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Nikolai Page 11

by Sandy Alvarez

  Keeping watch, we wait.

  Jake and his men surge past us, rolling in hot on Savage Outlaws, and we fall in behind them. Gunfire erupts, and bullets pepper the side of our SUV. "Looks like we have a runner," Victor yells above the noise. Peering out the windshield, we watch the biker who held a gun to The Kings' women, mount a bike, and speed away from the carnage.

  "Follow him," my father orders, and Victor takes off after him.

  The biker guns it when he realizes he's being followed. Taking a sharp turn onto a dirt road, he loses control of his bike, laying it on its side. He skids several yards before coming to a stop. Victor brings the vehicle to a halt, and I swing the back door open. The fucker struggles to get his leg from beneath the weight of the motorcycle.

  I pull my gun and point it at his head.

  "Pull the trigger, motherfucker!" the asshole spits.

  "You're not mine to kill," I tell him before knocking him out with a boot to the head.

  "Load him up," my father says. Victor and I lift his dead weight from the ground, then toss him in the back, and haul ass back to the clubhouse with a little gift.



  It's been two days since Nikolai, and I shared a kiss. He didn't come into work yesterday either because some stuff went down with the club involving Sam and his girlfriend, Sofia. Sam and Sofia are new, but he's been in love with her forever. Long story short, Sofia and another woman connected to The Kings were kidnapped. I have noticed a pattern over the last year when it comes to The Kings' women. Trouble seems to follow them everywhere. Lucky for them, they all have men who will go to the ends of the earth to keep them safe.

  "What's running through your head, Leah?" Alba asks. "You look a million miles away."

  It's Saturday, and yesterday Alba stopped by my work, insisting I go shopping with her and Bella today. For once, I didn't fight her on the invitation. Surprisingly, I have wanted to buy new clothes. I don't know if it's how Nikolai makes me feel when he looks at me or how he makes it a point to tell me how beautiful I am, but I find myself more confident and comfortable in my skin.

  Snapping out of my musings, I look over the top of the clothing rack at Alba. "I was just thinking about Sam and Sofia. I'm relieved her, and that the other woman are okay."

  "Me too. Thank God she has Sam."

  "Yeah. I'm happy for him. They're perfect together," I add.

  Alba smiles. "They are."

  "Hey." Bella comes to stand next to Alba. "You two want to hit up Grace's for some coffee?"

  "I'm in. Just let me pay for this dress, and we can go." I hold up the white vintage floral summer dress.

  "Oh, Leah. That's a gorgeous dress," Bella boasts.

  "Yeah, Leah. That dress will look hot on you," Alba agrees. Then her lip tips up in a smirk. "You wouldn't be buying that for anyone in particular, would you? Say a certain hot Russian?"

  I bite the inside of my cheek. Alba hit the mark. She takes my silence as a yes to her question, and her smirk turns into a full-blown smile. "Okay. I'm going to need you to hurry up and pay so that we can get to Grace's. This conversation needs to happen over coffee and whatever mouthwatering goodness Grace has for us today."

  "I second that." Bella ushers me to the register. "I need details."

  "Guys, there's nothing to tell."

  "We'll be the judge of that," Bella says, and I roll my eyes.

  Twenty minutes later, the three of us are sitting inside The Cookie Jar with coffee and fresh-baked cinnamon buns. I pick at my food and take a sip of my coffee while trying to ignore the sisters sitting in front of me. Alba is not having any of that, though.

  "Okay, spill."

  "I already told you, there is nothing to spill." The moment the words tumble out of my mouth, my thoughts drift back to mine, and Nikolai's kiss and my cheeks heat.

  "Liar. You're blushing," Alba calls me out.

  I sigh. "Fine. Nikolai kissed me."

  I nearly jump out of my seat at the sound of the squeals coming from Alba and Bella. The sound of metal crashing to the floor from behind the counter where Grace just dropped a pan, because she too was startled. Alba gives Grace a sheepish look. "Sorry, Grace."

  She turns back to me. "When did this happen?"

  I shrug. "A couple of days ago."

  "What! And I'm just now hearing about it?"

  I sigh. "It's not a big deal. It was one kiss."

  Bella smiles. "Oh, I think it's a huge deal. Nikolai has been waiting a long time to make his move on you. No way will he stop at one kiss." She shakes her head. "That man is just getting started."

  "What do you mean he's been waiting a long time?"

  Bella's face goes soft. "Leah, that man cares about you. Everyone can see it. As for his reasons, he has waited so long to make it known, are his own."

  Alba doesn't hesitate to add her two cents, either. "I'm willing to bet Nikolai is giving you signals that he wants you. I know you, Leah. You're twisting all those things inside your head to make it seem like what's going on between you two is nothing."

  I don't bother arguing with Alba's theory. Part of me knows she's telling the truth. It's easier for me to think that way, though. If I don't, I won't set myself up for disappointment.

  "Has Nikolai ever given you reason not to believe his intentions are genuine?" This question is coming from Bella.

  I shake my head.

  Bella reaches across the table and squeezes my arm. "My advice, Leah, is to go with it. Trust in his words and trust in his actions. Try not to get inside your head and turn what you and Nikolai are building into something it's not."

  "Do you think something is there between us?"

  "Yes," Alba and Bella say in unison.

  A second later, my cell phone vibrates against the table with an incoming call. I look down to see it's Nikolai calling. I answer.


  "Malyshka," Nikolai rumbles into the phone, and I shiver.

  "Hi, Nikolai." I can't stop my voice from sounding breathless. My conversation has also caught Alba and Bella's attention. The sisters look on with interest. They don't bother trying to hide the fact either.

  "Where are you?"

  "I'm at the bakery with Bella and Alba. We went shopping and then decided to stop by Grace's for a coffee."

  Nikolai goes to say something else, but the chime of his doorbell in the background cuts him off.

  "Let me call you back."

  "Oh, okay."

  I hang up and see Bella and Alba looking at me expectantly. "What?"

  "He calls you, Malyshka?" Alba swoons.

  "You heard that?"

  "Oh, yeah. I didn't make out everything he said, but I heard. What did he want?"

  I take another sip of coffee. "I don't know. He didn't get a chance to say. There was someone at his door. He said he'd call back."

  "Why don't you take him some fresh baked cookies or something," Bella suggests.

  "Nikolai likes the blueberry muffins," Grace calls out from somewhere in the back. She's heard our entire conversation and is on board with Bella and Alba's idea. A second later, she appears behind the counter then proceeds to bag two muffins and fixes two coffees to go. "Here you go, sweetheart." Grace sets the bag and beverages on the table in front of me.

  "I can't just show up at his house uninvited."

  "Sure, you can," Bella urges.

  I nibble on my bottom lip, contemplating the idea. Finally, I decide what the heck. Standing, I swipe the bag of muffins from the table.

  "That's what I'm talking about." Alba throws her fist in the air. "Go see your man."

  I roll my eyes but can't stop the giggle that escapes my mouth as I leave the bakery. Once in my car, I spy the bag sitting on the passenger seat containing my new dress and decide to make a quick detour to my apartment.

  Fifteen minutes later, I'm standing in front of the mirror, staring at myself wearing my latest purchase. The white floral vintage dress has a V-neck that shows a decent a
mount of cleavage but not so much I'd consider it inappropriate. And the hem ends just above the knees. I decided to let my curls flow free by letting my hair down and running my fingers through it. Next, I pair the dress with a simple pair of sandals. Not wanting to overdo it with makeup, I opt for my favorite red berry lip gloss. Besides, my glasses tend to hide any effort I put toward wearing eye makeup. Maybe I should consider contacts.

  Somewhat satisfied with my look, I take a deep breath. "You can do this, Leah. Just go over there and act casual. How hard can it be?" I mutter to myself as I turn away from the mirror and make my way out to the living room. Grabbing my things, I step out of the apartment, take in my surroundings, then turn and lock the door. Jiggling the knob, I double-check to make sure it's secure. When I twist back around and start heading down the steps and toward my car, the sudden overwhelming sense of being watched washes over me, it's the same feeling that came over me in the grocery store the other day. Peering around the parking lot, I spot the woman who lives two units down from me, unbuckling her kid from the backseat of her car. Turning, she notices me looking in her direction and waves. I smile and wave back. Shaking off my previous thoughts, I climb into my car and drive to Nikolai's.

  When I clear the long winding road that leads to his house, I curiously eye the white SUV parked out front. From the looks of it, he has company. Parking my car next to the SUV, I cut the engine and second-guess my showing up at Nikolai's house uninvited. After being a chicken for five minutes, I elect to follow through with my original plan. Snatching my purse, I sling it over my shoulder, then grab the bag of muffins and the now cold coffee that I'll have to warm up in the microwave. With my hands full, I bump the car door with my hip, closing it. When I reach the front door, I hit the doorbell with my elbow. I don't have to wait long before the door swings open. But the sight that greets me knocks all the air from my lungs. A tall, slim beautiful woman with long, straight black hair and perfect porcelain skin, wearing an expensive-looking, emerald green wrap dress with five-inch heels, greets me. "Can I help you?" she asks in a distinct Russian accent.

  I go to open my mouth, but no words come out. The woman speaks again.

  "Are you deaf, or are you mute? I asked, can I help you?" This time her tone goes from sugary sweet to nasty.

  "I…Is Nikolai here?"

  The woman stands taller and narrows her eyes down at me. "Are you the cleaning lady or something? The cook?" The woman smiles, but it's not warm. And I start to feel self-conscious about the way she appraises me. "The cook. You look like a woman who likes food."

  Her comment burns, and I try desperately not to let her see just how much.

  "We won't require your services today. We'll be dining out."


  "We don't need you to cook today. My Nikolai is taking me out. It's been weeks since I've seen him, and he likes to spoil me, so he'll be taking me out to dinner."

  Suddenly my mouth goes dry, and my heart breaks into a million pieces.

  "Are you…are you, his girlfriend?" I choke out.

  "Girlfriend?" the woman giggles. "No. Niki is my fiancé."

  As the word fiancé leaves her mouth, the world around me tips on an axis, and I struggle to swallow the bile that rises in my throat. Turning, I stumble down the steps in front of the door, falling to my knees. I cry out a sob when the gravel digs into my flesh. The coffee and muffins I was carrying spill out onto the ground in front of me. I ignore the burning pain coming from my scraped knees and the voice of the woman behind me, demanding I clean the mess as I climb to my feet and run to my car. Once inside, I fumble with the keys as I try to control my breathing. Please, God. Now is not the time for an asthma attack. I have to get out of here. Finally, the key slips into the ignition, I put the car in drive and peel away from Nikolai's house. Once I hit the main road, I get the inhaler I keep in the console, place it to my mouth, and administer the desperately needed medicine, taking three deep breaths.

  "You're an idiot, Leah. How could you be so stupid," I chastise myself. What was I thinking of buying this ridiculous dress and showing up at his house? Of course, he wouldn't look at me twice when he has a woman like that. I just made a fool of myself. How am I supposed to face him after this? I bet him, and his fiancé is having a good laugh at my expense too. My father was right. No man wants a woman who looks like me.

  A choking cry escapes my mouth as I swipe at the tears rolling down my face. What's confusing is Nikolai's recent behavior. I mean, why the kiss? Why the late-night dinners and the sleeping over because he's worried about me? Is it because he feels sorry for me? Poor, shy, damaged Leah needs a man to take pity on her. Make her feel special; make her feel important. Maybe Nikolai thinks he can have his cake and eat it too. Well, screw him.

  I shake my head.


  The problem is me.

  Bella and Alba were wrong. I should have been listening to that little voice inside my head. Had I been, I wouldn't have gone to his house today, putting myself in that humiliating position.

  Stopping at a red light, I dig some tissue from my purse and wipe my eyes. The car behind me honks, indicating the light has turned green. Tossing the tissue to the seat beside me, I slide my glasses back on and accelerate through the intersection. The next thing I know, my ears are assaulted by the sound of screeching tires and metal hitting metal as my car is suddenly jerked to the left, causing my seat belt to lock up tight across my chest. The airbag deploys, and a scream escapes my lips just before everything goes black.



  It's been a couple of days since I've seen Leah. Between helping The Kings and tying up some loose ends my father needed me to handle via video meeting with one of our suppliers, I haven't left the house. Then I find out my mother arrived in town late last night. What fucking business does she have here in the States? Furthermore, what made her think her presence in Polson would be welcomed. The only reason I've invited her to the house this morning is to find out why and inform her she is to go back home to Russia. Good thing my father left for Chicago a couple of nights ago. He's warned her numerous times never to show her face. Turning off the water, I step from the shower. My sour mood turns to rage when my eyes find Katya, a woman from my past, sitting on the foot of my bed, leaning back on her elbows.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?"

  "Come now. Is that how you greet a lover?" Her blue eyes looked me up and down.

  "Stop looking at my dick." I snatch the towel off the hook nearby and wrap it around my waist. "Why are you here?"

  Katya rises from the bed. "Your mother invited me." She saunters across the floor in her short dress and five-inch heels. I roll my eyes. She always did try too hard. "I miss you. You never called the last time you came home." Katya pouts. "I have a hunger only you can feed, my love," she tries removing my towel, and I grab her by the wrist, stopping her from making a mistake.

  "I have no need for you, Katya."

  Ever persistent, and turned on by my aggression, Katya's nipples harden. She presses her body against mine. "I like it when you play rough," she whispers.

  Grabbing a handful of her hair, I jerk her head back, her eyes instantly glazing with lust. "Do not cross me, Katya. Now. Leave." The warning tone of my voices takes her by surprise, and her eyes widen in fear.

  "You would never hurt me." Katya searches my eyes.

  "You are nothing to me." Releasing her, I turn my back, head for the closet and get dressed. When I walk back out, Katya is standing where I left her. She says nothing as her eyes follow me around the room while I collect my weapon, placing it in the holster on my side.

  "A woman showed up on your doorstep this morning. She didn't say her name, but I believe she was the cleaning lady or your cook."

  Turning, I give her my attention. The vengeful look on her face gives me cause for concern. Katya is a spiteful, jealous woman. "What did you do?" I demand to know.

  Shrugging, she says, "I told her th
e truth. That you are mine."

  Her words enrage me, and I'm in her face before she has time to draw another breath. "I belong to only one woman, and it isn't you. It. Will. Never. Be. You." I look down at her.

  Katya juts her chin in defiance. "You would choose that cow over me?"

  "You are not half the woman she is." My nostrils flare.

  Katya gasps. "You love her?" she questions, but I do not answer.

  There's a knock on the door, and it swings open. "Sir," Maxim's eyes dart from me to Katya. "Leah was involved in an accident. She's been taken to the hospital."

  My eyes land on Katya's face for what will be the last time. "You are to leave my home. If you ever show disrespect by speaking to my family or me again, I will not hesitate to have you killed," I warn her, then rush out of the room and sprint down the stairs. I notice my mother through the open door of my father's office, sitting on the leather sofa. She calls out to me, but I ignore her. "I want them gone by the time I return," I yell to Maxim as he tosses me my bike keys.

  "Yes, sir."

  I'm not sure how long it took me to get to the hospital, but I gunned it the entire way. Several bikes belonging to men I know sit parked near the emergency room entrance as I bring my bike to a jolting stop. I run through the doors, where Jake and Logan meet me. To my right, the waiting room is filled with some of their women, along with Quinn and Sam. The only men missing are Gabriel and Reid. My speed slows a bit, but I keep moving forward, my eyes set on the doors ahead.

  "Shit," Logan mumbles as he and Jake fall in behind me.

  "Sir. Sir," a nurse calls to me as I ignore the do not enter signs and barge through the double doors to find my woman.

  A male doctor steps in front of me, holding up his hand. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

  My feet never stop moving as my hand grips the collar of his shirt, making him backpedal until his back hits the wall. "Stay out of my way."


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