The Balance

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The Balance Page 8

by L. J. Jackson

  The woman looked at the doctors and said, “I’m not crazy; Lilly the Creator’s daughter is at my bedside with seven angels.”

  Lilly said, “Don’t fear. Take my hands, and I will show you what lies beyond the veil of death. It’s beautiful.”

  When the woman grabbed Lilly’s hands, her spirit separated from her fleshly body. The woman looked back at her body lying in the bed, surprised. She watched the doctors try to resuscitate her body. Then a bright light shined down on the woman, opening a doorway that revealed the universe from the ceiling of her house. The Seven gathered around Lilly and the woman, then their spirits lifted through the ceiling of the house into the heavens. The woman said, “Where are we going, Lilly?”

  Lilly said, “To meet your Creator.”

  They flew through the universe like shooting stars. Lilly and the Seven glowed in the dark universe like the bright sun. Lilly said to the woman, “We are almost there. Look at the blue river flowing through the universe.”

  “It’s beautiful—just like I imagined it would be,” said the woman. “Is that really a giant waterfall in the middle of the universe?”

  “Yes,” said Lilly.

  “Are those crystals sparkling in the waterfall?” the woman asked.

  Lilly said, “No, they are souls.”

  When they got close to the waterfall Lilly told the woman to reach out her hands and touch the flowing water. The woman reached out her hands to touch the water, then her body evaporated into the waterfall like vapor. Lilly could hear the woman’s voice echoing through the universe saying, “Thank you, Lilly. My soul is at peace now. It’s beautiful like you said.”

  A tear fell down Lilly’s cheek. She was happy that the woman was at peace. Then Lilly and the Seven continued throughout the earth in the giant sparkling sphere.


  Lilly and the Seven decided to visit the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

  It was time to tell the world that aliens had been visiting and living on the planet in secret for centuries. Lilly was sure people around the world had heard about the mysterious girl in Rome who healed the woman at Vatican City. When they arrived in the giant sparkling sphere, she sensed the presence of a thousand aliens waiting outside the United Nations building in human form. Lilly wondered how they had known she was coming. The glass sphere landed on top of the tall glass building. Lilly turned off all the power in building, which caused the video camera to stop recording and the leaders to panic. When the lights and cameras returned, Lilly and the Seven were standing on the floor at a podium. Lilly wanted everything to be recorded so the world could see the video when they left. The leaders were shocked when they suddenly appeared, and they stared in awe. One leader yelled out, “Call security! This is an invasion! And what are those orange creatures?”

  Lilly said, “They are guardian angels sent from the Creator.”

  “Guardian angels?” the leader said. “They look like aliens. Why do they have orange skin, yellow eyes, and those gold crowns on their heads?”

  “Don’t be afraid,” Lilly said. “They wish you no harm.” Lilly read their thoughts; she knew they were afraid of the Seven. The world leaders were ready to alert security. She lifted her hands and said, “Don’t push that button.” Every person in the room froze and could not speak a word. Lilly stood at the podium and said, “This is the day that every person in this room feared would happen. Supernatural beings have been visiting earth for centuries without being noticed. In fact, there is evidence of their visitations throughout the world dating back to ancient civilizations. It is impossible to notice them because they walk in human form. But why should they continue to hide their identity? This is the United Nations—the place where human rights are protected. Aliens must have the same rights. They live on this planet; therefore, they should have the same rights as any human being. Today they will reveal their true self without anyone attacking them.”

  Over my dead body, the leaders said in their minds.

  Lilly read the leaders’ thoughts; their hearts were full of evil. She realized the minute she unfroze the leaders, they would alert the police to attack every alien in the building. When Lilly lifted her hands and closed her eyes, the United Nations building shook like an earthquake. “What’s happening?” the security officers yelled in fear. The glass windows in the building blew out, and glass flew everywhere. Lilly disabled the alarm system and froze every police officer in the building. The security checkpoint doors flew open, and thousands of aliens walked into the United Nations building.

  When all the aliens were in the building, Lilly said, “They wish this world no harm, and they have the right to live in peace on this planet.” The aliens chanted “Freedom!” with their hands raised in the air.

  “The earth is unbalanced and must be rebalanced with love,” said Lilly. “This is the will of the Creator—that aliens and humans are united or he will destroy this planet. He is always watching the hearts of humankind to see if they will change from their evil ways. If humankind refuses to change, the world will experience six day of darkness and torment. Please don’t underestimate his judgment,” said Lilly. Then she lifted her hands again and released every world leader and police officer who had been frozen. Tears rolled down Lilly’s face because she knew what was coming. The angels guarding the hourglass revealed to her spirit that the earth was unbalanced.

  The Seven said, “Lilly, don’t cry. This is the will of the Creator. Hopefully humankind’s hearts will change during the curse, and they will love one other and turn from their evil ways. Only then will the judgment be lifted within the six days.”

  One leader said, “Why are you crying, Lilly?”

  She said, “I’m crying because your hearts are cold and you refuse to change. Therefore, the Creator has sent judgment on this city, and your biggest fear is coming true today.”

  “What is coming?” one of the leaders said, his voice cracking.

  She said, “The Evolrace is coming, and they hate humans.”

  Within seconds, Lilly, the Seven, and all the aliens disappeared like vapor before their eyes. When she left the United Nations, all the world leaders went into a panic and reviewed the video that had been recorded. “What did she say? The Evolrace is coming?” mumbled one of the world leaders. “Who are they?” The world leaders called the president of the United States in Washington, D.C., to inform him of the bizarre event that had taken place at the United Nations headquarters. News reporters from around the world flew to New York City to hear the testimonies of the world leaders who had witnessed the strange girl and the seven strange creatures. Every news channel around the world broadcast the video, and fear entered the hearts of humans around the world. “This can’t be true,” said the president of the United States. “Aliens at the United Nations?”


  The president of the United States commanded all military personnel to look for Lilly and the aliens. They searched high and low for them, but they were far gone in the giant sphere. Then all of a sudden dark, ominous clouds covered the skies of New York City, and the heavens turned pitch black. Thunder roared and lightning struck buildings as strong winds blew across the city. The people wondered what was going on and ran in fear for cover. Then a tornado appeared, rotating across the city and sucking up everything in its path. When the tornado stopped, a swarm of giant locust appeared by the thousands, covering the sky.

  The locust shouted, “The Evolrace is coming!” Fire came out of their mouths and burned up everything in their path. The locust had human-like faces, dark green eyes, and sharp red teeth like fresh blades that bit the flesh of humans. The United States Air Force sent fighter pilots to battle the flying creatures. They tried to blast the locust out the sky, but they were unsuccessful. The locust destroyed their jets with the fire from their mouths.

  “I can’t believe what I’m seeing and hearing up here,” a pilot said to the air battle manager.

��What are you talking about?” the battle manager shouted.

  “These locusts have faces like humans, fire is coming out their mouths, and they can talk like humans,” the pilot said.

  “What?” said the battle manager? “That’s not possible. Insects don’t talk. Are you crazy?”

  “No, I’m not crazy. They are destroying our jets. I’m pulling out,” the pilot yelled in fear.

  The air battle manager said, “Is anyone out there?” The air battle manager was trying to communicate with the pilots, but no one responded. The locust had destroyed every aircraft that had come to battle.

  When the Marines arrived, they could not sail into New York City. All the water in the Hudson River lifted up into the sky and froze in midair. It opened a doorway of wickedness from another realm. Fire exploded from the earth like an erupting volcano and covered the entire river. Out of the fire in black thick smoke, six Evolrace rode on red horses. They were tall with gray skin and red eyes, and they wore black crowns. Their horses were twelve feet tall with bloodshot red eyes, large sharp teeth, and long pointed tails that sliced up in everything their path. The Evolrace had names written on their foreheads in blood that represented the evil in New York City. The writing on their foreheads glowed and said murder, bigotry, lying tongue, wicked imagination, and unforgiving heart. It was written on their foreheads to remind the people in New York City of their judgment by the Creator. In their hands they held glowing red balls. When humans saw the Hudson River on fire and the Six Evolrace, they ran in fear. Then the wizard named Bezal walked out of the fire with a giant glowing staff in his hand. He had the blood of lost souls flowing through his staff. He lifted his staff in the air at the locust, who said, “The time has come. Let the Evolrace speak.”

  The Evolrace sat on their horses on the Hudson River in the fires. Then one of them got off his horse and said, “Humans, the time has finally come for judgment on this city.” Then they laughed, showing their sharp teeth. “This city is doomed because you are racist and unforgiving, you murder one other without cause, you love dark magic, you have wicked imaginations against the innocent, and your leaders love war. In fact, you are no different from us: you love evil more than good. We cannot understand why the Creator took this long to pass judgment on humanity. He loves you, but you do not give him love in return or even recognize his gifts. What a shame you do not even believe the Creator exists. He gave you dominion over the earth, and you are destroying it.”

  The Evolrace speaker continued: “He did not give us dominion over the earth. We have hated humans since the beginning of time when he first created you. We knew it was a mistake to create you with all your imperfections. Lilly will never save humankind because you are not worth it. She tried, but you refused to listen. Now you belong to us forever. Now that the earth is unbalanced, we can do as we please in this city. It is the law set by the Creator.”

  Then the six glowing red spheres lifted into the air and unleashed a shield over New York City. No one could enter or leave the city. Darkness covered the skies, and pure evil was released from the river of fire. The evil wizard Bezal lifted his glowing staff in the air at the river. Then six witches walked out of the fire full of pure evil. They were dressed in dark gray robes that covered their heads. They had bright red hair, large glowing green eyes, pointed ears like bats, and long fingernails that looked like steal sharp blades. They also had a strange symbol sealed on the foreheads that glowed in the darkness.

  “Welcome, my children. Now it is time to do our bidding,” shouted the Evolrace.

  The witches laughed, showing their green sharp teeth, and said, “As you wish, my lord, it shall be done.”

  “Go, my children, and find all humans that are hiding in the city and bring them to us. Bring the mothers and their babies to the river of fire. Those babies are pure, and they will make a great sacrifice for the lost souls in the river.”

  Everything humans held dear to their hearts meant nothing at that moment. Money, fancy cars, homes, and status were just a dream of the past. The Evolrace went to the United Nations building looking for the leaders that represented the world. When they arrived, everyone was hiding in secret rooms. The Evolrace yelled, “Come out, leaders! We smell your flesh; it reeks fear.”

  When the world leaders came out and saw the Six Evolrace, eight feet tall, they were terrified. The Evolrace bent their tall bodies down to the faces of the leaders and said, “Tell all the nations of the world that we are the gods of the world now and they must worship us or die.” The leaders fell down on their knees with their faces to the floor and worshiped them out of fear.

  When the Evolrace left, the leaders wondered how they could lift the judgment off the city and save the people. They regretted the day they rejected Lilly when she asked them to accept the aliens and make changes in their policies. One of the leaders said, “Remember what Lilly said? She said we must be united in love, and then the earth will be balanced again. Only then will the curse be lifted off the city.”

  From across the Hudson River, news reporters broadcast the strange events to the rest of the world. People around the world of all races and religious beliefs prayed for the people in New York City. Even those who didn’t believe prayed when they saw the evil creatures and the burning river on the news. The United States military was helpless. No one could cross the river that burned with fire around the city. The Evolrace were angelical creatures that possessed supernatural powers, and humans were helpless against them.

  When the humans arrived with the witches, the Evolrace said, “Bow down and worship us. We are the gods of this earth now. If you refuse, we will throw you and your children in the river of fire. No one will eat or drink anything. But if you worship us, we will spare your lives.”

  To the witches, the Evolrace yelled, “Grab those babies from their mothers and throw them in the fire!”

  “Yes, my lord,” the witches whispered. But when the witches tried to grab the babies from their mother’s arms, they were unable to grab them away. “We can’t touch them,” the witches said. “They have a hedge of protection around them by the Creator. Remember babies and children are a pure life force because they haven’t been corrupted.”

  The Evolrace were so angry that steam came from the top of their heads, and their crowns shook and turned bright red. The witches said, “We tried, my lords. Please have mercy on our souls.” But the Evolrace grabbed the witches by their hair and threw them in the river of fire. They walked over to the mothers holding their babies and said, “Give us those babies now.” The mothers screamed, “Never! We love our children,” and they held the babies tightly in their arms.

  When the Evolrace reached out their long arms to snatch the young children and babies from their arms, something strange happened. All of a sudden, all the children’s eyes turned bright lavender and glowed brightly in the dark, and their faces sparkled like shimmering glitter. The light from their eyes burned the flesh of the Evolrace, who backed away from the babies very quickly. The Evolrace yelled, “No, we hate the light! It burns!”

  The light from the children’s eyes shined so bright that it removed the darkness that covered the city and lifted the judgment. Lilly and the seven angels could feel the balance of love being restored in New York by the children. Then eight bright orbs landed on top of the burning river. It was Lilly and the Seven walking out on the burning river. When Lilly saw the Evolrace face to face she was not afraid, even though they were eight-feet-tall creatures. She walked up to them and said, “The judgment is lifted from this city. You must leave now.”

  “No, we will not leave,” the Evolrace shouted.

  The Seven walked up to them, standing equal in height, and said, “You must leave now. The earth is balanced.”

  The Evolrace said to the Seven, “It is amazing how you turned your backs on us. We were family until the Creator casts us out. Why are you helping Lilly? You should join us. We can rule the earth together and destroy all humans. The Creator gave them d
ominion over the earth we can take it now. Remember, we are all angelical creatures and one in spirit.”

  The Seven said, “You made your choice, which was a bad one. Our spirits are good and yours are evil. We will serve our Creator and do what is right. We will never join evil.”

  “Leave now,” said Lilly.

  “Never!” they shouted in Lilly’s face. “You’re just a little African American girl with no power. Go away.”

  “OK,” said Lilly, “then we must fight.” The stones in her hands released a gold liquid substance that covered her body with strong armor. It also released a sword of fire from her hands that burned bright like the sun. Then the stone in her head released a beautiful orange crown made of bright gold. It wrapped around her head very tightly and sparkled. It was adorned with jewels and flames of fire that blazed from the top of her head.

  The Evolrace lifted their hands to the sky and yelled, “My children, destroy her now!” Locust came by the thousands, breathing fire from their mouths at Lilly. The locust said, “You will die today, Lilly.” They covered her entire body within seconds, and she could not be seen. The Evolrace shouted, “Die!” as they sat on their red horses, laughing.

  Lilly’s body changed into a blue ball of fire that rotated around the city like a raging tornado, destroying thousands of locusts. The locusts screamed in agony as their flesh burned. Within seconds they dropped from the sky.

  Then the Evolrace yelled, “Bezal, destroy her now!” The wizard was so upset that his eyes turned bright green. He lifted his staff high in the air, glowing and flowing with the blood of lost souls. Then he threw his staff down on the earth. It broke and filled the air with red smoke. In the red smoke, the wizard turned in to a giant serpent with the face of a man to wage war against Lilly.

  The Seven soared in to the air with their strong wings stretched out like the wings of giant eagles. When they landed on the ground, they gathered around Lilly like a shield and turned into a bright light that blinded the eyes of the giant serpent. Lilly lifted her hands in the air and said, “Evil wizard, you will die this day by fire.” Then blazing fire came out of the palms of her hands, creating two-edged swords. She leaped into the air and spun around the serpent like a raging tornado of fire, destroying the wizard.


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