The Monster in the Box

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by Adrian Blue

  The Monster in the Box


  Adrian Blue

  © Copyright 2017, Adrian Blue, All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One

  Rachel nodded to the doorman on her way through the door. She was halfway across the lobby, when the front desk clerk called out to her.


  Rachel paused. “Yes?”

  “A package came for you today. I had someone put it in your foyer.”

  Rachel glance toward the elevator. Funny. She was not expecting anything.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “Have a nice evening, Ma’am,” the clerk called after her.

  Rachel continued across the lobby and pressed the button for the elevator. She had not ordered anything in weeks. What could have been delivered for her? It fleetingly crossed her mind that it could be something dangerous, but she quickly dismissed the idea.

  She was just a low-level executive at the firm. While their most recent client was odd, he hardly seemed dangerous. But there was something strange about the way he was always watching her, as if trying to figure out what made her tick. Rachel huffed in amusement. She doubted he would ever figure it out.

  Rachel pressed the button for the elevator and stepped on the moment the doors slid open. She was alone in the small, quiet space for the entire ride up to her floor. She only passed two people in the hallway on the way to her apartment. Rachel hesitated with her keys in her hand.

  She unlocked her front door and stepped into the foyer. The light she always left on in the kitchen lit up part of the living room and dining room, but left most of the foyer in shadow. She could only see the outline of a large box. Rachel pushed the door closed behind her and flipped on the light switch beside her.

  She raised her eyebrows at the size of the box. When the clerk told her they had put a package inside her apartment, she had not imagined something so large. She set down her purse and keys on the table by the door and moved closer. The box was square and almost as tall as her waist. The thick piece of tape holding it closed had lifted up on one side and both flaps were open slightly.

  Rachel leaned down to lift the edge of one flap. Light spilled into the box. The empty box. Rachel frowned in confusion. Why would someone send her an empty box? She squinted at the label on the side of the box, but there was no return address.

  She started to turn away and caught a glimpse of something white in the bottom of the box. She reached in and picked it out. It was a single thick sheet of paper. On one side were several lines of ornate handwriting. On the other side was a strange symbol she had never seen before. It looked like some kind of glyph or rune.

  It was oddly familiar. Like something she had seen at work. On company stationery, maybe? As she puzzled over it, she flipped the paper over. There, in several neat lines, was a note addressed to her.

  My Dearest Rachel,

  Please accept this gift as a token of my desire for you. I am certain it will sate your own desires.

  With Endless Devotion,



  Wide-eyed, Rachel reread the message several times. So, it was their most recent client. The odd man who followed her with his gaze. But why would he think a note and empty box would win her over? And why would he think he knew anything about her desires?

  Rachel huffed in amusement and folded the paper, dropping it back into the empty box. She started to turn away when an alarming idea occurred to her. What if there had been something alive in the box, a dog or cat, and it had escaped. It could be wandering free in her apartment somewhere.

  The last thing she needed was an animal chewing up her shoes or destroying her furniture. Rachel glanced over into the dining room. There was no sign of movement in the shadows under the table or chairs. She skirted around the side of her sofa to check under the coffee table. There was nothing there, either.

  Rachel cast a quick look into the empty kitchen, before moving deeper into her apartment. She peeked into the bathroom and flipped on the light. The shower curtain fluttered against the side of the tub. Rachel frowned and walked across the room to jerk back the curtain. Nothing.

  She scanned the empty tub and bathroom and headed for the spare room. If there was something in her space it had to be in one of the two bedrooms. There was nowhere else to hide. But there were no sounds in her apartment other than her soft footsteps on the carpet running the length of the hallway.

  No barking, growling, meowing. Nothing. She opened the door to the small bedroom and flipped the switch inside the door. The overhead light illuminated a small, neatly-made bed and a bedside table. She started to back out of the room when she caught movement from the corner of her eye.

  The closet door popped open. She expected something to come tumbling out but there was nothing. The door slowly creaked open to reveal an empty closet. Rachel sighed and crossed the room to push it closed. She was over-thinking the empty box. She needed a bath and some dinner.

  Rachel flipped the spare room light off on her way out and headed for the master bathroom. The large tub was part of the reason she took the apartment. It was large enough for three people and lined with jets. Rachel toed off her shoes at the foot of her bed and walked into the large bathroom.

  She eyed the large tub for a moment. It seemed like a bubble bath sort of day. After dumping the lavender-scented soap into the tub, she turned on the hot water. Rachel shed her clothes in her bedroom, but before she could return to the bathroom she heard a door creak.

  She walked down the hallway naked and flipped on the light to the spare room. Sure enough, the closet door was standing open again. Rachel sighed and flipped the light back off. She definitely needed that relaxing bath and to stop worrying about a strange admirer and his empty gift box.

  Chapter Two

  Rachel eased down into the hot water with a heartfelt groan. The day’s trouble seemed to melt away in the softly scented water. She leaned back against the side of the tub and sighed. The radio on the bathroom vanity was turned down low, just loud enough for her to make out the melody but not the lyrics.

  She quietly hummed along to the music. Rachel sank down until everything below the neck was hidden beneath the fragrant bubbles. The song on the radio changed and she let her eyes fall closed. It was so nice to have peace and quiet after the non-stop movement at the office.

  Rachel smiled to herself. She was so busy enjoying the bath, she almost missed the quiet splash. She eyes popped open and she looked around the tub. She expected to see one of her candles missing, fallen into the water, but they were all still there. Nothing seemed to have moved.

  She shrugged it off. Maybe, she was imagining things in the quiet. She probably still had the empty box on her mind, part of her expecting an interruption to her relaxation. She shifted in the warm water and her toes bumped up against something soft.

  Rachel wiggled her toes against it for a moment, before she frowned. There should not be anything soft in the tub. Just as she opened her eyes, something brushed against her ankle. It felt alive, but that was impossible. She was being paranoid.

  Rachel slowly pulled her knees up toward her chest. She had only moved a few inches, when the gentle touch to her ankle turned firm. Something encircled her ankle and calf and jerked her leg straight. Within seconds, her other ankle was seized and she slid a few inches deeper into the water.

  She thrashed in the warm water, bubbles slopping over the edge of the tub to splash onto the floor. Through her panic, she could feel the grip moving up her legs to her torso. Rachel sucked in a deep breath to scream. The sound died in her throat as something peeked up out of the water.

  The water rolled down its bright red skin, as its large, black eyes s
tared at her. It was impossible to guess the size of it, with most of it still hidden beneath the bubbles, but it was definitely not like any animal she had ever seen. Something softly tickled the underside of her right breast.

  The creature made a purring sound and, a moment later, something rubbed over her nipple. Rachel gasped and reached up to push it away. Her fingers grazed wet, rubbery skin before her wrist was seized and moved down to her side. She hissed in shocked pleasure when it lightly tugged at her nipple.

  Something slid up over her ribs to cup her other breast. Rachel arched against her will, gasping as her other nipple was seized. More of the touches came, seemingly everywhere at once, some moving higher to lightly stroke her collarbones and others slipping down between her thighs.

  Rachel stared up at the ceiling in shock. She knew she should be doing something to fight against the thing, whatever it was, but it was not hurting her. In fact, its touch was the most attention her body had gotten in a long while. When two thick bands circled her thighs, she let her knees fall open.

  Warm water caressed between her thighs. The feeling was quickly joined by a teasing touch along her sensitive flesh. What felt like a thick finger eased between her folds, running from her swelling clit down to her tight entrance. A tug on her nipples made her cry out and jerk her hips.

  The finger-like touch sank into her several inches and she shivered. Her pussy clenched down on the creature’s strangely textured appendage. Bumpy protrusions covered every inch of it. As it sank deeper, the bumps rubbed along her inner walls. Rachel bit her bottom lip to silence the whine that wanted to escape.

  Something touched the underside of her chin and she lowered her gaze. The dark eyes were still staring at her. As she watched, a long tentacle rose from the water. It drifted closer to her. It stroked her cheek at the same time the one inside her found a particularly sensitive spot.

  Rachel shuddered hard, moaning. The tentacle took advantage of her open, panting mouth. It slipped between her lips and caressed her tongue. Her pussy clenched in pleasure, as the tentacle massaged the sensitive spot inside her over and over. Her thighs shook, trying to close one moment and spread further apart the next.

  It was like nothing she had ever felt before. The pleasure built until she was thrashing helplessly. Mangled pleas for more fell from her lips. The creature’s grip was unbreakable. It continued to torment her sensitive nipples, as it drove her closer to a devastating orgasm.

  Her body felt like it was on fire. Completely out of her control. She was nothing but sensation, her world narrowed down to the feelings the creature was bringing out in her. Rachel’s chest heaved, her heart threatening to pound out of her chest. Finally, the pleasure peaked.

  Rachel’s muscles snapped tight and she wailed. Her body convulsed in ecstasy, ripples of pleasure flowing through her entire body. Every movement of the tentacle inside her made her cry out and shake in overwhelming pleasure. It went on until she was too weak to cry out anymore.

  The tentacle slowed and finally eased out of her slick, sensitive pussy. Rachel moaned and went limp. She would have sank under the surface of the water if it were not for the surprisingly strong grip of the creature’s tentacles. They supported her weight in the water until she regained her breath.

  As soon as she could think clearly, a blush colored her cheeks. The creature was obviously what had been in the box. Her face burned hotter at the realization that Lucien had somehow supplied her with something that did exactly what he said it would do. Sate her desires.

  Despite her embarrassment, Rachel had to admit that it was a perfect gift. It deserved a fitting gesture of appreciation.

  Chapter Three

  Rachel set both coffee cups down on the table and sat in one of the chairs across from the sofa. Lucien watched her with interest. From his point of view, her invitation was probably unexpected. If he had given a similar ‘gift’ to other women, they had likely avoided ever being near him again. It was not the most appropriate way of expressing romantic interest.

  “I received your…gift,” she said.

  Lucien calmly took a sip of his coffee. “It was not my gift. I simply arranged for him to have what he desired.”

  Rachel blinked in surprise. “Your note said it was for me.”

  Lucien shrugged one shoulder. “The note was not from me. He is fully capable of dictating what he desires.”

  As the knowledge sunk in, Rachel shifted in the chair. She licked her lips. “The note was signed by you.”

  “No. I signed beneath the signature to show my place as transcriber.”

  Rachel glanced down at the note on the table between them. The ‘XX’ above Lucien’s name made more sense. But if the man was telling the truth the creature had sought her out. It wanted her enough to arrange a meeting. Rachel felt a combination of confusion and arousal settle deep in her belly.

  “Where is he now?” Lucien asked.

  “In the bedroom.” Where the creature had settled after the bath incident. He had wrapped his tentacles around her during the night and she had woken cradled in his embrace. An alarming thought suddenly rose in her mind.

  “Are you going to take him with you?”

  Lucien laughed in what appeared to be genuine amusement. “I would not be allowed to separate you from His Highness.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Members of the royal family bind themselves to a chosen human. It is permanent once they have placed their mark.” Lucien gave her a sly grin. “You are very lucky. I know of many who would give anything to be bound to one of the infernal princes.”

  What had she gotten herself into? Before she could fully freak out, something velvety soft wrapped around one wrist. She gasped and looked down to see the creature on the floor near her feet. His tentacle gently squeezed her wrist, the tip tickling her palm. A burst of arousal drowned out the fear.

  “If it pleases His Highness, I will leave the two of you alone,” Lucien said. He set his coffee cup down on the table and stood.

  Rachel distractedly noticed the creature waving a tentacle toward the man in dismissal. After Lucien was gone, all of her attention landed on the creature. An infernal prince. She had her own opinions on what exactly she was dealing with, but she pushed them aside.

  The prince’s large, dark eyes watched her as a single crimson tentacle rose to stroke her cheek softly. Rachel gasped at the first touch to her inner ankle. More tentacles crept up her legs, pressing her knees apart as they went. Another tentacle wrapped around her other wrist, pining both arms to the sofa at her side.

  Rachel shivered at the teasing strokes to her inner thighs. A tentacle shifted her panties aside, as more tentacles began to gently stroke over her pussy. They spread her, running over her folds. Rachel felt herself responding, growing wet for the creature’s touch.

  The tip of a tentacle dipped inside her, stroking the walls of her slick pussy. Rachel arched into it and was rewarded with the tentacle sliding deeper. The tip of another tentacle circled around her sensitive clit, teasing but not touching the sensitive nub. Rachel jerked her hips.

  Tentacles wrapped around her thighs and knees, pressing her thighs up and apart, leaving her bare to the creature’s gaze. Tentacles slipped between the buttons of her blouse, slipping inside her bra to wrap around her hard nipples. Rachel moaned in pleasure. She felt her own wetness on her thighs, smeared by the writhing tentacles.

  The thick tentacle inside her slid in and out of her pussy, smearing her arousal up over her throbbing clit and down to her virgin back entrance. A thin tentacle slipped inside her where she had never been entered before, and Rachel gasped and arched at the sensation. It was a faint heat, an edge to the shocking pleasure pulsing through her body.

  She cried out at a sharp tug to her nipples and her pussy clenched. A second tentacle slipped inside her soaked pussy. Rachel cried out. Her hips jerked into it, urging the two tentacles to thrust. She wanted the creature, the prince, to take her. She craved it.r />
  “More,” she moaned.

  The grip on her legs and wrists tightened. A moment later, all three tentacles inside her pulled out and thrust back in. Rachel let out a shuddering gasp, her toes curling.


  Her back passage clenched around the writhing tentacle. At her passionate cry, the prince thrust into her again. Her wetness gushed out of her, pleasure making her so wet it was almost embarrassing. She moved into the creature’s thrusts as much as she could, but the prince seemed to enjoy her bound and moaning.

  Tentacles tugged at her nipples, stroked her breasts, and massaged her inner thighs. The gentle touches drove her wild. They were in perfect contrast to the almost rough thrusting between her legs. Tentacles kept her spread wide open and a third dipped into her hungry pussy.

  Rachel screamed her pleasure. She was so full. Every heavy thrust struck a tender spot deep inside her, forcing her closer to completion. The tentacle teasing her clit finally rubbed over the swollen nub. Her spine bowed, toes curling, as white hot pleasure erupted from her pussy.

  She was vaguely aware of screaming when she came. Her whole body shuddered over and over, the ripples making her thrash in the creature’s unbreakable grip. The touches continued until she was sobbing from the force of the pleasure. Finally, the infernal prince let her rest.

  Rachel moaned brokenly, her pussy still spasming around the tentacles inside her. The aftershocks faded slowly. She lay panting in the creature’s grasp. The tight grip faded into a more supportive hold. It was the only thing that kept her from sliding into the floor.

  She shakily raised her head to look down at the creature covering her. He was larger than she had realized. In the bathtub, she had only seen parts of him and when they woke up together she was still too groggy to fully appreciate his size. He must have been curled up tightly inside that large box.

  Rachel looked away from the mass of tentacles to study what appeared to be the prince’s face. His black eyes stared back at her. Lucien said she would be marked, but the creature had not marked her. Rachel frowned.


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