Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 33

by Winter Travers

  “Fucking talking about me?” Slider growled. I glanced behind Gambler and saw Slider with a cigarette hanging from his mouth and a grimace from hell on his face.

  “Yeah. I was saying you can cheer the fuck up because, with Leo back in town, you’re a free man for the next week.”

  “What the fuck ever. After that, I’ll be right back to keeping an eye on the fucking princess.” He took a long drag off his cigarette and blew smoke at Gambler’s head.

  “Dude, knock it the fuck off. I’m trying to quit fucking smoking. Now Gwen is going to smell that shit all over me.” Gambler spun around waving his arms in the air and pushed Slider back out the front door.

  “It’s like a three-ring circus in here,” Gravel grumbled, dropping my hand. “You’re done. Try not to fuck it up before Meg sees you. Your mother about had a bird when I told her I had to come back here and make sure you fools look good.”

  “As long as she doesn’t tell Meg about the tux, I don’t care.”

  “Okay, let’s get this fucking show on the road.” Gravel herded everyone out of the office, but Demon and I lingered behind.

  “You fucking sure about this? You and I could grab our bikes and be out of here before anyone even knows.” Demon hitched his thumb over his shoulder, backing up a step towards the shop. “Just say the word.”

  “I’m not fucking going anywhere besides out to the common room and waiting for Meg.”

  “Just thought I’d ask. It’s just one of the jobs of the best man.”

  “Oh, yeah, and what are the other jobs of the best man?”

  Demon walked behind the desk and pulled a bottle of Jameson out of the drawer. “To get you slightly buzzed before you walk down the aisle.” He grabbed two shot glasses off the filing cabinet and sloshed each glass full.

  “So are those your only jobs?” I laughed, grabbing the glass from him.

  He held his glass high, “To possibly making the biggest mistake of your life.” He clinked his glass against mine, and we both tossed them back. The Jameson burned down my throat as I slammed my glass down on the desk and he refilled them.

  “You gonna be an ass my whole wedding day or are you going to snap the fuck out of it and just be fucking happy for me?” Ever since Meg had said yes to me, Demon had been a prick about anything that had to do with the wedding. He tossed back his second shot and immediately refilled his glass. He held it up, motioning for me to drink mine, but I set my glass down. “Answer the fucking question.”

  He tossed his back and slammed his glass down. “I'm not a fucking ass.”

  “Then tell me what the hell you are then because it sure as hell isn’t my best man supporting me.”

  Demon ran his hands through his hair and paced back and forth. “Look, it’s nothing. Just shit from my past that got dredged up. There was a chick who, um, took something that was mine and didn’t care. I was going to ask her to marry me before shit went sideways. That’s all. I’m over it.”

  Yeah, sure Demon was over it. I shook my head and tossed back the shot. “You still talk to the girl?”

  “No. I haven’t seen her in eight years.”

  “What did she take that was yours?”

  “I don’t wanna fucking talk about it. I’m over her, and I’m over the damn conversation. Let’s go get you married so I can get the fuck out of this monkey suit.”

  I clapped him on the back, and we walked out the door. “It may be a fucking monkey suit, but it’s going to fucking help me get laid tonight.”

  We stopped in front of the door to the common room, and I took a deep breath.

  “She’s the one,” Demon mumbled.

  I glanced over at him, and a smile spread across my lips. “Fuck yeah, she’s the one.”

  “You’re sure.”

  “Yes, I’m fucking sure. Let’s do this.”



  “I’m not sure I can fucking do this.” I fanned myself with my hand and bent over, shoving my head between my knees. “I think I’m going to pass out.”

  “We should get the wheelbarrow. We’ll just roll her down the aisle and dump her at King’s feet.”

  “You really think he’d appreciate us dumping his bride in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the aisle?”

  “I think he would appreciate the fact that we wouldn’t let his bride run for a second time.”

  “I’m down with the wheelbarrow.”

  “I second the wheelbarrow. Or would it be I third the wheelbarrow?”

  My head was swimming, and all I wanted to do was lay down and not get up. I was nervous. I was scared. I was more than likely going to puke. “I can’t do this,” I mumbled again.

  “You think she knows that we can’t understand a word she’s saying?”

  I whipped my head back and pushed my hair out of my face so I could tell who the hell was talking. With my head between my legs, they all sounded the same. Cyn, Jackie, Gwen and Marley were lined up in front of me, all of them with their hands on their hips smirking at me. “Get your ass up or I’m getting the wheelbarrow,” Cyn ordered.

  “You can’t do that to me. You’re my best friend and maid of honor. You’re supposed to be the one with the car running out back so we can make our get away like Thelma and Louise.” How all four of them were siding against me was beyond me.

  “Maids of honor only do that when they know the bride is marrying a douchebag. You are not marrying a douchebag. You’re marrying King, and in less than twenty minutes, the nice preacher you have out front is going to make you King’s Queen.” Cyn had been saying that all morning that I was going to be King’s Queen. I had been telling her that was corny, but secretly I loved it.

  “I need a drink.” Yeah, maybe a drink would help. Sooth my nerves.

  “You’ve already had three old fashions,” Gwen mumbled.

  “And two wine coolers. I think you might need to just chill. We’ve only got five minutes.” Jackie glanced over her shoulder at the clock, “Make that four minutes.”

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” I chanted over and over.

  “Either this wedding is going to be fucking beautiful, or it’s going to be a shit show with Meg running down the aisle and straight out the door.” Marley flopped down on the bed next to me and rubbed my back. “Meg. Chill out. You’re acting like you’re walking down the aisle to the devil, not King.”

  Cyn grabbed the desk chair, rolled it in front of me and sat down. Jackie and Gwen stood on each side of her, and I knew I was about to have a come to Jesus moment. “Do you love him?” Cyn fired off.


  “Does Remy like him?”

  “Yes.” At least I think he did.

  “Do you like having hot, sweaty, monkey sex with him?”

  “Oh, Jesus Christ! She’s my sister. I don’t need to hear the details,” Jackie whined.

  “Shush,” Cyn said, elbowing Jackie. “Answer the question, Meg.”

  “Cyn, I don’t know what this has to do with me marrying Lo.” She crossed her arms over her chest, resting them on her tiny baby bump and glared at me. “Okay, yes. Of course, I like it.”

  “Then stand your ass up and marry the man. I can tell you right now, us five in this room have the best men. Marry him and make him yours.”

  I looked at my girls, all of them shaking their heads agreeing with Cyn. She was right. “I love him,” I whispered.

  “Alright! Good pep talk. Let’s get this show on the road.” Marley jumped up from the bed, grabbing her flowers off of the dresser and threw the bedroom door open.

  “Wait,” I called before they filed out of the room. “I just want to thank each of you for being here today and well, just thank you for putting up with my crazy ass.” My vision blurred as we all hugged. Marley, Gwen, and Jackie filed out the door, and Cyn threaded her arm through mine.

  “Ready to do this?” She asked.

  “Just one more drink,” I pleaded reaching for the half empty bottle of Southern Comfort.
  “No,” she said clamping down on my arm. “The rest of your life starts right now, Meg. Are you ready?”

  I looked down at my dress, and she handed me my flowers. I was ready. I had my purple chucks on, my beautiful dress that I had dreamed of all my life and my hair and makeup were flawless. The only thing missing was my groom.

  “I’m ready.”


  Chapter 27


  “You sure about this?”

  I glanced over at my dad and a huge grin spread across my lips. “I’ve tried to run twice today, Dad, and I’m still standing here. I’m sure.”

  “Well, if you’re sure,” he huffed. “But if you’re not, all I need to do is signal your mother and she’ll hightail it out of here and pull the car around the front, and we’ll be out of here lickety split.”

  My dad was reaching to itch his nose, and I knew that was the signal. I grabbed his arm and threaded my arm through it. “I’m good, Dad. I promise.”

  “Marley just walked down the aisle. Jackie goes and then I do. Are you ready?” Cyn whispered to me.

  I squeezed my Dad’s hand and nodded my head. I was ready. I. Was. Ready. Cyn nodded to me over her shoulder then turned the corner in the hallway. This was it. As soon as I turned the corner down the hall, there would be no turning back.

  I waited until I heard the opening chords of ‘Give In To Me’ by Rose Falcon and my feet started moving without even thinking. I knew in my heart that this was right. Walking down the aisle to Lo was the best decision I had ever made.

  My breath caught when I reached the end of the hallway that opened into the common room, and my eyes went directly to Lo. All I could see was him, standing there waiting for me in a tux. Logan Birch, the sexiest man on all of the earth, was wearing a tux. My heart sped up as my eyes traveled over his body, taking in every detail that I possibly could.

  His tux was pitch black with a dark gray vest with a pressed white shirt underneath, and he had managed to get a tie that matched the flowers and the bridesmaid’s dresses. He looked so different and handsome, but he was still my Lo.

  We walked down the aisle that parted the room full of guests who were all camped out on chairs watching me, but I only had eyes for Lo. Dad and I made it to the end of the aisle, Lo only mere feet away from me. Dad hugged me, whispering in my ear, “You’re beautiful. I love you.” And I felt the tears begin to fall. He wrapped me up in his arms, holding me tight and then he handed me off to Lo.

  He grabbed my hand, pulling me close and buried his face in my neck. “Babe.”

  One word and it felt like my heart was going to burst. One word and I knew exactly what he was feeling and thinking. “I love you.”

  He crushed me in his arms, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. This was right. This was what I had always been missing in my life. Lo.

  “You think we can let the preacher man get through his spiel before you go all caveman on her ass?” Demon whispered.

  Everyone chuckled under their breath, but Lo still held me close. “You’re mine,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Always.” He finally let me go, well, not exactly let me go. He pulled away from me, but he grabbed my bouquet out of my hands, tossed it to Cyn then threaded his fingers through mine.

  “We’re good now,” he mumbled to the preacher.

  I turned my head and looked at the ‘preacher’. I kept calling him that because I had no idea what else to call him. Lo had sprung the idea on me a couple of weeks ago that we should let his old club president marry us. I couldn’t really argue with the idea because I was stumped on who I was going to have ordain the ceremony. Lo’s old friend and ex-club president seemed perfect. Looking at him now, I might have rethought how perfect he was.

  While Lo and I were dressed up, Blade was, well, dressed how Lo normally is. I guess Blade didn’t get the memo that this was a wedding, but from the rough around the edges look of him, I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him.

  Blade’s voice boomed as he addressed the crowd, welcoming them to our wedding and this was when I took the time to look around. I paid attention to his words, but I quickly sneaked a peek at my bridesmaids, all lined up perfectly and looking gorgeous. Then I looked behind Lo, smiling as I saw Demon, Rigid, Gambler, and Troy were each wearing tuxes also. They each looked handsome, but Lo definitely stole the show.

  Ethel and Gravel sat in the front row surrounded by the rest of the club and who I had to assume were members of the Collinsworth club that Lo had once belonged to. My Mom and Dad sat behind me, and I knew they were surrounded by my sister's family and multiple aunts and uncles who had made the trip.

  Everyone we both loved was here, and I couldn’t ask for anything else.

  “Meg and Lo both decided to write their own vows. Meg.” Blade nodded at me, and I knew it was show time.

  Lo’s hands squeezed my fingers, and I cleared my throat. “Lo, Logan Birch.” I paused, trying to gather my thoughts. I had planned on writing my vows but decided to wing it and just say what was ever in my heart. “From the day I met you, I knew you were unlike anyone I had ever met. You see me for who I am, and you never want to change that. You’ve accepted not only my weird and strange ways, but you’ve also accepted my son. Remy has had my heart since the day he was born, and I never wanted to share my heart with anyone but him until the day I met you. You give me things I never knew I was worthy of. You make my heart full and my life complete.”

  “Oh my God, don’t do it,” Cyn whispered from behind me.

  A smile spread across my lips. “You complete me.” Cyn and all my girls giggled behind me, and the whole crowd groaned. Lo threw his head back laughing and wrapped me up in his arms. I guess that was what happened when I went total improv, Jerry Maguire came out of my mouth. But it was true, though.

  “You’re Goddamn crazy, and I love it,” he whispered. He pressed a kiss to the side of my head and stepped back, our hands still connected.

  “Lo,” Blade nodded.

  Lo cleared his throat and closed his eyes. I couldn’t tell if he was nervous or just trying to collect his thoughts. I assumed he was doing what I did and just winging it. He opened his beautiful green eyes and stole my breath with every word that came out of his mouth. “I don’t even know where to start, babe. I knew the day I met you that I wasn’t going to let you go. The love that you have for your family and friends amazes me and the joy and laughter that you bring into my life day in and out is more than I ever could have asked for. I’ll do anything to keep you, even buy you ten more big ass beds that you break as long as it means you’ll be in them with me. I love you, and I’ll always be yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks, and all I could do was nod my head. God dammit, I loved this man.

  “May I have the rings?” Demon stepped forward, reaching into his pocket and dropped the rings into Blade’s hand. “Meg, take this ring and place it on Logan’s left ring finger.”

  I grabbed the black tungsten ring and put it on his finger. Blade continued to talk, telling me what I need to say, but everything just went by in a blur. All I can remember is Lo putting the beautiful ring on my finger, and my tears multiplied.

  This was it. I had found my happily ever after.



  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Those were the words that I had been waiting for. This was the moment I had waited for my whole life. I wrapped my arms around Meg, her body melting into mine, and I kissed her like she was the last woman on earth. I kissed her like she was mine. Always and forever.

  I was keeping her, and there was no going back.


  Chapter 28


  “It’s five minutes to midnight. Are you ready to ring in a new year with me?”

  “I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “So that’s a yes on ringing in the new year with me?” I laughed. Lo
danced me around the area of the clubhouse we had cleared as the dance floor and shook his head at me.

  “Yeah, babe. No one else I’d rather spend it with,” he growled, leaning down to kiss me on the lips.

  I dodged his mouth and tsked at him. “Not until midnight.”

  “I’ll kiss you at midnight, too.”

  “You can wait four minutes,” I scolded. His arms flexed around me as he pulled me close, and I buried my face in his chest. Fleetwood Mac was pouring out of the huge speakers on the sides of the dance floor, and I hummed along to ‘You Make Loving Fun’ as I snuggled into Lo.

  “In those four minutes, I could have you back in our room, and we could ring in the new year a whole different way.”

  “Hmm, twirl me around a couple more times and it’ll be the new year before you know it and then you can officially make me your wife in every sense of the word.” I leaned my head back, a small smile on my lips.

  Someone turned the music down, the sounds of Fleetwood Mac fleeting and the voice of Ryan Seacrest getting louder. “Promise me we’ll spend every new year like this.”

  “You expect me to marry you every new year?” That seemed a bit crazy. I had heard of people renewing their vows but doing it every year seemed a bit over the top.

  “No. Every year, you and I ringing out the old and welcoming the new together.”

  “I think I can manage that,” I whispered.

  “One minute!” Marley yelled as her, and Troy danced past us, headed for the TV. The dance floor had mostly cleared off, and everyone was gathered around the huge TV ready to countdown to the new year.

  “Demon still seems to be in a mood,” I mused as my eyes fell on Demon, who was leaning against the bar looking like he was sulking.

  “He’s dealing with his own shit, babe. His attitude doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “Maybe we should try to set him up with someone.”

  “Nah, not happening, Meg. Get that shit out of your head.”


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