Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 7

by Winter Travers

  I reached out, his fingers threading through mine and tugged me towards the diner. His warm hand gripped mine, and I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time. I trusted him. He held the door open for me. I walked past him, but he stopped me midway.

  “You look beautiful today, doll,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

  I looked up at him, unable to read his eyes and smiled. “Somethings are worth waiting for, I guess, right?”

  “I think you’re more than worth waiting for, doll. Just don’t make me wait too long.” He leaned down, his lips inches away. “I promise to make it worth it.” He pressed his lips to mine, the sweetest kiss I had ever felt. That kiss held the promise that there was more to come, and I was damn near ready to find out just what kind of promise that was.


  Chapter 11


  “Three eggs, scrambled, toast, three sausage links, not the patties, two pancakes, and half a grapefruit.” Gwen shut her menu and looked up at the waitress. Her pen was going a mile a minute trying to write down everything Gwen wanted.

  “Um, is that it?” she asked, her pen poised to write down more.

  “Can you add strawberries and whipped cream to the pancakes?”

  “Sure thing, hun.” The waitress turned her attention to take Cyn’s order, but my eyes stayed glued to Gwen.

  “You hungry, doll?”

  “Beyond starved. I’m still pissed you didn’t get me ice cream last night. You should have woke my ass up.”

  I grabbed a straw, stripping off the wrapper and stuck it in my glass of water. “I thought sleeping was more important than ice cream.”

  “Nothing is more important than ice cream. Ever.”

  “I’ll remember that the next time you are drunk off your ass and demand ice cream.”

  “You better.”

  I tossed my arm over the back of the booth, pulling her to me. “What happens if I don’t? Although you do have a losing bet you need to honor yet.”

  She turned her head towards me, a snarl on her lips. “I didn’t lose. The bet was off because you lied.”

  “No way, doll. We shook on it. A bet is a bet.” I lowered my voice, not wanting anyone to hear.

  “We’ll see about that,” she whispered back.

  “Are we going to bet on the fact of whether or not you fulfill your end of the last bet?” Stubborn as a mule. I was going to cash in her debt. Guaranteed.


  “You do know how ridiculous this is,” she just shook her head at me, not giving up. “Well, I’m assuming the terms of this bet are, you win, you don’t have to fulfill the old bet. If I win, you have to do two things for me.”

  “Deal, because you are not going to win.” She grabbed my hand, shaking it and pulled away from me. “You’re going down, Gambler.”

  I leaned towards her, nose to nose. “Oh, I plan on it, doll, and I’m going to enjoy it just as much as you are.” Her jaw dropped at my words, and she reared back.

  I sat back, smug, knowing that I was going to get Gwen right where I wanted her whether she liked it or not.



  “Oh shit, things are getting interesting over there,” Meg called, smirking at me as she emptied two packets of sugar into her coffee.

  “Y’all want coffee?” The waitress asked the pot lifted, waiting.

  I looked around seeing everyone else had their cups filled and were staring at Gambler and me, “Black,” we said at the same time. Cyn and Meg broke down into a fit of giggles while King and Rigid just shook their heads.

  After the waitress had filled our cups, I had to make an escape and get my wits about me. “I’m gonna run to the restroom before the food comes.” I bumped Gambler, urging him to get his ass out of my way.

  “Running away, doll?” he whispered as he slid out of the booth.

  “You wish,” I hissed back. I hightailed it to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I leaned against the door, resting my head back and screamed when there was a knock on the door. “Someone’s in here,” I hollered when they knocked again.

  “We know, now let us the hell in.” Wait, was that Meg? We, who the hell was we?

  I turned the handle on the door, and before I could pull it open, it was being pushed into, and I took a step back before I got plowed over.

  “Scoot in, woman. This bathroom is tiny,” Meg ordered as she shut the door behind her as Cyn and her crowded in.

  “Because it’s only meant for one person,” I said, standing in the corner between the sink and the wall.

  “Would you squish over, I’m gonna have to straddle the toilet,” Cyn complained.

  “Just sit on the damn toilet. That’ll give us more room.” Meg ordered, lowering the seat and Cyn sat down.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I said, running my fingers through my hair. All I wanted to do was go to the bathroom to get away from Gambler for a second, and now I was crowded into a four by four bathroom with Mutt and Jeff.

  “Believe it. It’s easier that way,” Cyn advised, crossing her legs.

  “So what’s the deal with you and Gambler?” Meg said, crossing her arms over her chest, except she knocked Cyn in the head as she did it.

  “Would you watch what the hell you are doing?” Cyn rubbed the side of her head, scowling at Meg.

  “You’ve got a hard head, you’ll be fine,” Meg said, waving Cyn off. “Now, back to you and Gambler.” Her eyes bore into me, almost like she was trying to read my mind.

  “Oh Jesus, Meg. Stop trying to read her mind,” Cyn said, punching Meg in the leg.

  “Hey, you never know if you can read minds unless you try.” Meg flipped off Cyn and stuck her tongue out at her.

  I was in the twilight zone. I had to be in another dimension, because in my normal life, I never would be trapped in a tiny bathroom with Cyn and Meg. “Um, nothing is going on with Gambler and me,” I mumbled, hoping Cyn and Meg would leave.

  “I’m not buying it. I saw the way that man was looking at you earlier.” Meg tried moving closer but stepped on Cyn’s foot.

  “For all that is holy, would you stop moving?! There’s nowhere to fucking go, Meg!” Cyn cursed, grabbing her foot and rubbed it.

  “Sorry, but you know you have snow skis for feet. It was inevitable I would step on them.”

  “You did not just go there. You have the same size feet as I do!”

  “Details,” Meg mumbled.

  “I swear to God it’s a good thing I love you, or I would definitely rethink you being Godmother to my baby.” Cyn glared at Meg and put both of her feet on the ground.

  “I’ve got time before that. At least a year.”

  “More like eight months,” Cyn muttered.

  “Plenty of time,” Meg looked back at me, ready to pounce on the whole Gambler issue. Except, she didn’t, because it finally sunk in what Cyn had just said. Holy shit, Cyn was pregnant. That explained her mood swings and weird eating habits lately. Not to mention the wanting to sleep all the time. She had a baby Rigid in the oven.

  Meg’s jaw dropped open, and she made a weird baaing sound. Not exactly the reaction I expected from her.

  “Are you gonna say anything or just act like a sheep until I pop this baby out?”

  “You… You have a...” Meg rocked her arms, pretending to hold a baby and pointed at Cyn.

  “Jesus Christ, she’s resorted to charades now,” Cyn said, rolling her eyes.

  Meg slapped her hand over her mouth and screamed. “At least, she’s making a different noise now,” I laughed as Cyn slapped her leg again.

  “Knock it off, you didn’t act like this the first time I was pregnant.” I didn’t know all the details, but I knew Cyn had been pregnant by her asshole of an ex before she met Rigid.

  “That’s because this time, you’re having a baby with someone you l
ove. I was over the moon excited the last time, too, but now I get to be excited for Rigid, too. Oh, my God, you are going to have the cutest babies!” Meg clapped her hands together and bounced on the balls of her feet. “This is the most fantastic thing ever.”

  “It does feel different now. Rigid is so careful with me he’s driving me insane. He told me today is my last ride on his bike until the baby comes. I swear he’s going to wrap me in bubble wrap.” Cyn put her hand on her stomach, rubbing it.

  “Congratulations,” I said, leaning down, wrapping her up in a hug. Cyn’s pregnancy was way more exciting than whatever the hell was going on with Gambler and me.

  Meg wrapped her arms around Cyn and I and squeezed the hell out us. “I’m gonna be an auntie. I can spoil the shit out of him and then give him back when he’s naughty. Win, win.”

  “Oh Lord, it’s already starting,” Cyn wheezed out.

  “Babe,” King called out as he pounded on the door.

  “Shit,” Meg stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You made me cry, bitch,” she laughed.

  “I’m always on the verge of tears lately. Welcome to the club.” Cyn stood up, bumping into Meg and I and reached for a paper towel. She wiped her eyes and tossed it in the garbage. “We never did hear about you and Gambler.”

  I backed up, my back against the wall, and shrunk down under their stares. “Don’t look at me like that. I have no freakin’ clue.”

  “Well, do you like him?” Meg asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “The man drives me insane.”

  “Do you think he’s hot?”

  Ugh, that was an understatement. I thought he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. “He’s okay.”

  “I think you think he’s more than okay. What the hell is the problem?”

  “Babe, the food is here. If you want to be back in time for work tonight, we need to eat and get a move on,” King said through the door.

  Meg stomped her foot and whirled around, and yanked open the door. “We’re in the middle of something, Lo.”

  “Cyn’s pregnant. Come freak out at the table,” King said, grabbing her hand.

  Meg sputtered, struggling to get a sentence out. “You… how… tell… You knew and didn’t tell me!”

  “I found out five minutes ago when I wondered what the hell you three were doing, and Rigid said Cyn probably told y'all she’s pregnant. Let’s go.” King tugged her arm, and she stumbled behind him, looking over her shoulder at us.

  “We’re talking later, Gwen,” she vowed, determination lacing her voice.

  Cyn stood up, stretching her back as she walked out of the bathroom. “She’s right, by the way. You’re not getting out of this that easy.” Cyn winked at me and made her way back over to the table, sliding in next to Rigid. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, whispering in her ear.

  I smiled, seeing the love between the two and knowing they were going to be incredible parents.

  I glanced at Gambler, his back turned to me and breathed a heavy sigh. Uh. What the hell was I doing with Gambler? I liked him. I truly did.

  Gambler turned around, his eyes searching for me. I flicked off the bathroom light and made my way back to the table. His eyes watched me the whole way, studying the way I walked, his eyes flaring as I put a little more sway in my walk.

  I had enough. I wanted Gambler. I knew, right then and there, that this man might hurt me, but he was going to be worth the pain.


  Chapter 12


  We were cruising down the road, the wind cutting through me, and Gwen was pressed to my back, holding on. We had just left the restaurant and pulled on the highway, King leading us to the pumpkin place. I never thought I would say that I was going to a pumpkin patch, but here I was. Marley and Troy were meeting us there and planned on hauling all the pumpkins back in Troy’s truck.

  Before we had gotten on the bike, I had handed Gwen her helmet, but she didn’t grab it. “What are we doing, Gambler?”

  “We gotta get on the road, doll. Put the helmet on.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I mean, what are we,” she pointed between the two if us, “what the hell is going on?”

  I stared down at her, helmet in between us. Jesus, I didn’t expect that question. I was still trying to figure out what the hell we were, and now Gwen wanted to know. “Um, well, I’m not sure.”

  “You’re not sure?”

  “Well, what are you thinking?”

  She glanced to the left and cleared her throat. “I’m not sure either,” she mumbled.

  I threw my head back, laughing at the fact that she also had no idea what the hell was going on between us. Although when it came down to it, we both knew what was going on, we were just fighting it tooth and nail. “God dammit, I fucking like you, Gwen. I don’t know what the hell to do with that, but I fucking like you.”

  Gwen turned her head back to me, her eyes laughing at me. “You fucking like me?”


  “Well,” she pushed her blowing hair out of her face and smiled. “I fucking like you, too, Gambler. Half the time I don’t know if I wanna kick you in the shin, or kiss you till you shut up.”

  “We can try the second option first,” I smirked, pulling her into my arms. The helmet was sandwiched between us, but I had Gwen in my arms, somewhat.

  “I know you’re going to hurt me, Gambler. Hopefully, we can make some good memories for when the pain sets in I have something to remember you,” she whispered.

  “I got no plans of hurting you, Gwen, but I can promise I’ll give you as many good memories as possible.” I leaned down, my lips brushing against hers. She reached for the helmet and tossed it on the ground.

  “Let’s make one right now,” she whispered, reaching up, threading her fingers through my hair. Her lips touched mine, and I knew I was a goner. If being with Gwen was going to feel like this, I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking running from her before.

  “Woo!” I heard yelled from behind us. I deepened the kiss, not wanting to let Gwen go. She moaned low, her body pressed against mine. My dick begged to be buried in her sweet pussy after only kissing her. Once I got her naked, Lord knows what would happen.

  “Told ya something was going on,” Cyn said, cutting into our little world.

  Gwen pulled away, her lips wet and tempting. I pressed one last kiss to them, reminding myself that there was always later. She let go of my hair, trailing her fingers down my shirt, sending shivers down my spine at her words. “I’m gonna need more later,” she purred, her eyes filled with desire.

  “As soon as we’re done with this pumpkin shit, there’ll be more, doll. So much more.” She backed away from me, her eyes studying me as she grabbed the helmet off the ground and strapped it on.

  “Promises, promises, Gambler. Let’s hope you can keep all of them.”

  I heard King crank his bike up, and I knew it was time to go. I swung my leg over my bike, not even having to wait five seconds before I felt Gwen’s warm body pressed against mine.

  “How long until we get there?” Gwen called over the roar of the motorcycle.

  “About half an hour,” I said, turning my head so she could hear me.

  I felt her hands sneak into the pockets of my jacket, pressing against my stomach.

  “My hands are cold,” she mumbled into my ear and burrowed into my back. It was rather cold to be out riding today, and I knew this would probably be one of the last times Gwen and I rode this year before the snow started falling.

  We were five miles away from our exit when I noticed a black van behind us, weaving in and out of traffic. King and Rigid were a few car lengths ahead of us, riding side by side.

  Just as I glanced in my mirror to see where the van was, I saw an arm reach out the passenger side window, a gun pointed at Gwen and me.

  I swerved to the left, then to the right, knowing if I kept moving t
hey wouldn’t be able to get a shot off at us.

  “Gambler?” I heard Gwen call, panic in her voice. I didn’t want to worry her, but I didn’t know what the hell we were dealing with. I speed up, taking the shoulder around the car in front of us, the van also going faster and squeezing itself through two cars, keeping up alongside me. I slowed down, not wanting the van to catch up to King and Rigid. The van slowed down with us, the car that was separating us slamming on its brakes when the guy in the van pulled the gun out again, pointing it at us. I speed up, zig-zagging, trying to lose the van. Gwen’s arms tightened around me, holding on as I went faster and faster, trying to shake the van.

  I could tell the two guys in the van were getting impatient when they swerved at us, attempting to run us off the road.

  I heard two gun shots and looked over, the guy now taking aim at my tires, trying to make me wreck.

  We were a mile from our exit, and I knew I had to do something. Just as I was about to slam on the brakes, I heard another shot fired from the gun, and I felt a sharp, burning sting in my leg. I glanced down, blood staining my jeans. Shit.

  “Gambler!” Gwen screeched as I revved the throttle, knowing I need to get off the road. All I remember was hearing one more shot and then the world went dark as I felt a stabbing pain in my neck and prayed to God that I didn’t kill Gwen.


  Chapter 13


  I don’t know how, but I swear to God I could feel Gambler getting shot.

  When Gambler had first started swerving, I had no idea what he was doing. I thought maybe he was trying to scare me a bit, not knowing that I had been on a motorcycle many times before.

  I finally realized what was going on when the black van sped up, and a gun came out of the window, attached to a very pissed off Mexican man.

  When Gambler’s body had gone limp, I knew I had to do something or we were going to crash, bad. I reach for the handlebars, squashing Gambler. I knocked his hands off the handlebars, the fact that he had let go so easily scared the shit out of me, but I knew I couldn’t focus on that right now. My hands gripped the bars just as the bike started to shake and sway. I tried coasting to a stop, avoiding traffic and causing an even worse accident than we were about to have.


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