening a bit.

  Instead of making eye contact with me, Leah bores a hole through my chest. "I need to be able to take care of myself." Then her voice becomes smaller, and she draws into herself. "I felt so helpless the other day."

  "Look at me." Quickly her face turns up, her eyes connecting with mine. "I'll teach you."

  Her eyes widen. "You?"


  "But, why?" she questions.

  Does she not realize the hold she has on me? The thought of another man touching her—teaching her infuriates me to the core. The words spill from my mouth before I think twic
e about it. "I don't want another man touching you." Leah's eyes dilate with the truth in my confession.

  "Okay," she says after a long pause.

  "Good. Your first lesson will be this evening." Instead of returning the business card to her desk, I place it in my pocket. Walking off, I enter my office, retrieving the materials I need for the workday ahead. I pause before walking out the front door. "I'll bring lunch."

  The day seemed to never end after enjoying lunch with Leah. Through several meetings, piles of paperwork, and a formal groundbreaking ceremony, for the massive mountain resort project outside of town, all I could think about was Leah. I've been waiting for her for more than an hour now. Going against my natural tendency to pick her up from work and haul her sweet ass home with me, I opted to text her the address instead. I wanted to see if she would follow through on training instead of risking the chance of making her feel like I was forcing her. Finished moving a few pieces of equipment to make space on the floor to teach Leah, I start to lay multiple floor mats.

  Maxim walks into the gym as I place another mat on the floor. "Your girl is on her way."

  I catch his use of the term my girl. The mat slaps against the floor. "Thank you, Maxim. You look tired from your long flight. Go, rest," I tell him as I continue my task. Looking up, I find him still standing in the doorway. "Speak freely." I throw the last mat down.

  "She means something to you," Maxim states, and it doesn't surprise that he is asking. I've known Maxim most of my life. Damn near as long as I have known Sasha and Victor. Like them, I consider him family.

  "She does," I answer him, and glance at the clock on the wall for the hundredth time.

  "This is a good thing," Maxim proclaims then walks away.

  Ten minutes later, Leah appears. Alone. Wearing black leggings, sneakers, her wild, curly hair up in a ponytail, and a loose t-shirt, she peers around the gym as she crosses the room. "Wow. Your home is amazing, Nikolai. At least, from the glimpses that I caught as I was being ushered in by a large, angry-looking man, who doesn't appear to speak English."

  I chuckle at her description of Maxim, although accurate, except for one detail. "He speaks English very well." Leah shuffles from foot to foot, her eyes glued to my bare chest. "I was starting to believe you had changed your mind," I remark because she's late.

  "I almost did," she admits.

  "Are you ready to begin?" Leah still won't make eye contact.

  "Look at me." Her eyes snap to mine. "Are you ready?"

  "Um. Could you put a shirt on first?" she asks, trying her best not to take in my naked torso, and I don't bother hiding my grin.

  "Follow me," I jerk my head in the direction I'm moving toward, grab my shirt draped over one of the weight benches nearby, and slip it over my head the same time Leah takes her glasses off, tosses them in her bag and drops the bag to the floor beside the bench. "I'm going to touch you and invade your personal space. Before we begin, I need you to be okay with that, and permit me to do so." I come to stand in front of her, leaving about three feet between us. Leah fails to hide the many emotions she feels as she weighs my words.

  She finally nods, followed by a sigh. "I need to do this," her words sound a little unsure as she says them. I say nothing and make no moves, waiting for her to give me the okay. Leah straightens her back, showing a bit more confidence. "I give you permission."

  I step a bit closer to her. Reaching down, I lift the hem of her shirt.

  "Wait. What are you doing?" her hands cover mine.

  I proceed to tie the extra material of her shirt into a knot level with the waistband of her leggings. "Your loose clothing will get in the way," I inform her as my knuckles purposely brush against her skin, and she blushes.


  I take a few steps back, and look at her for a moment. Making a twirling motion with my finger, I say, "Turn around", but she hesitates. "A predator will look for someone unsuspecting. Coming up behind a woman makes them easy prey. Turn your back to me." Moving at the pace of a snail, I wait for Leah to get in position. I take in her backside, and the way her leggings hug her luscious curves. Advancing on her, I put her in a headlock type hold, her ass pressing against my upper thigh, dangerously close to brushing against my cock. I feel her breaths pick up when I pull her tight against my chest. "If your attacker gets you in this position, there are four moves to help you free yourself. Grab my arm." Without hesitating, Leah wraps her fingers over my forearm. "Pull down on my arm, turn your head to the side, and squat."

  "Like this?" Leah does exactly as I instruct.

  "Good. This will help prevent your attacker from suppressing your airway. Dropping low will give you leverage for your next move."


  "Now, step back with your left foot, placing it behind my leg."

  "Like this?" she asks.

  "Yes. Now shift your weight back and twist." When Leah does this, she frees herself from my hold. "Good."

  "Oh my god. That seemed so easy."

  I shake my head. "I'm teaching you, not attacking you. In a real threat, your attacker will do his best to overpower you."

  "Then let's do it again." Leah pulls her ponytail a little tighter, and her determination inspires me.

  We perform the move several times until she feels confident enough to move on to a few more. I show her several ways to break loose and free an attacker for an hour before moving on to more vulnerable situations. After a brief water break, I instruct Leah to lay down on the ground.

  "What does laying on the floor have to do with defending myself?" she says nervously.

  "An attacker might try to do more than kidnap you. They may try to force themselves on you. You need to know how to fight off a rapist who has you pinned to the ground." I don't sugar coat my words.

  Slowly, Leah lowers herself to the mat, sitting on her ass, before pressing her back against the floor, her legs bent at the knees. I'm the devil for the thoughts that flood my mind as I look down at her, with her eyes glued to the ceiling, and chest rapidly rising and falling with every breath she takes. I shouldn't be standing here picturing my face between her thighs, tasting of her innocence. But I am. I think that and so much more. Gaining control of myself, I push those thoughts aside. Leah trusts me, and I would never do anything to threaten that trust.

  Kneeling, I grab her attention. "Eyes." It takes her a moment, but Leah finally looks at me. "Ready?"


  Placing my hands on top of her knees, I part her legs, positioning myself between them. "As I lean over you, I want you to put your hands out, palms side up. Push against my chest." Leah does as she is told while I hover above her. "He will try to choke you," I tell her, and gently place my hands around her neck, not applying pressure. "Bring your right hand over to my left, and your left hand over to my right. Remember—over and over."

  "Got it."

  "Bring your elbows down, on my arms. Hard." She does, then waits for further instructions. "If that doesn't break his grip, raise your hips off the ground, repeat the process, and bring your elbows down while you bring your ass down. This will give you more leverage and force." Leah performs the actions flawlessly, but I want to challenge her further.

  "But what if that doesn't work. My upper body strength isn't the best." I can see she is starting to doubt herself, and I won't have it.

  "Let's go through the moves again. This time bring your ass down and thrust your hips to the side. I want you to bring this foot up," I tap her left leg. "Place your foot on my pelvic bone. It may be difficult at first but try. Don't stop. Do it again with your other foot on the opposite side. Keep fighting until you can push me away, and break my hold on you." Leah stares up at me, with fear in her eyes. Even though I don't like seeing her terrified of being in such a vulnerable situation, she needs to fight her way through her fear. "I know you are afraid and don't think you have it in you, but you do. You are stronger than you think you got this, Malyshka." I position myself once more and place my hands aro
und her neck. "Show me, Leah. Fight."

  This time around, I become more aggressive in the way I'm handling her. I want her to feel what is going on. For a second, she struggles, forgetting everything I just taught her. Suddenly her fight kicks in. She executes one move after the other. A guttural scream leaves her body as she aggressively pushes me away from her, then with added measures, kicks me in the face. I fall back on my ass.

  "Oh my God! Nikolai, I am so sorry." Leah scrambles across the floor until she's right in front of me. "I don't know where that came from. Are you okay?" I rub the side of my face. "Let me look," Leah brushes my hand away, and her fingertips gently press against my cheek, her face marred with worry. "I'm sorry. You have a small scratch there too. I'll find something to clean it up." Leah goes to stand, but I grab her wrist, pulling her back to the floor.

  "You've done nothing to be sorry." I brush loose strands of hair from her face and fight the overwhelming urge to kiss her. Leah turns her head, hiding her blush.

  "It's getting late. I should go."

  Desperate for her to stay, I blurt the first thing to come to mind. "Stay. Have dinner with me." It's not a question, but I won't make her stay if she chooses to go.

  She hesitates for a moment, biting her bottom lip like she's going to say no, but she doesn't. "Okay."

  I get to my feet, pulling her up with me and tug at the hem of her shirt. "You should wear clothes that fit you. I don't like the way you hide your body."

  Leah drops her head and tugs at her shirt. I sense her insecurity, and it pisses me off. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, I lead her into the kitchen, dropping the subject.

  "Sit. I'll fix dinner."

  "You cook too?" Leah slides onto a stool at the kitchen island. "What can't you do?" she mumbles, and I chuckle.

  "There are many things I can't do. But I can cook a decent Beef Stroganov." I tell her as I rummage through the pantry and the fridge for all the ingredients I need. For the next hour, we engage in small talk. Nothing heavy. It's the most we've talked to each other casually since we first met. Leah's guard is down, and she's relaxed.


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