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Entangled With Faeries

Page 16

by Lynn Donovan

  “He lured us away from the lab?” Joseph completed her thought.

  “Or—” She touched his arm. “Joseph! You don’t think he… found out about the faeries?”

  “How would he?” Joseph took a step off the granite path, away from the Environment building, to cross the garden.

  “I don’t know. Maybe someone saw… and told him?” Abbie looked toward her apartment.

  “Don’t panic!” Joseph broke into a run. Abbie ran at his heals. They dashed in the side door and bolted up the three flights of stairs.

  Her apartment door was open.

  “No, no, no, no!” Abbie panted. She shoved against the door and stumbled into her apartment. The faeries flitted furiously in the space around the doll house.

  Abbie sighed in relief.

  Diamond spotted Abbie and squeaked, “He took Aura!”

  All the faeries dashed toward Abbie. “We fought him!” “He tried to take us!” “Aura was brave!” “But he caught her!” “We smashed his eye!”

  “What?” Abbie coughed. “Who?” She feared she knew exactly who.

  “The one called Stettler!” They all said as one.

  Abbie collapsed to her knees. “He tricked us!” The faeries followed her down swing and swooped into her hair. They trembled with anger and fear.

  “It’s alright.” She cooed. “He’s probably taken her to security. We’ll go talk to him.”

  “NO!” The faeries screamed as loud as their little voices could carry. “He said he was taking her to Mother Righteous!”

  Joseph’s eyes went wide. “What? Why would he do that?”

  “Mother Righteous told him to bring us!” “We have to save Aura.” “Mother Righteous will hurt Aura.” “She is very angry.” “We left Velona.” “We have to go back…” “And save Aura.”

  Diamond flew in front of Abbie’s face. She looked stiff, determined. “We have to go back. We were gathering a rebellion. But now, we have to finish our mutiny against that false Queen.”

  The faeries began speaking at once. “She is evil!” “We must rescue Aura.” “Layla will hurt her.”

  Abbie looked at Joseph but spoke to the faeries. “I thought you were too afraid of this Queen Layla to go back to Velona?”

  Several more faeries joined Diamond in front of Abbie. “She is no Queen!” “She is no mother!” “We must help Aura!” “And stop Layla!”

  “Well. Alright.” Abbie stood. “Then we’ll take you to the wall. If that fissure isn’t big enough for you to get through, we’ll make it bigger.” Abbie lifted her canvas tool bag and marched to her door. “You coming?”

  Joseph nodded. “We have to be cautious. Stettler may be there now?”

  “You’re right. Maybe we should go in from the broken wall on the side of the mountain.”

  “Good thinking.” Joseph put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to face him. “Abbie, you are an amazing woman, and… I love you.”

  Her eyes widened. “I-I love you, too. But let’s get these faeries through the wall and talk about that afterward.”

  His eyes darted to the remaining faeries buried in Abbie’s hair. “You’re right, as usual. But—” He stopped her from walking away. “It’s not the faeries. I’m serious. You are an amazing woman. I love you. And whatever happens with these… faeries, I don’t want our ‘partnering up’ to end.”

  “Oh gosh! Joseph, I can’t deal with this right now. We’ve got to take care of this crisis. You understand? I’m not saying no. I’m just—”

  “No. I get it. Let’s go.” Joseph placed his hand on her back and together they hurried to the side of the Quantum Entanglement Physics Labs building. They scurried up the ascending grade toward where the Lab One explosion opened into the forested area.

  Abbie paused. “Before we do this, can I just take a moment to say something?”

  The faeries flew out of her hair and between her and Joseph. “We know. This is where we first met.”

  “Yes.” Tears sprang to Abbie’s eyes. “I’m going to miss you. All of you. But… you have a mission. I understand that. And I want Aura safe, too. Don’t tell her I said this, but I think she was my favorite.”

  “She is our leader.” “She is strong.” “She is our favorite, too.” The faeries wiped their tiny eyes. “We will miss you, Abbie.” “We learned love from you.” “We love love.”

  “Yes.” Abbie chuckled. “I know.” She smiled at Joseph. He returned her amusement.

  “Be careful! If Stettler is still down there… I do not want you to get caught!”

  “We will be careful.”

  They swarmed her face, each kissing her cheek. It felt like tiny pin pricks, but she loved it. “Okay. Quiet as a mouse, let’s go.”

  Abbie gingerly put her foot forward and silently crept into the side of the Lab One. Stettler was not there, but as she neared the entangled wall she saw something alarming.

  “Look!” she whispered.

  Joseph followed her line of sight. The fractured fissure was the size of a corsage box. Someone had been here, and broken it open. “Do you suppose Stettler put Aura in a small box and…” Abbie could barely make herself say the words. “Gave her to Layla?”

  “It looks that way.” Joseph’s sad eyes met Abbie’s. “I’m so sorry.”

  The faeries flew to the hole in the scintillating wall. They perched on the jagged quartz.

  “Mother Ri— Layla has been here.” Diamond looked terrified. “Aura is imprisoned.”

  “How do you know that?” Abbie looked past them into the land they called Velona. Then she felt their glare. She focused her sight on them. They all stared at her like she’d forgotten who they were. “You can hear her?”

  Diamond touched a teeny finger to her head. “Yes. In here. We have to go.”

  “Yes.” Abbie swallowed, fighting the emotions that balled at her throat, holding her voice captive. “Be careful. Good luck. Remember me,” she croaked.

  “We will never forget you, Abbie.” Diamond turned. She lifted her arms over her head and dove into Velona like an Olympic diver. The others followed her. Abbie watched them fly away until she couldn’t see them anymore. To her right, far away in Velona, high on a mountain, as if it were above a cloud, she saw a dark castle structure. Was that where Layla had taken Aura?

  Abbie sighed. “Well I hope they are successful!”

  “Me too.” Joseph took her by the shoulder and turned her to face him. “And, now you are free.”

  Her eyes widened. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “So.” Joseph touched his forehead to hers. “How about you show me your apartment in town?”

  She smiled. “I’d love that. And you know what else?”

  He put his nose to her nose, gently kissed her lips. “What else?”

  “I’d LOVE to take a shower by myself.”

  He chuckled and covered her mouth with his. Their passion exploded and she buried her hands in his hair behind his head, pulling him deeper into the fervent kiss. Her heart pounded against her ear drums. She loved the way he kissed her and the way her body responded. Without the faeries pressing emotions into them, she knew he was the one she’d always dreamed of. He was her Happy Ever After. The faeries would be missed, but she was grateful she had become entangled with faeries.


  Personal Note from the Author

  Who would dye their hair pink and collect Tinker Bell memorabilia? This character was patterned after our daughter-in-law whom we love dearly, pink hair and Tinker Bell-lovin’ and all! She makes our son happy and that’s all that matters to us! She’s not a geologist, but an IT guru. I had to add my own creative flare to the character. :)

  When Karole googles what Faeries eat, that information was found at I kid you not!

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for buying my book. This series, Beyond the VEIL, is so much fun to write in and we, all of who are writing in the
series, hope that you are enjoying reading it as much as we enjoyed planning and writing it for you.

  The next book in this series is “Entangled by a Faun” by Travis Perry.

  Enjoy! God bless you and yours!

  Lynn Donovan

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  Thank you again, and God Bless.

  ~Lynn Donovan

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