Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 3

by Winter Travers

  He stomped back over to his side of the bed and slid back under the covers, tossing them over us. “Sleep,” he growled.

  Mr. T cuddled back up to me and was purring within seconds. I tucked my hands under my cheek and closed my eyes. I was out in minutes.



  I heard light snoring and thanked God she was finally asleep. Gwen was always going a mile a minute, even while lying in bed trying to go to sleep. I could hear all the thoughts swirling around in her head before I turned on the bathroom light.

  I was amazed she didn’t put up more of a fight when I told her that she would have to sleep with me. I’m sure if she actually would have put up a fuss I could have found somewhere else to sleep, but I wasn’t going to let her know that.

  Turning over, I saw her beautiful face that was always throwing sass at me, finally relaxed and looked peaceful. Two weeks ago she had dyed her hair dark blue and somehow pulled it off. I had never met someone like her before that was always changing something about the way they look. Whether it was her hair, nails, makeup or clothes, you never knew what Gwen was going to look like every morning.

  The only time I saw her not all gussied up was right before she went to bed or right when she woke up. She didn’t stay relaxed and casual for long. Her clothes were some kind of armor for her. What she was protecting herself from I had no clue.

  She talked about her aunt often, telling me she was the whole reason she had moved to Rockton. I didn’t know much except her aunt had raised Gwen and her sister, and she felt it was her job to take care of her now. The aunt had a stroke two months ago and was just recently getting back to normal. I had yet to meet her, but I knew it was only a matter of time that I would be able to.

  Gwen went to see her, at least, three times a week, and I would be going with her this week since King wanted someone with each of the girls at all times.

  She rolled over in her sleep, cuddling into me, resting her head on my shoulder. She sighed contently and continued to snore. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her to me and kissed her on the top of her head.

  I know I had told her after our kiss that it was a mistake, but I was wrong. Kissing her was probably one of the best choices I had made in a while.

  She tossed her arm over my stomach, and I wondered what the tough chick who fought me at every turn would think about the sleepy, sweet Gwen, who was curled to me, sleeping peacefully.

  I closed my eyes, willing sleep to come and pushing all thoughts of Gwen’s soft, sexy body pressed against me out of my mind.

  It took a long fucking time to fall asleep.


  Chapter 5


  “Holy shit, did you have to drug her to sleep in the same bed as you?”

  “No, I just knocked her over the head and had my way with her.”

  “Ah, nice.”

  What the hell was I listening to? I cracked one eye open and looked right into Mr. T’s eyes. He let out an ‘I’m hungry’ meow and batted his paw at me.

  “I got some shit to take care of. You think you can hang out with Gwen for an hour or so?” Gambler asked, his footsteps sounding like they were headed out the door.

  “Yeah, Troy and I were going to grab some lunch. I’m sure Gwen will want to come with us.” My brain unfogged a bit and realized Gambler was talking to Marley.

  “Thanks. Just stay with Troy and don’t let her out of your sight.” The door slammed shut, and there was quiet.

  “I know you’re awake, bitch.”

  Shit, I didn’t think I moved at all. How the hell did she know I was awake? I had every intention of faking sleep so Marley would go away, and then I could actually go back to sleep. “It’s all a figment of your imagination,” I chanted, waving my arm back and forth.

  “Hmm, so you sleeping with Gambler last night is also part of this figment of my imagination, too?” Marley grabbed the covers and pulled them off and tossed them on the floor.

  “Yes, you’re sleep walking. Go back to sleep, Marley, you’re drunk.”

  Marley tossed her head back giggling and jumped on the bed. “How did I go from sleep walking to drunk?”

  “Drunk sleepwalking. That explains it all. Now leave me, I need my beauty sleep.” I grabbed Mr. T and cuddled him to me, burying my face in his fur.

  “It’s almost noon. You need to get your ass up and go to lunch with Troy and me. Plus, I need to fill you in on everything that happened with Troy last night.”

  “From the sounds of it, I would say things went well with Troy last night if that silly smile on your face is any indication.”

  “Oh, things went way more than well.” Marley laid down next to me, grabbing Gambler’s pillow and crammed it under her head. “Hmm, Gambler smells good,” she said, burying her face in the soft pillow.

  “I wouldn’t know,” I mumbled, lying. I totally knew how good Gambler smelled. I had woken up a couple of hours ago, surprised that I was wrapped around Gambler, my head resting on his bare chest.

  “I bet you don’t know,” Marley laughed, tossing the pillow at me. “Up. Now.” Marley rolled off the bed and stood up, straightening her clothes.

  “You are such a bitch.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re just pissed I walked in on you sleeping with Gambler.”

  “Whatever. You think we can swing by the shop after lunch?” I asked, running my fingers through my hair.

  “Oh, I know that look!” Marley exclaimed, pointing her finger at me.

  “What? What look?” What the hell was she talking about?

  “The same look you got the last time you changed your hair. What are we going to do this time?” Marley clapped her hands, a smile lighting up her face.

  “Um, maybe highlights?”


  “Eh, been there.”

  “Blood red?” I could tell Marley was getting more and more excited with each guess.


  “Purple? I don’t know how well that will show up with the midnight blue you have right now.” Marley bit her lip, studying my hair.

  “I’ve done purple so many times. No purple.”

  “I give. Tell me,” she ordered, propping her hands on her hips.

  I grabbed a strand of hair and twirled it around my finger. I knew as soon as I say it, Marley was going to flip. I had been needing a change but didn’t know what I wanted to do. It had just popped into my head, and I knew it was exactly what I needed. “Orange.”

  Marley’s jaw dropped, and I knew I had shocked her. “Wow. Like all over?”

  “Kind of like peek-a-boo. Here and there, mostly underneath.” I ran my fingers through my hair, feathering it out.

  “Holy shit, I’m excited! Get up, let’s go! I’d say let’s skip lunch, but I know Troy is starving. You get dressed, I’m gonna go check on Meg.” Marley dashed from the room, not waiting for a response.

  I stretched out, Mr. T meowing in protest. I stood up, pulling my hair up into a messy knot on the top of my head and looked around the room.

  It was just as plain as I thought it was last night, you couldn’t even tell whose room it was. Right now it looked like I lived here, not Gambler. All of my crap was spread out on the bathroom sink, and my top suitcase was open, clothes hanging out of it.

  Gambler really was a mystery to me. All I knew about him was the little he had told me and what I had picked up from being around him.

  I grabbed my suitcase and threw it on the bed and unzipped it, clothes busting out of it. I really did have a shoe and clothing addiction. I couldn’t help it. It was unbelievable what a fabulous pair of shoes paired with the perfect skirt could do to boost your mood.

  I grabbed my cropped jeans, white button down shirt and a red bandana to tie my hair back with.

  As I slipped on the jeans and shirt, I felt like I was channeling Rosie the Riveter from those maga
zine ads from the fifties. I grabbed a black pair of flats and slid my feet into them.

  After fifteen minutes of quick swiping on eyeshadow and lip gloss, I tied my hair back with the bandana and grimaced. I had puffy bags under my eyes, and I just looked tired. I may have gotten seven hours of sleep, but you sure couldn’t tell by looking at me.

  I flipped the bathroom light off and grabbed my purse as I walked past Mr. T, who was sprawled out on top of the bed and gave him a quick pat on the head.

  I quick set up his kitty litter, cursing myself for not doing it earlier. I’m surprised Mr. T wasn’t crossing his legs, giving me the evil eye.

  “Hey, you ready?” Marley asked, sticking her head in the room.

  “Yeah, I just had to get Mr. T. all set up.” I grabbed my purse, hitching it up on my shoulder and slipped out the door, making sure it was shut behind me.

  “Troy’s waiting in the truck. I told him after lunch we were headed to the salon.”

  “I’m sure he was excited about that,” I laughed, following Marley down the long hall and into the common room.

  “Ha, you’re right. I told him I would make it up to him later.” Marley glanced back at me, winking.

  No one was in the large common room, only the TV playing quietly, as we walked past. I had never seen this part of the clubhouse without someone in it. “Where is everyone?”

  “The guys are in church, and Meg and Cyn are in Lo’s room watching TV. I think Ethel is in the kitchen.”

  “Did you want to see if Cyn and Meg wanted to come?’

  “I did. They said next time. They were in the middle of Dirty Dancing and said they weren’t moving until the end.”

  We walked out the front door, straight into Troy’s truck that he had idling smack dab in front of the front door.

  “Door to door service, ladies,” Troy smirked as Marley climbed in, placing a kiss on Troy’s cheek.

  “Well, aren’t you just a gentleman.” I hoisted myself up into the jacked up truck and slammed the door shut. “Think your truck is high enough?” I asked, buckling my seat belt.

  “Women like big hair, men like big trucks.” Troy winked at me over Marley’s head and laughed.

  “I think big hair went out in the eighties,” Marley snickered.

  “Yeah, well, big trucks sure as hell didn’t.” Troy pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the diner across town.

  By the time we had pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, my stomach was growling with hunger, and I was ready to eat an elephant.

  First, on my to-do list was to order the biggest stack of pancakes ever, devour them, and then head to the salon to give into the change I needed so badly. I was feeling restless and had no idea why.

  Hopefully, it only had to do with my hair and not about a tall, handsome man who was taking up too much of my time.


  Chapter 6


  I hated the way it smelled here. It felt like death was hanging overhead, the stench of lives lost surrounding me.

  The grave was overgrown when I had shown up, and I immediately trimmed away the grass and brushed off the loose leaves and debris that always seemed to gather around the headstone.

  I hated coming here, but it also was something I had to do. It had been almost a month since I had come here and it was eating me alive that I had waited so long.

  My fingertips grazed over the name engraved on the cold stone, tracing the name of one of the first women I had ever loved.

  Evelyn Margret Holmes


  She was only twenty-five when she had left too soon. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

  “Sorry, I haven’t been by in a while, Evie. Things have been crazy at the clubhouse.” I paused, expecting an answer, knowing I wouldn’t get one. “I talked to mom the other day. She said she came out to see you last week. From the looks of the grass, it must have been a quick stop to see you.”

  I glanced around, seeing the undertaker’s blue truck enter the far gate and slowly pass by. He raised his hand in hello but didn’t stop. “I’ll have to talk to Bernie and let him know he needs to take better care when he mows. Although the snow will be flying soon.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to find more to say. “I told you King met someone, right? Well, now Rigid fell in love with Meg’s best friend, Cyn. Gravel finally hooked up with Ethel and Gravel’s daughter moved back into town. She works at a salon and started dating Meg’s other best friend. Somehow her boss got mixed up in all the shit swirling around the club, and now I’m supposed to keep an eye on her. Her name is Gwen. You’d really like her. She’s got a style all her own just like you did.”

  Maybe that was why I was so drawn to Gwen but pushed her away at the same time. She reminded me so much of Evie when she was alive. Evie was always the life of the party, making friends with everyone. She always wore the craziest clothes, but always made them look good. I never thought I would meet someone like Evie again, and then I met Gwen.

  The wind picked up, sending a chill with it that made me pull my coat tight around me. It was definitely fall now. The leaves were changing colors and the days were getting shorter. “I hope you’re happy wherever you are, Evie. I miss you every day.” My words floated away, silence the only response.

  I grabbed the shears I always brought with me and headed back to my bike, sticking them into my saddlebag. I didn’t know the next time I would find time to come out and talk to Evie, but I knew it would be soon. I never could stay away from her for too long.

  As I swung my leg over the bike, my phone dinged, a message coming through.

  I swiped the screen and brought up the text Troy had just sent me. At the salon. You might want to get here when you can.

  Why the hell would I need to get to the salon? I had asked Troy to keep an eye on Gwen for me while I went to church and then headed out here. I had already been gone three hours and wouldn’t be back for another hour.

  Be back in an hour. I’ll meet you at the salon. I pocketed my phone, not waiting for a response and cranked up my bike. I glanced one last time at Evie’s grave, wishing things could be different but knew things had happened the way they did for a reason.

  Evie was meant to be in my life for only a short time, but it was some of the best moments of my life.

  I roared out of the cemetery, leaving Evie behind, headed for the woman who was so much like Evie, but not. When I had lost Evie, I had almost died. I had never known a loss like that before, and her death had left a gaping hole in my heart. I hoped I never felt that again. I knew the only way to never feel that again was to never love again. I had been doing a pretty damn good job of it these past seven years, but I had a feeling Gwen was going to have something different to say about my heart being closed off. She might be the one person who could make me love again. Hopefully, I would make it out alive this time again. With only knowing Gwen a short time, I knew she could be the one thing to bring me to my knees and make me beg for mercy.


  Chapter 7


  “Holy shit, you look hot. I wanna do that. Can I do that?” Marley rambled to Troy.

  “Do whatever you want, sunshine. Although you and Gwen might look like twins if you do orange like her.”

  “I’m down with that. Gwen is a sexy Rosie the Riveter.”

  I busted out laughing, assuming my attempt to look like Rosie had been accomplished this morning. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom quickly and then we can head out.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna grab the color book and figure out what color I want to go with,” Marley mumbled, walking over to the front desk and started digging through the pile of binders I had stacked on the bottom shelf.

  I slipped into the bathroom, lightly shutting the door behind me and looked in the mirror.

  I had done it. I had put peek-a-boo orange i
n my hair, and it looked sick. After Marley had dyed it, she had blown it out and curled it, making the orange strands stand out.

  She had put it half up and then folded my bandana, knotting it, on the top of my head, to hold my hair back. The orange popped out against the black of my hair, and I freakin’ loved it. It was exactly what I needed.

  I fluffed my hair, glancing one last time in the mirror and headed back out to Marley and Troy. “Do you think we could swing by the store and pick up some-” I stopped mid-sentence when I saw Gambler standing where Marley and Troy were. When the hell did he get here?

  “We can go wherever you want, doll. You’re on the back of my bike now.” Gambler was leaning against the front desk, his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes roamed up my body.

  Thank goodness I had taken the time to get ready today and not just slap on some yoga pants and call it good. “Marley and Troy can take me where I need to go. They were the ones who brought me here.”

  “I know who brought you here, doll. I’ve known where you’ve been all day.”

  “How the hell have you known that? I haven’t seen you all day.” I crossed my arms over my chest, annoyance rolling off of me.

  “Text.” Son of a bitch. Troy had probably been sending Gambler messages all day about what we were doing.

  “Hmph, whatever. So you get to know where I am at all times, but you can disappear for hours without anyone knowing where you are?”

  “The people who needed to know knew where I was.”

  “Apparently, I was not one of the ones who needed to know where you were.” I have no idea why that bothered me so much, but it did.

  “No, doll. I had some things to take care of. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Hardly seems fair.”

  “Not much in life is fair. You done playing with your hair?”

  Playing with my hair? What an ass. What I did with hair was way more than playing. I doubt Gambler could even do a simple braid. I turned hair into works of art. “Is that what you think I do, play with hair?”


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