Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 18

by Winter Travers

  “Oh my God, poor, Cyn.”

  “Yeah, doll. She went through some shit after that. Her ex knew he fucked up and went to his cousin Big A, the guy who was here tonight and helped him hide. Troy found him, then Rigid and the rest of the club paid him a visit.”

  “Did… did you help?” she stuttered, her eyes huge.

  I brushed the hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “I was there, doll. I had to be there for my brother.”

  She buried her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. “He hurt Cyn and took away her baby,” she whispered.

  “He did.”

  “He deserved what he got.”

  “We’re not murderers, doll. But when someone hurts someone we love, we take matters into our own hands.”

  She trailed her hand up my chest and cupped my cheek. She lifted her head, my lips a breath away from her’s. “You wronged a right. You did what needed to be done,” she whispered.

  “We couldn’t let him get away with it.”

  She nodded her head yes and threaded her fingers through my hair. “I love you, Gambler.”

  I slammed my lips down on her’s, not knowing what to say. I love you didn’t seem to fit what I was feeling for Gwen. My chest felt like it was going to explode, and all I wanted to do was bury myself in Gwen. There had never been anything in my life that had ever made me feel this way. “I love you more than anything in this world,” I growled against her lips.

  “You know people are going to think we’re crazy for falling in love so fast,” she laughed.

  “I could give a shit what people think. As long as you’re happy I don’t care.”

  “Yo!” Demon called, walking back into the shop. “King said he doesn’t want to tell the girls right now, especially Cyn.”

  “We have to tell Cyn, he said he’s coming for her.” Gwen jumped out of her chair and put her hands on her hips.

  “Doll, relax.” Gwen glared at me but didn’t say anything else.

  “Right now, only Gwen is to know about what happened. Rigid isn’t going to let Cyn out of his sight, and she’ll always have two other club members with her including Rigid. King isn’t going to let anything happen to her.” Demon walked over to the front desk and started searching through the drawers. “You got a tool box or something, babe? We need to get that door fixed for the night.”

  “It’s in the back, but we’re not done talking about keeping this from the girls, especially Cyn.”

  Demon crouched down and pulled out a roll of duct tape. “Yeah, we are done talking about it, babe, because it’s club business. That’s what King wants, and that’s what is going to happen. If you want to tell the girls, you will not only have Gambler to deal with but King also. Meg may make him look like a teddy bear, but I can guarantee you that he is not.”

  “I’m not part of the club, I don’t have to listen to him.” She stomped her foot as Demon walked by.

  “No, you don’t, but you’re dating a member of the club. You think King wants you to not tell the girls for the hell of it. He’s doing it to protect them.” Demon shook his head and walked into the backroom.

  “This is bullshit,” she hissed at me.

  “Gwen, knock it off. It’s not like you have to lie to them. Just don’t tell them. I really doubt King is going to keep this away from them for that long.”

  “I don’t like this at all.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. “Damn, Meg just asked me to be in her wedding, and now I have to lie to her.”

  “Gwen, for the damn fifth time, it’s not lying. Don’t. Tell. Her.” Jesus. Gwen had barely known Meg and the girls, but she was rather fiercely protective of them.

  “I’m giving you one week to tell them before I do.”

  Gwen’s attitude was out ten-fold tonight. “Two weeks and then you can say something. I’m not arguing with you over this.”

  “What if King wanted me to keep a secret from you, would you be okay with that?”

  “No, because that is different than this. I’m a part of the club, and King wouldn’t keep this away from me. The only reason you know is because you were involved in it. I’m not going to say it again. Let it drop.”

  “Gambler, I just think–”

  “Gwen! Stop, now.” I ordered.

  She stopped mid-sentence, and I swear to God she growled.

  Oh shit.


  Chapter 30


  One kick to the nuts and I’d have him on his knees. One kick.

  I couldn’t believe that I was going to have to keep this from Meg, Cyn, and Marley. I worked every day with Marley. We talked all the time. He didn’t think that something like this was going to come up. The only reason I was going to agree not to tell the girls was because Cyn didn’t need the extra stress right now since she wasn’t very far along in her pregnancy. “Two weeks, and then I’m letting it out,” I vowed, holding up two fingers.

  “Two weeks. I bet before that King will have already told them. He just needs some time to figure some shit out first. I promise.”

  Hmph. I wasn’t happy, but I understood where King was coming from. “Fine,” I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Thank you, doll.” He walked over and wrapped me up in a hug. I may love this man, but that didn’t mean I had to agree with everything he said. I knew with him being connected to the club that there were going to be times where he couldn’t tell me things, but I didn’t think that I would have to keep secrets. “I love you,” he mumbled into my hair.

  “I love you, too, Gambler. Hey,” I said, pulling back, “what’s your real name?”

  “Just call me Gambler, doll. Only my mom calls me by my real name, and I hate it.”

  “No, you’re going to have to tell me. You promised no secrets.”

  Gambler sighed, and I knew I got him. “It’s Anthony.”

  “Anthony? Tony?” I smirked. He didn’t look like an Anthony, but I could totally see calling him Tony.

  “Gambler, doll. Just Gambler.”

  I leaned forward, whispering in his ear. “Can I call you Anthony when you’re pounding into me, making me cum?”

  “I’m pretty sure at that point, doll, with my dick buried inside you, I’ll answer to Edgar or anything else you want to call me.”

  “Oh, I know! How about I call you Antonio in a Spanish accent. Oh, Antonio!” I shouted, throwing my head back.

  “What the fuck are you two doing?” Demon asked. We both turned around to see Demon standing there, my neon pink tool box in his hand. “Who the fuck is Antonio?”

  Gambler busted out laughing and pulled me close. “Nobody you know, brother.”

  “Let’s get this shit done so we can get back to the clubhouse. King is waiting for us.” Demon headed out the back and started banging on the door.

  “Demon sure does like to boss you around.”

  “He’s the VP, doll. He can.” Gambler slid his arm around my shoulders and walked me over to the front desk. “Get your shit ready while Demon and I take care of the door. I’ve got your phone in my pocket.” He pulled it out and handed it to me.

  “Thanks. I just need to go to the bathroom and grab my purse.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to my lips and headed out back to help Demon.

  “About fucking time you rip yourself away from her.” I heard Demon grumble. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom. I glimpsed Gambler helping Demon as I walked into the bathroom and he threw a wink at me. I blushed, my face turning red and slammed the door shut behind me when I heard Demon cussing at Gambler for not paying attention when he had swung the hammer, nailing Demon on the thumb.

  I had never really spent much time with Demon before, but I never knew he was such a crank ass. He definitely needed to get laid.

  I looked in the mirror, fluffing my hair and laughed. What a day. A bride from hell, fighting with Gambler, making up with Gambler, held at gunpoint (the d
efinite downfall of my day), fighting with Gambler again, and then we made up.

  I had a feeling from here on out that was going to be how my days would go. Well, minus the being held at gunpoint. Gambler and I might go at it, arguing and pressing each other's buttons, but when we made up, boy did we make up.

  “Doll, you ready?” Gambler hollered.

  I grinned at myself in the mirror, never looking happier.

  Was I ready?

  You bet your ass I was ready for whatever life had in store for me as long as Gambler was with me.

  He said he had never bet on such a longshot before, but the same could be said for me.

  I whirled around as the door opened and Gambler stood on the other side, smirking at me. “Just looking at yourself in the mirror, doll?”

  Such a smart ass. I reached up, threading my fingers through his hair and kissed him with everything I had. I loved this man, and nothing could come between us. He bet on me, won, and now I was his forever.

  Win, win.


  Chapter 31


  One hour.

  One fucking hour.

  Lo had left our bed over an hour ago after he got a phone call. I asked him, as he was hopping back into his jeans and boots, what the hell was going on. All he told me was he had some club shit to take care of. I had glanced at the clock, seeing it was ten o’clock and wondered what kind of club business he would have then.

  I had grabbed my phone and shot a message off to Cyn, seeing if Rigid was gone, too, but she never responded. She had probably passed out as soon as her head had hit the pillow. She was only a couple of months along, but that baby seemed to be draining all of her energy.

  I swung my legs out of bed, my feet hitting the cold hardwood floor, and a chill ran through me. I turned on the bedside lamp, and the light bounced off my ring, making it sparkle. I held my hand up, moving my finger in the light, watching the light dance and smiled.

  December thirty-first I was going to marry the man I loved. Lo hadn’t believed that I had agreed to get married that soon, but I figured how much could things change if we got married? I loved him, and he loved me, Remy, and Blue. What more could a girl want?

  “You still up, babe?” Lo asked, walking through the door.

  “When you're used to working and staying up till eleven o’clock every night, Lo, you tend to stay up late even if you’re not working.”

  “What’s with the sass, babe?” He asked as he shut the door, locking it behind him and pulled his shirt over his head.

  God dammit Lo looked good. We had just got done having sex when the phone rang, and I already wanted him again. “The sass, as you call it, has to do with the fact that you got a phone call, didn’t tell me what the hell was going on and left.”

  “I told you it was club business.”

  “I don’t care if it’s club business. I’ve watched Sons of Anarchy, Jax told Tara shit.”

  Lo busted out laughing and shook his head at me. “You do realize that is a TV show and not real life, right?”

  I waved my hand at him, not wanting to get into the same fight we always had when I brought up Sons. “Whatever, that’s not the point. The point is that you’re not telling me what the hell is going on.”

  “Meg, I don’t need to tell you what is going on. It has to do with the club, and that is where it’s going to stay. I’m not talking about this anymore.” He unbuttoned his pants, tossed them on the back of the desk chair and climbed into bed.

  “Is anyone hurt?”

  Lo sighed and grabbed my pillow, smashing it behind his head. Bastard always stole my pillow, but he let me sleep and drool on him every night. It was a good compromise. “No one is hurt.”

  “Does it have to do with the Banachi’s?” I knew Lo had helped Leo move his sister in today so it might be a possibility that something had come up with them.

  “No, nothing to do with Leo.”

  Damn. I was running out of things to guess. “The Assassins?”

  “Meg, I’m not playing twenty questions with you. I’m damn tired, and right now, all I want to do is turn on the TV, watch a movie, and sleep.”

  This wasn’t working. I switched off the light and slid back under the covers. “I’m sorry you’re tired, hunny,” I purred, running my hand up his bare chest.

  Lo grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. “As much as I like you touching me, babe, I’m not going to tell you what the hell is going on.” We were nose to nose, and I could tell that I really wasn’t going to get anywhere with Lo. At least not tonight. “I promise that everything will be fine, you just need to trust me.”

  “Fine,” I whispered, laying down on top of him. “Can I, at least, pick what movie we are going to watch?”

  “Anything you want, babe,” he laughed.

  “Put on Mad Max.” Lo reached over, grabbing the remote of the nightstand and started the DVD that was already in the machine.

  “You do know this is the third time we’ve watched this movie in two weeks, right?” He asked as the opening previews started to play.

  “I know. I just like it.” I rolled off Lo, settling under his arm and rested my head on his shoulder.

  I watched the movie mindlessly, not actually paying attention to what was going on. I glanced up at Lo, his eyes already at half mast, ready to sleep then glanced at my ring.

  I was getting married in less than six weeks, and my fiancé was keeping secrets from me. From what I could tell, one of them was a dousey.

  Now, I just needed to figure out how to get it out of him and then marry his sexy ass. It looked like the next six weeks were going to be busy.




  The End

  for now...

  Keeping Meg

  Devil’s Knights Series

  Book 6

  Winter Travers

  Keeping Meg

  Chapter 1



  “No, I look like Barney the fucking dinosaur in purple. How about orange?”

  “You only want orange, so it’ll match your hair. The wedding is five weeks away. Your hair will probably be three different colors by then,” Cyn said, sitting down at the table next to Marley.

  “Well, we’re all in this wedding, so we need to agree on a color. I vote red.” I rolled my eyes and wrote down purple on the sheet of paper in front of me.

  We were all gathered around one of the tables at the clubhouse, chowing down on Firecracker chicken and trying to decide what colors I wanted for the wedding. I really didn’t know why we were discussing it; it was going to be purple. End of story.

  “I vote blue,” Cyn said, grabbing her bottle of water and twisting the cap open.

  “Gee, I wonder why blue?” I said, turning around to look at Rigid, who was playing pool with Lo. Lo leaned over the table to line up his shot, his jeans stretching across his ass and his shirt taut over his shoulders. God dammit that man looked good. I turned back around and looked at Cyn. “Did you dye his hair? He looks extra blue today.”

  Cyn snorted as she took a drink. “I’ll have to let him know you noticed. He had me do it last night. It was all good until he started freaking out about the fumes rolling off his head. He stood in the hallway until it was time to rinse.”

  “Oh my God, I wish I could have seen it,” Marley snorted. “Does he know he can come to the salon, and I could do it for him?”

  “He said salons are girly shit.”

  “Tell me the next time he wants to dye his hair, and I’ll bring everything home with me. I’m sure he’s using shit dye, too.” Gwen picked up her plate and headed to the kitchen.

  “Can you grab me some more?” Cyn asked, holding her plate up.

  “Only because you’re pregnant, otherwise you’d be on your own,” Gwen mumbled, grabbing her plate.

  “I know, I need to take ad
vantage of you guys as much as I can,” Cyn winked at her.

  “Doll, grab me another beer while you’re up,” Gambler called, shaking his empty bottle at her.

  Gwen flipped him off and headed into the kitchen. “I can’t tell if those two love each other or not,” Marley laughed.

  “I think they’re a match made in heaven if you take out the constant arguing and bitching,” I snorted.

  “It’s love, dammit,” Gambler called. “She’s just got an attitude I need to work out of her once in a while. That’s my favorite part,” he snickered, elbowing Lo.

  “Oh, Lord,” Cyn mumbled.

  “Alright, back to the color, ladies. It’s purple. Barney be damned. You can be my dino bitches for all I care. Colors are Purple and black.”

  “Did you really just call us your dino bitches?” Cyn asked.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” Marley laughed.

  I waved my hand at them, already knowing I was a bit crazy. It was part of my charm. “Moving on. Next Saturday we’ll go look for dresses. I need to look for myself, too.”

  “Ahh, this is so exciting. Do you know what you want your dress to look like? Mermaid, drop waist, A-line, ball gown, tea-length, mini, or trumpet?” Marley gushed, her hands clasped in front of her

  We all looked at her, our jaws hanging open. “They make that many kinds of wedding dresses?” Cyn asked, shocked.

  “Oh, yeah, those and more. I’ve always loved weddings and already have my dress picked out for when I get married.”

  “Um, I want a dress,” I mumbled, no idea which of the ones she said to pick. Although I could probably rule mini out right now. “Preferably one that won’t make me look fat.”

  “Does Troy know about your obsession with getting married?”

  “My obsession is with the wedding, not getting married.”

  “There’s a difference?” I asked, confused as hell.

  “Yes, I just want to have a killer party and look hot as hell.”


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